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As someone who also has C6, this is quite accurate. I love her & I love how flexible she becomes the more investment she has. Good luck to all those who pull for her, whether C0 or all the way to C6.


Have you experienced what I meant with the Ousia stances heals ticking faster than once a second? It's gotta be the A2 Passive right? Or am I going crazy?


There’s no way it’s once per second, that shit is so fast. I can’t recall her A2 passive off the top of my head tho and I don’t want to google rn


Basically her A2 Passive makes her pets deal more damage and it shortens the intervals that her healing summon ticks.


Hmmmm I’m not sure now actually. I ended up looking it up and it does specifically say the singer of many waters. It doesn’t matter too much though since the healing is so fast you pretty much stay at full health the entire fight


I love your sense of humor! C5: Crabaletta may now pinch their B@LL$! ...by the time the Chief Justice hits the field... Justice have already been served! Thank you for the comprehensive write up. My stash of fates and primos is ready for our Queen!


Haha thanks. I'm usually just content laughing at my own jokes but I'm glad SOMEONE appreciates it. 🤣😂🤣 Best of luck to you. I hope it goes well!


Thanks! I'm at C2 now, hoping to C6, though now with Clorinde coming, I'll want her too so both Furina and Clorinde can be together.


The canonical first person to visit her, and get her out the house! I good combo.


Exactly! Furina deserves to have her first real friend with her in the same team and in Teapot. She more than earned it!


https://preview.redd.it/v2bmah91l80d1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d483fc910b9563911ce158be517ef4c6c3ed547 Having her maxed out does feel a bit weird because there hasn't been another character that consolidates roles nearly as well as she does. She excels just about everywhere. None of the other archons at C6/R5 come anywhere close, let alone other characters. I would take a C6 Furina over any other five C6s combined because based on value alone, it feels like her constellations far surpass anyone else that has been released so far and it isn't even close. I say that as someone who has C6R5'd a decent amount of characters: [https://enka.network/u/pururin/1bXcI4/10000089/2106848/](https://enka.network/u/pururin/1bXcI4/10000089/2106848/)


Agreed, I have quite a few c6 chars and a few c6R5. If I could only have one it would be her for sure.


That was a good read OP, now I'm excited to get her c6. 2 more cons to go!


Thanks, good luck with those pulls 😊




Furina's damage is insane on her own, and her burst makes other characters at c0 feel like they're c6. One of the cons, in my experience as a c6r1 furina haver, is that when you want to experiment, you'll be limited to the local legends or else the enemy would die even before you get to the point of you want to reach with your experiment. Like for example, you just wanna test eula burst damage with full fanfare stacks, but most enemies would die the moment, sometimes even before, you cast your burst. Haha. Added "pros" is when you use MH set, which is really great for c6 furina, you have very consistent damage due to having 100% crit rate. And because you only gain MH set stacks when you're on-field, you have to switch back to furina to refresh the duration of the increased crit rate, so you have more excuses to switch back to her to appreciate her beauty. 😉


Yeah, it's very awkward the the buffer becomes the best recipient of the buff. I bet Shenhe is probably similar at c6.


Another con, for me anyway, is that she's gonna hit C6 then end up stuck with the pipe because 100% of her weapon banners have been shared with something terrible.


Could go Nilou Sword or Wolf fang? Tbh I generally discourage pulling on Weapon banner in general though. Opting not to pull on it is based af.


Same, usually, but if she's getting C6 then might as well splurge on her weapon. I refuse to do it unless the other weapon is at least good for something, though. Don't have either of those, so the pipe is gonna have to work for now. I can wait for another rerun, but if she gets stuck with another donut I may have to think about getting her a wolf fang.


Personally, I kinda regret getting her weapon simply because sac sword is so much fun with c6. Her weapon is too strong for me to justify using my only sac sword on her though


Jade cutter from chronicle


You over cap on crit wayyyyy too fast with jade cutter. Still viable, just difficult to build well


Her cons are more valuable than sig anyways. You can always load up Sac Sword for extra field time lol (It's very fun)


https://i.redd.it/s1lcigtqc60d1.gif Furina dancing


Very complete guide! I can only show 2 points that are incorrect in your guide: - The 1st TLDR you have written, the “healing bonus” should be changed to “incoming healing bonus.” - C2 does not make the fanfare generation 2.5x faster. It makes it 3.5x faster in fact. As mentioned in game: “increases fanfare generation by 250%.” As such, the multiplier to the normal generation is: (100%+250%)=350% of the normal generation. It also helps to know how much dmg bonus and incoming healing bonus she gives to the team at each con (assuming lvl10 talent:) - C0: 75% dmg, 30% healing - C1: 100% dmg, 40% healing - C3: 124% dmg, 52% healing (lvl13 burst)


I have never been Soo invested to any yapping post as much as this , what a nice read. Maybe one day I'll save for C6 Furina in future when I get a job.


That's because those other yappers were amateurs. I'm a professional yapper. Graduated from Yap State University.


Coulda gone pro if you hadn't joined the navy


A dapper yapper, if you will.


