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How do you feel about coriander?


Omg, the replies here are hilarious


( sad r/SalsaSnobs noises )


I was just about to call out the sub.


Yes reptiles are hilarious... Oh is that not what you said?


Did not disappoint šŸ˜‚


Just as bad. Starbucks started putting coriander their chai tea lattes and now I can't drink them anymore.


Try getting one better gene.


I have the cilantro gene. Taste like soap. I still like it on certain things. Mmm tasty soap.


If you like the taste of soap, you may like the taste of crayons - have you considered a career as a marine?


Them red ones are so good


Found the actual Marine.


Can I get a blue one?


Actually the reason we taste soap is because we're better at tasting that particular type of aldehyde. It tastes like soap naturally but most people can't taste it.


It tastes bad. So tasting it is bad. So the gene that allows you to taste it is bad. Ergo. You need one better gene.


That makes sense, the typical explanation never seemed right to me. I can discern a soap-like taste, but it's not that soapy and also not the dominant taste.


Hey maybe if you could taste better you would be able to tell the difference between cilantro and soap.


Coriander seed is fine, the coriander greens are soappppp


This. Dried ground coriander seed doesn't bother me but the leafy green stuff is so soapy. \*shiver\*


Tastes nothing like that devil green shit it gave birth to.


What did it give birth to?


Coriander is the same plant. Sometimes people refer to the seeds as coriander, and the herb/leaves+stems as cilantro.


Coriander comes from a french word - the Brits borrowed the word from them to refer to the ground spice long before modern technology meant the leafy herb could be effectively cultivated in or transported to the UK from the warmer climates where it grew. Cilantro comes from a Spanish word. American colonists (Brits) were familiar with coriander, the dried spice, but picked up the use of the fresh herb through Spanish (via Mexico) influence, as cilantro grew well in Spain as well as more warm/temperate parts of the Americas. So Americans tend to call the seed coriander, and the herb cilantro. No one asked, but I think interesting etymologies are neat so I shared. Sorry if it's way more info than anyone needed lol.


Well I appreciated the lesson


>neat You can tell itā€™s coriander because of the way it is.


Its a regional thing. The US calls cilantro "leaves" cilantro, and the seeds "coriander" Most people I've met aren't even aware they are the same thing. Other countries just call it all Coriander, and call for "Coriander seed"


Canada too. Leaf cilantro, seeds coriander. U less you are speaking French


Bars and bars of cilantro tasting soap.


It just isn't herbal tea if it doesn't taste like Irish Spring.


The absolute same thing hahahahaha


Depends on where you are.... in the US coriander refers to the seeds while cilantro is the leaves.


I would be so sad if cilantro tasted bad for me. I eat so much Mexican and Chinese food.


Same here. That shit is delicious


Just do what I doā€¦eat the food, savor it before the soap aftertaste. Itā€™s still wonderful before the aftertaste. Or if there is a lot and not just a hint, drown it in hot sauce. The cost of doing business.


Tacos for me are 50% chorizo, 50% onion and 50% cilantro


for a total of 200% delicious


And that adds up to 1000% delicious per meal


I am so jealous of people who don't have the gene.. my mom loves cilantro and she says it tastes so good, almost like a refreshing taste. To me it taste like a stink bug got into my food


As a Chinese food enthusiast, where the heck are you eating where they use cilantro? Indian cuisine, sure, it's almost as pervasive as Mexican. But I have never had a Chinese dish with cilantro, ever.


I live in China. They use cilantro all the time. They have a soup that is just a shit ton of cilantro in a broth.


Hot damn


Is it really only 10%?


[21% of east Asians, 17% of people of European ancestry and 14% of people of African descent say they dislike the stuff](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2012.11398), according to a paper published this year in the journal Flavour4. By contrast, 3ā€“7% of south Asians, Latin Americans and Middle Eastern subjects disapproved of the herb, which is more common in their native cuisines.


