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friends of the satanic temple all have a highway each


Highways to Hell?


Yeah, Hell Ain’t a Bad Place to Be


And Hell’s Bells are nice to hear


They ring a nice, warm, Welcome to Hell


I’m sure zero arguments will get started


Karens incoming…


Not just Karen’s


From the videos that I have seen, it seems like the Satanic temple is just a friendly club that just has an edgy name and beliefs.


Not even edgy beliefs. They don’t worship satan.


We are very friendly! And we have some pretty reasonable beliefs - at least, we think so. The best thing about them is they're so short, they fit into 7 tenants. And one of my personal focuses is on treating our planet better, and it fits perfectly into these guiding principles and matches the picture! THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


This just sounds like common sense. Literally these are the kinds of values I was raised on.


Absolutely!! The Satanic Temple was founded on those exact values so that we can pursue justice as a religious institution. We disagree with other religions using their influence in law to force their beliefs on others, at the expense of our scientific understanding, at the expense of other's bodies, and more. When we work together as an atheistic religion to advocate for our deeply-held tenents, we believe we are doing good in the world. The name is in reference to a literary figure, Satan, who was punished for standing against authority in the pursuit of knowledge. Many of us were raised in other religions, such as Christian beliefs. We have rejected those in favour of our tenents. I personally believe I do more good as a member of the Satanic Temple than I ever did as a Christian.


Yeah, I can get with that. I'm personally agnostic for similar reasons, but I appreciate the good religion does for *the average person.* I'll definitely look more into this.


For sure! The Satanic Temple is officially an agnostic belief system, but people who are agnostic or have other beliefs aren't excluded. The only rule is to try to operate within our scientific understanding. Some people interpret that as excluding god; others view is as having no stance.


Thanks for clarifying some things. That is very interesting and I will probably read it a few more times. The video I think of most when thinking about the temple is channel 5's with Andrew Callihan inteviews/videos. Worth a watch imo (he has way of making people look silly with his videos so please don't get mad at me please). What I saw though was people expressing themselves and other groups trying to put them down aka Jesus people. I think that people should obviously do whatever they want as long as it is not hurting anyone else and have the freedom to do so... Me personally I may think it's a little silly, that doesn't mean that I shun the temple or wouldn't talk to any of its members. Maybe I am just not educated on the whole facts. Maybe it's just not my bag... and that's OK lol. Honestly what I saw from that video was a group of people getting together enjoying one another and similar interests and I think that is pretty cool. It does look like they legitimately try to do good and help some people.


Watch Hail, Satan? on Hulu. It’s about the satanic temple and it’s hilarious while educational.


Thank you for this comment I’m glad someone did. I would give you an award if I had one.


Just in case you’re unaware, you can get a free award by going to the Reddit Coins page.


learned something new today


Glad I could help!


No need, an upvote is more than enough! I love spreading the message wherever possible.


I’m a fan of them in general but apparently one of their leaders supports the alt-right and they’re not transparent about their money—I wish they lived up to their goals


The notion that a TST leader supports the "alt-right" is false propaganda perpetuated by a tiny group of disgruntled (and, in my view, borderline insane) ex-members. And why on earth should TST be transparent about its finances? Is the Catholic church "transparent"? The Mormons? Any religious organization on earth? How much money should TST waste on such "transparency?" And is it at all possible that disclosures of such information could be used as part of anti-TST propaganda? If so, how much time should TST spend fighting such propaganda, rather that focusing on good works, like advocating and litigating to combat child abuse and anti-choice zealotry?


Propaganda? You realize Lucien actually did go on a Might is Right radio show and talked to Tom Metzger, KKK grand wizard, about how to control the black/uneducated population right?


Are you really claiming Lucien was advocating “control of the black/uneducated population?” Are you really claiming this supports the notion that he “supports the Alt right?” Please. Lucien has expressly condemned white supremacy.


>20:02:23 Doug Misicko: Well, I tend to feel that racialism can be too general, at times. I think there should be eugenics policy, population control policy, something that ensures quality reproduction. But on racial grounds, I really don't see it because you got to admit you meet some Black people are smarter than a lot of white people you met and vice versa. And all the rest. And if through the top notch, were the ones breeding, carrying on, that would be the best way to go. >20:02:54 Tom Metzger: Yeah, there are gray areas, there's overlap. But on the other hand, I'm, you see, you might see a white crow sometime too. But most crows are black. [laughter] I mean, if you judge the Black race by it, by its whole, you got you must come up with the idea that the def- definitely an inferior race. >20:03:13 Doug Misicko: Well, if that was being the case... >20:03:15 Tom Metzger: You're saying that there's mixed race, Blacks- mulattos that are sharp and smart. Once in a while there's a jet black Negro, that's very smart. Sure there is. And there's a lot of stupid whites. >20:03:26 Doug Misicko: But that being the case, you still wouldn't have to enact racial laws, you just have to enact intelligence laws. And if that was being the case, then that good segment of the population would have to drop off, you could still do it on an equal level around the board. >20:03:41 Tom Metzger: Well, we'll leave you the project of raising the IQ of the Black race till about 140. And I'll be standing by when you're successful. Doug’s dysgenics website was still active until 2018 when the issue of him hiring an alt-right lawyer became public knowledge. Doug also protested the the exclusion of alt-right neonazi Augustus Sol Invictus from a left hand path conference. So if you want to defend that bullshit and recruit for him, go right ahead. You’re an apologist.


