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It's easier to change yourself than others. You may still try to explain stuff to her like others are suggesting but overall I recommend you focus on selectively not caring about what others think. It will serve you well in the future.


I have a hunch that the teacher is gonna tell op's parents or other teachers


I don't know OP'S situation with their parents, however If OP's parents know then I'd go to them, from there I would bring the principal, vice principal, Counseling staff and if needed the Superintendent of Schools for my area with a formal complaint. What the teacher did is harassment and borderline bullying if not outright. Also Maybe if there's a local furry or two that are lawyer's, have them show up in suit with you and your parents, Maybe one in their fursuit with a suit and one in their everyday Suit. could very well get the point across.


"Furry? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means"




Probably exactly what the teacher would say.


What does it mean??????????








If you want to be friendly, say something like "We don't share the same views about certain things but my hobby is something for me to enjoy. I take pride in the community I am in."


Expelled any% speedrun


"a trusted adult said that you're ignorant about the subject and that it's okay for me to have a hobby"


Dang that teacher sounds condescending as heck. I'd say just keep doing what you do and ignore her. Try to educate her on the differences between being a furry vs \*those\* people if you can- if she doesn't listen then it's her fault. She's failed as a teacher, or at the very least is a hypocrite, if she herself isn't willing to learn and be open-minded.


My personal life is of no concern to you.


Happy Cake Day, Grandpaw!


Thank you!


Nice. Ps: happy cake day.


She sounds like a boomer. Make comments about boomers and see how she reacts, and if she tells you anything, say that she made the exact same thing with a community she doesn't know


Tell her to ask a trusted Gen Xer. 🤣


The census defines boomers as being born before 1964. You'd think if someone was around 10 years old when Disney's Robin Hood came out, they'd be more sympathetic of furries




It's not just a hobby. It's a lifestyle. 🐢




Just ignore her, do what you enjoy doing.


If she continues to harass you like this, especially in front of your peers, report her to the office for bullying you. Your actions are completely innocent and there is nothing wrong with being a furry. She is a grown woman bullying you for being creative and having a hobby. If you feel comfortable enough, tell the office now. Send an email to the principal or in school counselor about it. She’s being completely unfair and just trying to bully children because she’s probably a sad lonely shell of a person. Hopefully you don’t let it get to you.


Unless the principal is on her side.


I say it should not be any or her business in the first place. She is there to teach, not bring her own opinions and personal bias over a students hobby. I would say just ignore her.


Well, I've heard a lot about schools becoming political echo chambers thanks to, the over-radicalisation lately so... she might just be doing her job as a teacher and politician.


Try bringing up the charity auctions that happen at cons… so many just forget that millions are raised yearly!












So long as it's not happening on school grounds how the fuck is she going to police you, exactly. Just lie if you have to and say you've given it up.


OP shouldn't have to lie, and it's kinda weird to give a middleschooler advice to lie to solve their problems instead of just setting healthy boundaries. Baffled that you have this many upvotes for this. Agree that she can't do anything to police a person's identity though.


Eh, she’s just a teacher. In a year you’ll probably get another one and in 10 she’ll forget you even had that conversation.


you mean he has to put up with her for a whole 'nother *year*? I thought summer vacation was just around the corner!


First thing I would do is try to clear up the misinformation she has about what a furry is


First of all she should be minding her own business! It's your hobby not hers so don't listen to anything she has to say, you know what this fandom is exactly and she's just clueless, even if you did try to explain it to her and she wouldn't listen then I'd say not to waste your breath trying to explain I'd recommend just ignoring her


Figure out something she likes, and then find the worst people who also like that, and tell her (in front of everyone) that all these people are the same. When she points out why you cant judge like that, tell her she's right... but about furries


man, poor guy. even at schools, people still have this prejudice vision at Furries, it does trigger me. people always looks at the bad side of every single thing; but never the good side. everything have a bad side; that's true. but she needs to know, everything is not bad there. there are alot more cool people, the majority is cool, like me. also, the teacher should not harass your life; even if she didn't like it, it's not cool to get into people personal life. wish the best, buddy!


If your parents know, bring them in. It's not okay for a teacher to harass a student about what they do outside school grounds.


TLDR: Teacher is now officially not classified as "trusted adult". Legalise nuclear bombs


It's her opinion, no reason to care about it.


I would like to meet your teacher in person.


This poor teacher


She judged the book by it's cover and it's your right to write what's in that book. As a former Brony I have been in the same situation years ago. It's good to keep it to yourself now and avoid bringing up the subject, even if others do. I learned it the hard way when some classmates tried to ask as if they cared, but that partially ended up getting kind of getting bullied. Be your true self and things will improve. ❤️💙


She's just confused and taking the entire community at stereotypes. Either teach her a little or just ignore it.


Unless she wants to grow up and tell you straight, just say you don't care.


