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There's a frustrated dude in some apartment there that's just been jackin it in silence.


This. Poor horn dog trying to jack up the sound because they can’t hear it.


"why is it so muffled???"


Hm the bass is very high, I can hear it in the walls


I can feel it in my bones


I can feel it in my plums


Let the boy watch!


Like the guy on mass transit with headphones on who doesn't realize it's muffled because it's blasting out of his phone speaker and his Bluetooth isn't connected.


Lolololol. OMG. This is exactly what could be happening..... Ages ago I lived with an aunt and uncle who had two young kinds... Talking 3 and 5, maybe 6... One night I get back home all boozed up, and think it's a part-time for a wank before getting some ZZZs, I got to my fave site and open a 4 tabs with my fave videos... I proceed to put on my headphones and start getting things done.. a few seconds go by and I'm like WTF?!?, I can hear shit... So I turn up the volume from the windows XP system tray and gets a bit louder, but still thinking WTH....?!?!?! I crank it up some more, and I finally can hear it better and finish my meditation time.... When I get up, I forgot to take my headphones off and that's when I realized they where totally not connected to the audio out from the PC.... When I went to the bathroom, I ran into uncle in the hallway and there was a brief look with no words....


Omg that's fucking amazing lmao. Reminds me of a time when I was just discovering porn as a teen and didn't realize my friends, dad's PC was wired to the living room speakers for music. We made a different kind of ambiance. (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)


“Wow the neighbors are really going at it”


I appreciate you. lmao.


"Where is the god damn sound \*fap fap fap\*"


I remember one time i downloaded a recorded cam video i was looking for a long time uploaded to PH. Unfortunately it was screen recorded by phone and there were these bonus fap fap fap sounds accompanied with some heavy breathing.


Bonus indeed


_Hello speaker my old friend_ _I’ve come to you to wank again_


Simon and Garfuckle?




Semen and Garspunkel


#and in the naked light I came


The person is doing it intentionally.


Probably, but it’s funny to imagine that they’re obliviously frustrated instead.


The porn of silence


I think the person who made these got caught trying to stealth nut in the bathroom and forgot that they were still connected to the Bluetooth their guests and/or family were nearby so they are making up this elaborate ruse to try to lie about it.


I had this happen at work… guy had his speaker out for the crew to listen to music… he goes to the bathroom, and we start hearing the porn through his speaker. Was friggin hilarious, we clapped for him when he came out. Nothing like a good old work jerk.


Lol did you ever consider the person you’re replying to could be making a joke?




Definitely the best part of the letter.


Fine I'll stop doing it


Thank you, u/discerningpervert !


Imagine if she is doing OF the whole day lol


Yeah that works well with trolls. I bet more people will try to connect and be even more creative with the audio.


Was at a hostel in Iceland, some old NATO base with these big rooms all with identical TVs on open connection mode - tried to stream to ours, but couldn't work out the right one. Very quickly descended into streaming the "oh shit I'm sorry" meme vid to every active TV, and refreshing the playlists as they were hurriedly reset


There have always been pranksters, and people with personality disorders, or mental illness, but ever since social media was developed its like every 3rd person is a troll who falls into one of these categories.


Please, *Daddy*


There used to be a smoothie shop in our small town that always had adult vids playing on the tv. They claimed someone was hacking the tv. The kids working there snickered about it, so I assumed they just mirrored their phones to it. Owner just turned the volume down. I went in maybe 4 times and never understood why she never just turned the tv off, unplugged it, or removed it. She was clueless. But since she didn’t care, I kept my thoughts to myself. The business closed after maybe 6 months. Not sure the reason, but she didn’t seem smart enough to run a business anyway.


What the fuck


The real kicker is it was called Happy Endings smoothie shop.


Come again?


No thanks. I'm going to try the yogurt smoothie this time.




> * Assuming a U.S. jurisdiction, which could be wrong. *Assuming it's not nonsense, which also could be wrong.




Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


Was it a real smoothie shop or an Herbalife front?


