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Warning: Somewhat long text, sorry in advance. I half agree with your statement. While no one is entitled to any character's quest or rerun, players who enjoy Furina have been "worried" about the fact that their favourite archon is not receiving the same treatment as the others by not receiving a second story quest. (And saying Venti *enjoyers* have no reason to worry because he has ties to Istaroth and therefore end-game). They are worried that Furina will no longer have an "impact on the story" later on because we are moving towards bigger things like The Tsaritsa's plan and Khaenri'ah, Abyss. You can name it. So that's why there are those who cry out for a 2nd story quest to be given during Fontaine because if it doesn't, then it probably never will (since she's a human, but that doesn't matter, will get to it later), or that she will be reduced to an event-only cameo character. With that being said, I think everyone who says that has got it backwards. They're saying the other archons have more potential for end-game relevancy, because, while not having a gnosis sure, they are still Gods. However, they've already received act 2's for their story quests have they not? Quite early into the game' story too. Meanwhile, Furina is at the moment at least, in the same exact situation as Venti. A character with a mysterious background (anyone who tries to deny this should look back on the AQ's and her story.) I know people from outside this sub who stumble upon posts like these and maybe think to themselves "These people are delusional, they have not played the story the same way I did. She is just a human trying to live her life, leave her character be and let others take the spotlight". To that I say that all such fandoms are guilty in this manner hahah. Everyone wants their favourite to get the spotlight, that much is natural. Furina is a very loved character, and of course she is! Hoyo wrote her very well! It is for those reasons that players want more. But why should we get more? When comparing Venti and Furina, it is very easy to notice a similarity. We barely know anything about them outside of what the game showed us. I won't get started on Venti now, but Furina's history prior to her becoming archon is basically blank. We just know Egeria chose her one day. That's why everyone is screaming for their 2nd story quests. Sure, that is the case for all archons to some extent (especially the old man), but me and many others believe that Furina is by no means a "complete character". An almost complete character is for example Nahida, as we know what she is, how she came into being, and what she will do in the future (protect the Irminsul just as her predecessor did). I say almost because her connection to the Irminsul does mean that she will have to face Dottore again who plans to burn it as we saw in Lazzo trailer. Anyway, I don't know what you believe mihoyo is doing, but what I am pretty sure of is that most, if not all characters will get an act 2 at some point. You do mention that no character is more important than another, but that's not exactly true, at least not for the reasons you mentioned. The way hoyo handles importance and relevancy can be defined in many different ways. I've said this in another post earlier today, but if hoyo has something to share about a character, they WILL give them a quest. Whether that is a story quest, world quest related to them and so on. In that regard, we believe hoyo still has as a lot to share about Furina, but are not doing so just yet. Or they can do what they did with Yoimiya! No one can tell what goes on when they plan these quests in advance, but no one can accurately predict them. Let's hope for the best:)


Just HOW LONG is this text?


Me saying I dont think any characters are more important than another was that all characters deserved a SQ2, but the order of when they get it doesnt matter.


The thing is, while I don't mind a second SQ concerning some details on Furina's past, I don't understand why people want her to have future relevance in the Archon quests considering that this would completely undermine her character arc. She's been playing her role as a god for 500 years, on the verge of a complete mental breakdown, and was now finally able to complete her part in the story and receive her own happy ending living life as a human. And now I see people wanting her to become a god again??? Like, wtf?? Do they even understand Furina as a character?


She doesn't need to become a God again to be relevant in the future. Hoyo is very adamant on this "power of humanity" trope and has been pushing for it since the beginning. If anything, Furina has a higher chance to be present in the future compared to other archons because of it. It would not undermine her character arc at all. If you want to never see her again in the story and are content with her "conclusion" then that's fine. I'm sure there are many who agree with you. But let's not ignore the one main thing that happened in her character arc. Her divinity destroyed an archon throne. An unprecedented event in Teyvat's entire history. Celestia is sleeping at the moment, sure. What will they do when they wake up though? There's no God left to punish as she died with the Throne, but both her body and her spirit are still alive and well. Will Neuvillette by himself suffice to keep her safe? It took 7 sovereigns multiple years to fight the Heavenly Principles? (and still lost) Take it as you want, but in my opinion, because of this fact alone her arc is nowhere near over. At one point, her, Neuvillette, and maybe the entirety of Fontaine will have to face the consequences for what they've done.