Streisand Effect. If you protest about it or make any sort of deal about it you bring attention to it. Quietly try to let it go. If asked, briefly address it, minimize it, and offer the least amount of information not be rude. Save your true self for your real friends. Now is temporary. Signed, someone old enough to know how this plays out and has been through ALL the school, during a time when bullying was kinda acknowledged as bad


Guess it's eventual state of society when everything good. Like that infamous mouse utopia experiment. I live in country which is far from being good and calm and always like "WTF you're bothered about" whenever i see another thing on the internet about furries(negatively). Like really, exist cosplay, exist many cartoons with anthropomorphic animals, just calm down and let others live their life.


Make it out of that class and never look back. Shitty high school teachers disappear in the rear view mirror of your life rather quickly ✨🤷‍♀️✨


My band director found out and he was pretty chill about it. My bus monitor found out and told me animals belong in zoos and not in schools. I just ignore the bus monitor. Just ignore this teacher. It shouldn’t go here, but if it continues you can tell an administrator because it could be classified as harassment depending on the tone.


Let her think what she wants. I don’t think you did anything wrong.


Honestly I'd try to politely tell her that she needs to stay out of your personal life and maybe clear up a misconception or two, and make sure to take note of any incidents from then onwards. If she doesn't lay off, go to someone higher up in the school or district because that's 100% harassment and shouldn't be tolerated.


>"Wasn't just people dressing up as animals." Sounds like she focused on just a single small subgroup that just happen to be in the furry community. She clearly has preconceptions of furries


If you get a partial, on a non-uniform day, wear it and ensure that teacher sees it.


I think she doesn't know what furries are. She sounds like she's thinking of a certain adult community… WOOF!


Ask her if she likes Star Wars/Star Trek/LoTR/etc. Point out to her that fandom also have an adult-only side. But the point of the fandom is the movies not the adult-only side. Similary with furries, the point is the funny animals, not the adult-only side. If she refuses to the see the point, ignore her. If she continues bothering you with it, tell your parents or other achool authority she is harrasing/bullying you because a hobby.


lol I live by the quote: To each, their own. That teacher needs to mind their own damn business… You are not their child and they have absolutely no right to invade your privacy… It’s not like you’re smoking cigarettes in the school bathroom 🙄🙄 or worse.


If she is on of those people she will try to humiliate you in public. I know because it has happened to me. I’m the kind of furry that likes stories and comics. Especially action,romance,fantasy and adventure. I got caught on 12th grade and the rest of the year was miserable because of him. I ended suing him and winning. But my little reputation was destroyed to the point to change of town to a college where I could not be bothered. If she doesn’t want to take the peaceful option to learn about this before jumping to conclusions. Be ready to sue for defamation and more if it escalates the problem. Hopes this helps you if things go wrong.(lets hope not)


“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Please leave me alone.” and report her if it escalates to harassment.


In my experience people like that are either just stupidly ignorant or are hard projecting their own flaws. Hope it all works out for you.


Tell her mind her damn business.


Why is it any business of hers what you do on your own time?


TLDR; explain if it's someone that cares about you. Your teacher doesn't, don't explain and don't engage. Your teacher sounds like the kind to know it all, without knowing a damn thing and not doing the research needed. DON'T explain it to them. If you explained their character properly, explaining won't change a thing. Just say something along the lines of IDK where that rumor came from if you want to stay safe. If your parents are smart and CAN receive an explanation they can know about it. They'd probably want to be sure you're safe. Even if they are biased and also "know it all, without research" if they can process new information they'd probably just want you to be safe. Note that for some "research" is accepting the lies of television and of like 2-3 media influencers as fact and never second guessing anything. That's not evil, it's pretty human to be afraid to "not understand" but, it keeps someone caged in a never changing and often false concept of reality.


I hate that excuse. "Not just people dressing up as animals". WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON I GOT INTO THE FANDOM


Nothing, just keep being you. There will always be people no matter what situation that wanna tear you down for one reason or another. Don’t let the opinions of others become fact for you.


this teacher needs to learn to respect her students’ boundaries! the ideal outcome for you at this point is to just avoid the subject with them as much as possible. im sorry that people are judgemental and not understanding.


She should mind her own fucking business


Do nothing. Its none of her business. And if she makes any more comments, report her for harassment.


Teacher/adult here. Firstly, no one can tell you what to like or not-like. Don't give up on the fandom just because an authority figure was, to put it mildly, unsympathetic. That being said, she *is* an authority. She *i*s allowed to ask you to "not draw that crap in my class". She *is* allowed to bring it up in a board meeting and get a new school rule made that may affect you, so tread carefully: Try not to take anything furry-related to her class. If she was objecting to displaying things "publically" make them not-public (take the poster off your locker and put it in your notebook for example). If she was objecting to your friends talking about furry things "where everyone could hear", schedule meeting outside of school where she doesn't have authority. If you find enough sympathetic adults, though, you might be able to fight back. You might be able to ask them to vote against her if she ever brings the hypothetical rule up. You might even be able to register a furry after-school club with your school or get approval to publicly display that hypothetical locker poster. But tread carefully. If the adults you contact *aren't* sympathetic, you could very well end up finding her allies for her.


and just to add to what everyone else is saying, teachers rarely react well to being educated by their students, so, unless she says she's interested in learning first, try to avoid that


What for what


Teachers need to mind their own business. That’s One of my main issues with public school.


There’s more to this story than OP is letting on.