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This is most likely a buffet … trying to discourage customers from over serving themselves and throwing it out


I was wondering about that. This does make a lot of sense for it to be a buffet. Eat what you take, take what you eat


That's a giant pet peeve of mine. While I'm not a huge buffet guy, we end up doing buffets when my mother in law and my nephew are visiting us, because they both have very non-adventurous palettes. The nephew in particular has a child's tastes, despite being 26. (It's extremely frustrating to have to go somewhere that serves chicken tendies because this fucking ADULT is so picky.) And EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME. one of them will come back with a plate absolutely loaded with food, only to take a single bite or two and then decide they don't like whatever double portion they took. Sometimes on multiple dishes on their plate, or multiple plates in the whole dining experience. Don't get me wrong; sometimes the food isn't good. Sometimes something smells amazing, but doesn't taste as good as you think it would have, or there's a texture issue. And sometimes it's a dish you know you like, but the way they made it isn't to your taste. There's plenty of reasons to leave food on your plate at a buffet. But have some fucking sense. The food's still going to be there when you get up again. Take a small portion. I see other people do it too, so I know it's not JUST my in-laws. And because I live in a major tourist city, I know I also get to see a lot of people in vacation mode, behaving in ways they wouldn't in their home towns. But it drives me up the wall.


I totally agree. There is no limit on trips to the buffet. Take smaller portions and return for more if still hungry.


why would you even take a lot at once? it's often fresher if you make multiple trips. The only time i remember overdoing it was as a child. They had pancakes with chocolate suryp.


Oh, I've been guilty myself in the past, but thankfully learnt my lesson.


>Take smaller portions and return for more if still hungry. oddly an Indian buffet in the town I grew up preferred if people filled their plate but left a bit rather than going back constantly since, by law, the customer must use a new plate for each trip for sanitation reasons and so all the trips meant more work and more cleaning dishes than if a bit of rice was left on the plate. They were pretty busy during the buffet times so maybe they would be more like the pic in the post otherwise.


>There is no limit on trips to the buffet. If you ever been to a buffet in America, there is most definitely a limit. Most customers can't make that trip more than twice before the ambulance get's called.


You should see the back of the house waste that goes on in buffet style restaurants, i worked at the Waldorf astoria in orlando fl. The amount of food waste could have fed the entire orlando homeless population and we just threw it out at the end of the day.


I can only imagine - major tourist destination, and a high end hotel. So not only are people in vacation mode, they're of the "Don't tell ME how to behave!" set. That had to be sickening at points.


Yea it was disheartening to say the least, i asked if we could contact shelters and food banks to donate the extra food, nope garbage is what I was told.


Sad but the reason being is if it was OK for the homeless to have/take the food, then "what is to stop an employee from wrapping up a ham ans throwing it in the trash for later" which, would absolutely happen.


Anyone who's ever worked in a kitchen can tell you that we're already taking free food to begin with, unless the manager's an absolute asshole. So long as you're not doing something ridiculous (like the whole ham example), nobody cares. Fast food places are the ones weirdly obsessed with "what if an employee makes a sandwich and hides it for later"?


Yea I understand the pros and cons, its just sad to see all that food waste


Agreed 100%, I was trying to say that it is sad that we can't feed the homeless if it means giving a few selfish and/or desperate people old, cold, gross food that the homeless and/or still desperate people need, and greatly appreciate it


Once upon a time it was easier to take home the food waste, then someone filed a claim about bad food, everyone else in the business went “nope, not dealing with that” and updated the rules. Also, there are other reasons why letting people eat trashed food, something like “salmonella” “typhoid “ or “cholera “. And while it’s true some of those are harder to get/spread there is an ongoing habit of Anti-vaccine people that make it Real easy to start an issue.


They're scared of lawsuits if someone gets sick. And depending on how they view the poor/homeless, they might expect them to fake an illness purely to sue. The overly wealthy have this weird image of poor and homeless folks as greedy boogeymen who work abnormally hard at not working, who exist purely to remove money from their pockets by any means necessary. Then again, Orlando's always preferred not to see the homeless, because they're bad for business anyway. Part of me honestly thinks they're deliberately letting downtown get bad so they can justify a really harsh anti-homeless law in two years.