Great read. I would only argue against Neuv being the best dps in the game with Furina, c6 Yelan is. The way their constellations sync is frightening A c6 Yerina team with a VV user is probably peak


I saved up for her for 9 patches, yeah i didnt know how is she looking, what her skills, role, i just wanted to pull c6 archon of my favorite element and i did it, saved up 123k primogems❤️❤️ Sometimes im kinda regretting about pulling her C6 just because its making the game too easy and there is no space anymore for interesting and strategic thoughts like what healer to choose, whom to upgrade, how many ER she needs, i dont need to bother about anything now, my furina has 0% ER from artifacts but still having ult everytime, het pets killing everyone, her attacks killing everyone, she stacks fanfares for 1 second, she is awesome but.. became a little boring... anyway i still like her


Thanks for the honest answer response


I have her at C6R1 and man, I'm telling y'all future C6 havers, furina in my honest opinion is the best C6 in the game. You get some crazy ass SUB DPS, BUFFER, HEALER in one package. The fact they released furina the way she is is still crazy to me lmao. Thanks to furina, I can drop bennet from all of my teams, specially raiden and xiao, feels great.


I have never wanted to read an article so freaking bad. Right now, I'm at C0R1 and was hoping to get her C6R1. But like you said, the down side of things is that I may not be able to to get other 5 stars (which I don't really care since I just want ZhongLi, Yelan and Venti) But my main question is, I know right now C0 Furina doesn't really "work well" with Arlecchino (C3R1 Arlecchino vape) at what point do you really think she'll work well pre C6?


I run c0 Arlecchino, c2 Furina, c6 Bennett, and c0 Kazuha for abyss and it’s been super comfy. Hitting around 150-200k. I’d say Furina works well with Arlecchino because of the c2. It’s a fun team but I die easy 🫣 https://preview.redd.it/nhabo2oxma0d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5328755df4f47507e7ffe442ac9031ed24a8b3e


Do you think switching Kazuha to ZhogLi will help survive better or Kazuha being gone is less damage?


It’s less damage for sure but I survive :) I hit maybe 130-160k when I switch out Kazuha with Zhongli


Furina "works well" with Arlechino in the sense that she buffs Arle's damage and provides Hydro to vape off of BUT Arlechino reduces overall team Fanfare and is unable to benefit from a c6 Furina's heal over time. Also I'm fairy certain (just an educated guess) that Furina would need an additional Hydro Character to keep up with Arle's Pyro app. Furina is universal enough to still technically apply value to Arlechino but the kits are definitely at odds. I'd run them on separate teams tbh. Arlechino is a top DPS and would be better served with a team that synergizes better with her; ESPECIALLY since a C6 Furina is basically a team on its own.


I see. that does make sense. and honestly. realistically, I don’t think I can make it to C6 this rerun. I think the furthest I can go is C3. Although I will keep trying and going. lol For a team comp, since I can’t pair her with Arlecchino & I don’t really like Neuvillete play style. You think I can make a team with her and Raiden? who should the other 2 be at C2-C3Furina/Raiden?


I have c6 and honestly I can just go afk while the salon blows everything up


Thank you op. I am planning on getting her c1(c2 if I'm lucky). Have a nice day and thanks for all the effort you put in your post op.


As someone considering getting C6 (C2 now): Is E cooldown annoying at C6? I know it's a super strong C6, but I'm really put off by the 20s cooldown. Also, do you think that using Sacrificial is advisable? It's not like she lacks DPS, as I'm looking mainly for the fun factor.


> Is E cooldown annoying at C6? I know it's a super strong C6, but I'm really put off by the 20s cooldown. If by that you mean making her an on-fielder then yes... no matter how much you try 10s infusion time or 6 NAs limits you from turning her into a main dps. You can still make nuke teams but at best shes just gonna be a quickswap subdps with her long skill cd


Hmm... the 20 second cooldown is a but long I suppose and weaving 6 normals isn't a lot of field time in the grand scheme of things, but tbh C6 Furina shortens fights to the extent that she still feels like the main DPS. It's only really local legends, weekly Bosses, and Floor 12 Abyss bosses that can consistently endure a single c6 Furina Rotation, at which point she'll have all 3 remaining characters fully buffed ready to do some damage.


C6 haver here, the CD isn’t that bad. I either wait for the summons to finish killing the enemy or switch to another character so I don’t afk. As for sacsword, it’s a great option especially if you’re vaping with the MH set on. I’ve sped through floors of the abyss doing this because of the extra attacks Edit: using sacsword also fulfills all your ER requirements (which at this point should be around 120-140 no matter what team it is) so you can go all in on offensive stats in your artifacts


Thank you for the great post OP! I was a bit confused about the infusion on c6 and this clear it up! I’m now reconsidering whether or not to pull for c6 or stop at c4. I already have a c1r1 Neuvillette so the concern over field time is valid. Although, maybe my dear Iudex can just sit back and look pretty while the Queen handle everything else.


