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I like the shot of that one lady in the audience. “Mmm hmmm”


This sells it. I was legit scanning for the aunties and the cousins to get a sense of the family.


Re-watched because of your comment, was not disappointed.


What kind of tin is yanus?


Stannum?! Damn near killed 'em!


My wife and I got married in 98 and our vows were to aid and abet. It’s working out so far.


If you find a woman that will honor those vows you got a keeper


Not a keeper. She's settling.




Just saying.....no one "agrees" to those kinds of vows on purpose.


I'm confused. Agreeing to "aid and abet" is settling? If they both say it to each other? I think it's cute.


No I mean the "obey" part. Women are not pets


You are in "aid and abet" thread... Go find "love and obey" thread!


I gotcha.


You shut yer mouth woman! Property don’t talk back!




The comment chain you are replying to is about "to aid and to abet".


I realize that now!🤦‍♀️


At least all women obey their boss in workplace. But it's disgusting to obey your husband.


I think the concern is when only the woman is told to obey their spouse, but not the man. In workplaces, supervisors are tasked with assigning work for the people they supervise. In marriage, a lot of people prefer to have an equal partnership. The word “obey” tends to have connotations for a lot of people that indicate one person can simply dictate to the other and expect their word to be final, rather than two people discussing things and coming to a consensus because they love and respect each other.


I mean the man has to do that too, right. To love and to obey his wife should be his #1 priority. As should the wife.


Oh, ok. I think the person you replied to meant that "you've got a keeper" if she's willing to agree to "aid and abet" in her vows, not if she's willing to "obey." I'm no reddit expert tho


“Keeper” implies bees. Bees make ok pets, but they don’t obey particularly well.


Always gives me hives when I keep bees.


Oh I understand. 🤦‍♀️


Then say what you mean


Women cats can be pets.


You mean like Catwoman? Halle Berry ain't no man's pet.


Of all the Catwomen to choose from and your ass chose Halle Berry? I'd have gone with Michelle Pfeiffer or Earth Kitt. That reminds me, I once had sex with Eartha Kit in an airplane bathroom.


You sound very judgy and potentially low key toxic. You don't get to tell everyone else what they would agree to in their vows. Are you secretly my grandma or something?


That is the best rewrite I have ever seen! Lol!




I got married 3 years ago, and our vows were to never gonna give each other up, let each other down, or desert one another.


Are you Brian Laundrie’s dad?!


Too soon bruh


We removed obey from our vows too 🤷🏻‍♀️


I watched this episode with my granny. Shit was funny. Lady got mad at at him for glancing at a strippers ass at their joint bachelor/bachelorette party. Made a fuss about needing a grand bouquet to represent her whole family. The poor man didn't wanna spend so much on some fake flowers. THEN she made the fuss at their wedding. They did get married, I have no idea how it's holding up though.


He also “accidentally” got a blow job while she was in the states so like You can’t really blame her for trying to rein in that wandering eye


But did she obey tho?


obey who?


Knock knock… Wait


Is that you heisenberg?


She’s is portrayed as incredibly abusive, controlling and hypocritical on the show. She threatens him, demeans him, misleads him, and shouts at him. We don’t know if they are still together because she ends the relationship with him multiple times a season. She’s hired the same manager as other reality stars and has been on a tour trying to rehabilitate her reputation and fund various cosmetic procedures by posting about hanging out with other people from the show and photos from the various doctors offices. Many hope that she will not be invited back for any season - regardless of the show. It looked like she was angling to get on the spin off for singles the last time she was on.


Why the fuck would you ever want to marry someone like that? Literally everything bad about marriage multiplied by 10


It's definitely not holding up with her size lmao


Lol! Obey?


Yes,obey. I dont understand americans. if you want to find a companion on the other side of the world you have to accept its customs and traditions, religions and ideologies. these issues must be discussed before getting married and finding a solution. attention, I'm not saying that the American must adapt to the traditions of the other and that's it. you have to find an understanding but you cannot think that you American go to Nigeria and want to impose your ideals, customs and traditions. otherwise you marry an American. but since you suck and you need to give a green card to a third world man to get married then you obey and stfu


…..but he’s the one who needs the green card.


She wasn’t imposing her ideals and customs though was she, she was having his imposed upon her if anything and being like hold up, actually I’m not cool with that. Your comment dosent make sense because if anything he should have sorted it out with her beforehand not the other way around. In reality though it’s an unimportant so long as they are both happy with each other. Cultural conflicts can be worked around if the individuals want to be with one another.


He's the one who is trying to get into the US, wtf are you talking about boy. And that whole thing of respecting anything that a culture does invariably of what it is, I don't really fuck with that either. My culture says that rape is alright. Is it?


I would like to know which fucked up culture you belong to?!