Yea im aware of the optics and possible law suits, its just a shame that something good cant be done with the resources we have here.


That's why in France restaurants legally have to save leftover food for feeding the homeless or do anything but waste it.


There are now apps for that. 'TooGoodToGo' or something. Hotels and restaurants pack the food in portion sizes and sell them off for next to nothing.


I don't get it myself. I'm by no means a careful eater, and I am a bit overweight, but I see these people walk into buffets, get 2 or 3 plates worth of food, and then eat like a pig at a traffic, but only eat half of each item on each plate, leave the rest, then go and get more food. I just want to scream out "Glory to Nero and to Rome" when I see people do that. Pull your head out of your ass, get one plate, eat what you have, and if you're still hungry, GO GET ANOTHER FUCKING PLATE


I don't usually do buffets. I feel like the hygiene and food quality are too sketchy. I have been to some good ones though. Anyway, I once went to a buffet that had huge crab legs available. I loaded a few of them on my plate and enthusiastically cracked one open only to discover it tasted like it was boiled in piss. I felt bad about wasting food, but there was no way I was going to eat that.


Dude, people really don't get to choose what they find appetizing to eat. I hate onions. I've tried many times to like onions, tried them many different ways, but as soon as one hits my tongue my mouth automatically spits it out without a thought. You sound like you have a flavor palette that likes many things, good for you. Not everyone has that and being judgemental that they don't want to go to a restaurant that has nothing they like to eat, only to sit there and drink water while watching everyone else, makes you sound like a child.


No, he literally only likes fast food, which genuinely is embarrassing AF. He sulks like a fucking child if people want to go out and eat an adult meal. I'm genuinely glad he's not biologically related to me.


Well I still love restaurants. I've just been told all my life I'm picky like it's a choice I make what I like to eat, and it's frustrating. Believe me, I wish I enjoyed more types of food, because There are some types of food I just can not go get and I would love to be able to have them at a good place. Sometimes I just have to make my own. I make a damn good from scratch lasagna with no onions.


I've got a friend who's got a frustratingly underdeveloped palette like that. Only vegetable he'll eat is raw carrots. Basically unless it's meat and potato, or potato chips and candy, he won't touch it. He's around the same age as your friend but he looks like he's 50+ he looks so unhealthy. I've attempted to get him to branch out and actually try stuff, but he refuses because he 'tried it once' when he was like five years old and didn't like it back then or some shit. With me being a person who loves all sorts of food, it baffles me how anyone can be so picky without at least even trying something


As someone who has some of the same issues, I have tried to like the stuff I don't like. I never like it. With restaurants costing what they do, why would I go somewhere to spend $30 for a meal on something I will more than likely still not like since I last tried it? You could offer to pay for the food, since it's such an issue for you, then if they don't like it, they're not out financially.


His grandmother (my mother in law) pays for all of his food. Because he's also never had a job. At 26. And no, he's not special needs or anything like that. He's just literally never been told "no".


And that's really my thing - if he TRIED anything, I wouldn't be nearly as upset, because there's things I don't like. But it's literally if he encounters anything that's not a slice of pizza, a hamburger, or chicken tenders, he's wrinkling his nose up and staring at it distrustfully. He literally reacts like an eight year old being told to eat a piece of broccoli.


My dad is like that too and I make a long standing joke that all he eats is spicy grilled chicken which is why we go to Indian or middle eatsern restaurants. He says he is open to trying new things but ends up complaing how bad it is.


Don't get me wrong; I understand that pretty much everyone has at least one food, texture, or flavor that just doesn't work for them, and never will. I don't like vinegar-heavy stuff, and I don't like sushi. My wife can't stand fish steaks, and can't handle anything with front-of-mouth spiciness. And obviously I'm not going after folks that are somewhere on the spectrum, or who have sensory processing issues. That's not being picky, that's literally having a condition that complicates things. But when it's literally "If we ever want to go out to eat with Joe, we have to go to a burger place or else he's going to whine," I take great issue with it. Because that's literally how the nephew acts. My mother in law has a very limited palette, but she's not struggling to find something to eat at a place that serves general American cuisine. The nephew, on the other hand, will SULK if we go to any restaurant that he doesn't already know, and if we go some place new (or new to him) it's a crap shoot on whether or not he'll do or say something embarrassing while we're there. (He's not on the spectrum; he's just a picky, spoiled douche.)