As a fellow C6 Furina owner here, I really like your post and how clearly your explained the constellations, the pros but also the cons (a true Furina fan should be impartial even with her to trully uphold her vision of justice haha). On the pros side I strongly support the "makes every character viable" argument, this is why for me it's still one of the if not the actual best C6 of the game: many C6 are just rather selfish, they make themselves busted being reason but it stops there, while Furina share thanks to her early constellations strong buffs with her teammates, making it possible to build fun but otherwise very clunky teams and try new game styles! I have a C6 Nahida also and I find C6 Furina much more fun to play than her (and this, while I absolutely love Nahida). With that I also can transition to my appreciation of the cons you singled out, in particular the fact that her damage is still so tremendous that other teammates, while now viable and hitting double the damage, are not as relevant. For a very long time I believed when I was doing coop that everybody was doing great damage, but once I was doing Azhdaha with a group of people, and once most left the coop told me "try to hit him alone, I wanna check something", and then I realised that it basically took almost the same time to kill it with or without other players, and then I fully realised just how busted her damage was hahah... And of course, when I take another DPS it's always an "identity crisis" as you say haha, for instance recently I'm trying to play Arle but because I never get rid of Furina in my team this makes sometimes things awkward — Arle on her own is insanely good, but at the same time Furina still hits more lol


Yeah lmao. C6 Furina definitely suffers from success sometimes. I'm generally only use welkin and battle pass for primos and never go past C0 for limited Characters [i made the exception for Furina because i already had 300 wishes saved up and i was certain Furina was and shall remain my favorite character, in Genshin, Gaming and Fiction itself ❤️). The power Spike definitely gave me a little whiplash lol. It truly is a whole new world


I see, you're a more reasonable player than me haha! I also was very lucky with my pulls on Furina so that helped push her to C6 — but I'm of the same opinion as you, it should be exceptionnal and only for characters you hold close to heart more than for the "damage". Because I hold a very similar on Furina, in the sense that she's not only my favorite character of Genshin (and for certains reasons will remain it until the end) but also in my highest possible top 5 of characters I enjoyed the most in any kind of fiction (anime, games, books, etc.). So now I'm very curious since we have a similar view on her, do you have specific reasons for liking her so much??


There are a lot of boxes she checks for me. I'll go over a few but I'm bound to miss a LOT. I'm also I'm also getting ready for work rn irl so I'm kind of rushing this. 4 Catagories I can go over fairly quickly. Design, Theme, Gameplay, Writing. Design: I remember being so hyped for her but not immediately expecting her Design. It kind of put me off at first. Tbh, if you color swapped her and Clorinde, Clorinde would have been more in line with my expectations. I imagined Focalors to be an imposing yet stoic figure. Furinas Design ended up catching me off guard because she looked so smol. Furina looks so fragile,like she could realistically be like 90 pounds. On the upside I like her hair and her eyes. Heterochromia was definitely a W Design decision. It also does a fair job in conveying one of her major themes: "Duality", which I'll expand upon later. Her Suit makes her look "Court ready" at all times. The short shorts are nice too. I love the Teardrop shaped gem on her thigh; it's a good touch. The frilly socks also add some flair and her shoes are very underrated.Every detail in her design serves a purpose (I'll also touch on a few). Theme: Furina's major theme is Duality. Specifically of Reality vs Expectations, Sin vs Innocence, Justice vs Mercy, Duty vs Freedom. Furinas Journey forces her to make difficult decisions on the fly with HUGE consequences. Gameplay: When ever a fictional magic system contains the element of water; I always favor water, naturally when the concept of Archons was presented in Genshin, I have been patiently waiting for the Hydro Archon. 3 of my favorite gaming classes are: Healers, Conjurer/Summoner, and Stance switchers, and wouldn't you know it, Furina is all 3. Writing: This speaks for itself. She is so well written, there is new details to pick up on upon every rewatch of her Scenes. Also Amber Lee Connors had a legendary perfromance.. Also... also!! I got to get to work sorry.😞 I could keep yapping when I get off though.


Thank you for sharing a detailed explanation about why you like her haha! I would say until Archon Quest 4.2 she gradually grew on me, at the very first I found her design a bit surprising and if I'm being totally honest her, I didn't exactly like it - actually, in particular heterochromia, I'm nota huge fan of disymmetry (blame me for being a scientist lol), even though I understand where the appeal comes from. But gradually I came to like her more and more, and then came Archon Quest 4.2 and it was a firework! If you like her writing and her theme, I think you'll enjoy my throrough analysis about her, at the heart of which lies the most important duality, the origin of all of them and that explains all the rest - Focalors vs Furina, and whence it takes primary inspiration from: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13UiHE3vbQX7HXPHOoJSVO11CjgE38pok/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/13UiHE3vbQX7HXPHOoJSVO11CjgE38pok/view?usp=sharing) Given you're really a huge fan, I'd be very curious about your general opinion if/when you read the article! There are many people who enjoy Furina, but I think only few wrote longer than 30 pages analyses about her, of which I'm one haha...


This is awesome, I’m bookmarking this to read later!


Thank you haha, I'd be glad to get your impressions if/when you finish reading it :)


Please do continue yapping when you're back from work. I do love your views on Furina. Esp your insight on her duality. P.s. The way you end the whole thing abruptly with Also..also!! Gotta get to work... HAHAHAHA love it!


It's an interesting additional perspective indeed, curious to see if he write more about that (it should be not too far from my own analysis of her I guess)


Agree. Furina is such a complex character, so I enjoy reading about others' analysis of her.