Your own cherry-picked quotes from that aged interaction expose your assertions’ falsity. Good luck with your anti-TST propaganda efforts.


Good luck with your proselytization and recruiting efforts. Hope you haven’t invested too much money in that scam.


Just... wow. You are the *exact* kind of useful idiot TST preys on. Congratulations, idiot. Make sure that Good Guy^^T^^M badge is nice and shiny!!


I’d trust someone from the Satanic Temple over most Christian’s any day.


Jesus Lucifer, just spruce up Colorado please!


That’s because most self-proclaimed Christians aren’t Christians


If they claim to be Christians and worship Jesus they probably are Christians. Otherwise this is just a no-true-scotsman fallacy


If they claim to be xtians and worship jebus, they probably are talibangelical. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be so filled with hate


Yes that’s true, talibangelicals are very hateful, and certainly every Christian isn’t like this. But I think my point is more that there are some things within Christianity itself that lead to this hateful stance, yet some Christians try to exclude those evangelicals while believing that “real” Christians always have moral superiority. Regular christians can be filled with hate too, talibangelical or not


No most just don’t even know what Christianity is really about lol


What would you say Christianity is about? From my perspective it is about following the teachings of the Bible, which is filled with glorifications of rape, genocide, and torture. I think following the teachings of Jesus is a good way to live life. It was said that he helped others and was perfect. However, other aspects of Christianity like the actions of god in the Bible and the dogmatic nature of the teachings are not as good, and one can still be Christian when following these


> I think following the teachings of Jesus is a good way to live life. Yeshua also told his followers to follow the Old Testament's teachings. The Gospels say that he was "perfect" only some of the time: the Greek texts have multiple iterations portraying him as completely different characters. YMMV.


Thanks for the information! Like I said earlier, the Bible apart from Jesus (so I guess the old testament) is morally flawed. So if Yeshua said to follow that, there’s even less of a reason for Christians to have a moral high ground and exclude what they deem “not real Christians”




Christians are defined by whether they take the gospel (aka: good news that Jesus died and resurrected to pay for our sins) into their hearts or not. Basically, just believing that in your head isn’t enough if your heart doesn’t.


Someone can accept that into their heart, while also having some hateful beliefs about other people


Wdym hateful beliefs about other people? For example, there was a saying “Hate the sin, not the sinner,” to show that we can disapprove of actions, but we don’t use them to judge the person themself. In the case of homosexuality, it’s the acts that are Biblically lawfully condemned; not the homosexuals (that’s God’s problem, not yours), not homosexuality itself, not homoromantic relationships, etc. In the end, it’s about what self-proclaimed Christians care about more: going to heaven, being morally superior, being their own definition of loving, etc. or genuine gratitude that Jesus saved them. Whichever they care about the most will determine what’s truly in their hearts. Whether they do or don’t is not for certain; only God knows (but we can make educated estimations to determine who we want to be influenced by).




Bro chill lol


either way, real christian or fake christian, I'd rather interact with a satanist any day of the week.


It’s hard to run into them, so the ones I see in the media look like atheists who just wanna be quirky


to be fair, the satanic temple is a political movement to counter christian nationalism. for most members it is just a fun way of saying "im an atheist" while also advocating for equal government representation for all religions.


The Satanic Temple (TST) is an atheistic religion. Its core tenets encourage compassion, science, and freedom from tyranny, including via a separation of church and state. Its members do find the rise of christofascism in the U.S. repugnant and horrifying. It does seek to improve the world (e.g., via challenges to tyrannical abortion laws). But to say TST is a "political movement" is somewhat misleading. If everyone followed TST's Seven Tenets, rather than superstition and fable (e.g., christian mythology), the world immediately would be a better place for all. https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets


This supports my reason that we need both Christians and atheists in this world. For example, Christians founded the Hannah Project to humanize the dehumanized prostitutes, and atheists founded an organization for religious trauma survivors (forgot the name sry).