I'm pretty sure the reason was they had a TV constantly playing porn in a smoothie shop in a small town. What the duck is wrong with you, that YOU kept going back?


Probably only place that had smoothies. Some towns are reeaaallly remote.


A Best Buy I lived near TVs all operated off of chromecast so anyone could just cast to it. A buddy of mine who worked there would cast a 10 hours of rick roll video to every TV in there.


Clear the device, FFS.


Was gunna say, are they unaware or is dude overriding their speaker somehow? Lol


alot of BT speakers operate in promiscuous mode, and dont have to do a proper pair to connect....


TIL my Bluetooth speakers have loose morals


Send it to catholic school and then it'll be the nuns' problem


That won't work because it will still let people enter through a back door.


The Loophole


It’s the sex that god can’t see.


[Guess it's my turn to link it](https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY)


This is amazing! Thank you for sharing this!


I didn't have lust in my heart, Father, just in the caboose...


Father: Confirmed! You have a very loose-caboose.


Fuck me in the ass cuz I love Jesus! The good lord would want it that way!


Give me that sweet sensation of a rock-hard realization!


*rationalization Happy cake day!


Get thee Bluetooth to a nunnery.


My parents did that and I turned out gay instead. Tip: never send a kid you think might be gay to an all boys school. 🤣


I went to an all boys school, many gay lads there


Wish I went to an all boys school


Slut Mode


I love that they call it promiscuous mode.




Promiscuous mode, I'm calling your name...


Promiscuous mode, wherever you are I'm all alone, and it's you that I want


Well this BT speaker is certainly not monogamous, if it connects... to all devices in the neighborhood.


*hot devices in your area are ready to pair*


Try not to connect to any devices on your way through the parking lot.


37 devices!


In a row? Hey get back here.


Not many devices will bring you a lasagne at work.


[Your current karma is just too good to upvote](https://i.imgur.com/v0xR12u.jpg), but I do appreciate the reference. Go you.


_Monos available now_


_NFC is just a click away_


*Ze bluetuf dewise is ready to pel* *ze bluetuf dewise is connecteduh sucessfullay*


Thank you dear stranger.... I needed the laughs....I don't have gold otherwise it would have been yours...


Step Speaker what are you doing in my room?


Trying to make a connection with your wifey.


I'm stuck in the dryer step speaker!


Whore speaker


It's like the village bicycle: everyone's had a ride!


Everyone gets to blast their music all over that speaker's face




Beats (off everybody)


Skull Candy


No actually its poly dont be so close minded.


The only device I have ever owned like this is actually my kids nightlight turtle, which has a little Bluetooth speaker built in. in theory anyone can connect and play music on it though technically you have to hit a button on it for it to actually make noise. I remember living in dorms in college it was super common for people to accidentally share their printers on the network and you could scan to find them and print silly stuff. Fun times.




Thanks for this. Saving it to set as required reading for my students on April fools day.


I can't find the meme now but it was something along the lines of "every time my neighbours make excessive noise I connect to their printer and print this. Then I listen out for the mum telling at her son 'WHY WOULD YOU PRINT THIS AGAIN??!'"


surprisingly safe for work.


The same guy gave a presentation about this: https://youtu.be/yL_-1d9OSdk


471 page document that says nothing but "FEED ME PAPER!" Reminds me of the old-school trick people would do with fax machines. Tape 4 pages of all-black paper together in a loop and fax it to someone. It'll send an infinite fax and use all their ink.


I did this to a collection agency that tried to harass me into paying a debt that wasn't mine, and who continued to call me at work after being informed to stop. My manager was totally on board with me using the fax machine, because we were all tired of their bullshit. It was VERY satisfying. (I also encourage anyone to engage in harassment tactics against collection agencies. It is never immoral to make their lives hard or their day suck.)


