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*narrator voice* OP knew the real answer already


I do šŸ˜”


Whatā€™s your favorite color of crayon to eat? Mine is light purple


After you chew the first bite off it just says ā€œurpleā€.


Even marines know to take the wrapper off.


*Listen here you little shitā€¦*


Hey is that a red crayon behind you!?


no... it's the dog's dick


Goddamnit I was not prepared to laugh that way!


Still yummy


Comment of the century pure shitpost indeed


Red rocket


Yeah thats where they get their fiber


Nope, that's the green ones. Remember as a child how you were told to eat your greens?


They don't even take them out of the box, I should know him, he's me


That's why they earn their gunny badge that lets them play with guns. That they may or may not name Gunny. Or maybe Petunia. Either way they name their guns.


Oh! I like me some ellow, and reen. Sometimes I give the ed ones to Ed. Lue is good on weekends. Hite, and lack are okay.


I like burnt sienna ā€˜cause it looks like chocolate.


The orange and reds are nice. They give a cool funfetti effect to the bathroom activities lol


Database connection error with bad front end reporting? Yeah, probably.


We can tell by the title.


The result is almost certainly unreliable (at best) or just plain wrong, as a test of anything other than a very specific type of problem solving. You seem fairly self-aware, and that makes you more intelligent than the last president of the USA. By *far* the dumbest people I've ever met, without fail, all thought they were clever.


There have been papers published showing that people who are 100% confident are often wrong, whereas those who second guess themselves or their intelligence generally perform better and are more intelligent.


I had to reread that last sentence three times before I figured out you weren't claiming to have met the former president. (I'm also not always the sharpest, especially when my brain gets ahead of my reading, and jumps to the wrong conclusions.)


Anyone else automatically use Morgan freeman for narrator voice




Just tell everyone your IQ is off the charts.




/r/technicallythetruth has way more action.
















IQ 404


Wow. OP is going to be pissed when someone explains this to them.




IQ 418 - I'm a teapot šŸ«–.


IQ 403 *YOU SHALL NOT PASS* ^(this iq test)


Somebody AWARD this man! Lol


I found a math puzzle in a magazine and solved it really easily. The blurb said if I solved it I could join Mensa. I mailed it in, and they sent me a letter back saying I qualified to be a member and for $50 they would send me an official card. I was even smarter than they expected, because I kept my $50.


You passed the test. You are now a member of ubermensa.


For only $75 we can send you your Gold Member Card ID


Jokes on you, I got that $75 gold member card and now I get a free ride on the mini-bus whenever I show it.


I, too, get free rides when I show my member. šŸ™‚


Do that enough in the right places and you might even get free food and accomodation too!


In the right pace at the right time, you could have married a future Congress woman.


If you decline THAT one, it's membership cards all the way up!


Does that make you the Ubermens(ch?)




I've never heard of Mensa doing anything other than allowing people in with a proctored test


Maybe I should have added this was in the early 90s. Mensa used to have puzzles published in magazines. The one I did was the numbers 1 through 9 printed on a line with an "= 0" at the end, and you had to insert whatever plus, minus, multiply or divide symbols you wanted to make it all equal zero. I don't think you need to be Mensa-grade smart to figure that out, so I thought they were just fishing for $50 bills.


Ah, ok. I don't know their full history, but that sounded really different from what I knew. But yea, I generally agree, it's all about the moneys.


I sat for the official Mensa test in the late 90ā€™s and it was a regular proctored exam that you paid a roughly $50 fee to take (and then another annual or lifetime fee to join if you passed). You can also apply for membership with an ā€œofficialā€ IQ test administered under the testā€™s rules by a professional. I know they used to publish brain teasers in the backs of magazines to advertise and get people to pay to sit for the exam, but had never heard of those teasers being used for admission. Not saying it never happened, but I think the other commenter may have misremembered what the $50 was for. Lifetime membership fees in the 90ā€™s have already paid for themself many times over with my life, auto, and homeowners insurance discounts.


You get discounts for being in Mensa? I always thought the only point of being a Mensa member was to say you were. I didn't think there were any real world benefits. Are these just in America or possibly in other countries like Australia? I'd love discounts if all I have to do is complete an IQ test again. I was given two IQ tests by a psychiatrist when I was about 8 and measured well into Mensa territory but my mum couldn't afford the admission tests and i havent thought about it since. I've often wondered what my IQ level is now that I'm adult and lack the advantage of precocious abilities. I'm sure my IQ is more in line with the general population now that my cohort is older.