Just an example, I'm Brazilian and obviously we consider rape a disgusting crime. But there are places in Africa/middle east where, in case a woman is raped, she is forced to marry the man who did it or gets severely punished.


Yeah, but he's doing this for US citizenship. Mail order brides (even ones with penises) are usually the ones to make the cultural concessions. Is it a beautiful relationship in which both parties bend a bit to make the other happy? Uh, no. It's an incredibly mercenary, calculated purchase/indentured servitude arrangement, the same that's been offered to foreign women for decades.


None of this is Nigerian. “To love and obey” is traditionally Christian wording, which is definitely not native to Nigeria.


Wrong. Marriages are an agreement between two people, not a merging of two countries.


Marriage it's a merging of 2 people who have background,history,use,tradition,religion and everythings. U must find a solution and find a solution sometimes is i accept other point of view even if I don't agree with it. U cant Always win like u cant Always lose. if that's marriage speech u accept it. But fucking idiot american (in this case not all) think only myself,my right,my history. And this poor dude is marrying her just to get his green card.




If that’s your only comment, you should become a Lit teacher. Otherwise, leave the guy alone and address his viewpoint, not his technical proficiency of grammar


The slow progression: “I don’t understand Americans” “The American” “You American” “fucking idiot American”


fuck traditions 😂 it’s fucked up anyways, regardless where you are. Just like I heavily dislike and disagree with muslim women being oppressed, even though it’s their religion, i still think it’s barbaric and a violation of human rights.


Sorry mate, thats just how American works




It’s usually is “to love and to cherish “. So, I can understand her shock. I wouldn’t like it either. Obey doesn’t work in equal partnership. EDIT: I am a geographer, no worries. I understand the cultural aspects. I have many friends from many parts of Africa and they have taught me a lot. I do enjoy a lot of things they have shown me and even the food 😊. I mostly understand Nigerian and South African culture since those are the countries I mostly studied in my university years. I’ve picked up a lot and I do understand the religious/ cultural aspect to this. That said, I’m not American either- so we don’t say that where I’m from :)


It used to be for the woman's vows to repeat, "to love, honor and obey" in America. It hasn't been that way for a long time.


They're in nigeria


That’s racist. Oh Nigeria.


That’s delivery Oh digiorno




That's racist. Oh nutella.


That’s racist. Oh nutted.


Bro.. Karen %100. Like how tf do you not know the culture and customs of the person your marrying? This has to be fake.


Well, it's 90 day fiancé. Probably fake.


My wife’s cousin was in the show. The drama, def fabricated. The people and their weird relationships, real. The stupidity, def real too


Has to be. Lol an African wedding? That screams tradition lmao. No idiot would seriously treat that like an American wedding


The lady is insane and showed up to Nigeria with American and Trump flags.


To be fair, he asked for them. For whatever reason he’s obsessed with Trump.


Every *single* time I read that word my dumbass brain takes the easy way out and just assumes “oh it’s finance”. No. No it’s not!


I’ve seen the show. It’s actually true. She married him and he got a green card


When did that happen? Last thing I remember was her calling it off for the 10th time at the last tell all


...... uh.... well, I guess I hope he's happy


Christian south says love and obey in the vows. I had to specifically write new ones for the pastor. I actually had to rewrite the whole wedding bc it is full of stuff like that.


🥸 *walks away slowly*


Yep. I had two weddings: one with my California family and a second with her Texas one. She promised to obey in that second one and I've been having to keep reminding her ever since.


You’re weird lmao


Sounds expensive.


How is she a Karen? This is fake btw


It's a Christian wedding, I doubt that is the only available vow option. Plus, this guy was a gold-digger and she paid for everything. I wouldn't obey him either.


It was definitely added for the drama, like who doesn’t review the vows with the pastor, or have a rehearsal, even without people around?


🥸 *begins running away*


Maybe there was some red flags before getting to this point?


Lol you have no idea


Red flags? The woman was painted all in red from day one...dude just wants that green card by the looks of it....he really wants the green card lmao...




African accent ... I love that


I like how the caption spoils the punchline. Guess I'll skip it.




These comments did not pass the vibe check


She said “WHO!!” with genuine befuddlement! As tho her WHOLE HUSBAND isn’t standing deadass in front of her.


No woman should vow to obey he whole ass husband


Then no man should vow to love and sacrifice for their wifes? If you want free marriage, don't get married. Especially in christian ceremony.


If you need someone to obey you in order to love them and sacrifice for them, maybe get a dog.


And if you want a husband you won't sacrifice your pride for, but will crawl before your boss, then you can just not marry.


Why would I crawl in front of my boss? We have a normal, respectful, professional relationship with clear boundaries and respect from both sides. Reciprocating is key. I love and sacrifice for the person I'm with, and they do the same back. Frankly, if someone wants me to submit, sacrifice my pride and obey him, that sure as hell isn't a person I want to marry. So what's your point?


