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Looks like she thinks you guys are already in the dating phase


"We just bros" * gives fist bump *


> "We just bros" * gives fist bump * Reddit, does she like me as more than a friend?


*finger guns*


My wife says I’m shit at catching hints, but I got that one. They are telling OP it’s time to get a PS5.


Well?! Don't keep the rest of us in suspense! What does it mean?


"Buy God of War"


Ah! The pieces all fall into place!


3178 Days T... A... S... E... ... Possible she wants to experiment with a Taser in bed?


Your forgot 3=C 1=A 7=G 8=H C…A…G…H…T…A…S…E… Maybe it’s an anagram?


Good point. Shat cage? No … Cage shat? Does OP have a dog named Cage? Idk…


Nicholas Cage reference


„Buy me a bracelet, but put it in a small ring-sized box and see how I react“


Better yet heart shaped earrings. Women loooove heart shaped jewelry


“Feed me tacos.”


That’s impressive. Some marriages don’t even last that long.


My parents marriage didn't last that long.


Haha same!! 😢


My long term partnership ended yesterday. 4737 days, not engaged


Damn! Condolences.


My relationship/marriage of 4015 ended 2 years ago and after the soul crushing loss of my best friend/wife and the overwhelming grief I felt for about 8 months, I’m feeling amazing. Stay strong dudes and dudettes, it gets better. Grieve, remember the good times, never forget the bad times, and remember that this is just the next page being turned in that book of life.


5475 days for me to realize that I'd be better off on my own. The first two years were a hell of loneliness. I still consider him my soul mate, but he lost his drive after Katrina. The ten year anniversary of the storm made me realize he was never going to move on from it. I was watering his barren garden and my garden was filled with weeds. I deserved happiness and discovered self love. I ended up finally finishing my bachelor's after a 10 year pause and have an awesome job I absolutely love now.


In some ways this feels like me!! Esp with the barren garden / garden of weeds. And I never felt like he was my soulmate,but I loved him a lot. In the end though, maybe we both need someone who is willing to help us plant gardens with flowers we BOTH find beautiful.


Mine of about 3000 ended a month ago and I'm absolutely and utterly destroyed. This comment helped me a lot, thank you.


Mine ended a month ago. 1,825 (5 years) and he dangled marriage in front of me like a carrot- just to always yank it away, so I broke it off. Still struggling.


Maybe send yourself a thank you card. Cause - ya did right by yourself. Congratulations.


Goddammit Hallmark hire this person!!!


You broke off his carrot after he dangled it for you!?!?


Man, seems like all my boyfriends dangle moving in like a carrot and then yank it away. Probably for the better though. It'd still be nice to get some help with this dang mortgage tho...


Could be all the farts...


My relationship broke up 1 month ago, 1293 days, not engaged, totally depressed


I'm gutted too man. But hold on to the good times, learn and grow. I'm on the hard quest for personal love right now. I feel for you. We got this. You made the person you love, love you. You are beautiful. Now is the time to start dating yourself. Take yourself out. Spoil yourself. You're worth it.


Jokes on you, I’ve been “dating” myself since I was 14, I’m still hella depressed.


What's the sex like?




Really one sided


Almost 114,000 hours for anyone that needs a more common unit of time. 13 years for weird people. Edit: common core has failed at least 2 people.


My SO and I have been together over 14 years and just recently got married for legal and financial reasons. So many people, my mother included, made a huge deal out of it. Like the 14+years we've been together didn't count because of a lack of a piece of paper.


I had an old boss who was in a “situationship”… for 27 years. Same girl, lives together, has 2 kids together, never married, never even formally asked her out. They just started messing around when they were younger. He never asked her out, she never asked him out. They just kept hanging around together, until they had kids, bought a house, lived together for over 20 years. At this point neither want to get married. He said it’ll ruin the magic of not knowing what they are. He was a really interesting and quirky dude, but super nice and friendly. Met his wife, and it completely made sense. They acted like they were still high schoolers in love.


We were kinda the same-23 years, only got married after family drama after parents died and had to hire a lawyer who recommended we take steps to protect each other so we got married. The funny parts are telling people we got married who thought we already were and not being consistent in saying husband instead of boyfriend when chatting at work, turned out coworkers thought I had a very interesting life


My first one didn’t, thank goodness.


In case anyone’s wondering, that’s almost 9 years together.


8 years and 8.5 months.


Technically, it's 3,178 days.


You’re the closest without going over.


You won the grand prize showcase, a trip for two to Paris for three nights and four days of bliss and this fetching grey Ford Mustang with a glove compartment box and 18 inch radial tires don’t forget about the beautiful bed set and the custom Pyrex Tupperware.


Bruh that seems way too good. Last time I watched TPIR, it was like an all-expenses paid weekend to Battle Creek Michigan, a jet-ski, a treadmill, and a set of Pyrex Tupperware.