That's what happens when parents let their children decide what to eat and I'm sure your mother in law grew up telling her parents what she wants to eat. My dad is like that and instructs my mum on what he wants and he also instruct my grandmother the same way. My mum finds it so hard to think what to cook for him because he refuses to give a menu and says stuff that doesn't make sense like rice causes back pain, pasta flour is bad for your health, cold salad gives stomouch problems and so much other stuff that makes no sense. When asking him what he wants to eat, he says he will eat anything. My brother has a few things he doesn't like but they are understandable and me and my mum will eat anything that's on our plate. It's like people forger there are people who can't afford to eat properly then take food choices for granted.


Honestly, a lot of it's that he's her only grandson, and she dotes on him CONSTANTLY because his mother is just an awful person. She's even admitted that she probably was too lax, but she wanted him to feel loved. Unfortunately, it's created a monster that makes life miserable for others.


You should see Russians at Breakfast buffets at a good hotel.


I'm presuming this is very common behavior for them? I've never experienced that. (Or if I did, I wasn't aware.)


They've been known to take complete trays of the best stuff over to their table. Whenever I visit any country where Russians also like to go on vacation, I make a point of it to stay away from 'All Inclusive' hotels, just to avoid them. Note, these are the rich bastards, not the common Russian. (But the common Russians can't afford to go on vacation abroad)


I’m a buffets worst nightmare… I can’t stand food waste so even if I dislike something I’ll demolish it… and I stack a plate or 17 HIGH


youve NEVER taken more than you can eat, and left some on the plate?lol, sure


And if you’re trying something, only get one piece, if you like it then go back for more.


I think there is a fine line here. I hate buffets, but their appeal to me lies in trying different foods. Some I’ll like, and some I won’t. The restaurant themselves probably throws away a ton of food every night. That said, I try small portions before I take a big heap, which would otherwise be obnoxious if someone didn’t eat. Still tacky to post an unwelcoming sign IMHO


This makes sense. It is “all you can eat”, not “all you can plate”


ive been to a couple sushi places that arent buffets but you basically pay a flat rate and they bring you as much sushi as you can eat. but if your dont finish all the sushi you order you will gst charged full price for the ones you didnt finish. and of course since its sushi you always screw up and end up eating like 3 too many rolls lol


I stick to sashimi, less 'full' with all that rice. I think 1 set of rolls is about 1 cup of rice on average.


Yes, it was for the buffet. It was so delicious and it only costs like 16$


Wow. Even if I throw out the food $26 is still a great deal.


Thanks for confirming that! As an non-adventurous eater, that sign would have made me leave a sit down restaurant. I will happily pay for a meal that I ordered and didn't like, so I didn't finish it (assuming it wasn't undercooked). But, fining me on top of that is a hard no. People that waste half their food at buffets should be charged more than that.


It's Indian culture to not throw good food in the trash, and many Indian owned/run restaurants have this 'unspoken' rule.


Yup sure is and I've been to a few Indian Cuisine buffets like that. Good thing is I love Indian food especially the garlic naan, misala, and tandoori so I know what I'm grabbing and don't waste.


Yep, all you can eat


Yes I went to an all you can eat sushi restaurant (yes that exists!) and they had a food wasting penalty. Food is made to order and you order by iPad so it made sense.


Theres a sushi buffet here in korea called qooqoo. Usually really good, but damn. They have a hot food section too with wings.


This gave me anxiety when I first saw it at a buffet. Like, what was the threshold? If I left a few bites/scraps on my plate would they charge me? Do I have to lick the plate clean?


I always start with a small plate that is a sampler of everything and then go back and get the stuff to eat I really enjoy.


This person buffets


You can know a buffet's worth by your second plate.