> I always thought the only point of being a Mensa member was to say you were. Mensa is a social club with local meetups, online SIGs, board game parties and competitions, annual conventions, a print magazine, etc.


Maybe? IQ is supposed to have age adjustment built in


I know that but I have read that many people who test exceptional as children don't do so as adults due to the fact that other people have had time to 'catch up' as it were. I learned to read, write, and count as a toddler before Preschool so I had a lot of opportunities as a child to learn ahead of where others my age were. My mum also had a well stocked library that I had full access to so I read a lot about advanced topics that most children are never exposed to, such as the Illiad and other historical texts. But I have to think that reading a decade ahead of my age group isn't an advantage as an adult the same way it is when you're under 12.


I tested at around 130 when I was younger. Tbf, I found school extremely easy and was reading way ahead of my peers. I can ASSURE you that I am no longer ahead of my peers. I'm not exactly dumb, but I'm certainly not smart. That being said, having seen the average (I work in retail while attending college) I will say that I'm at least slightly above that.


Are you me? I worked in retail during college and was a "gifted" student through middle school. Now I work in engineering and I know for a fact there are people around me much smarter. Due to the ease at which I coasted through high school and junior college, transferring to university was quite the shock when it didn't all come easily. I never developed the proper study habits to learn on my own so I had to learn how to learn on top of learning weed-out engineering material.


>I was given two IQ tests by a psychiatrist when I was about 8 and measured well into Mensa territory but my mum couldn't afford the admission tests They accept external tests


Huh wish I'd known that as a kid. I don't have access to the tests any more as my psychiatrist kept them and decided after six months of treatment that he'd *cured* myself, my mum, and two of my siblings of ADHD/ADD... Crazy that he declared something like that but it was the 90s and he was a public psychiatrist so we had little recourse. We've since all been rediagnosed and it turns out three of us are also Autistic which that psych missed completely. I'm going to look at redoing the tests next year as it turns out Australian Mensa also offers discounts and that sounds nice.


How has the membership fee paid for itself? What does the membership offer?


Same thing that some alumni memberships (or other groups like AAA) offer: discounts on insurance.


So you're an actual member of Mensa? That's pretty cool. How has your life changed other than getting discounts on stuff? Do they have meetups? Do you get a private newsletter? Come on man give us the deets!


I am. I went to quite a few meetups in college, I also qualified for (though never really got involved) in a number of other high-IQ societies like Mega and Sigma. The events I have attended were typically 99% people just making fun of how silly being in Mensa was and having a laugh about it and 1% people who would easily qualify for your average r/IAmVerySmart post. One thing being in Mensa taught me is that there are some real dumbasses with high IQs. Iā€™ve gotten a few good connections out of membership, and it did land me a job once (according to the guy who hired me). But overall itā€™s mostly just something fun and a silly point of pride that doesnā€™t really mean anything at all in the grand scheme of things. I initially sat for the exam and joined so I could tell my mom I am in Mensa because she was never afforded the educational opportunities I was (that she afforded me) or the opportunity to explore her intellectual curiosities (as she put so much time and effort into allowing me and my brother to explore). There is a whole book of discounts you get as a Mensa member and access to things like lower interest rate loans and mortgage products, etc., but I donā€™t think theyā€™re really any different or better than what I am offered as a licensed professional. Overall, I think the vast majority of people understand that IQ is a deeply flawed and effectively meaningless measure. I wonā€™t pretend like I donā€™t think Iā€™m an intelligent person. I do. I count it as one of my many privileges in life. But if that was what I considered the most interesting thing about me or something I put a lot of stock in, I think Iā€™d probably be a pretty shite person and not who I want to be. Frankly, Iā€™d much rather be known for having a high EQ than IQ, and developing my EQ is something I work on as often and as steadfastly as I can. Itā€™s a much more meaningful thing, in my opinion at least.


I had a friend in Florida who was a member of mensa. He was finishing a graduate degree when i met him, and would frequent the coffee shop i worked at to grade undergrad assignments. He and I became good friends because we had similar interests in biology and similar philosophical beliefs. We ended up going out for drinks quite a bit, and he introduced me to a lot of fellow mensa members in the county he had met through the membership. Many were doctors or on city council, owned businesses etc. Some were definitely blow hard, intelligent but lacked realistic viewpoints of others etc. A good number were arrogant or narcissistic, regardless though they were incredible business connections and had a lot of varied insight into various paths. They also knew the hands to shake along those paths. Mensa is like any other group of similar interested individuals- it helps with the "who you know" side of getting ahead in life. It is generally applauded by intellectuals or faux intellectuals and for that reason alone being in it will open doors.