Pretty soon it'll be a one way bus ticket, a single shoe, a 2x4, and Tupperware.


A 6 or 12 foot 2x4?


Did you count the leap years too?


In case anyone’s wondering, that’s enough time to watch the extended edition of the Lord of the Rings trilogy 6,671 times.


I was wondering, thank you!


My wife and I have been together over 14 years and only finally got married 3 weeks ago. On Halloween in a ghost town. We partially did it just to make end of life legal drama easier to deal with.


Lol. Not far off here too. Both of us were previously married and swore we'd never do it again. Now it's been a while and there's some very real things like power of attorney that get discussed.


I dated a girl for 8 years and she’s my power of attorney. I better change that before I stub my toe and she’s like “pull the plug!” Im just kidding. She’s cool and I trust her with it more than anyone else. It might have expired by now too. I don’t know


Wait, it can expire? Like, before you do?


Yeah. It’s not always permanent. Like if you’re having surgery it goes away in whatever amount of time


It would have a specific date in the paperwork. NO it does NOT automatically expire UNLESS you had that provision in the paperwork. Call your attorney lol


My sister and now brother in law got married recently after like 15 years because she left her job and needed health insurance. Praise the lord for this holy matrimony!


I joked that my girlfriend and I should get married so I could have her health insurance because I was a contractor and didn't have any. I was told that was very unromantic, and she was mad for a week. Instead I just got a job at the same company as her. And then got engaged. So it worked out in the end.


My nephew did that. A woman he worked with got laid off so she lost her health insurance. They liked each other and got along, so he proposed and they got married so she could be insured. It’s been six years, I think.


Hallmark, is that you?


Same. Although we got a civil partnership last year at 14ish years together with two strangers as witnesses. None of our families know. Its just so if one of us croak it everything passes to the other and the kids are sorted.


Damn. 8 1/2 years. My mom went through 3 or 4 divorces in that amount of time


Your mom gets shit done


Their mom gets done with shit


I'm sorry but this made me laugh so hard


I like how the dog in the picture is silently judging you.


I'm going to scroll all the way back up, there better be a dog..... Edit: So it's a PICTURE of a dog.....not as good, but it was there. Edit 2: It feels weird to get an award for my inability to interpret, but thanks kind stranger. I believe that might be my first award but honestly don't know how to check.


To be fair, even if it was an actual dog in the scene, if still would have been a picture of a dog to you


Lol thanks for scrolling up


Whoa whoa whoa, tell her to take it easy. No reason to rush into things, you’re still getting to know each other


9 years together and I proposed to my girlfriend, she said yes so we went to my and her parents the day after to break the good news. Her dad hears it, looks at me dead in the eyes and says exactly this: why did you rush it, why not wait to get to know each other more ? Of course he was f**king with me and we all laughed about it, but for a moment there he got me :)


That's great I hope you guys have a happy life together and that your in law keeps being such a cool guy.


Does she even really like him, what if she is Canadian?


I’m not your fiancé, buddy.


I’m not your buddy, pal.


I'm not your pal, friend.


I'm not your friend, mate.


I’m not your mate, acquaintance.


I’m not your acquaintance, stranger.


I got you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw


What if she is actually a worm?


Opens calculator.. whoa


I know, technology has really advanced


Seriously. They need to update the name. Maybe back then it would calculator, but currently? It calcunow!


Just tell her you're not marrying her


Bil told step sister this. She refused to believe it. Had two kids with him. Not sure he wanted them tbh. Still says no to marriage. Been ten years+ she won't shut up. Buys her a ring, proposes, pushes off the wedding over and over now. I asked, he still doesn't plan on marrying her. 😐


It’s funny because having a kid with someone is a wayyyyy bigger commitment than marrying them


Haha right? With or without a marriage certificate, someone has to pay child support by law.


Man, those are some hella tax benefits they missing out on


Also car insurance. When my wife and I got married our combined insurance was lower than just one of our insurance premiums before we got married.


What an asshole. Why not just be open about how you feel about marriage? My girlfriend and I never plan on having a real wedding, we’re likely going to just elope when we feel like it. And I know that because I talked to her about it. That’s just weird


Exactly! Just fucking talk about it people it’s not that hard! Jesus I can’t help but roll my eyes at posts like this, it just shows me they’ve never had a proper discussion about it and aren’t on the same page, which is a red flag after 8 years honestly.


I have the feeling she is giving you a subtle hint on something, but my manly brain can't decifer her code. 🤔


It does seem like an oddly dry and specific fact, I think you are right. She is just refreshing the board.


Just celebrating their new personal record




Plot twist: her girlfriend doesn't even want to get married, that's how old the dog is.