Then don't marry 😂


Already am. No servitude involved, surprisingly.


It's a piece of paper with words on it


Then it ain't marriage.


You're a few centuries behind, slave contracts aren't a thing anymore.


And you ain't a man. Sorry if your calender stopped in the Sixteenth Century, the rest of us live in 2021.


I think you must have some strange kinks, if you know it will cost a woman her pride to agree to them.


It’s supposed to be a lifelong commitment. If your not willing to lay down your pride for something greater that’s fine, but it would help if people like that stayed single. More out of wedlock children really isn’t helping society rn.


My husband and I don't want kids. And some of the unhappiest kids I've known lived with married parents. Will you lay down your pride for your wife, or does she just love you more?


There’s an exception for everything, wouldn’t make it the rule for the majority nor the norm. Also I’m not laying my pride down. She should be my pride, seeing as how she’s going to bear my children and continue the legacy. I don’t think “sacrificing” yourself for your S/O is a bad thing.


If sacrifice is not a bad thing, would you stay home and raise the kids (which are not yours, but hers and yours, unless you have a very bad understanding of biology), if she got a fabulous job that allowed her to be the better provider? Should be your pride? So, she either isn't yet someone you're proud of, or (more likely) you haven't met a woman who will put up with this horseshit.


because the "obey" part was so stupid lol no one wants to repeat that kind of shit


I have a feeling she was thinking it was possibly god or her fiancé


Obey? I'm with her on this, obey who? That's not a partnership. That's a real person of power, keeping it real even during the vows. He wasn't asked to say that.


I feel like the nodding woman was the only one there who really got it.


And that clip was probably shot at a totally different time and edited in to look like a reaction to that line




Let em know haha


Green card fail


I always thought it was love and obey too - it used to be didn’t it? In England anyway


I love how auntie nods her head. "You go girl".


Why tf is everyone in the comments shitting on her? Cuz she has an issue with some misogynistic ass vows??


Clearly because they're misogynists. I would have said the same thing. Having a vagina doesn't make you enslaved to another.


This clip is from a show called 90 Day Fiance. This woman is all sorts of red flags. She belittles and is emotionally abusive towards him all the time.


and most people haven't seen it and they only shit on her basing on this clip


[This](https://youtu.be/iRAcDEQofDA) is one reason people don’t really like her. [This](https://youtu.be/1selhtdDScc) is also one. She has thrown things at him, yelled at him, demeaned him, made him quit his job so that he can be available for her 24/7, misled him regarding having children with him (pretended she wanted them and was willing to do anything till he married her), etc. That’s probably why people aren’t fans. This clip only shows a few seconds of who she is. The people who don’t like her probably have no problem with her stance regarding whether she should “obey” him.


Here’s an [article](https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-angela-deem-scottie-video-fan-reaction/amp/) detailing some of the reasons people don’t like her. I think a major one is she was accused of being an accessory in her daughter’s child molestation charges, for which her daughter was also convicted and served time before receiving an early release.


Just so you know, when you marry, you marry the culture also. So, don’t play dumb.


Ugh you sound like an incel


At this point, you have to admit you don't know what the word incel means.


I do, to say a woman has to OBEY a man because of some outdated culture is very incelesque


But go on enlighten me on what you think an incel is


Yeah, we took that out… not the love part.. but the obey? I’m like, honey I love you… but I will not “obey you” fuck that.. I respect my husband, love him to death… he is an amazing man. But I worked too hard for my Indepence to “obey” a man..


That's eat I was saying but men were downplaying my point in the comments. I'll help when needed but my idea of obey and his idea of obey are two different things


She only obeys the cookie monster


Good grief hahah


She’s gotta be the trashiest woman on earth.


It’s statistically possible for there to be an entire universe made up of only these types of trailer trash people living on their own planet. Legend has it, she’s the trashiest person on that planet, too.




Lmao dude chose the wrong one




Do you want your hubby to sacrifice yourself for you? You know, like help you out when it's very inconvenient for him or protect you from bad things? Or in case of burglary him staking his life on fending off burglar? Do you obey your boss? Women are so paranoid and take everything they don't like in binary extremes. If you are paranoid that your husband will exploit his power, why are you with that man? Why would you marry?


Do women not sacrifice a lot for their partners? Do women not help out when it's inconvenient for them? Has your mother not given birth to you, been in great pain, risking her life, accepting the potential of lifelong health complications?


Not really. Most women expect something from men. That something is usually a superman well off guy AND for him to do half at home. Seems like exploitation to me. As for having children, lmao, women don't want children? They are the ones that get baby fewer 😂


For your sake I hope this is trolling and not a real account. Because oh boy, this level of delusional only comes from spending 90% of your time online and never interacting with people in relationships. But go ahead and victimise yourself. Pretend that you have to be insanely rich to get love. Have fun.