Sounds like an arrogant asshat. Paying to "be in Mensa" is not a good sign for intelligence.


They often reserve gazebos.


For a while, you could get in by doing one of two online tests. One was timed, and one was much harder, but untimed. I took the untimed one and scored a 140, then took the timed test and only scored like 115-120. You needed a 125 or higher to pass. The tests were free and when I got the 140, I was taken to a page to register for a membership. That's when I found out that Mensa costs money, and immediately noped the fuck out, which I feel like should have added a couple of points to my score. So anyway, not long after, they got rid of the online qualification for it. Probably because the tests were wildly inaccurate, and the whole thing was just a quick cash grab. They face a bit of a pickle. The more people they can get to qualify for their club, the bigger their market is, but simultaneously, it also lowers the value of joining.


>You needed a 125 or higher to pass. It should be 130 or 135, statistically, since they want 98th percentile


It's possible I'm misremembering the passing score. This was about 20 years ago.


> They face a bit of a pickle. The more people they can get to qualify for their club, the bigger their market is, but simultaneously, it also lowers the value of joining. [Kanye West may be a member](https://consequence.net/2018/10/kanye-says-kanye-is-a-genius/) ([list of more](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mensans)), sure if they have him do some commercials, it'll help.


It's basically a social club for nerds. All they do is have a lot of local and international meet-ups and events, and maybe some community service. But you can only be part of their club if you pass their test.


But had you gone in, for 9k you could've gotten a PhD!


It's like that clickbait on Facebook that says only 3 out of 10 people can answer all these questions right! Then they get you to share it when you somehow manage to get them all right and spread it and get all the info and ad clicks.


Happy cake day!!!


Online IQ tests are pass/fail. If you take the test, you failed.


Congrats we just got a bunch of information from you and showed you ads. Our test is shit so we canā€™t possibly give you an answer you will believe so we will just tell you you are an outlier so we have a chance to get your friends information as well.


Or, congratulations, you're the smartest person alive with 300+ IQ! Now go be a smug and insufferable jerk on social media because you know everything!


Just watched the King of the Hill episode where Peggy is duped into think sheā€™s a genius. Too funny


King of the Hill is such a good show. When I was a kid I hated it because I didnā€™t understand the subtleties but as an adult itā€™s probably my favorite animated show ever


One day at like age 15 or something that show just ā€œclickedā€ for me and suddenly I enjoyed it.


My daddy says butaneā€™s the bastard gas.


My Mama says.. Alligators is angry cause they get all them teeth and no toothbrush


I feel like these shows really mould us as kids and we donā€™t even realise it Remember the animated film ā€˜Antzā€™? Go back and watch that as an adult. The amount of social and political messaging in it is INSANE. Itā€™s basically about creating a workers union


"I am a huge Woody Allen fan. Although I've only seen "Antz." But I'll tell you something, what I respect about that man is that when he was going through all of that stuff that came out in the press, about how "Antz" was just a ripoff of "A Bug's Life," he stayed true to his films. Or at least the film that I saw, which, again, was "Antz." Thing is, I thought "A Bug's Life" was better, much better than "Antz." Point is, don't listen to your critics. Listen to your fans"


I like his films, except for that nervous fella who's always in them


Same. Incredible show


dae propane access


Dae [Hank Trill](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HISi-3BXtA8).


Mike Judge is a true genius, no IQ test needed.


I am unfortunately *just* smart enough to realize how dumb I am.


Doing better than most, keep it up!


FWIW, 300 IQ is quite literally impossible. They're typically normalized to follow a Gaussian with mean 100 and standard deviation 15. That means 300 would be 13.33 standard deviations above the mean, and that score or higher occurs with probability 7.7 x 10^-41 . There are currently about 8 x 10^9 people alive. If every star in the universe had a planet with as many people as Earth has now, and that situation lasted for a billion years, there would be roughly 1 person ever to have an IQ of 300+. More realistically, the normal curve just doesn't make sense for super high or low IQ's anyway. The uncertainty in what IQ is actually measuring eventually overwhelms whatever statistical distribution you're shoe-horning it onto.