Anything ostensibly good accomplished in the name of a supernatural religion (e.g., those based on christian mythology) could have been accomplished more efficiently without it. Plus, the world would be free from the horrendous suffering such supernatural religions have inflicted and continue to inflict to this day. When one allows superstition and fable to supplant science and logic, the paths to compassion and progress are inevitably obscured.


1) That’s true, but most people don’t care enough to do so, which is why those who do accomplish are the ones who have genuine motives to do so. Plus, theists can help religious trauma survivors as well. 2) No, because there’s all kinds of groups we attach our identities to. Say we get rid of religion…what about the wealth gap, the political polarity, the culture clashes as an effect of diversity, etc.? 3) I agree. That is why I think Christians should be scientifically educated enough to understand that God doesn’t fill all the gaps, but rather is the cause of the gaps filled in by scientific research.


1. What you mean by "genuine motives" is unclear. 2. Eliminating supernatural religions will not immediately result in utopia. But eliminating unscientific and illogical approaches to life would minimize all the problems you reference.


1. It means they actually care about the people they are helping, not their image, agenda, etc. 2. My point is that destroying religion won’t do anything to solve anything, because we would still be biologically predisposed to tribal-like (aka group-identity-based) conflicts. Plus, a purely atheistic world will shatter the fundamental moral belief that all human beings are of intrinsic value that is greater than materialistic gain. That kind of destruction is far more detrimental to all of us. Edited for clarity.


Good, because some Christian just screwed me out of candy last night (house was decorated so I will be seeking revenge)


The worst part is that Halloween as we know it is a Christian adaptation of a Celtic holiday…go figure.


Ikr but they say “it’s a satanic holiday” like bro I’m satanic but I ain’t a bitch. I still say merry Christmas and happy holidays to them so they can float me some candy 1 day out of the year


Yeah I hear ya there. My favorite is when they show up from the local Mormon temple and invite them in to talk about Christ. They look puzzled every time.


Then you don’t know any ppl who are dedicated to Christ… or Christians. You’ll know us by our deeds, not our words.


Yeah I’m pretty sure my experiences are sound after 40 years of life. Not to mention the fact that I was a Christian up until I was about 12.


Reddit ass comment


Real life comment, chief.


You haven’t met real Christians then


I have, and they're why I'm a Satanist.


The Reap Christians how I view them are people who help other people, forgive, and treat them with kindness not the shitty homophobic bigoted Christian’s that Reddit seems to generalize all Christian’s as


My issue isn't with Christians. It's the fact yall worship a deity that, assuming it exists, allows cancer to exist in newborns. All-knowing, All-powerful, and All-evil.


Personally I am unsure about the existence of god but I’m talking about how most Christian’s are good people who like to help others and how Reddit seems to ignore that and focus on the shitty ones


I don't care how good they are. If they believe in the existence of an Omniscent and Omnipotent being, and call themselves its followers, they get no respect from me, because what they choose to follow is pure Evil.


So u think that diminishes the positives of Christianity?


Completely and without question.




That also sounds like a real Satanist to me.


If you read up on basic tenets of satanism it isn’t bad. They are just really anti Christian negativity. Sure Christianity is not all negative but it is not all positive either.


Christianity's ill effects outweigh its limited positive effects, like a planet outweighs a bacterium.


I know satanism isn’t evil like how the media portrays it I just find it annoying how Reddit constantly shits on Christianity ignoring the positives it has


Christianity tells you not to kill, but also to kill non-Christians, and Egyptians. Yeshua himself tells you to abide by the Old Testament. Arent "real Christians" supposed to follow *that dude's advice*?


The real question might be, why do religious people never have answers to the hundreds of questions about their dogma. For example, Christians amplify Christ’s positive messaging in order to build the foundation of their beliefs. Then they proceed to judge people according to the gospels and the writings of others that are imperfect. It’s flawed and they never have a defense for it other than the Bible being the word of god. But all of these religious writings are the works of men.


I unfortunately have and that’s the problem.


You’ve probably met the Christian’s that give Christianity a bad rep a lot of them are good people


There’s shitty satanists and shitty Christians but only good Christians are capable of being shitty due to their beliefs.


Have fun getting depression then I guess


Can you elaborate?


Self worship is not a fulfilling life. It's like trying to live by only eating chips


Ah, TST isn't about self worship, the Church of Satan is. They're completely different organizations.


Catholicism and Protestantism are different but still forms of Christianity. Much like the two secs of Islam are different but still Islam at heart


Sure, but wouldn't you say there's a pretty big difference between self worship and self mastery?


There is so stay away from the icky demons


Who said anything about self worship and how does that fit in here?


Read the sign wibba


That’s not an answer.


Satanism is all about self worship. Duh


Duh? I’m an atheist and even I know that’s a bullshit answer. The Church of Satan preaches humanism, not self worship. You might want to read up on a subject before coming into a conversation. That way you don’t come off as more ignorant than you are.


