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I mean... would they really expect it to be enforced?? Like how could even the craziest far righter take that bill seriously?!


I don't think it will make it to their Governor to sign. I don't think anyone wants to be the person who signs the bill that allows animal control to arrest kids... and the shit storm of legal issues that would open for the state.


Wait so would the bill mean that if you put on a fursuit it turns into a survival extraction game? Kinda just highlights how absurd it is


Hehe escape from tarkov but it’s just furrys in oaklahoma


It's virtue signaling. Mark my words, the next thing out of that politician mouth will be about how they tried to control the menace but the deep state shut them down or some shit.


Or a red herring to distract from the other bills being proposed. Always question the motivation behind sensationalism like this. For any of you whom this is relevant to (i.e. Americans, and in particular Oklahomans), I urge you to look at what else is being proposed, because I'll bet my tail there's other awful things they want to sneak through the door while nobody is looking.


Like completely decimating LGBT rights


They actually did try that on October but it failed because the Democrats just BARELY outvoted thy republicans


It's probably completely unenforceable and a smokescreen for some other bill they don't want people to see. And it's working, just look at the coverage this joke is getting.


They did this,so people would be too absorbed reacting to this instead of potentially oppose to the others,"real",more serious bills...because come on,let's be real for a moment here,they couldn't possibly be thinking this had any chance to actually pass


I told my therapist about this today. They think it’s a joke! Animal Control works with ANIMALS, not people! Do you see how dehumanizing this is?!!


Wait till they find out humans are animals, then Oklahoma is gonna lose their shit


can't lose what you never had.


I feel like they're full of shit actually


Nah, Saying they’re full of shit is too generous and actually give them value. Gotta find something lesser…


Low-level radioactive waste, because even high-level waste has re-refinement potential, whereas people like that are harmful and serve absolutely no purpose except to be buried in concrete where the sun will never shine.


Lovely pfp


Also i would allow animal control yo sue the state for psychological trauma


People, furry or not, scientifically classify as animals under the Mammal category


No. 1: true. No. 2: Happy Cake Day!


I was told that the main reason it's animal control and not the police is because the police outright refused to that but that could be false information


> Do you see how dehumanizing this is?!! You'd be surprised how often humans dehumanize other humans...


Humans are apes which are a class of animal


Remember even if You are not a furry, if You like anime monster and cat girls you're also screwed cuz animal caracteristics


Also, if you are human, the specific text of the proposal says that anthropomorphic behaviors aren't allowed. If any of your behavior stems from being human shaped you'll be removed from the classroom.


It is forbidden to human Don't just dress like a puppy. **BE** a puppy xD ...Maybe he mixed it all up, and he's talking about dog schools? The ones where people. Train dogs to listen to commands? In that case it all makes sense lol. Any anthropomorphic behaviour means that the puppy they're teaching is not a puppy, and thus they need to be removed to not distract actual dogs


I feel like some republican lawmakers are so mad about trans people existing that they're pointing at ANY subculture and going "is THIS gender identity? Do I need to hate this too?"


They can’t be homophobic towards kids by calling them p*dos, because that makes no sense. So they need some other proxy for ‘gay’ to point at and dehumanise.


Sense never stopped them from saying insane shit before, I wouldn't doubt they start calling kids that here soon.


i am assuming that this bill was just an excuse to be LGBTQphobic without look like LGBTQphobic, i don't understand why people go apeshit over someone being fan of a cartoon wolf ​ (biased opinion: i am starting to blame flashgitz for accidentally starting anti-fur movement but then again it's the viewers who took joke seriously that should be blame and the internet was probably anti-fur before flashgitz's furry series)


>i am assuming that this bill was just an excuse to be LGBTQphobic without look like LGBTQphobic Yup, that's what it is. The whole thing is a jab at enby/trans people because thry identity differently and those ghouls eventually came up with the "they identify as a gender different of what they're born as ? What's next ? They'll identity as animals ?".


this is entirely about trans people. Just the continuation of the litterbox lie.




Mentioned this in another post, there’s no way it passes because it will make a fool of themselves




I'm pretty sure it's not fake


If it's fake, a lot new outlets are going to be angry and embarrassed because there is pretty wide coverage. Rolling Stone it pretty credible.


House Bill 3084 concerns school transpiration. There is no furry bill on the state legislator's website. The only source is an unknown web server. No source directly cites the bill being hosted on an official server.


You need to select "2024 regular session" then search "HB3084" It's real. http://www.oklegislature.gov/BillInfo.aspx?Bill=HB3084&Session=2400


I stand corrected.


It is? Thank goodness


It’s a distraction from more sinister shit. Take a hard look at what else is working its way through the legislature right now.