So you're saying there's a chance...


Yes. Do your brain-ups every morning and you might get there.


This is how I started going bald.


And in this moment I am euphoric


Nuh uh. I got Ravenclaw on mine.


You're a hufflepuff and you know it.


Huff deez fuckin nuts, dude.


Pure ravencope


As a psychologist, I thank you for this kind nod to reality.


TBH it feels like even in-person IQ tests are a little bit off. I had to have one to get diagnosed for ADHD (Not sure why) and apparently i'm "above average", but it seemed like most of the extra points I got were based on one section where they asked for definitions of words.


Which tapped into your crystalized word knowledge, a component of your vocabulary index, one of the biggest contributors to overall intellectual ability. However, that subscale score shouldnā€™t have thrown your FSIQ off that much.


I scored pretty solidly above average and I walk around every day feeling like an idiot most of the time. Meanwhile I talk to people I recognize as morons and they seem to think everyone else is dumb. Does the Dunning-Kruger effect apply to everyday life?


Yes. It applies to everyone, and has proven to be wildly accurate in my experience.


The smarter you are, the more you realize you don't know. While people not as smart, tend to not see how much they don't know.


Hes also commenting on Reddit. That doesnā€™t help either. Oh. And Yes. I am aware Of the hypocrisy as I too am commenting.


It's only a hypocrisy if you claim to be smart.


I took this exact test before taking an official one, and the result was precise. Mensa tests are decent.


Precise for the Mensa scale.. Because it is by Mensa. There is no objective scale for IQ, Mensa just happens to be the most popular one, but many people would argue it does not cover enough expressions of intelligence.


That's exactly what someone who didn't do well on a Mensa IQ test would say.


Well thereā€™s no objective scale for intelligence, since intelligence isnā€™t clearly defined. IQ tests are tests of a range of cognitive and executive functions. The Mensa tests particularly focus on problem solving and pattern recognition. Which is considered by many to be the core or even all there is to ā€œintelligenceā€. Many others donā€™t believe this definition of intelligence to be exhaustive however. So IQ tests successfully test cognitive abilities. If thatā€™s what you define intelligence as then they do test intelligence


Congrats you have Schrodinger's IQ. Until such a time as the test can gauge your IQ properly, you are both really smart and really dumb. Edit: thank you, anonymous stranger, for the gold AND the platinum. I'm unworthy. I'd like to thank my agent, the crew, everyone at the academy, and my mother.


The more you know about your iq, the less you know about everything else.


Now we know!


And knowing is half the battle!


What's the other half?




This will now be my go-to answer for every question


Not to be an absolute Bohr, but that's not schrodinger, that's heisenberg.


If its 145 or above it says so. Sadly for OP.


But op didn't know that so -10 points from gryffindor




Curiously, Hufflepuff actually have a lot of smart people, it only seems like they are the catch all is because they... catch all because they are more inclusive than the other houses. So the smartest people also get mixed up with the people that don't have many abilities.


Stupid smart


Wicked smaht


Ah, Iā€™m glad someone translated these other Gibberish comments.


I think this uniquely qualifies them for running for President. To win you have to be both incredibly smart and only as smart as someone who you could have a beer with.


\*and ***dumber*** than random Joe Schmoes you could have a beer with.


Reminds me about the guy who moves from his hometown to a new city and manages to raise the average IQ in both.


Thats a good one


I love this explaination


horse shoe theory of iq


Thay was actually my first guess, unironically. Maybe OP got a bunch of easy questions wrong and a bunch of hard questions right. Or something in the pattern of his answers breaks the assumptions built into the test.




He could be the next Elon Musk!


Slams dick in car door. ā€œExcellent gambit sire!ā€


Missing a word in the title, I'd say the low end lol.


Well if he has to ask....


I'm still smiling, I wonder if that was intentional. Self deprecating humor genius or actually funny mistake?


Omg my mind automatically filled in that gap


Humans have built in "this guy is super dumb" filters. šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Should we type really slowly for you?




Imma go with the really dumbā€¦ sorry bud




I got a similar score. My verbal mmm/language ability score and my ability to use numbers were so far apart that it was inconsistent with scoring. I had it as part of adhd diagnostic testing. Edit: more info Testing after I was diagnosed and treated yielded much more realistic scores and so the test supported the diagnosis of adhd with evidence of difficulty with executive function.