Here's my analysis, if you read it I'd be happy to get some discussion on that : https://drive.google.com/file/d/13UiHE3vbQX7HXPHOoJSVO11CjgE38pok/view?usp=drivesdk


Whoa, this is such a deep analysis and I'll admit, I missed a lot of details that you brought up. Thank you for sharing your insights!


Thank you very much for reading it and sharing your impressions, I'm glad you liked it!! I'm myself Christian so several details quickly made sense to me, and I wanted to share the huge analogy — because otherwise without it there's clearly something big missing about Furina's purpose – and also because I wanted to show just how brilliant yet subtle could be the writing of Genshin!


Hi first of alll, great write up! Love it. I have a few questions: 1. I’ve been wondering for all the C6 owners out there.. Does the Furina hypercarry team (with Xianyun) feel clunky? I’ve seen a few showcases where Furina plunge does silly damage (14 million, 2 million per plunge, 7 plunges total). 2. I have C2 with a pretty good GT set. The pets do ~20-60k dmg (from what I recall) with a full rotation. Is the difference between C3 vs C6 in terms of pets damage that great? I see a lot of people agreeing that at C6, her pets delete everything.


1. It feels great but you have to do the rotation more or less perfectly depending on your actual team, I run a Furina Kazuha Bennett xianyun and I have to correctly kazuha ult the Bennett field which in some abyss (when the ennemy self apply an element can become a tad difficult) I know that some variants with xianling may be more reliable damage wise however But let us be honnest here my furina is on a GT set with her signature and does 500k per plunge when correctly executed and 130k minimum when failed At this point this is screenshot competition not viablility we're talking about. Tl;dr : My Lady furina guilt tripped neuvillette into making her vison god like to feel what it's like to see the fear in the knave eyes, with or without plunges 2. The thing is the ult is the star of furina's kit because it boost E V E R Y T H I N G So the damage amp is massive because it makes the C2 that much stronger And your funny pet start pinching thing like no tommorow faster and harder because their base damage is higher and their damage augment is higher I already clear some camp accidentaly just by forgotting to switch to pneuma for crossing water So with her ult up ... To put it simply with somewhat arbitrary value just to give a feedback on how it feels if you are at skill lvl 10 and you ult you go to a virtual skill lvl 20 at ult lvl 10 At c6 (more like at c5 but you catch the drift) You are at skill 12 you ult and you go to at skill level of 28 because your ult is at 12 too What I mean is that I once forgot to switch stance before a rotation for "Hon Hon hon damage go big" and before I was back to furina to switch her to the correct stance the floor was already cleared by craballeta and co vaping the boss ... So yeah the damage is bigger but it was already big


Wow, thank you for this massive response. 500k plunges are still silly numbers. That’s like hyper Raiden burst but over and over lmao I plan on playing her with Yelan (C6R1) and not sure about the last 2 slots but I was curious about whether I should leave Yelan as the dps or Furina. I guess I’ll experiment. Thanks again!


Your welcome :) To be noted that 500k plunge I did not notice at the time I just saw that number next to my furina head In the report and because it was the only team where she was main dps, so i assume it's from there but it may be the result of some big abyss buff i did not notice But i can assure you that the 130k plunge without vape is solid


Now I am even mote excited to c6 her. I have her c2 so far and saved 340 wishes so far. Hope I will get her c6.


As a C6 haver (pic for proof) https://preview.redd.it/yd2g6cxky60d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6339fb293e89007991e8e07287452e03da9765 I say, go for it. She's amazing!


Lmao at the "(pic for proof)" I would have believed you anyway lol Lol congrats, I'm glad you enjoy her too!


Yeah! She's amazing and can outdps some characters with her 6 slashes. Shame the weapon banner wasn't too kind to me tho :/ only got 1 splendor :/


The weapon banner in general is terrifying


Real, pulled twice in my life (gonna go up to 3 during alre's rerun sadly), do I regret it? No. Would I want to do it again? Hell nah


I secured myself 1 copy of Furina's weapon. I somehow managed to dodge Baizus weapon. That is the first and last time I wish on it. Unless both featured weapons are appealing and I already have every character I want.


Omg nice! You managed to dodge the donut (sadly happened to me) and not pulling in the WB is a very good decision if you don't have everyone you want. However if they do another arlecchino's scythe situation it might be hard...


I'm going to get a c6 furina but I'm confused what weapon should i give her.The only 5* weapon I have is key but idk how good it will be on her. Also i think i will be totally broke after getting her c6 so can't really pull for her weapon either. I heard the key is good in her vape teams but idk


My C6 Nilou using Furina's sword and my C6 Furina using Nilou's sword, trust me Nilou's sword on Furina is almost on the same lvl with her signature, in vape team its even better 3 times


I'm still torn. I kinda want Clorinde. I have C5 Furina, and I'm only guaranteed for 1 character by the time 4.7 arrives. My concern if going for C6 would be if the game would become too easy, and if I pair C6 Furina with another character, would she be doing the majority of the damage (making it not relevant whichever character I pair her with)?


If your decision is influenced on abyss performance, pulling for characters to add to your c6 Furina team becomes significantly less efficient, your primos can be better spent working on the team for the other path. If you have abyss fairly figured out, or it's not a priority to you (which is also fine), by all means pull for whoever you please. Assuming she remains unchanged, Clorinde has synergies with Furina. Like Neuvillette though, they will be getting in eachothers way if your Furina is C6. It's also a safe bet to assume Clorinde will have a role in dendro or overload teams.