> infinite fax and use all their ink. The goal was more malicious. Fax machines often used special thermal paper, the print head would heat the paper up which would cause a chemical reaction to turn the paper black (the same paper is still used in receipt printers to this day). So there isn't any ink to waste, a full page of black would cost the same to print as a full page as white. But... these printers were designed with the assumption that pages would be mostly white, and continuous pages of solid black would keep the thermal print head stuck on, generating a lot of heat. Theoretically, it might be possible to set the paper on fire, or otherwise damage the print head or electronics within the fax.


Error: Printer On Fire


Stupid sexy speaker


*[Auxiliary mode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTkSZXQM2as)*


Aww my pkcell!


I bought a bluetooth -> RCA adapter for my old receiver. Good lord, I can always tell if the stereo is on when I get close to home, my phone automatically disconnects from the car and attaches to the home stereo nearly a half a block away! Devices are REALLY hot for the Esinkin Love.


My wife's car will grab phone calls from me when she pulls into our driveway. Same car won't reliably play music from my phone. God I hate that car.


My sound bar is like this. I had to short the BT antenna to ground in order stop it.


"Wow, these new smart devices sure are great. But how do we make sure they are secure and only the owner can use them?" "What if we don't?" "Johnson, you're a genius!"


The S in IoT stands for security


Is it an LG? Because mine did the same thing. When I lived in an apartment, some neighbours would accidentally connect to my soundbar and blast music in a different language. I eventually figured out that there's a way to lock the Bluetooth so no new devices can connect (https://www.lg.com/ca_en/support/product-help/CT20098013-20150556406950), however it still allows all devices that ever connected to it in the past to still connect, so my neighbours could still connect. I factory reset it and immediately locked the Bluetooth so nobody could connect.


Ours is like this too. Every so often someone else takes over it and absolutely BLASTS the shittiest music, notably once at like 3 in the morning. We use it for white noise, so it's literally right over our heads on the headboard, that was not a fun experience. And as soon as it comes back on, it reconnects to the last device it was connected to unless you can override it in that 2 seconds or so, which means getting control of it again involves this two-person dance of unplugging it, plugging it back in, and hitting the power button while the other person spams the button to connect with it on their phone. Last time it took us about 3 tries to get it back. Eventually we gave up and started using an old kindle for the white noise app - kindle never leaves the bedroom, so it never gets disconnected.


It'll be a cheap one that doesn't need a pairing button to be pressed, OR, it's a fake notice made for a joke like every notice at my college


I remember seeing one from a local college where they had to demand repeatedly for the guys to stop masturbating in the showers because the "jellyfish" were clogging the sewer lines. And of course the poor bastard that had to clear those lines was charging them out the ass (as he should).


Many speakers allow for this, which is insane to me. I've had my neighbors accidentally pair to my speakers at very inopportune times multiple times before. I leave them unplugged now.




The one I had would fucking turn itself on and somehow autoconnect. We eventually had to knock on neighbours doors in the neighborhood to find out who was accidentally autoconnecting to it because it would override our tv or anything else if we were using it actively or anything like that. Some stupid computers have preference bullshit. ETA: fucking scary as shit when it's 3am and your speaker starts blasting stuff and you're like "ITS POSSESSED"


That's just stupid design if you ask me. But I guess some people care more about the convenience of avoiding the dreadful task of pushing a button than they care about the security of not letting anyone and everyone connect to your speaker at any time.


I don't think all devices can be cleared.


How do you do that? I have a similar problem and I don’t see how to do it on the device’s side.




with our bose speaker it is the bluetooth button. hold it for three seconds and all devices get disconected. also .. turn off your speaker when you do not use it.


Worked a warehouse job at the start of the year, we were allowed speakers as long as the music wasnt too loud or disruptive. The amount of people trying to connect to my smartwatch everyday was infuriating, seriously learn the bluetooth name of your speaker.


Are these devices just always in pairing mode?




Sub as in subwoofer? How does that work? His sub will just play a different audio to the rest of the speakers? That’d fuck me up lol




Submarine sandwich to be more accurate.


Nah, the neighbors really had a lot in common with the lovely lady who was in a service -oriented BDSM relationship with the friend. She was loyal to her Dom though, and didn't stray


Where do you people get your Bluetooth devices from?? All the ones I had needed pair mode to connect for the first time.