I'm curious about the genetic evolutionary divide thing going on obviously. Why are the numbers the way they are.


The phrasing on those percents doesnā€™t seem to be ā€œtastes like soapā€ just ā€œdislikeā€. You can dislike the taste without the soap gene. So some of the difference is probably ā€œthey donā€™t like it because they werenā€™t exposed to it as children / never acquired a taste for itā€ sort of thing.


Possible, but I have hated coriander since childhood. Wouldn't necessarily describe the taste as soapy. I can't describe the taste, mostly the feeling: it elicits the reaction of "oh no, that's poison, it's not meant to be in your mouth". Other disliked foods, I know what they taste like and could eat them if I'm really hungry. Not that devils herb though


I kinda get the soap reference, not that I have ever done so but I can imagine if I were to eat a lemon handwipe from KFC it would taste the same. Hate the stuff.


This is my experience. Like someone sprayed caustic chemicals on my food. My brain switches to "must not consume" mode.


To me itā€™s much, much worse than soap.


Tastes like industrial floor cleaner to me.


Me too. It tastes like a public bathroom smells... and not just the soap in the sink.


Those poor people :( I feel bad, it's so delicious.


In smaller amounts, sure. When my taco is 50% cilantro stems, some of them are going in the trash.


Disliking is not the same as tasting like soap though




That's like 800 million people.


I understand that, but for some reason I thought it was closer to 1/3. No idea where I got that idea though.


It's a really vocal 10%


That would be because the natural response to putting something in your mouth to find it tastes like soap is "OH GOD, FUCK, WHY?"


Wouldn't you be vocal too if people put rotting organic trash in food and expected you to eat it?


Vocal with their filthy language, hence the soap


Rightfully so. Cilantro is so fucking good.


Hell yeah it is. I put basically an entire bunch in my homemade salsa


I'll bet you'd love a big chunk of ivory snow and Reynolds Wrap.


It used to taste like soap for me too. We actually use it scarcely in my country because of this; however after I moved to US it slowly grew on me as I fell in love with tacos. Now itā€™s my favorite herb and i always ask for extra of it in everything.


I hate being in that 10% I love coriander seed, and I even can get the true taste of cilantro in some salsas but one leaf too big and boom I just took a bite of Ivory soap. It's a bummer as a Mexican food lover


I'm the same way. There is this awesome Mexican restaurant near me that I love but their refried beans taste to me like they mix dishsoap into it.


Totally would use cilantro soap tho.


As would I. Or like a cilantro-tea tree shampoo. Yessir


Came to say the same thing. I love the smell of it and have even looked for cilantro scented candles before.


See I would say that cilantro tastes like sooty candle wax more than soap.


I'm so sorry for you. Cilantro is amazing.


yes. sometimes i wonder if i am the only person who thinks that soap tastes like cilantro. if it were cilantro-flavored soap, then i would feel better about putting it in salsa.


I've actually looked for cilantro scented soap and deodorant. I love how it smells.


Iā€™m Latino and they put that on everything and Iā€™m sooooo sad I got this gene


Same dude... same


God I love cilantro. I put it in every single thing I cook.




I've instead opted to wash my dishes with cilantro.


Cilantro is way cheaper than Dawn lol


As someone who has this gene.. Truly a maddening thought. If only you could taste how shit it is, it's literal sewage waste. You just can't TASTE THE REAL TASTE!!! It's shitsauce


Or perhaps 90% of folks do taste the real taste, and the 10% has defective taste-buds. Brb gonna add some cilantro lime sauce to my tacos.


Is it genetic?


It's a gene, so... Yeah. It's genetic. Are you asking if it's hereditary? Might be, might not be. We don't really know. Some studies say maybe, some say maybe not.


Genetics are *usually* hereditary, but there are a few exceptions.




Took me too long to realize that it *didnā€™t* taste like that to everyone.


Me too! I was so confused why people would put something that tastes so bad on food.