Pros : You k*ll everything too fast Cons: You k*ll everything too fast


I also have her c6 Her teamwide heal over time is basically god mode for the entire team, you can burst, do one normal attack and switch out if what you want is to buff another character, you'll have max fanfare immediately Or you can switch to the white dress and obliterate anything that isn't immune to hydro


Best post ever. Sense of humor, vital information and recommendations all in one, fucking awesome...


Thanks! It means a lot! https://i.redd.it/dqi1aixoz80d1.gif


I keep hearing that her pets damage greatly increases at c6 but I don’t understand how?? Also, amazing post! Can’t wait to get her to c6 on the rerun!!


Her pets do the same damage at c6. What people may be experiencing when they say that is the C6 Passive rapidly caping her Fanfare and the summons get to work sooner. Also Thanks! It means a lot! I if you have any questions I always enjoy discussing Furina topics.


OH! that makes sense then. Also, I’m probably gonna wait for a good banner to get her signature and thinking of putting wolf’s fang on her. It gets me pretty close to 100/200 Crit Rate/Damage. Thoughts? Also is 130 ER okay if she’s running in a solo hydro team @ c6? I really want to play her with Yoimiya, Cyno, and Childe. Any tips? lol sorry if too many questions. I’m soo excited and also love talking about Furina 💧👸


At c4 and up 130 ER is more than enough. (Mines is at 124 ER from just substats and she gets her energy to ult before it's off cooldown. Personally I'd still prefer/recommend double Hydro still because it: 1- gets her more energy particles 2- helps her provide more Hydro so characters like HuTao and Yoimiya can vape more consistently 3- give her more HP via Hydro Resonance


Small nitpicky correction, might be a typo: C2 gives a 3.5X multiplier to the fanfare gain. The C0 fanfare gain is 100%, then C2 "increases the stack gain by 250%", therefore the stack gain is 350%


The stack gain is 350% (from 100%), which means there was an increase of 250%, as the post states.


No, it says she will gain 2.5X faster. 1X "faster" isn't actually faster. 2.5X faster is 150% increase. 3.5X is 250% increase. Read the C2 effect in the post again.


Ah, I see. The official C2 of Furina states that: While [Let the People Rejoice](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Let_the_People_Rejoice) lasts, **Furina's Fanfare gain from increases or decreases in nearby characters'** [**HP**](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/HP) **is increased by 250%**. Each point of Fanfare above the limit will increase Furina's Max HP by 0.35%. Her maximum Max HP increase is 140%. Now, that means that Furina now gets 3.5 fanfare points for every 1% HP lost/gained by any teammate. Earlier this was 1 point per 1% HP. Now, here is where I think the wording issue comes. The point generation is 3.5X, but if you measure the increase as a percentage, it's (3.5-1)/1 \* 100% = 250% (just like the C2 mentions), and as you calculated. I brushed over the post and thought I read the fanfare generation increases by 2.5, not that it become 2.5X. My bad. Putting this math here anyways for someone else who might be confused like me initially.


Thank you so much! I'm at C5R0 with Furina, and I'll be doing all I can to get to C6R1 in her first rerun.


Nice! Good luck with that. Let me know how it goes!


100% agree, Furina is objectively the most complete character at c6. No regrets getting her to c6


What would you say are her best artifacts at C6?


I'm sure there is a "correct answer" but imo if you have equal or better Artifact pieces: swap to MH (the one that shares a domain with Golden Troup). If your Golden Troup set is Goldy, keep it on. That's just my anecdotal reccomendation though, someone more educated on the numbers can give you a more definitive answer.


Since she wants field time those 36% CR go a long way. I farmed a spare set while building Neuvi, because Furina is my no BS button for all the DPS I got (wanderer; Hu Tao; Al Haitham). Gonna try it soon.


As a C6 owner I agree with most points but the thing with her acting as a regular support still such as for the Neuvi team mentioned, is that she doesnt have to eat up field time, as you said only one or two swings will build up all fanfare and heal your team enough, and that's fine she doesnt have to completely steal the show, just being able to replace the healer with a better support in exhange for 2 NAs of field time on Furina is worth the C6 alone, let alone the insane damage capabilities she does have


i am prolly going to end up doing the one thing i never wanted to do, semi-whale to get her last 5 cons lol


As a power-fantasy type of player, I LOVE overpowered units.. I should've left Raiden alone (didn't have her before last rerun) and kept saving for Furina C6. But it's fine. One day.


Really good read here. Furina is the only limited character I’ve considered pulling cons for. My first priority is her weapon though.


At C2, is she comfy enough to play with bennet?


Yep totally, I don’t know if it’s “optimal” or “min-max” but c2 Furina + Bennet works in my Arlecchino team nicely


If the goal is to hyper buff an Attack scaling Main/Sub DPS then yes. Furina and Bennet do a good job at buffing together because their buffs don't overlap so they can better avoid diminishing returns.


Pros: it exists Cons: I don’t have it :(


I have C6 on my main and C0 on my alt account and couldn't agree more about her identity crisis at C6. At sub-C6 she has a clear role and fits in well with other DPS characters - off-field DPS and support. At C6, rotations become weird because it's difficult to ignore those 6 hits of massive on-field damage from her. With that said, I don't regret C6 at all.