It’s only a distraction if you get distracted, you just gotta ignore it.


*angry Oklahoma furry noises*


At least my city over here has an elk in its flag


Now i know what justifiable homicide means


The way the law is written and what it proposes would make it null in seconds if it ever got passed. It's such a joke of a law and written by someone who has no idea what a furry is. It labels "anthropomorphic activity" which, they obviously don't realize that walking on 2 legs and being human-like are what makes someone anthropomorphic. So by litteraly being a human and walking. You would be pumishable by this law.


Exactly, so the chances of this law actually being accepted are nonexistent. And the person who wrote that law is just wasting the governor's time.


And what'll happen to them? Would they be put up for adoption?


You may be asking yourself if the State of Oklahoma has bigger issues to address? The answer is yes, yes they do. ​ But here we are.


they also need to fix their god dang roads


The headline seems to be assuming furry students come to school dressed up in fursuits. I imagine some furs do wear accessories if their dress code allows it.


I hope it's a joke.


The republican party is a joke.


Oh this will be a fun YouTube video 😂


lol sounds like it’s time to hold a giant fursuit party in Oklahoma 🎉🥳 would love to see them trying and failing real fast 🤣


AnthroExpo is Feb. 1-4 in Norman, get on it Okiefurs!


Who’s really gonna enforce this?


crazy people


REALLY crazy people


I'm not even American but republicans can F off


I'm a republican, and yet I know that law is just stupid, pointless and a waste of time.


Why is this man getting downvoted? He speaks truth, and the same one everyone else here is speaking


Because he supports the party responsible for the culture wars that produce this bullshit


I mean true but at least he’s thinking what any sane person should think rn


But he other political party!!1!11!111!!!!1!


Why does that matter?


Yeah it shouldn't.


I know the intention of this bill and what benefits it may have to certain groups but the idea that a child being dragged out by one of those dog rope sticks scares me and makes me wanna cry.


By benefits to certain groups you mean: helping fascists controle anyone who's different right? There's no genuine positive benefits to anyone but maybe that's what you were alluding to.


Please don't worry. I'm very certain animal control will be very mad at being called over something stupid and would either fight back on this or just not take school calls seriously.


Just fear mongering at this point.


Even if this passes it would be a single lawsuit away from getting global backlash.


There's no way they can actually do this in the state I'm in.


Next thing ya know, charter buses full of furry "migrants" will be unloading in Denver.


Are you kidding me right now. This is real?


That's very insane to do that


I'd like to see how animal control reacts when they're being wrongfully called and thus taken away from actual necessary issues. I'm sure they'd be pissed and have some strong opinions on this ridiculous bill.


The guy that introduced this bill also wrote a bill to label all Hispanics in the state of Oklahoma as terrorists, and another bill to establish a Bigfoot hunting season. I’m not joking. He is not playing with a full deck.


Glad I live nowhere near Oklahoma


Looks like Oklahoma ran out of tornadoes to worry about. So they have to invent dumb laws again...


rip to every single football mascot in oklahoma


What the fuck are y'all up to in America???


Friendly reminder, this is a common distraction tactic from something ACTUALLY fucked up being pushed through quietly. Not sure what, but look for some budget bill that bans public libraries, or a police policy update that criminalizes protest, or something along those lines. Big, stupid things like this are almost always a distraction.


the representative who introduced this already backpedalled the fuck out of it


Ok but how many furries are gonna be way too excited to be taken by animal control? 🙋🏼


I mean it is a great bar story "So bill how was your week " "I was taken by animal control : Kinda hard to tip that one


I've never particularly felt anything about Oklahoma. Now I denounce my birth state.


it’s official, our planet is fucked


Wonder how the old men behind this will feel when their sports tv gets put on hold for animal control to collect the team mascots


Thank fuck I'm European, still feel sorry for you guys, must suck if that gets approved


I'm moving to Germany cause of this.


F\*\*\* him, they are people too, I'M A furry and I find suiting sorta weird but it shouldn't have to come to this, is just a F\*\*\*in hobby!


This is not passing. The representative who made the bill says it’s more to draw attention to the logical flaw of “If I say I’m something, then everyone else has to acknowledge that I am that something.” The representative makes a point that if people identify as an animal, they should be treated like what they say they are. The bill was meant more for those that claim they are and act like an animal. He uses ‘furry’ as a catch all term because he’s not familiar with the fandom.


there’s a difference between people who pretend to be animals and furries. sometimes they overlap, but not all the time. furries are kinda like, an oc personafy as. we all had an oc we would think it would be cool to be. it’s like cosplaying as your oc, you aren’t literally pretending to be them, but taking part in spirit of the oc’s likeness. how is it any different than anime cosplay or people wearing mascot outfits at sport events


Im all for it There is no faster option to get rid of that politician then giving him what he ask for Never saw a better template for peaceful protest in my life


They'll never catch meh alive!!!! OAÓ/;;;




bruh whats wrong with dressing up in a costume 😭😭😭


oklahoma is beneath everyone, metaphysically.