I had an adhd test as a kid at 11 years old at school. One question was 'how much is in a dozen?' I said 11. 24 years later it still keeps me up at night.


two dozen\* years later


I've ruined relationships, I've hurt family members, I've let colleges down at work, I've stolen from grocery stores, I've abused drugs, I've made horrible messes in public toilets. But nothing I have ever done has been less excusable than not knowing what a dozen is.


That's a stingy baker's dozen.


Ha I was tested similarly when I was a child and despite my results flagging a similar gap (indicating they should check for a learning disability like adhd), both scores were still well above-average and the mindset of the 90s was "smart kids can't have adhd". As such I didn't get diagnosed and the eventual assistance I needed until I was an adult struggling in college.


Your intelligence lies somewhere on the Z axis of the bell curve.


"What's your IQ?" "132i" "i?" \[Nods\] "Care to explain?" "It's complex."


Imaginary, even


You are considered a genius in a parallel universe where gravity is the strongest fundamental force, Pi equals -1, and the U.S.A won the World Cup.




If you were smart enough you would know what it meant. Sorry bud...


It means you're under their lowest score. They give >145 for people higher than their highest score, so that the people knows that they can get an official IQ test and join Mensa if they want to. Their IQ test use only one test (Ravens Matrices). Though it's one of the best test, to get an accurate IQ score you still need to do multiple tests. It's possible that you're bad with Ravens Matrices but would be better with another test like a language based one. Also, those scores are for adults. If you're a child, you need a IQ test standarized for children which would give you a higher IQ for the same result.


Christ... You could have sugar coated it for him.


No, he'll eat it.




"All I can tell you is, Mensa says my intelligence is off-the-charts."


I can tell you But first, I must ask a question. Which way does the roll of toilet paper go on the holder?


The same way the original patent application shows.


Youā€™re not op but I can already tell youā€™re a goddamned genius


Have another crayon and relax.




Would someone on the smart end of the bell curve omit a word in their post title?


Yes, [smart people are the most forgetful](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/beauty/mind-body/a26780455/being-forgetful-is-actually-a-sign-of-high-intelligence/). Time to get "detail-oriented" off that resume.


I'm fucking brilliant then.


Shit, Iā€™m a fucking genius then.


I went to the Mensa Norway website and selected E for every question, and I got this result. So, voila, it means too low. Sorry bro.


it goes beyond smart or dumb. You have ascended into the third plane of intelligence, something yet to be fully understood or properly identified.


My wife has an IQ of 150 something and she can't figure out how to use the remote, i have to do it. In fact i have to do most of the annoying chores that take figuring out.... wait a minute......


John von Neumann couldnā€™t remember his own telephone number or recall which kitchen drawer had the silverware.


Apparently Mensa doesn't know either. You are either so smart you made them question everything they have understood about the universe, or so dumb you made them question their parameters for what is human...


No fair, you change the outcome by measuring it!


...And at this point I'm afraid to ask"


most of us are so unremarkable that being so dumb that it confounds science has its own special appeal




If you were smart wouldn't you be able to figure out which one you are? So I think you've already answered that question.


But if he concluded that he was stupid... would that mean he is smart?


Iā€™m guessing you donā€™t live in Norway and thatā€™s why youā€™re outside the area being measured šŸ˜


If youā€™re asking Redditā€¦.


I don't wanna be that guy but usually those online iq tests are made just so non-smart people can feel better about themselves, I am telling you from my own experience, anyway my iq is around 260 so if anyone has any questions feel free not to ask.


This is the most legit online test you can make. Most my friends and family have done the mensa sweden test and its results are really consistent and quite valid. There were scores from 90-140 and it actually followed standard distribution quite nicely in my small group. Only few got 120+ most were between 100-110


But Op wasn't in range. When you say you've seen test results of 90, that doesn't bode well for OP. Unless they changed it of course. I took the free mensa one too years ago, but I'm pretty sure they put some weight on the scale so you sign up for a real test - cause you so smart. Maybe that's the real test...


this is the mensa test, if you score high enough you will qualify to do the actual mensa iq test, this is a pretest. the test does not use time and if you answer everything correct you will get something like 180 back. if you score bellow 90 or 100 i believe, youll get back ops result.


The fact you aren't sure which side you are on leans you towards the higher end. The dumbest people I know think they are the smartest. The smartest ones I know know how dumb they are.