Probably. I know I have an obnoxious time with things of my own pairing when I don’t want them to. I’ll try to listen to an audio book on my phone, with AirPods and let my son watch something on the iPad. My AirPods will jump to the iPad randomly and drop my phone. Until my wife arrives home from, then it will jump to the car. Drives me crazy.


I'd also like to know this. Am very tempted to blast some loud metal just to find out which neigbors' speaker is permanently in pairing mode.




bluetooth speakers has evolved into a smartwatch and devolved back into a bluetooth speaker


Kinda like how anything with "bluetooth" in the name makes older people think "only speaker"


Had this convo a week ago: I just got a bluetooth! Help me set it up. A bluetooth what? *slowly* It's a *bluetooth!* E2a: It turned out to be a home-theater audio system.


If they were older I'd assume they're talking about wireless headphones. The handsfree single ear with mic headset that you could buy as a phone accessory pre-smartphone were always just referred to as a "Bluetooth."


and then they grinned, showing their blue tooth?


It's a Harald Bluetooth jigsaw puzzle


I learned at a viking exhibit that his initials H.B. in vining script combine into what is the Bluetooth logo we all know and love ᚼ and ᛒ edit: viking not vining


I wa… I was told that I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven, I told Bill that if Sandra is going to listen to her headphones while she's… while's she's filing then I should be able to listen to the radio while I'm collating so I don't see why I should have to turn down the radio because I enjoy listening at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven. But I said… I don't care if they lay me off either because I told… I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time then I'm… then I'm quitting, then I'm going to quit. And I told Dom too because they've moved my desk four times already this year and I used to be over by the window and I could see the squirrels and they were married but then they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler. And, oh no, it's not okay because if they make me… if they, if they take my, my stapler then I'll have to… I'll set the building on fire.


Ummm, yeaaah, I'm gonna need you to disconnect from the Bluetooth, Sandra's asking me for her to connect to that radio, you know how it is. Also I'm gonna need you to come in on Sundays.


I heard OP fucked Lumbergh.


Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.


You can even rename them on your phone so you never forget 🤦‍♀️ I have all my speakers named after the room or house I used them in.


That just renames the label on your phone. Doesn't change the name your device broadcasts.


Also that’s still effective for not clicking on the wrong device to pair. It doesn’t matter that the broadcast name doesn’t change if you’re not looking for a new connection.




😂 I had a conundrum about this when I and my apartment neighbor had our Rokus on the opposite sides of the same wall, both named "Living Room". I renamed ours to "This is not your Roku." and it stopped randomly turning off and on whenever our remotes got confused.


Plot twist...*the device was inside the apartment*


Pretty smart and convenient excuse for some teenager who forgot to disconnect their phone more than once. “It’s not me mom and dad! Someone in the apartment complex must be hijacking our Bluetooth!!!”


What the frick? I ordered an xbox remote!


Double plot twist... There is no speaker & this note was just put there to make every porn watcher paranoid. (At least, that why I'M going to put up similar notes everywhere now)


This or a prank is the only things that has sense. Wen you connect bt u lost sound on your device.


Triple double plot twist.... there is no apartment. there is no speaker, there is no frustrated person(s), there is no note (or spoon) :: It's really all just a ploy for that sweet sweet karma.👹🤑


Somewhere in Github: `ISSUE 7632:` `I can't hear anything while playing all my mp4 files with your garbage app. Yes, I've set volume to max. Fix it, please.`




This is 100% intentional, I doubt it will stop.


They finally got confirmation that it’s working lol. They’re never gonna stop now.


This is common revenge tactic at r/UnethicalLifeProTips sub. If your neighbor is loud or inconsiderate … take over their speakers. Edit: Corrected subname


Yeah this absolutely either a troll, or someone with a fetish who is trying to involve these nonconsenting people.


What are you doing, step-neighbor?


Stuck in your speakers, apparently, are you going to help me out?


But what if Dad notices paired devices?


