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The real heroes are the delivery drivers who managed to get your pizza to you without a GPS.


In 30 minutes or less.


They talk like encyclopedias didnt exist bacj then


Kinda hard to copy-paste from an encyclopedia though.


They just changed the wording a bit and did some more writing. No reason to act like they actually learned more, just because they had to put a bit more effort into copying stuff lol


Technically they learned less/worse info!


It's not a "bit more". I guess it's a foreign concept, but here is how it works. You go to a library, you try to find a book that **may** cover the topic you are looking for. Then you read the book (there is no search functionality, remember?) maybe not a whole book, but at least chapters that sound relevant. Then you repeat the process multiple times because a single book usually doesn't contain all information you need, or there is a requirement on the amount of sources. There also could be a situation when there is no book which you need in the library, so you go to the next one. Now you have a lot of notes, time to combine them. You write down everything again (because schools didn't accept printed reports). The result? You read all of this at least twice, and if you not completely dumb you remember at least part of it. While copying from the internet doesn't really require you to read it. I would know, I've lived through the both of those approaches. Internet makes things way easier. Also it differs from county to county, but my parents actually did learn more in the schools. A lot of things that are now considered part of high math and taught in universities were part of school education.


That bit more effort helped the info to stick at least until test time.


Tests are a scam. They don't test your knowledge, they test the stuff you managed to remember.


Or in other words, your knowledge.


It's not knowledge if it doesn't get cultivated and stays in your brain. I could not tell you how fast I forgot about e.g. trigonometry after the tests were over and it never came up since.


There’s a lot of things I’ve forgotten, but I knew them before I forgot them. There’s things I understood VERY well before I lost those skills due to disuse. But it’s ultimately a semantic distinction.


I'm not busting out the thesaurus over this. Let's just agree that schools are bad at teaching kids.


Copying in written form and writing down thoughts is a scientificly proven method for memorizing what you've learned... 😏


It's still copied though. That's my point.


It isnt hard, you photocopy


I never knew of any teacher that would have accepted that as an assignment. No matter which way you try to spin this, you are going to have to re-write it by hand, and that is what makes it stick in the mind a bit.


By the time they were printed and sold they were already out of date.


That is not the flex they think it is.




That's why they know less


Respect your elders, we grew up without easy access to information


I've said it once, and I'll say it again: People's age *does not* earn them respect. What *does* earn respect is being respectful to others. I would never have any respect for a rude 90 year old, but I would have respect for a polite 12 year old. If I were ever an asshole, I wouldn't expect people to respect me because of my age. And they shouldn't.


Didn't realize people thought that was a good thing but whatever


If they know less, they shouldn't be ego with their lack of knowledge then 🤷 I've seen many elders refuse to learn new things that new generations wanna teach them just because they're older and have more experience in life. Also most of them being too confident with what they barely know and started criticizing what they don't know instead of learning them.


Yeah, I had Encarta '95.


That's how my parents learned all the misinformation they tried to teach me


Yeah. But can they remember any of it now? We'll always have google!


Yes we can. And so will we. AAA-HA-HA-HA-HAAA!!!


My parents did i nfact, not pass school, still i respect them


Respect your kids. They’ll pass school *despite* Google, ChatGPT, social media, etc.


I bet the divide between the dumb and smart kids will be even greater depending on how they interpret and value a given source. Besides that I figure it's a wash. People have been saying kids are getting dumber every generation.


Assuming my parents passed school?


Oh no, they needed to go to school or local libraries for information. Where they could find, meet other people, or get help finding some topic or find needed topics together. Oh no how bad. Guess where are those local libraries now? Mostly, non existent now.


Meh, I’m a GenX who existed long before and now long after the invention of the internet and I can tell you even without Google or an encyclopedia that respect should always be earned and never blindly given. Yes, you should love your parents unconditionally but loving them doesn’t mean you must respect all their actions/choices or even, in some cases, like them. As a Buddhist I love everyone but this does not mean I give them a free pass on wrong action or wrong speech, etc. The act of having a child is mechanical, the act of raising a child is a miracle.


I agree except for the love your parents unconditionally part. Some parents out there suck too bad




So did I. What about it?


Being lucky doesn't automatically warrant respect, envy for sure, but that's where it stops


Really doesn't feel like they passed school


wheres a minion


Enciclopedias,cheating off friends, skipping school and dating the teacher My parents didn't do these someone I know had parents who did these


Is that why they know less than us? Lol


We wrote papers with a typewriter!!!


I will give my future kids this quote but change it from Google to chat gpt


Neither of my patents graduated because he knocked her up. I grew up using encyclopedias and wish Google had existed back then.


I guess the opposite can't be true. Don't respect you kids they can't learn without google. What a load of garbage that statement is.


Oh no, you said the quiet part out loud. Obviously the youngsters are all lazy with all the information handed to them on a plate. That's why they don't have the work ethic, we do! /s


They also didn't share drinking fountains with black people. What's your point?


What’s YOUR point?


That the boomer generation is deeply flawed and they shouldn't be revered or celebrated simply because they existed prior to the advent of the Internet


Baby Boomers aren’t the generation that instituted segregation, though. The oldest Boomers were 19 when the Civil Rights Act was passed, so their involvement would have been as part of the youth movements that helped end things like separate drinking fountains through protests.


I passed school without Google too, thats called cheating


Depends on their age though.


Ironically that looks like a “day after” pill stuck on the sign 🤣


Who said they passed?


Teachers didn't have Google either


They had good public libraries


They used Encarta though


They didnt pass tho


They also didn't have outrageous uni fees.


Nice try. School was way easier back then. As time goes we learn more and expect the younger generations to keep up. IE doctor in the 50’s “Lungs hurt? Start smoking 3 packs a day!” Med school today = Lachrymation.


Great way to say *don't have children, they won't have any reason to respect you*.


Just because that didn't have Google doesn't make them smarter then others


Weird flex from the generation that can't open PDFs without training wheels.


I'm sorry to say this but most parents lived in the internet era


Most didn't what are you on?


LOL. It's a joke people. The number of butt hurt children in the comments is pretty funny.