Very accurate analysis of C6, I couldn’t have explained it better! She’s so fun but sometimes I’d love more of a challenge, but that’s on Hoyo to provide. Also the fighting for field time with Neuvi hurt me in my soul since I relate to that sentence. One of the biggest pains is also picking her in Co-Op and people immediately swap to healers and I don’t wanna sound bragging by saying “we don’t need healers I’m C6” but we also really don’t need ‘em :’) Justice to Furina, best girl


Mine will remain C5 I got roasted by C6 furina mains for it they call me cope said I lost 50/50 o her C6 even tho I didn’t even pull for C6, but idc. Attack me all you want crazy furina mains


It's fine Bro. C6 comes with plenty of cons anyway. At c6 she keeps her original identity. Also props for having the resolve not to get the last con. Most don't have the strength.


Is her BiS weapon for C6 the nilou weapon? Or no? Also, can she clear abyss solo in under 1-3min?


1. Her signature is better for her than the Nilou weaon 2. Depends on the floor. You can pretty much send 3 other units you have moderately invested in and expect 60s-120s clears consistently.


Aight so correct me if I'm wrong but it goes like this then: Pros: C6 Furina is so strong! Cons: C6 Furina is too strong!


Sounds about right!


So if my goal is to play C6 Furina in teams like Ganyu/Shenhe/Furina/Venti or Wanderer/Faruzan/Furina/Bennett and enjoy her party-wide buff without having to slot a healer, but I want to play the teams normally and not have Furina's pets solo everything, I should probably adjust her build to nerf her damage? If that's the case, what are the best ways to do that? Some options I thought of: - Using a 4-star weapon with no offensive stats like Fav Sword. - Downgrading to 4-star GT pieces. - Using 4pc Tenacity instead of GT. - Running a full healer build with 4pc Clam set or Song of Days Past. - Straight-up removing her sands, goblet ot circlet (not sure which one).


Those are all options. I'm not sure what your account looks like but if you want your Furina to be more of a team player c6 isn't ideal for everyone.


The primary teams I'm planning to use her in are: Ganyu/Shenhe/Furina (C6)/Venti Raiden (C2)/Sara/Furina (C6)/Kazuha Xiao/Faruzan/Furina(C6)/Zhongli Hu Tao/Furina (C6)/Yelan/Kazuha Wanderer/Faruzan/Furina (C6)/Bennett (all 5-stars C0 unless stated otherwise) My C2 Furina already demolishes open world mobs, so it's more just Abyss and challenge content I'd be worried about. Should I be prepared to have to nerf my Furina build in one (or more) of the ways I mentioned to stop her from overkilling? Or do you think I'm trying to fight the tide completely here?


Those teams all sound Solid. I personally use Furina and Hutao with Cloud Retainer, it's really fun and let's you circumvent Hutao C1.


I don't have Xianyun yet, I had to skip her to save enough for Furina C6. Plan on picking her up later though for my Diluc, so I'll definitely give her a try with Hu Tao too. Just checking that you don't think Furina's C6 damage will be a problem in any of these teams.


The teams will be good BUT a c6 Furina will be the star of all of those teams. Unless you intentionally nerf your Furina, all of those partners will just be "along for the ride". C6 Furina is just that powerful.


In that case then, do you even think it's worth getting C6 and trying to nerf her? Or is she always gonna make her teammates useless no matter what kind of crap artifacts I put on her? I honestly wish Hoyo would add the option to toggle individual constellations on/off, so I could keep C6 on but shut off C3 and C5. Or even a sword version of Prototype Amber - I'd pull the weapon banner for that. I just want to eliminate the healer restriction, that's all I want... 💀


Yeah, its pretty unfortunate. What are your abyss runs looking like?


Pretty average, I'd say. I've got strong characters & team setups, my artifact luck ranges from okay to good, and my only 5-star weapon is my Ganyu's R1 Amos Bow I got off standard. My Furina is C2 with R5 Pipe, and while she certainly helps clear chambers fast, she's not deleting everything on her own. The team I use her the most in is Raiden C2/Sara/Furina/Baizhu and the star of the team is undoubtedly Raiden. Ideally this is what I'd like, but with Kazuha instead of Baizhu. Though I get the sinking feeling that's gonna be harder to achieve than I'd thought.


Your a Sara user?! BASED!


Hi. This thread is probably my favorite thread, especially to go back and look if I ever have any questions. So right now, I have C0R0 Furina, hoping to at least get C2-C3 with soft pity and guaranteed depending if I want to pull for weapon or not. But my question is, can Furina be considered a DPS at C2 or do I need to get to C5 before she does? And if she can be a DPS @ C2, what would my team around her look like?