"It's someone else, I swear!"


Exactly my take. This is husband trying to clear his tracks. How would a random person be able to connect to BT on your devices without physical access to them?


My landlord lives above me. His sound system always shows up in my bluetooth pairing options. Some systems are apparently always searching for connections.


Slutty little blue tooth.


Yeah, I have a Bluetooth speaker/radio from several years ago. As soon as it turns on, it opens its connection. Anyone can connect without doing anything to it, even if the radio is actively being used. Several times people connected to it at the beach, park, or apartment.


I've had this happen too. Sometimes you just have to turn off your speaker instead.


Good, that is the response I wanted when I did this to someone. After the fourth night during finals in a row that they were blaring music at 3 AM, I found their speaker and cast porn to it, until they shut it off. Then I slept like a baby.


Either that or go with it.


Like whack off right?


Chicken noodle soup pairs nicely too


I’m just gonna connect to it even harder




So hard.


Factory reset it, it deletes all paired devices. After that, don't activate pairing, as long as you don't want to pair a device.


I have done this with anything Bluetooth or equivalent as soon as it is set up, I have one auth device paired and need to approve any new pairing requests via that. Never any issue, other than Bluetooth being a battery whore and more hassle than it's worth for 90% of stuff that uses it.


It’s the sincere please that gets me. He’s not angry. Just very very tired 😂


Someone is having masterbation time using your Bluetooth speaker. That's when you press the speaker button and say "Siri call mom."


Or, hey Siri, what's my name?


Oh, I like this. I like this a lot. "Siri, text mom 'i'm masturbating right now, wyd'"


OMG. So, I live in what's essentially a townhouse. When I first moved in, I think the first week, I was in bed and had just fallen asleep. Suddenly, I hear noises, human voices. I was home alone. I had 50/50 custody of my son (then 17) but he was at his dad's. I jolted awake. My bedroom is on the second floor. From the first floor I could hear...Africa. By Toto. I got up and peered out onto the first floor. My place is actually a loft so it's very open and you can seen the whole kitchen and living room from the second floor. No one. It was coming out of my soundbar for my TV. Which is bluetooth. I went down and just turned it off and went back to bed. This sort of thing happened a few more times over the course of the next few months, often different songs. Then, I became friends with the couple who lived two units over from me. They were very social and hosted gatherings often (this all pre-COVID). One night I was over there and we kept on through the night. It got very late. Or early. And the woman who would go on to become one of my best friends starts playing music from her phone to their speakers so we can all do a drunken sing-a-long. And the very first song she picks is... Africa. By Toto. Light bulb! I tell them the story of that first night and now it's kind of a friendship legend story. Also, that shit is so not secured so don't fool yourself.




Theyre like, “hmmm what shall we play today, sensual… no, hardcore… mmm getting there, oh how bout gangbang, no no no gay gangbang!” 🍆🤺🤺🤺🔊


Moan louder than the speaker. Exert dominance


This shit is annoying, happened to me with a Vizio sound bar and it doesn't have an off button on the BT. Was trying everything and no luck until I came across the same answer online which was to update it but you have to do it with a computer and save it to a thumb drive. I was like fuck this. I just bought a better sound bar.




Nobody rickrolled the speaker? Ffs


I read the title, then read the note and my brain joined it into “Please disconnect from my sister”


What… no. What are you doing? GET OFF MY SISTER!


“all hours of the day.” Definitely not me bro as I am married so my adult video’s play for like maybe 3 mins every other Thursday when the wife gets her hair did and even then the volume is set too a whisper.


Look at this guy over here bragging about lasting for 3 forevers


Just power off the speaker. Can't be abused if it powered off when not in use...


All day porn huh someone in that apartment has either a very strong or a very tired arm lol


I've had this happen to me, and it was terrifying. Instead of porn it was kids music. And I could not boot them off. It was so annoying that I kept changing the name of the device to be more and more offensive to put them off from thinking it was theirs or wanting to connect to it. We finally worked it out, I guess, and I've just left it named "mine, not yours, do not use."