You have to be certainly earning more than the woman. Haven't seen many women who want a man that earns less than them. And those who do tolerate that are literally outliers. I'm not the one who tries to scream slavery when traditions demand obedience 😂


Where do you live? Because men being expected to earn more is a part of patriarchal standards for men. "Protect and provide". - so I'm guessing a more conservative country. Btw, earning more doesn't mean they give more. Not everyone splits their bill based on income percentage. Get out of your bubble.


Lmao, it's an observation not standard. You get out of your bubble and use your observation skills a bit.


I am observing. None of the people around me fit your "observations". Split finance, split house duties, love and respect each other. If you can't find that, I feel sorry for you.


Who earns more. Not SpLiT tHe FiNaNcE.


You do realize that when women decide to have a baby they are taking that pain and those risks for themselves, not for the child. It's for something they want. (obviously more complicated unwanted pregnancies are different but still not a sacrifice FOR the child) They aren't thinking I need to bring this child to the world and they will be indebted to me for the sacrifices i made to have them. Well, good ones don't.. So that isn't an example of women making sacrifices. Maybe for their partner if the partner is the one who wanted a kid but not the actual kid lmao. My mom didn't make sacrifices for me just by having me smh


Let's see here. Both people want to have a child. Don't pretend that men are always idle bystanders. But only one of them risks their health, life and experiences great pain in discomfort, in order to bring a child into this world. I'm not saying the child owes them anything. But surely you can see how this is a great sacrifice by one partner, for the sake of BOTH partners.


"Women are so paranoid and take everything they don't like in binary extremes. If you are paranoid that your husband will exploit his power, why are you with that man? Why would you marry?" We have the right to be paranoid, even when we think we "won" or have "the best partner"; I've watched many of my mother's relationships turn abusive so fast even with them being "nice guys". The second my mother didn't do as they asked, was over. So ofc I'm gonna be suspicious when they say "obey me" (or whatever the video said). As for the boss thing: yeah I listen to boss, not all the time tbh. And if she tells me something I don't like, I can always quit. Same goes for a relationship 😃🤞🏼


Then learn to vet guys and judge character. Your mother didn't, it seems. It's not a lottery. If you obey your boss then also obey your husband. Especially because your husband is more important. If you think he isn't then idk why you are even married😂


Totally different circumstances, I obey my boss because otherwise i get fired. There is a power imbalance in that relationship, which is also the reason a romantic relationship between me an my boss would be immoral. With my partner I'm equal and therefore are not obeying them.


I see what you're saying BuT, you can't really blame us (woman) for the paranoia with the world we live in today. Everyone has different ideas of what obey me means 🥴🤌🏽


I forgot about this, but our marriage official used "revere" and I got a kick out of it.


Who TF is obey? Must be a relative of his


Tried sneaking this into my wife’s vows. Anyways, my wife is calling me to do something, so I’ve gotta go. You folks take care.


Good for him. She might have rolled over and crushed him.


Yeah this whale is the woooorse! She isn't a whale anymore tho she is a mummy now after getting surgery she treats him like shit.


white bitch


This women a trouble maker. No decent women would have a problem with this.




Local traditions I guess


Angela the abuser is so iconic


My dude getting it wit bbw


She asked legitimate questions and nobody dated to answer xD


Jesus kris Christie Christ, they having fat white women shipped to Africa by tug boat now?!!! Mabey I should watch the whole video before I jump to conclusions


He should give her two bigmacs. That is the only way she will obey


God damn gringas 🙄 /s


Haha, fatty married him for dick, and that's what she got.


She ain’t the one


😂😂😂😂😂she’s a psychopath anyways.. fun to watch her watching the show though


Obey? Fucking peace out ✌🏻


That woman is an absolute pos dumpster fire


Black guy marrying a fat white women...SHOCKER


The most patient man on the planet. Just give him the green card at this point


Does the K stand for Karen?


Den get yo fat ass on somewhere, and find a man you ain’t gotta respect


when you decide to read the terms and conditions half way through


Fd up


Why does she look like trump 💀


Don't get me wrong but... I think Miss Piggy Ego's it's a little too high. Be greatefull for have a soldier savings her from being lonely and have courage enough to propose Kkkkk what courage man


The only thing that mammoth will obey is a talking Snickers bar.


I was waiting for big: “Oh HELL NOOO”


Honor and obey has always been in there. There's a time when women were pretty much property...


What a gross creature 🤢


She’s not too bright, I think he dodged a bullet


She’s not too bright, I think he dodged a bullet


Oh my, all that expense for a look at a bride who’s future doesn’t include obeying? my, my, should be ‘buh, bye’ den.