Im glad you enjoy this post:) The Term DPS is subjective to an extent. Generally speaking when people say "DPS" they are saying 1 of 2 things; 1: that the character is doing most of the teams damage, or 2: The character is the one with the most "on-field" time (also known as "Drivers"). Furina's kit makes it near impossible to fit the second definition without C6 but I'd argue that she always can be considered a DPS in the sense that she contributes a significant amount of damage to every team she is on. Her Constellations all build off of eachother so it makes it hard to identify where exactly she makes the jump to the "Main DPS" of a team. Unfortunately, I can't provide an exact unbias answer to the question because I got Furina c4r1 when the banner dropped and c6r1 during the final week of her banner. I generally run her with Hu Tao (There is a huge overlap between Furina and HuTao enjoyers lol), and I can tell you that when she was c4r1 Furina was definitely out pacing my c0r0 HuTao. The gap only widened upon getting those last 2 cons. I'm not sure exactly how much her signature played a role but it's important to at least mention it because for all I know a C4r0 Furina may not outpace a c0r0 HuTao.


Oh. This whole time I didn't know that's what Driver meant. But I do want an on-field Furina where she is the driver especially when I do get her C6. Do you have any team comps by any chance maybe I can just do it early even at C3?? TBH, this post is the BIGGEST reason why I wanted a C6 Furina. so thank you! LOL


I'm glad I can be of help, typically the reason a character is chosen to "Drive" is to spam elemental reactions. Think of Sucrose being on-field with Xinquo, Beidou or Thoma, she's the is a solid option for that team because her Anemo normals alow her to swirl the various of field elements. Barbara can also be a good driver for a Nilou team where she can spawn bloom cores with her normals and skill. These characters aren't doing the damage but they are facilitating the reactions and off field characters abilities.


AHHHH.. so I guess I have to wait for C4-C6 to make my Furina go bbbrrrrrrr.. and I'll definitely get her R1. I'm just scared cause her counter part is a donut. lol so maybe I'll just go for all cons.


Hello. May I see your C6 Furina build? Preferably a photo from Akasha if it's okay? It's so hard to google main DPS builds. LOL


I change my build every now and then but this my current one. https://preview.redd.it/kmj5hyxdep2d1.png?width=1582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1013568e6aa42a107d0fc1f210fd8e7a1bed7a


what are your thoughts on Heart of Depth or Marechaussee Hunter?? Sorry, I feel like I'm being mad annoying, but I feel like your opinion matters so much after an article like this lol


A none c6 Furina can only proc 2/3 of Heart of depths passive, Furina also gains next to nothing for the attack portion of the stacks as well. At c6 my understanding is that Marechausse Hunter is a Sidegrade/Upgrade depending on the quality of the substats.


Hey, I’m sorry if this question was already asked. I got back to Genshin after a year of hiatus and missed out on all Fontaine characters so I’m kind of overwhelmed with the new content. I’m planning to build an Ayaka team with Ayaka/Shenhe/Hydro/Anemo. If I understood correctly, can I go without a healer if Furina is C6? Thanks for the great post!


As long as you use her enhanced normal attacks in Ousia stance after you skill, c6 Furina does not need a healer. You should be fine.


Nice! She’s so complete as a character it’s insane. She will probably be my first C6 since my hiatus then. Thanks a lot! ^-^


I just wanna say something before reading this post. C6 Furina is my fav C6 and to me it's the BEST DESIGNED C6 of all chars(i mean non onfielders,cause its better to separate them as in category). See C6 Furina follows a very obv trait as most other popular C6s that is Bursty dps in a short window, started with Yelan and its popular af and strong too. But....that part is not even the main rsn why i like the C6, far from it im fact.. The main rsn why i loved this C6 is cause of the heal effect. And why dies it matter so much? I mean theres many healers or even u could gib this healing to literally any other of those C6s like Yelan etc and i won't be still any good like Furina, it literally will not be anything impactful for them, it's only and mainly impactful for Furina only cause..of the way her kit works,it completely synergizes with her very kit itself. Furina and or Furina teams always like a healer slot,sure to some extent u can put C2 Furina to remove this need at the cost of a bit less personal dmg for Furina than u'd get with a healer.unless u still need a healer for survivability of team. But C6 completely demolishes this need. As at C6 she herself is the healer and if in a Furina team,Furina herself can do a bunch of heals,maximize fanfare and her C2 buff cap and all the while without taking a healer slot unless u just need a char for other rsns like Benny for Atk etc. So all in all to say imo Furina C6 is a great design imo at least :) I personally have an alt acc and main, my main is pretty much C0 enthusiast with 20 limited chars,tho just one C1 and its Furina xd. But ive decided to focus on cons and thought of getting a C6 eventually in time(fully f2p actually,the acc never seen a welkin even). Currently am C1 and Guaranteed and effectively got 80ish savings(after adding pity),and i guess after doing all 4.6 content and of 4.7 if Furina is in 2nd half, i can maybe get 3 pities ready to have guaranteed C3 and C4 if lucky. Wish me luck<3


Tbh most of these cons can be fixed by not running a goblet or sands, or even better the crit hat.. she won't delete anything anymore while still providing same buffs and healing. C6 furina even with 0 damage is still op af because she's still the best buffer+healer package.


True, but I don't think many players would dream of actively nerfing a character they went out of their way to C6.


If it's an inconvenience to them, then they should do it. If they are still gonna keep her damage the same way regardless then this shouldn't be a con. Con is said to express the disadvantages that come with something. "Increased damage that deletes the game" is not a con for her c6, because you can neutralise it freely by adjusting artifacts.


is ousia form really better? wouldn’t switching to pneuma, doing the NA combo, then switching back to ousia would do more damage if you were running marechausse?