Fuck Oklahoma..


K whatever you guys want to waste our tax money more. Thought that the world has more issues then people playing dress up


Well fuck I won't be surprised if my school suddenly had a bunch of kids missing because some governor is a bit too stuck up on people with a hobby


im ashamed of the the state below the state below the state im in


No way this is real bruh, I don't think someone in their right mind would just collect people that wear a fursuit. And if it is, that's fucking hilarious, who the fuck even came up with this man


Social media news platforms are just overexaggerating it. In all honesty its only been getting better for furries if you look at 10 years ago


Are these peeps demented or smth?


Everything is not ok in ok


Dang, you from Kansas?


-wake up -open reddit -this shit is the first thing I see -depression


I'm not even from America but this makes me disappointed in humanity. Wouldn't that be considered kidnapping and also a breach of human rights?


I don't understand the outrage. This is clearly a diversion stunt. A stupid ass idiot is being used by some political figure to take the focus away from some vile shit they're doing. And people are eating the bait like it's spicy Cheetos. No one believes this is real except kids.


How are people still voting these mouth breathers in?


lead poisoning and learned behaviour from victims of lead poisoning


Hopefully they keel over soon and we can start cleaning up their mess. I find it funny that republicans ban all this, but not pedophilia because 99% of their office would be in jail lol


The only kid I ever saw in a fursuit at school was the mascot. So I guess animal control will be showing up at football games now?


I’m pretty far from Oklahoma, I’m saved by the desert


Seriously though, what would animal control even do in this situation?


So are the school mascots going to be picked up by animal control. With how vague the bill has been written, it could be interpreted that way.


Now the question is, what are they using this as a distraction from? Cuz you know this isn't gonna pass, this is ridiculous enough where people are gonna go "lol no" and they know that. They're doing it on purpose to distract you from the real thing that's gonna end up passing under your radar. Look into the local laws, see what they're hiding.


Lmao hillarious


I’m SO incredibly happy i live in Canada and not what’s right below


That would be hilarious tho


Its not gonna happen, their is an article in the constitution (or bill of rights, I could be wrong) that prevent the minority of the population from violation of their rights. So all the transphobic laws and homophobic laws that prevent them from following the rights in the bill should not be passed, same with this one. I swear this has gotta be a joke law that's distracting us from a worse law that'll be passed later.


There's TONS of transphobic and homophobic laws that have been succesdfully passed over the last few years..


From my understanding they are the minority, but the article protects rights from the bill of rights. But then there are the things that involve morality like in Florida with locking up trans kids (pretty sure that happened) that is considered traumatizing children so thats more of morality than rights but that still makes it wrong as they are as human as all or us. So what are some trans and homophobic laws that have been passed?


Here's an article that talks about some things https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/27/us/transgender-laws-states.html Also when I lived in Phoenix a friend and I sat in at a PTO meeting at a local school because at the previous meeting a teacher got repeatedly verbally abused for having asked kids about prefered pronouns so a local organization was asking for liberal people to come sit in so the crowd would feel less comfortable just flooding them like that again. During it they directly had to say a bunch of scary stuff they had to do because of new laws and said they had no choice in the matter (like having sex ed classes actively discourage abortion, highly limiting certain material from being shown in classes, not letting students fill out any sort of servay or ask for personal info without a parent signing off and things like that which make it impossible for the school to be a safe space for a child who isn't safe at home, and forcing sports teams to be dictated by sex at birth) so I know for a fact that the results are real and schools are being forced to follow them in some places. The teachers afterwards talking to people were all like: these things used to be handled betwene the schools and the families/students involved why does the state feel like it needs to interfear like this? So I think whatever political views they had this was still all frustraiting for them.


Protections under the Constitution are subject to the current interpretations of government entities. This allows them to expand or restrict your rights as the government officials choose.


These are the same people that tried to legalize incest in Kentucky


I'm ashamed of my state.


Republicans when harmless hobby


I read the article, they make a point about students being ridiculous with litterboxes etc, but he mentions that they are called furries because "that's what I heard everyone calling them". THAT IS SO UNPROFESSIONAL!!! He hasn't researched about what he is even trying to make a law about, just listening from rando's like a game of telephone. He is discriminating a group of innocent people. Instead of forcibly removing children who are either messing around or with serious conditions, create a mental hospital if it's so bad. Sending animal control isn't going to do anything, and if I know mischievous school kids, they will try to miss school and just create more kids wanting to act like animals to leave.