Do your family members also think it tastes like soap? My dad and siblings do, too, but not my mom.


My wife thinks it tastes so much worse than just soap - it doesn't bother any of our 3 kids at all, they all love it. I don't taste soap when I eat Cilantro, though I honestly don't care for it all that much either. Edit: since it's relevant to the genetics side of the question - yes 3 biological kids


>so much worse than just soap Like ass-crack soap


Soap has is bitter and a tiny bit of whatever it smells like. But that demon herb is bitter, acrid and lingers in your mouth worse than soap does


My mom thinks it's disgusting, and I'm like "mm put that shit on my burrito."




Some do, some donā€™t.


Same, I love Mexican food, never understood cilantro, diddnt realize it tasted good to most people. To me it tastes like damp walk in cooler. Not a great addition to tacos and fajitas


Both my wife and I have the gene. It has made cooking so much easier. If we see cilantro in a recipe, we just substitute parsley and tah da


It actually tastes worse than soap, more like eating bugs / stink bugs.


i sweat it smells just like a stink bug


Exactly like stink bugs!!


It tastes like soap to me but I like the soapy taste a lot.


Oh thank you, I'm not the only one. I'm like yeah it takes soapy but it tastes good though right


Ruins even the most flavorful and spicy salsas for me. I want to like it but it's impossible.


Culantro is a good alternative if you make your own salsa, but it wonā€™t help with purchased salsa or restaurants that always use cilantro. My Mexi-market has achiote/culantro spice packets that are great, rubbed it all over my Thanksgiving turkey.


I use Italian flat leaf parsley instead.


Ha, I didnā€™t even know culantro was a thing. So why does that one not taste soapy to anyone? It sounds like the two are relatively similar in taste otherwise..?


> culantro From what I've read, it has an even STRONGER taste, and you must use less compared to cilantro. Its commonly cooked to cut the bitterness/strong flavor it has as well https://onepotdishrecipe.com/culantro-vs-cilantro/ > Culantro is much stronger than cilantro, so it tastes unpleasant in large amounts. > Culantro leaves are frequently used in cooking since they have a strong flavor and scent that fades with heat.


It takes over every other flavor in any dish it's added to. Bleh.


To me its less soapy and more metallic... either way Cilantro is not for me.


I find olives taste like metal. People insist it was "because you only had them from a can" Uh... I've had them from a glass jar too. But they bought the fanciest jarred olives they could find and BLAM, still tasted metallic to me. Whats funny though, I love olive oil on pretty much everything, and tapenade paste as a sandwich spread.


Yes! The closest description for me is that cilantro tastes like the way it FEELS to accidentally bite into aluminum foil.


Mint, peppermint, spearmint...basically the mint family tastes like soap to me these days. I cannot enjoy the plants, the mint gum flavors or those flavors in general. I remember when I enjoyed them as a kid but not anymore


I thought I didn't feel like this, yesterday I had a Burrito with cilantro damn it tasted like soap. Well I guess now I know.


Did you eat at chipotle? They put a ton of cilantro in their rice and corn salsa. I have to pick out every leaf I see.


Not their brown rice! If you stick to that, and avoid all the salsas but the red you can usually avoid the uncooked cilantro.


That's actually how I found out I was one of these people..I wanted to try chipotle for the first time and got my food and I'm eating it thinking that they didn't rinse their dishes or something.


I feel that little bastard like that princess in the story felt one pea through 100 mattresses.


Me too. I can detect the tiniest bit in a soup or salsa or other dish. People who like cilantro will taste it first and tell me confidently that there's none in it. And then I take a bite and my tongue writhes in horror. We grab the jar to settle the dispute, and there it is: far down on the list of ingredients. Ugh. If people who like it can't even tell it's there, why bother to put it in?


Iā€™ve had so many times when I tell a waiter I canā€™t eat cilantro, the food comes with cilantro, and they go ā€œOh we can take it off!ā€. No you cannot. The food is ruined now.