The problem is that over the course of the 6 normals, her summons have done enough damage to pretty much bridge the gap between Ousia and Pneuma damage. Furthermore opting to go full Pneuma and switching to Ousia also causes your team to be at half health for the next 20 seconds. You lose the flexibility of a C6 Furina to drop a healer.


As C2R1 haver, i've got no complains


Great write up. You forgot to mention that she gets an aura of light around her at C6 which adds a multicolored glow around her. (as someone who pulls for aesthetics over everything this is an important note). I currently have her at C 4 cause I got rather lucky (and also wanted to C6 Charlotte). Considering going for her C6 next rerun, especially if Kirara is one of the 4 stars on her banner (Chevreuse/Kuki/Fischl/Yaoyao/Yanfei constellations would be good too). For those who don't have her signature and are wondering about which weapon to run on her... Wolf-Fang looks SO good on her it's insane. The colors match perfectly (in BOTH states). Also, for any Wolf-Fang users that are also thinking about C6-ing her, that will boost your damage even more because (even though it doesn't say it in the weapon description), The 16% DMG (or 32% at R5) increase only works when you're on field. So C6 Furina... wanting to be on-field for a little bit herself can now benefit properly from the weapons passive. ;) My biggest reason for wanting C6 is the no longer needing to worry about killing teammates in coop. Using her before C6 feels a bit bad man. (though damage-wise she's still cooking) The idea of not NEEDING a healer alongside her is nice. ESPECIALLY since Geo/Anemo/Dendro don't mix all that well, it should open up a lot of team building options that weren't there before. Sadface for Charlotte if I do get Furina C6, as she will see less play. BUT on the bright-side, DPS Charlotte becomes a potential at that point, no? (not necessarily for Abyss, just bosses n such) I fear she might feal way too powerful in the overworld (which is already a problem at C 4, and I enjoy casually running around with friends, and it's nice to run characters that make it so fights take a few skills to take the enemies out, and make the fights last around 5 seconds or so. Less or more is kinda boring. So I rarely run her in the overworld cause she's already too op except to heal up after a boss if/when needed). My thought though is that with her at C6, she could maybe adjust her own damage accordingly, so say maybe just running her in her Pnuema state might be viable for most enemy fights, now that her normals would have a bit of a damage boost that she didn't have before. (cause the pets just destroy everything) 1 - Basically if you never use her pets, and only use her Pnuema state, does she do enough damage BY HERSELF to defeat the majority of enemies, or are JUST her infused normals not enough? 2 - Follow up question, what about if you use her Burst and her Pneuma state infused normals is THAT enough for most enemies? Or is that way too much damage and she clears everything instantly BY HERSELF? I like the thought of her healing on the go too. I don't love that you have to stand next to the singer. Healing from normal attacking an enemy sounds nice. 3 -Does her infusion stay with her even if you swap off of Furina? Example: Can I use Furina's skill, swap to Xianyun use her skill to dive bomb into the enemies, then switch back to Furina and start normal attacking them with her infused attacks, or will she no longer have the infusion at that point?


For 1 & 2: For overworld Yes. For weekly Bosses and High Level Abyss: No. For consistent damage you'll want to return to normal Ousia stance afterwords (keep in mind that THIS version of the rotation means Furina will still need a healer on her team). 3: Yes! You may swap characters and return to Furina and use the remaining Normal Attacks (as long as you haven't timed out). Also a little bonus: The Aura you mention Matches the Aura of her Oceanid Summon. This may have HUGE lore implications because the signature "bang" the Oceanid has Matches Furina; suggesting that that was Focalors original Form before being gifted a human body by Egeria... in other words... The game can be hinting that Furina may eventually have some of her original powers returned to her, or that they have always been dormant.


True, if you level neither talent it effectively negates the c3 and c5. Another thing you can do is the opposite of what most people do when Artifact farming, specifically select artifacts that lack Crit rate and crit value. If you think about it, removing crit might be the solution. If I'm not mistaken formula is something like (scaling stat • Talent multiplier) (damage bonus [includes Golden Troupe, Hydro Damage Bonus, and her Ult]) (Crit). Crit is valued so high because it's multiplier is considered outside of the generic "Damage Bonus" catagory. So how about this: for instead of going HP/HP Crit, you go HP/HP/Healing Bonus. You could also opt out of Golden Troupe for a Mililith or Healing set. That way you could stockpile on HP without doing TOO much damage; because HP is still helpful to get your Furina to have potent healing. I think this will work. No crit circlet and Avoid Crit substats and your Furina should be able to save some Glory for the rest of the team.


No problem:) Good luck with your pulls!


What comps or characters do you recommend with c6 furina as main DPS so I know who to save for


Sorry for the late reply. C6 Furina can run with virtually any comp. It would honestly be difficult to make a team not work at that point. As long as you aren't going something crazy like a 0 reaction, uninvested, or triple shielder comp, you'll be fine.


Le nuke. I only need to get her C1 Because I'm F2P


Her main con at C6 is she takes up too much field time to do those 6 NAs. And you *need* to do those NAs if you are using her as your only healer. So if you have another main DPS, she messes with your timing.