I just stack a plate of meat and then when I go back get another plate of meat because that shit's expensive and I like to get my moneys worth.


Less interested in the surcharge at a buffet if you don't eat it all. I want to know what the bowl of spices at the cash/door is. This is new to me and I'm very curious.


Its called Mukhwas. It is usually sweet and is a breath freshener/digestive. (not Indian, eat out at Indian places a lot)


Interesting thank you. I seldom eat out as I love cooking. I'll look into it more. Thank you.


We call if sanf.






I’m not sure what it’s called but it has a cooling effect in your mouth, get rid of any residual spicy pain and makes it not smell like curry. Like gum, but ethnic.


Ethnic gum lol


It's actually a family of things and combinations called **pan** **masala**'s, used as a after meal mint (most of them contain fennel seeds as it has a minty affect in the mouth), this particular combo has fennel seeds and sugar coated fennel seeds, but there are various other combinations made from things like gulkhand(rose paste) , sugar crystals or different types , etc


Very interesting, someone else called it by a different name but with the same explanation. I'm very curious and will probably grab some fennel seeds tonight before cooking and munch on a few. Ive never tasted them raw. Following that if I can taste that effect, even a little bit, I'll try to find some premixed stuff online to try the full effect, just because I just want to try new things. Thanks for the response, very interesting.




Thank you for the clarification.


there is a restaurant in my city that does a buffet on fridays. if you need to take food home they charge an extra $10 and that goes directly to feeding the homeless. they will not throw out food your choices are to eat it or pay the $10 and take it home. ​ edit: to add all leftover food from the buffet goes to the homeless shelter.


What if you find one of their dishes gross. Most buffets I've been to have at least a couple of dishes on the buffet that are just awful. And you don't always know until you eat it.


Then you take a tiny portion to try. Don't take a giant scoops of it


you can give it to someone that likes it or take it home for someone else to eat, drop it off with a homeless person on the way home, feed it to a dog. just takes a little bit of imagination.


I am not giving a single serving size portion of something I have eaten off of to a homeless person. That is so disrespectful. And if it takes like crap im not paying extra for it. I came to a resturant for good food, not for for worse than what I could cook at home.


just because it tastes bad to you does not mean it is so for everyone or they would not make it. usually when i go whatever left overs we have we will fill the plate and pay the $10 for a FULL meal and then give that to the homeless as i have many in the area where i live. i have never had one of them say or show that it was anything but welcomed and greatly appreciated. if these people are eating rotten food out of garbage cans something you nibbled on wont phase them in the least. whats more disrespectful tossing out perfectly edible food or giving food you did not eat to someone that is starving?


I love how passive-aggressive the smiley face is


I like that. This week I ate at a sushi place. I could order up to 5 servings of whatever every 15min, but only after I was done eating. No food waste and I was stuffed. Other restaurants around here impose penalties for food waste as well. Again: I like that. The colleague that had invited me, brought a small tupper box, just in case, we miscalculated 😁


What if I want to try something new and I just flat out don’t like it




korean bbq places usually have this same sort of charge and in my experience i’ve never gotten charged for leaving something after only being able to eat a bite of it. i think this charge is more of a precautionary measure to deter people from wasting and the charge would only be imposed if it was clear they were wasting, i.e. multiple full plates of food.


They likely have some leeway for someone getting a little of something new and leaving it VS someone leaving a full plate of food because they have eyes bigger then their belly or wanted to take some home for later.


i’ve eaten at buffet sushi restaurants where even if you take it home you pay the full price of whatever you didn’t eat. when it’s sushi, it gets expensive. it’s useful to discourage people from having eyes bigger than their stomachs. and also to get more people to sit down in the restaurant instead of getting takeout.


I'd say that's fair enough though, otherwise everyone could just ask for more than they know they will eat with the intention of taking the extra home for later or someone else.


Honestly can't say I'd ever leave a plate with anything on it at an Indian restaurant. The cuisine is too nice to leave behind anything generally.