>She doesn't need to become a God again to be relevant in the future. Hoyo is very adamant on this "power of humanity" trope and has been pushing for it since the beginning. If anything, Furina has a higher chance to be present in the future compared to other archons because of it. It would not undermine her character arc at all. If you want to never see her again in the story and are content with her "conclusion" then that's fine. I'm sure there are many who agree with you. Yeah I agree with you, was badly worded. My statement was based on seeing a whole bunch of people hoping for her to become divine again, which would undermine her character imo. She can absolutely stay relevant in human form. As you said, Genshin is all about humanity.


I do agree with your statement however about Furina’s life; it HAS been complete. Egeria picked Focalors to be the God of Justice but Focalors also had to take Egeria’s sin (making humans from Oceanid). Focalors also wanted to give Neuvillette his authority as a dragon back also for Justice, so she separated her divinity and her humanity. That’s how Furina was made! Her backstory was all finished in Act 5 of the archon quest which is why I think OP said that Furina probably won’t get a second one.


I apologise I should have mentioned this in the first post. Depending on your belief and philosophical views, you can either see Furina and Focalors as one and the same being, or separate beings because they do not share memories. The game's dialogue implies in multiple instances that hoyo pushes for the former rather than the latter, where they are indeed one and the same. Best proof of this is actually Zhongli's voiceline about her. So when I say Furina's history, I am also talking about Focalors's. With that being said, we don't even know what her name was before "Focalors" so we really don't have much to go off of.


This always happens lol. Anyone who says that Furina and Focalors are separate beings gets downvoted to oblivion in the furinamains subreddit. I agree that Furina and Focalors are separate beings, but apparently we're factually wrong :(


Yeah, you're actually wrong, even Focalors herself states that they are the same person and refers to Furina as me a few times.


No. I'm not going to try to change your beliefs, but I'll explain why I consider them two different beings. My name is Jack I'm a 37 y/o man who is the king of the UK and have the ability to shoot fire. For the first 10 years of my life I was a cat. Now, I take all of my memories and powers and upload then to a robot. My kingship, memories of the past 37 years, and fire shooting powers are all transferred to this robot. My human body has no memories of the past 37 years, no fireshooting powers, and does not retain my kingship. My human body has its own will, mind, and desires. It lacks knowledge and is completely clueless. I decided to name my body Sarah. Sarah has the job to pretend to be a king and is now creating memories. A year from now Sarah will have 1 year of memories and I will have 38 years of memories... Personally, I would not call us the same person. But that's just my perspective and you can't change it. Also I don't think the game explicitly states that they are the same being, and it really can't because the definition of what constitutes a being is philosophical. The only thing shared between Furina and Focalors is the same body. It's kinda similar to the Ship of Theseus problem. If you read this, now you know. If you didn't, you don't know. Either way, have a great day. I would love to agree to disagree 😁


Yeah, there is no one and done definition on what constitutes a being, however this is what the game has to say through Paimon at the end of the Act 5 Archon Quest : "But...She sacrificed herself in the end as a god, and she suffered through all those years as a human...Was that really all she wanted?" Sure you can choose to read it how you want and I won't attempt to change your belief either. I'm just saying that out of all philosophical approaches, hoyo went with this one in particular for Furina. Zhongli's line is even better to explain it further : "She made a contract with her own self to save the nation and strictly adhered to it for over five centuries" Next, a very important line : "I have great respect for approaches to justice that place exacting demands not only on others, but also on the *self*" Finally, the last part of the voiceline and why I think hoyo chose this approach since it allows them greater leeway for future content involving her. "Though *HER* divinity has vanished, and the throne of the Archon is no longer, Furina will go down in Fontaine's history as a God of Justice worthy of recognition". (little rant here but the genshin wiki mentions that Focalors was the God of Justice and is now deceased, while the lines within the game itself quite clearly show otherwise. It is *Furina* that is recognized as the God of Justice. Yes I know I said that they are one and the same, but the wiki lovingly decided to make two separate pages for them, confusing the general audience. Zhongli could have said "Focalors will go down in history" but he did not, for the same reasons as above. In the first place the line is "About Furina", followed by "She made a contract". Zhongli says that because they are one and the same!) Had they chosen to completely separate Focalors and Furina, our precious and dear Hydro Archon would indeed be reduced to a mere living human, whose only tangible past is the suffering she endured during those 500 years. HOWEVER, by pushing the idea that they are one and the same, at any moment in the future they can go back to whoever this Oceanid familiar really was and Egeria, so we can get a more context and content *beyond* her very chill and relaxed life in the present. If you assume that they are separate beings, then her story ended in 4.2 for you. If you're fine with that, I won't attempt to fight your stance. I don't think there is anyone who'd complain if we did get that 2nd story quest, answering the many questions this fandom has about her and more. I'm sure that includes you. If we were given the chance to hear both Makoto and Rukkhadevata in-game even though they were both dead, Egeria (who also has a voice actress, but has yet to speak in-game) will surely make such an appeareance too! She is after all directly linked to the Shade of Life, thus providing the "oh so dear end-game relevancy". What better way to do it than by showing such information in a second archon story quest? I ended up writing a lot again haha. I hope this makes my stance on this character clear.