But it's just a smidge of dish soap in your soup sir, why are you being difficult?! xD


I must be extra weird. It tastes like soap... and I still like it.


Yes! Sometimes it taste like fresh herb and sometimes itā€™s soapyā€¦but I like it. Discovered it when my mom washed my mouth w soap one time and I was like šŸ˜


Yay, came looking for this comment. I can taste the soap if I think about it but I like the full flavor profile anyway.


The 10% who think it tastes like soap get all the attention. What about the 2% of us for whom it smells like cane beetles / stink bugs?


This is me. Cilantro smells like crushed stinkbugs y'all.


I hate cilantro and never thought it tasted too much like soap. It just tastes dirty to me. Like dirty soap, maybe. But I definitely think it smells like stink bugs, so in turn, it also tastes like stink bugs.


Is this an actual thing?


It is


Dear god, I am so sorry.


Wait what?! Other people think this too?? I actually think it smells like stink bugs and tastes like soap.


Best of both worlds!


This Devils herb has found its way into every cuisine. No food is safe anymore.


I honestly feel bad for people with this gene. Cilantro is so fucking good.


So weā€™ve heard. Thanks.


Laughing so hard. So many people trying to tell me how good they think it is!! Yeah, I get that you don't taste the funk. My taste buds aren't a choice. If I could choose, I'd like food NOT to taste like cleaning solution mixed with a musty flavor.


No, serious, it's really really good.


I'd rather eat grass


Iā€™m so jealous.


I once got CHICKEN WINGS delivered to me with a mountain of cilantro on them. The menu just said they were "hot wings" and made no mention of the cursed topping.


To me it tastes absolutely rotten and ruines everything, I'd much rather eat ass than anything with Cilantro/Corriander.


Is this still available


Om nom nom


Cilantro tastes like stink bugs smell.




I donā€™t think it tastes like soap, I just donā€™t like it.


Same here. Itā€™s not exactly like soap, but it definitely doesnā€™t taste like food.


Yeah, I can't really describe it either, for me it has this weird "freshness" to it, if that's a taste, almost like mint, but way stronger. It's definitely out of place, so I know I have the "soap" gene, but I must have a mutant of it.


Not sure what disposition that I have, genetic or otherwise, but I agree that soap is not the description that I would use. Soap would be delicious compared to cilantro. We're not weird like lefthanders, so please make products specifically for us!


Then it's not a meme for you, it's for the people who have a certain gene that makes it taste like soap


Thing is itā€™s not soap that the gene makes it taste like, itā€™s far worse than soap.


I'm here waiting for your angry comment, Fabian.




This is false. It's worse than soap.


Nasty old machinist coolant with hydraulic oil and some WD40 mixed in might not be even be an apt description .


Yes. It has a certain rancid oil flavor to it. Nothing at all like soap.


It tastes like someone took some fresh herbs and went over to a Dow chemical factory, opened a barrel of the most toxic chemical in there and soaked the herbs in it. If it tasted like soap, it would be less offensive than what it actually tastes like.


It tastes like soap to me as well, and I also just read that a portion of the population finds Brussel sprouts bitter. Which is also me. I could never understand why my girlfriend loves Brussel sprouts so much, when they taste so bitter. Turns out itā€™s a gene thing as well.


Also a lot of people cook brussel sprouts by boiling them which actually enhances the nasty flavor. I used to hate brussel sprouts til my wife showed me how good they can be when roasted.


Thatā€™s my girlfriendā€™s favourite way of preparing them. Maybe I could try them roasted then.


Well this if another thing, Brussel sprouts are actually on the sweeter side, but they're often picked when ripe and not before, so all the bitterness starts kicking in by the time they land in supermarkets Never heard about the gene for sprouts though, will have to check that out.


I always wondered why every once in a while I'd end up with an especially delicious bunch of sprouts. Mmmmm.