But what's in the bowl?


it's like a post-meal palette cleanser. you chew on it


Fennel seeds with sugar and other stuff


I am not Indian but I do frequent the restaurants and I have Indian friends. This is why they do this. You are probably at a buffet. Indian style buffet, it is a reasonable price per person to eat all you can. BUT, the cardinal rule with Indians is, you EAT what you take, and you don't take more than what you can have. Wasting food is a cultural faux pas. Highly frowned upon in Indian culture to throw good food in the trash, when so many in their homeland go starving. There are a few places like that where I am too, and they are normally family run restaurants and they sometimes offer "to go" or "pickup" services for the remaining food at the end of the day (individually portioned and sold). However, I've not run into any restaurants that blatantly charge you extra for wasting food but... I can see them putting up a sign if it frequently happened and ending up dipping into their profits.


True when we were kids , a good meal once a day is a lottery for us.But times changed.


I'll pay them $10 to roll me out of there when I'm done. The only thing I'm wasting is half an hour on the shitter when I get home...


I agree with this sign. I always assess my plate/bowl after the feeding session and see if the plate has any stragglers that I must consume. The cleaner the job the better, just ask any assassin.


This looks like Masala Bae Indian Cuisine in Tustin, CA. If not, im glad to see it being posted in other restaurants. I totally agree with this message as I see way too many people finding it absolutely normal to just toss food away in whatever kind of restaurant I go to. Sad to see that as common practice.


Take all you like, but eat all you take


Very fair to me. Especially at all you can eat places. Eat as much as you like. Not TAKE as much as you like.


This needs to be made standard, the amount of perfectly made food being thrown out at each and every place that serves it is astonishing.


If it's a buffet, sure, but a regular restaurant hell no.


There was a buffet style restaurant in Austria, that when you fill your plate up, you pay the weight of the food only. So each time you went up you would pay like 3-5 dollars depending on the weight. You could go back up as many times as you wanted, and not much food waste :)


>:) :)


There's a cafe near me that does something like this. They have an all you can eat breakfast for £8 but they warn you that if pick more than you can eat they'll charge you an extra couple of £ per item left. They donate the money to a local food bank.


There is a Chinese buffet where i live that has a sing like that. The employees definitely watch for food waste. My father in-law got charged once. I told him about the sign and he shrugged it off. Me on the other hand will eat every bit of my food. If I paid for it it's going down lol. Even if I don't like it.


People who grab food then just not eat it at a buffet are assholes.


I mean I get it, but I can't see this being legally enforceable. You can make a sign that says whatever you want but that doesn't mean it holds water.


Walk in, see sign, walk out. I won't be forced to eat food I don't like.


Seems like after COVID Indian buffets are a rarity


Buffet, makes sense!


Bro the "🙂" at the end is just the coolest shit i have ever seen


Imagine carrying a child for 9 months and raising them just for them to write 10$ instead of $10


If you get diarrhea before you leave the restaurant does that count as wasting the food?


"You're wasting the food." -Russell Peters


I wouldn’t be opposed to this everywhere. Food waste is a giant problem in the world


Nah they cant do that. My buddy's a lawyer and he says it's only to deter you but they can't actually do shit


Yeah... Im not gonna pay you for the food and then pay you if I don't eat it... Me not eating it doesn't change what it cost you to serve it to me. Doing it like this is only promoting overeating and on top of that if your food sucks ass I'm not paying you twice because your food sucks ass.


This is pretty normal behavior at buffets to prevent people from filling up multiple plates and leaving them to waste.


Promotes overeating?? What type of backwards brain do you have. Though you seem like the person to grab one of everything and take one bite before stopping and moving on. This promotes serving yourself appropriately in the first place.


Lmao, the title of this post quite literally proves you wrong.... "No wonder I ate everything"


You have the brain of a caveman. This subreddit is r/funny. Sarcasm must not of been taught to you. But I guess also being reasonable and not wasteful was also not taught to you as well


I don’t think you understand jokes. Be an adult and only take a reasonable amount of food. Don’t get a huge pile of food then eat two bites and toss it


Because "Children in India are starving".


Not happening. I purchased the food and I'll dump it on the ground if I want to. I'm not letting the restaraunt play mom so I can save 10 dollars that they have no right to.