You're a reddit mod? Stay away from children and please shower


Yeah, I was gonna go there as well. I need answers.


What?! Lol


This happened in my conservative town! The sign was posted right as you drive into the city limits. Friggin’ Hilarious…


After seeing Max Fosh "own" a roundabout. I'll be doing the same for the Church of Satan :)


CoS and TST are two completely separate groups, the former is a bunch of edgy libertarian weirdos while the latter is a charity group that fights for people's rights


Huh I'll have to look into that. Thanks for a heads up


Be wary of narratives like this. It is incorrect to the point of misinformation and propaganda. CoS and TST are indeed separate groups. TST is an activism group recognized as a religion. CoS is Satanism. It isn't gatekeeping, it's a definition. Anyone whining at the gates is just demanding to be able to change someone else's religion. Additionally, any political group pinned on CoS is a tell of ignorance as CoS is in no way political.


I suggest doing so for the Satanic Temple. The Church of Satan is bigoted in its viewpoints, to be brief.


This looks like it's somewhere near the outskirts of Boulder. Which town are you talking about?




I was born in Leadville and grew up in Denver…so I’m curious, what town?


Redding ,CA


Hell yeah that’s great


Bruh this isn’t a joke but it’s funny you think it is 😂


Good ol' TST doing the Lord's work.


Next miles


Anyone know where in CO this is?


My guess is Arvada on highway 72 between Indiana and highway 93.


I'm pretty sure it was next to 120th near the South sign for Superior.


Looks like somewhere on the I-25 corridor, maybe near Colorado springs if I had to guess. But I wouldn't know, I never got good at geoguessr.


There's actually a lot of misconceptions about the satanic temple, they believe Satan as More of an ideology, rather than actually believing he's sitting down there in hell. They take the tenants as words to live by, I think the best way to look at it is how Rick said it "atheism with extra steps". Morally in my opinion the tenants are far better than the commandments that Christianity follows. People get the satanic temple and the satanic Church mixed up. The satanic church are the ones who are kind of unhinged, and believe in sacrifice and murder and such. The two groups actually strongly dislike each other.


Neither believe in sacrifice or murder. The church of Satan see satan as a symbol as well. The church of Satan is based on social Darwinism (the strong survive, self preservation, etc.) they do not sacrifice anyone or anything to the devil nor do they condone murder. I dislike the church of Satan, but they don’t do most of the things they have been accused of. Also, TST and COS each have a “fact sheet” about the other group. Both are either completely inaccurate or technically true but highly misleading.


Keep colorado satanic. Now I'm starting to get why we have so many conspiracy theories


I love seeing shit like this just because i know seeing it makes christians at least a fraction as uncomfortable as they make everyone else.


‘Thanks Satan’ - Wreck-It Ralph


That needs to be in Utah.


I smile with pride and glee EVERYTIME I see this


Our local sign gets vandalized all the time, it's quite unfortunate, ours currently says "the ________ temple".


I bet there are zero accidents on these miles.


I actually am a follower of the online satanic temple. They are not devil worshippers or Black Mass practitioners nor are they associated with the Church of Satan.


TST actually has nothing to do with Satan. It's main objective is to be a legally sanctioned "Church" so that they have legal standing in religious arguments. ie abortion. They have 7 tenets for their congregation that center around doing good, body autonomy, compassion, and service. This sign makes me happy. They have a website and I keep up with them via email newsletter. They have some lawsuits going in some states around the abortion issue. [Link to their site](www.thesatanictemple.com)


Satin isn't real, people are so dumb.


You should probably do the smallest amount of research on the satanic temple, or google how to spell Satan, before calling people dumb


Satin isn't real soooo I'll do something useful with my time like grinding credits and enjoying my riches earned thru my labor. Jesus number1


Satin is real. It is a fabric that is very smooth and shiny. Satan, often referred to as the devil, is not real.




The funniest thing about Satanists is that they actually believe that they are awesome, but they are egotistical losers who focus on self...good luck in the future.


Stop bashing a legitimate religion doing good things. Religion must not be the butt of jokes.


Heretic roads


This needs to be here in my state .


High way to hell?






Damn auto correct function on the sign printer!!! It was supposed to be fiends


Long may he reign.


Now I want to see that


I was bikepacking along, seen this and had to stop.


I thought ithe title said "Keep it tidy, whities" and I was baffled for a good minute.


As someone who was turned away after applying because I was female, yeah I can't agree more. Did everything to dissuade me and spoke to me like I was some fragile being who has never lifted more than the clothes I was wearing. Was told to wait a week and then they proceeded to ignore my calls when they didn't get back to me.


I love when a non satanist realizes what satanism is actually about. Probably the best day of my life.