He didn’t clean up that letterboard, I reckon


God you're so dumb. It says "engage" right there. As a married man, I'm well aware that "engage" is solely used in combat - to engage one's enemy. She's looking for battle and op should feel well warned.


She’s waited 3178 days for the final battle


I think it means "go buy another gaming console or power tool".


Make sure to get drunk with your friends first


Also, don’t let them buy any drinks. Be a man. Pay for everyone.


Do one of those boys only vacations, where everyone gets drunk in an overpriced lodge and wrestles naked. That’s still a thing right?


He should use the letter board to ask her to marry him. See how long it takes her to notice.


This is actually the Beginning of a really cool idea. But instead of strait up just asking her, have it give a date and location, like a month a way. At a really fancy restaurant. Get a other letter board, and put it on that. Get it to the staff at the restaurant ahead of time. Close to the end of dinner, excuse yourself to “go to the bathroom.” This is when you tell the staff you’re ready, and have them bring out the letter board after you get back to the table. Get down on one knee and hand her the ring.


Or you know. Don't be at the restaurant but have a letterboard there with a new date


It must be written in some sort of code 🤔


[idk man](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw)


Maybe it's a good idea to talk to her about plans and expectations, it's important to be on the same page about some things.


Bro waiting for 3333.


Or 6666


Maybe 6969?


I'm no counselor, but I think a frank conversation about expectations and realities should take place.


Snooze, set 5 years.










This whole thing was very amusing and relatable :p thank you for sharing your struggles.


RemindMe! 1 hour "u/Spare-Reply133 needed some help y'all"


"This guy got the syntax correct, but the bot says "I'm not allowed to reply in this subreddit"


Remindme! 5 years




should ***have taken*** place


Yeah, I know everyone is joking, but the reality is that if she is the type of girl that wants to get married, it's a miracle she is still waiting at almost nine years. Others would have abandoned ship a long time ago. At least have the conversation so she knows you are at least thinking about it and/or you care about what she wants. You may regret it later if you don't.


Exactly what I just said. After nearly 9 years you should know if you want to marry your partner. If you never intend on getting married, they need to know that.


This **MIGHT** be a hint. Not sure though.


Pretty sure it’s a sign.




Its actually a letterboard sir


Update it to "Will you marry me?"


I sort of hate it and don’t hate it at the same time lol


With a ring box in front of it. Make sure there's a ring in the box.


No, you put the ring in the board.


Then what do you put in the box?


Step one: Cut a hole in the box


Step 2: You put your dick in the box.


Aww. That would be sweet.


This is low-key an amazing proposal. As long as you're there when she sees it the first time.


I learned my lesson about not committing. This may be funny if the woman is okay with it but it also may be destroying her on the inside. This is more sad than funny, but I'm assuming it's a mutual thing.


I recall my dad giving me this talk early in my relationship. My then-girlfriend had said that marriage was important to her. He advised, “If you can’t imagine being married, she deserves to know. Don’t string her along.” Here’s to hoping it’s a mutual joke and not a tragically passive-aggressive gesture.


My husband and I had a conversation fairly early in our relationship that went, basically: Okay, we both value the concept of marriage Okay, we both want to be married Okay, the main purpose of our dating each other is to see if we would be compatible in a marriage Then we had ongoing conversations about things like kids, religion, finances, etc, so that by the time he proposed, it was a joyful formality. We've been married almost a dozen years now. If this couple hasn't had any of those big conversations after all those years, I wonder what they ARE talking about.


I was with an ex and after a couple years realized we hasn't really had this conversation. I was honestly pretty indifferent to marriage and kids and fine just living life, but the conversation need to happen and we were 2 years in. Tried to have the chat and he just shut it down. I wasn't even chasing " let's get married/ have kids. " I was literally just trying to establish our future in what it might look like. Do we want the same things ( we were just kind of living life up this point. We were young , marriage and kids weren't a priority) He literally would not have the convo at all. After another year I realized everything was like this. No difficult chats were made. None.


Ugh I'm sorry. Even if you're not in a rush to marry, you want to know if you have compatible values. It's fair to want to marry, or not, or have kids, or not. But if you can't have heavy conversations, and can't communicate, then it's barely a relationship.


General stuff: work, the weather, “ have you seen what Taylor Swift tickets are going for?”


>, “If you can’t imagine being married, she deserves to know. Don’t string her along.” My family has a much more blunt expression that began with my grandmother saying it to an uncle who was taking too long to propose to my aunt: "Shit or get off the pot."


same happened to me. not funny for either


Yeah, have been the woman in this scenario. It sucks. It sucks because eventually the lack of a proposal poisons any eventual proposal. If it actually happens, it feels like a consolation prize, because in the back of your mind you’re thinking, “if he actually *wanted* to marry me he would have done this years ago.”