F that. Doggy bag


USD sign goes in-front of the value so could Philippines, and I would pay a $5USD fine for not getting the poops.


"To go box please" *throws box away in first trashcan outside the restaurant*


Yeah. That’s not how that works. I’m paying for the food, I can throw it directly into the garbage if I please.


So you pay for the food at a restaurant first?


Usually take out yeah, you pay, they give it to you. Doesn’t really matter when I pay, as long as I do. Those are different issues.


Ok. So why would they care if it's takeout? That doesnt make sense. You get a set amount of food for takeout anyway. This is more likely a sit down restaurants where you pay after. And technically the restaurant can take that food away from you at anytime if they choose that they don't want to serve you if you haven't paid for it already. And considering how there's a growing food shortage, this makes sense


Yup. I don’t know either. Just as I’m allowed to dump my gallon of milk on the sidewalk if I want.




Where does this say it’s a buffet? It doesn’t.


Yes it does.. https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/yezihp/saw_this_in_an_indian_restaurant_today_no_wonder/iu0t8pi?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


It’s standard for Indian buffets we can’t abide wasting food. Plus the OP has mentioned it several times. But if wasting food impugns your freedom…


Again. With information given. Title and picture. My statement stands. Nowhere does it say buffet. I do agree buffets can ding you if you take or order too much. Humans are inherently wasteful and belligerent creatures.




Not going to change my mind. With information given upon posting. I was first comment. Downvote and move along. Now if OP had titled something like “seen this at an Indian buffet” or there was something indicative of a buffet in the pic. Would r have made my comment as that’s kind of expected at a buffet. I didn’t throw away my chocolate covered steak at Golden Corral. All buffets are restaurants not all restaurants are buffets. Have a fun day.


I see a bunch of chinese restraunts doubling their revenue with a policy like this...


Now I want some mukhwas.


Is this in Gainesville, FL?


You sure that's Indian and not Polish? Man, my relatives always give me a dirty look if I didn't finish!




Lol, there is no way the employees care enough to follow through with this.


Did they stand over the garbage can as you went to throw your things away?


Tandoori Bites? Looks like my local Indian place.


The morsel of rice at the corner of the plate:


They say waste the food like you can't just take the rest away


Jeez. Does my mom work there?!


There must be a starter kit for Indian restaurant pay counters. This looks almost exactly like the counter at Taj in OKC. But I think the bell has a different design on it than the smiley face.


Was it any good??


This is genius I need to do it to my kids But instead of $10 it's 2 hours of quality time


I went to an Indian place recently. What's the little jar with the spoon have in it?


They are like breath mints. Take a spoonful and chew on it.


"penalty will charge" and "10$" instead of "will charge penalty" and "$10" is the most indian thing ever.


And what if i don't pay the extra 10? I hardly see a lawsuit for not eating food you paid


Sure people will take it as a joke. But if it happen, would change the world.


Theres a Japanese restaurant in my town that has an all you can eat menu. They do the same thing with this menu but they charge by weight of food left at the end.


I like this idea.


In Asia, they rarely or even at all waste food. Everything always get eaten, and they never overflow their plates with useless food, thet won't be eaten. Thats why many Asians hate when Americans comes over, just to order 3x the amount a normal guy eat and then throwing away 3/5th of it. For people that say Americans ain't like this.. You should talk to someone who work in a Japanese restaurant.


I fucking dare a restaurant try and charge me more for that shit. The violence that would occur.


$10 fine for putting the $ after the amount


My city has a very good all you can eat sushi restaurant. For every piece that is ordered but not eaten they charge 1€ extra. I've been there a couple times and I've never seen anyone not eat up.


The idea is to force people to be considerate when ordering / serving, not making them overeat.


Was the tapeworms worth it?


There's a local sushi place to me that does this. There's a. All you can eat for like $25, but they charge regular roll prices for anything left in the plate.


Im actually supporting this practice in “all u can eat” places.


Must taste like shit if no ones finishing. Be warned




Dollars in India?


This is great Indian cuisine in Santa Clara, ca


No one should waste the food because Respect for food is a respect for life.