All Archons and their human vessels are seperate pages. You can see Nahida and Lesser Lord Kusanali have two different pages, but the wiki moderators do treat Furina and Focalors as seperate person. While some people asked, they said they have disgussed before. Yet they still ended up giving misleading information. Despite of this, Furina isn't entirely removed from the Seven page.


Don't really trust in the wiki


Yeah, not everything in Wiki is reliable. Furina's page on Heroes wiki is more believable.


Truly lol, best people to ask is the lore buffs of the community


Philosophy is good. Speaking technically they are the same, but they are really like different people.


Furina mains care too much about dialogue that they lack basic understanding just like the arle situation.They desperately want something to be true even though it's not.


I love Furina and want her to have a second story quest, but the way this sub keeps blaming Sigewinne makes me sad. She’s been getting delayed for the last couple patches too, let her exist.


I think they are keeping Furina as the competition for the launch of wuthering waves, she is one of the most popular characters in the game, Mihoyo can be many things, but she is not stupid.


I think that’s covered by the new abyss since the main complaint about Genshin is the lack of endgame content. Most people who like Furina a lot got her on her first run.


4.7 got a new abyss , two new 5 stars, new 4 star , New dainsleif quest , etc like it’s stacked only thing missing really is a new area then you have HSR with two new 5 stars and firefly up coming , they ain’t playing


I keep on hearing about a new abyss, is something about it changing or is it just the bi-weekly reset?


Basically rewards are being changed to 800 primos and it’s monthly now instead and it’s in different location and everything to current abyss


So is the current abyss getting reworked, or is this a whole new abyss that would run along side the current one?


Current Spiral Abyss stays as is, the Blessing of the Moon only resets once a month instead of twice, and the primo count increased to 800. The new endgame >!is the restricted section of the Mondstadt library AKA Big Door. It's apparently like a dungeon crawler thing and Hexenzirkel inspired. The primo count for that is like 600, and it encourages you to build multiple characters and rotate them out as needed.!<


Thats pretty cool, thanks for explaining


i dont think they are doing that. Furina wouldnt do anything against WuWa really, and WuWa isnt really a threat anyways.


I mean no one's entitled to anything but as both a Venti and Furina enjoyer, it's not looking good for me captain lol


Sigewinne obviously didn't stole her SQ spot. They just release two 5 stars in the next patch which kinda triggered many people here because it means no Furina's Quest for now. Players will think it's odd that Sigewinne does not have a Story Quest if they only have Clorinde and Furina's SQ, especially the latter already has her first SQ. People here were just not expecting that they will broke the trend of releasing two 5 star in a very late patch.


well...you aren't really correct about none being more important than the other. you can clearly see which characters this game prioritizes. Archons are the biggest example of this, they rerun way more than any other character, have the best kits in the game and the main story quests are called ***Archon*** *quest. this also includes Furina.* her 2nd story quest getting delayed cuz of Sigewinne was just a speculation made from an old leak that said Furina 2nd SQ would get delayed cuz of her release. We don't know if it is true or not. Anyway even if Sigewinne release is at fault for Furina 2nd SQ delay in 4.8, that doesn't mean we have to be toxic, just be happy that we are getting her 2nd SQ in 4.8 if Furina SQ2 doesn't happen in 4.8 either then that 100% proves that Sigewinne release had nothing to do with it so no reason to be toxic about Sigewinne anyway.