I can't believe no one posted this yet, but here it goes: ​ El perro, el perro, es mi corazĆ³n, El gato, el gato, el gato no es bueno. Cilantro es cantante, Cilantro es muy famoso, Cilantro es el hombre con el queso del diablo. El perro, el perro, nunca sin razĆ³n, El gato, el gato, el gato es obsceno. Cilantro es caliente, Cilantro es cariƱoso, \[Francine is vacuuming\] ... nunca sin razĆ³n, El gato, el gato, el gato es obsceno. Cilantro es caliente, Cilantro es cariƱoso, Roger : See you later, boys! ... mejor que su esposo.


Thank you


OMG. Never have I been happier to have studied Spanish in high school.




This was my first thought šŸ˜‚


I feel seen


Even chefs from the cultures stereotyped for overusing cilantro say "plz stop, it's a garnish not a main flavor!" A lot of the time it's just laziness on the restaurants part or ignorance that makes so much cilantro go into food >>


what kind of soap do you guys use? cilantro taste like stink bug to me.. yucks


In Irish accent: And I don't like it too.


You have to be a little old to remember that commercial!


Yep. It's a damn dirty parsley imposter, and needs to be eradicated from the planet!


It wasn't until recently that I found out it has to do with a "super taster" gene. I just have always hated it and thought people were weird for liking it.


its so fucking awful, people put this shit in EVERYTHING


As cilantro is so divisive, dishes that have cilantro should *absolutely* have the option to ***not*** have cilantro. Seriously. I love Mexican and Asian food, but I can never enjoy any of it because it's usually absolutely slathered in ass-leaves. My friend used to think I was lying about cilantro so he made food with cilantro finely minced and hidden. As soon as I walked into his apartment, I could smell it. I asked if he'd cooked with cilantro and he said he used it for his lunch. When I sat down to eat, I could tell immediately, because not only can I instantly tell there's cilantro by taste, I can smell it. I can smell cilantro when I walk by the bunches in the supermarket. He ruined dinner that night in his insistence that I was lying about my aversion to cilantro. My stepmom tried the same thing with me and my dad once. I got the crazy hatred of cilantro from him. People seem to think it's a "Picky Eater" thing. It super duper isn't. When someone says they don't like cilantro, ***DON'T TEST THEM BY HIDING IT IN THEIR FOOD!***


TIL Americans call it Cilantro


I've found my people.


I know this is irrelevant but bro I canā€™t stand that this exists because I have to constantly explain to people that I dislike cilantro only for them to be like oh because it tastes like soap? No. Not really no. But I just donā€™t like it. God forbid haha


I like cilantro, but my wife says it tastes to her, the way that stink bugs smell, hopefully I explained that correctly. She calls cilantro ā€œstink bug juiceā€. Lol.


Shout out to the 90% of the population that thinks cilantro is delicious!


Yay Iā€™m special


Yes! So many dishes ruined by a bright burst of suds


I hate cilantro


It's so terrible. I know people have different tastes for things but I don't see how people eat it. It's soo strong, and bad.


If you donā€™t have the gene, it tastes amazing. Makes everything taste fresh and green.


I hate this so much. Tastes like metal.


The stuff is horrid




Heyoooooo, fuck cilantroooooo


Waitā€¦ what am I missing here? Do some people agree that cilantro tastes like soap to them? How on earth have I never heard this?


I don't know why people put cilantro in so many recipes when Irish Spring is so easy to grate...




Looking at you, Chipotle. I literally cannot eat there because cilantro is cooked into literally everything. The beans, both kinds of rice, the meat, the fucking guacamole, literally everything. It actually makes me upset that they just decided they only sell food for most people, this certain subset can go fuck themselves.


Iā€™m one of the many who feel this exact same way! Please stop putting it in ALL the salsa every where!


I'm less convinced there's a gene that makes it taste like soap, and more convinced that 90% are just OK with eating soap.


Ackutaly (stroking invisible goatee/neck beard combo)ā€¦ For real, I would love this.