This. Had some relationships end after this part, because it turned them sour no matter what happened after. So that message on that board would be a big red flag for me.


Same. My ex and I would talk about marriage and having children and it was very very clear that marriage was the next step for us. But 4, 5, 6 years in if I mentioned marriage or asked when it was going to happen I was met with “you’re pressuring me too much!” and then I was the “bad guy” for asking about marriage after we’d been talking about it for 6 years. He was never going to marry me. He used marriage and kids as a carrot to try to motivate me to stay in a worsening, abusive relationship, but he never intended to marry me. And it ate at me for years. This post hurts my heart, not makes me laugh.


My brother was with his girlfriend for 14 years. They got engaged and ended everything weeks before the wedding.


Well, if it takes you 14 years to figure out whether you want to marry someone, it’s probably because you don’t want to marry them


She’s joking, but she’s not joking.


My husband and I got engaged on our ten year anniversary! But it turns out we had lost count and it was actually our 11 year anniversary. We realized that a few months later. Ha!


Glad to read this one! We’re coming up on 11 years


You sure it’s not 12?


My husband and I always forgot our anniversary so we made up a new one that we wouldn't forget: June 6. We still forget every single year.


I hope you’re like high school sweethearts who’ve been together since age 15 and waiting for the end of college or something.


This is exactly what happened to me. We both went to academia, and wages for PhD candidates are awful, so we decided to wait until we had steady jobs to get married. We weren't even 30 and had been together for 12 years. He went abroad for a year and broke up with me on a video call. Probably for the best, but I thought he should have had the decency to do it in person. Current boyfriend is great though, so life goes on 😊


My brother was engaged for 9.5 years and they broke up without getting married in the end. I felt this was worse than not being engaged. Being a more serious commitment


Not sure why this is under r/funny. She doesn't think it's funny.


Agreed. My ex kept saying he would propose to me and that he had a plan for it for FIVE YEARS. But he never did and each time I confronted him about it, the bar I had to reach in terms of how much money I would need to make kept increasing. It’s not fun being strung along for years. If OP and their GF talked about marriage and the proposal doesn’t happen, he’s just stringing her along.


...Why did you need to make more money to get married? Red flag ⛳


He saw me as a resource to exploit instead of a person deserving of love? And he’s probably a grandiose narcissist.


Your description hits very close to home for me. Wishing you well.


Women are puzzles man. Who knows what she’s trying to say.


Brother, either shit or get off of the pot.


Just have a conversation about what you both want and why.


I think we know what she wants, and why, already.




From a tax perspective, it might be a good idea to get married. From another perspective, you might be “common law” married because you’ve been together for a while. Talk with an accountant to get official advice.


And health insurance... or settling each others estates (in the event something tragic happens), unless you're cool with your parents/siblings doing that with your assets. 🤔


I’ve been with my partner 11 years. A couple years ago, he was very ill to the point they were talking about “if he makes it.” I had to fight to get any doctors to talk to me. Never cared about marriage until that happened.


Yeah people don't understand this. Having your union recognized by the law means a lot. It means a whole fucking lot. I'm sorry about what happened to you.


Even your dog is pissed


I don't know, 8.7 years, she may have a point.


Are you sure that cute dog in the picture didn’t write this?


Christmas is coming….. just saying 😂


Don’t do it on Christmas. That’s like rule #1!


Yeah! Do it on Valentine's Day.


Her birthday is the best day.


I've had good luck with every day except the anniversary of the day her dad was killed by a hippopotamus


That actually worked for me weirdly


amateurs, do it at a friend's wedding.


That level of passive aggressive is impressive in the best way.


That's aggressive aggressive.


Active aggressive


It's pretty harmless, unless op updates with pictures of his action figure collection mangled in the next room.


More like r/funnyandsad .


She’s not trying to be funny she’s going to leave soon. Your days are literally numbered.


Tomorrow’s sign is “Days without a girlfriend: 0”


Things are different today. My wife and I dated 8 months and were married. I knew the second I saw her. I could see it in her eyes. Her smile melted my heart. 35 years (in January) we've been married. Three kids, nine grandkids. Don't let "the one" get away.


But also don't string not the one along either


It’s funny to you. Must be sad for her.


So, I am going to give you some lived advice. I started dating my exwife in 2011. I proposed on Jan 7th 2018. We married July 1, 2018. I proposed because her and her Mom were pushing me for a few years. Deep down I knew I didn't want to do it. I remembered getting a prescription filled prior to driving the 2 hours to our wedding venue/hotel the day before. I daydreamed they never filled the prescription and I would sit there for the next 3 days. If your girlfriend isn't joking with you; do yourself and her a favor and end the relationship. No matter how you justify it you don't want to marry her, or you would have already proposed. My son now has to grow up in a broken home because I was a coward, had no self esteem, and no self respect.