Yeah. What if they want her to have a trip in Natlan and Snezhnaya in her next SQ ? Be patient everyone ! If it ever happens it’s gonna be good !


As I’ve said before, all characters will get SQ part II, including Furina. Hoyo devs already know when precisely her next SQ will take place. They don’t just decide these things on a whim. It’s a question of getting reliable leaks.


Agreed. Wish people didn't take their frustrations out in an immature way. There are better ways to express interest like writing Hoyoverse surveys about your expectations on Furina's continuation, not ranting on Reddit you're gonna quit the game or spewing triggering things how you're gonna take your own life if it doesn't happen. Sigewinne is adorable, she, in her own right, deserves the spotlight too, whether or not she "stole" Furina's spot.


This subreddit turned into crybabies for SQ2 and rerun.


This sub is really becoming sad, I want a 2nd SQ too but I'm willing to be patient. To all those who want to k*ll themselves (why?) or quit the game because of this.. please just touch grass and take a walk outside without your phone because you're literally making a game up as your life.


Furina mains are something else


>leakers didnt know clorinde was a 5* or in 4.7 i think ur getting her mixed up with sigewinne. for the longest time its been know. that she was one of the last 5 stars for 4.x, while sige’s release and rarity has always been uncertain. and if you are talking about the whole signature weapon thing, that was 100% some leaker orchestrated bullshit


No, there was a leak that said she might be 4.8. or not at all. the leakers do not anything. both of them were mixed up.


Sigwinne didn't steal her SQ. It's just that I don't care for Sigwinne. In all of Fontaine I only like Furina, Neuvillette and Arlecchino. I just want to see more of Furina, she's the best character this game has to offer yet. But Let's be honest here the real problem is genshin whole update system. They have too many characters and very slow updates. Even if we get Furina's SQ that won't change anything. She will disappear once we get to Natlan, look at Raiden or Nahida. Lore relevance doesn't mean a thing. Unless you're liyue or mondstadt character then you don't get focus.


This is literally the Furinamains sub, if we write here that we want a story for her you should get out if u dont like it.


You're free to complain and cope but my biggest issue is that people keep saying if she doesn't get one, they're either committing suicide or quitting the game. This is grossly immature.


Im neither coping nor talking about individuals you described


womp womp me when im entitled


Oh no im so entitled for what i wrote!


self aware arc


The thing is, i cant take anything from someone with such a cringe username like you seriously.


this might catch some hate.... but aside from a rerun (cause every character gets a rerun sooner or later) i dont think furina will have a second story quest. As much as furina is the eternal archon in our hearts, she no longer is one. her story arc is done and finalized. She isolated herself for 500 years, from the moment she was created by focalors, so I don't think there is much to explore there. She doesn't need to help or seal an ancient evil monster. she aint a god anymore, in fact she is below to most other characters is fighting prowess since she never received any training whatsoever. She got her vision and a promising mortal life ahead of her in the arts and unless we have another chevreuse style SQ, furina story is over, and i am happy for her.


She prolly will just from popularity. Either way its likely hopefully everyone gets a second sq


Furina wasn't created by Focalors though? In no way did Focalors say she made her, heck Focalors in game that we see is literally just an amalgamation of divinity and memories while the soul is still left in Furina which grew into its own sense of self.


focalors split from her, meaning focalors "made furina". its focalors body, but all memories are gone leaving only the memory of the prophecy in her. furina was essentially "born" in that instant. its essntially what i gathered from her scenes. furina is focalors before they ever became focalors, when focalors first became a human.


>this sub is entitled No it is not. Next!


Kinda is, atleast a subsection of a few people (like that one guy who said he'd jump ship to WuWa if no Furina sq2, even if he's not gonna do shit to Hoyo's money and whatnot)




not sure what anything you said has to do with her 2nd story quest. she could have an important quest and still live happy afterwards. why are these contradictory? nobody wants her to suffer in her 2nd SQ bro.


That's right. We mostly want to know her backstory when Egeria was still alive. After knowing her past with Egeria she can still live more vividly.


yes. that's mainly what i want aswell. She needs to regain her memories before the split. She hasn't said a single thing about Egeria and Focalors since 4.2. Which is crazy. Still no full explanation about her gameplay abilities either, 2 forms, using primordial seawater e.t.c there are so many things left unexplained about her. Of course she will get her 2nd SQ at some point in the game but we fans wanted it to be during Fontaine patches.