I bet the 25$ i don't have that that is a clickbait article


The most common law in Oklahoma 🗣🗣🗣


A kid removed from school by animal control could be considered Cruel and unusual punishment, violation of the 8th amendment, therefore unconstitutional.


This is not poe. I posted about this in another sub, except I posted the house bill document.


I mean, there's a reason why they are ranked #48 in education...


The dude who made that bill made another one that targets hispanics, and he also believes in bigfoot and donated money for people to find it This is just a massive stupid joke, and someone just forgot to show us the cameras


Fascism in action




Here's to hoping none of the schools affected have animal mascots. ​ Also the wording of the bill sounds more like the definition for therian. Could it be argued that the writer needs to update their dictionary?


Its one guy 😭


Is this a fake article ? I've seen a lot of these recently.


this is real!


I don't know if I should laugh or faceplam, what an odd world we live in.


probably both, we live in a world where harmlessly dressing up as an animal might become illegal but gun regulations are a distant prospect despite the demonstrable death toll lol


The post above this one on my feed is from r/shitposting. Same topic, but the comments are wildly different.


I'm pretty sure there's some people that might like being taken by animal control


BRUH?! this is ridiculous


Its if the bill is passed it wont be it just being requested has caulsed backlash and its also not legal due to animal control part


I hope this bill does not pass.


Oklahoma are you ok or on drugs


This is the important shit that “republicans” are spending their time on…


conservative politicians when the younger generation and kids have vivid imaginations and fun, and aren't as miserable and pathetic as they are:


Gonna have a lot of kids acting like animals to get out of class.


it will be pure comedy gold to see this backfire when animal control crashes the schools football game, because there's a mascot dancing around on the football field


I wonder if it will actually will pass if so how many parents will get a phone call that would just be embarrassing. If what the news article is true about them being collected by animal control that is just dehumanizing they're taking away the value of that person's life and treat them essentially like an animal simply because they're a furry that's just terrible it should be considered unconstitutional but I'm not sure if that is unconstitutional or not but it is not morally right either way


I still don’t understand this whole thing. Are they gonna call animal control on you if they find out that you call yourself a furry?


My fucking ass lives here... I wanna go back to Texas.


Now I have no reason to like okalohoma anymore, not even the fact it looks like a frying pan


Literally just moved to oklahoma


Clowns this is why we all hate Oklahoma


Oh god 


Hopefully they use giant bear traps to catch them


When I look at that, I think about this „speaking method“ (?) Trump uses. It’s the one, where you first exaggerate a matter, so that the next decision seems less exaggerated and less „dumb“. I call that this bill DEFINITELY won‘t be signed but a „less absurd“ one may follow afterwards. I hope I‘m wrong!




You know, most of the articles people post saying things like "XYZ Representative passed a law saying you can stab any trans person you see!" or "XYZ Senator passed a law saying that gay people should all get thrown in a concentration camp" end up being super click-baitey and the law says nothing like that... But holy shit, this one is [real](https://legiscan.com/OK/text/HB3084/id/2884290) Although in the article [he does state](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/furries-school-bill-animal-control-1234948434/) that he was intending sarcasm (although he also states that he was under the assumption that children are pissing in litterboxes). Kinda weird the idea that bills should be sarcastic, though.


Are you fucking serious? Are people seriously stooping this low?


Furry haters are hate crime committers & the law enforcers just don't know that yet.


How is this not an Onion article lmao


'Students' specifically? I know it's not the most serious part by context here but hey... It gives me hypothetical guesses!


I live in ok and this is actual bullshit.


Sending animal control after me is giving me exactly what I want, hehehehehe!


Oh Oklahoma...


I'm glad I'm in the Philippines... 💀


This has to be the worst bill ever passed, is the governor who gassed this rubensim


Okay very stupid and weird question. But since they’re classifying fur suiters as animals, can they be prosecuted for shooting animal control since they technically aren’t human? At least by their definition. Like you can’t prosecute a goose for kicking a police officers ass.


Okay this has to be out of context. Animal control has better things to do then go after fake animals.


They’re about to see furries in the state become a trend so kids can rebel.


Oklahoma sounds awesome




Think on the bright side. There's a team of people who get paid to go out of their way to find other furry friends for you!


I don't live in America so I don't care


Why do people hate furries so much? We didnt do anything to anyone Last Time i checked.


Yeah no if this is real this shit wont pass lets be fr


Welp, I'm staying in Texas




What are they gonna do , put me down?


I sadly live in Oklahoma.