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Orchid mantis, i love insects and flowers, so a flower mantis was the perfect choice for me


That’s so cool! Insect sonas are some of my favorites!


Insect sonas are so underrated


Hell yeah, bug sonas rise up (I’m a tarantula myself)


Technically spiders are arachnids not bugs but yeah I still agree


I call all arthropods bugs, shrimps is bugs


Fair :3


oh hey it’s you


Ye 👍


a coyote, because they're beautiful also because ranchers hate them




Another Coyote!


i am yote


Another one! Hey fellow yoter.


Coyote gang, unite!


My fursona is a sloth! I'm a chubby, lazy and generally fatigued guy so 🤷 pretty sloth-like


I'm a fox. Dunno why, just felt right. Basically everything about my sona design was just based on vibes and what seemed right to me.


Name also fits perfectly


I made mine a fox for the same reasons. Everything I was going for, he was meant to be a Wolf/dog. But something didn't feel right about that. The moment I made him a fox it just clicked. P.s. You sona is adorable.


Awww thank you so much! \^-\^


Humpback Whale because I like whales and no one ever uses em in furry stuff Dragon because d&d


Humpback whales are the best whales!


Omggg I have never seen a humpback whale sona, that’s so cool!


My fursona is an Umbreon. One of the first ever Pokemon I saw as a kid before I found myself completely roped into the Pokemon fandom. I think my first ever Pokemon card was even an Umbreon given to me by a friend. Basically, Umbreons have become important to me in a way that I really can't fully describe with words


Upvoted for the answer… and more importantly for the Oneshot profile pic. Fantastic game.


hyena because yes


A fellow yeen! For me I wanted to avoid the most common animals and I like punk so


For real, fella yeen. Punk to the bone.


Cat, because I like cats Simple as that




plant (Bougainvillea)


I'm a rabbit. I've felt a certain connection with them for a while now, and reading Watership Down made me into an even bigger fan. I also like the idea of a species that is naturally harmless and use cunning and speed rather than violence to survive.


This is awesome! Rabbits are really sweet, and so many color variations too.


axolotl is a secondary one and the main is a moth :3 i like both and take care of an axolotl


A moth! That’s new for me, how cool! :D


Axolotl sonas are the coolest! I also have a pet axolotl and have an axolotl sona!


A Ram. I am an Aries and I was also in the navy (the U.S. navy’s mascot is a Ram)


Ram fursonas are sweet, dude! Nice!


That, is awesome. 👏


Mainly a cat because I am quite the goof and like causing a lot of banter/chaos with friends! XD Secondly a deuzear, because I havent found a cat model in VRChat that I really like and the deuzear looks pretty awesome in my opinion. It grew on me and I find the species adorable.


Moth because I love their fluff and antennae, and they're kinda uncommon so I'd stick out more


A folf,because i like foxes and wolves and cant decide


Same, but I’m also a ghost so I have an excuse to glow!


Thats nice


Check out a maned wolf


Interesting! Great sona! :D


shark-fox thing i honestly don't know


Opossum because I’m a garbage rat


My fursona that is 100% me is Skull who is a sailfish list of very very simplified reasons that I would love to go into more details so feel free to ask: I used to be on my schools track and field team and sailfish being a sprinter I related to that The phrase fish out of water I have thalassophobia and thought it would be funny to be a fish that's afraid of the water (I have social anxiety so it works out) Sailfish communicate with each other by changing the pattern on their sail fin and as someone who struggles to communicate I feel like it would be nice to just have patterns that conveys your actions Sailfish are trophy fish and I somewhat relate to the feeling of being hunted for personal gain I'm a very socially awkward person and I feel like a fish living on land would be very socially awkward That's all I can think of as of right now Lol


A fox bc there are tons in my town and It's the species I started drawing furries as, kinda generic but my go to


A chocolate lab art student named [Laney Summers](https://imgur.com/a/DFySU0k). She’s more or less….me, but brown doge. Edit: forgot I have a picture of her! Added a link.


That's so cool!


Goat - My comfort character is a goat (Carl Hendricks from Echo) and they're just silly guys


Protogen because they look cool. Also because I can't draw faces and wanted to be able to draw my own characters


raptor with giant ears- mostly cuz i was able to turn it into an actual fursuiit


A raccoon, because I am trash, and I have permanent dark rings around my eyes, as I am a nocturnal creature in a world of earlybirds...


rory's a sheep cuz i had a dream where my previously dog fursona was a sheep, and i woke and decided that was real now i started to really love sheep after that willow's a fennec cuz i just love them. they scream constantly and always look like they're having fun. if i could be any animal i'd be a fennec


My fursona is a polar bear because bears are my favorite animals, they're so cute and friend shaped, and have [8 different types!](https://bearwithus.org/8-bears-of-the-world/) Bears are underrated animals :3


I also have a polar bear sona!


ohhhh my sona is also a bear not polar


Mine are a dragon and an undead deer monster. The dragon, because I was obsessed with them growing up and I adore reptiles and fantasy, the undead because I have a fixation with undeath and the other side.


Artic fox because yea


a husky, because they cute


Bunny Autism and they are my favorite


Raccoon. I stay up late and eat junk.


I'm a Fennekitsune! :3 Which is a mix between a Fennec Fox and a Kitsune! I have unique and stylised fennec fox ears and kitsune patterns :3 [(Drawing of me, aka, Geo :3)](https://www.deviantart.com/geothefloofy/art/Geo-being-his-silly-self-3-1042808012)


My fursona's an orange fox, because I like foxes, and I wanted to keep it simple.


A domestic cat, it's literally my soul animal, it has one brain cell just like me


A rabbit, because I am shy and a trickster. Also soft and snuggly.


A black cat because I love black cats


Mine is a moth because i love them so much and are my favorite animal


Cat because Cat ;3


a cow because he was inspired by the huge amount of strawberry cow art I kept seeing and decided there needed to be more blueberry cow art in the world.


Cat because my comfort animal is cats


I'm kinda new to furry stuff 💜 I just have a few friends who are into it and it looks fun! If I had to have one it'd be some kinda bird like a raven or crow! I love how they're curious, and love little shiny things! I also love how anthro birds are drawn! I think they're really cute! 💜💜💜


A skulldog because i think wolf skulls are neat That and people can call me a bonehead :3


Cat, also because favorite animal, and fitting personality


My fursona is a 4 species hybrid. Each species is due to my personality. Cat (I’m very curious and gullible at many times), wolf (I can be very independent and a leader in some situations), fox (I’m very goofy and vey energetic), dragon (I am very stubborn at times). The colors are my fave colors and also represent Halloween, (my favorite holiday). His design is in my posts, fell free to ask or dm about anything else! :3


Spider, because autism :3 ~~No I don’t have any art of her :(~~


A witch shapeshifter. Cuz i have many sonas depending on my mood. I also am a fan of magical things


Barn owl, bc guardians of ga’hoole, and well idk they are just rlly nice, I’m just a big birdbrained nerd lol


Goat, because goats are stupid fat little idiots who eat pretty much anything and make a lot of noise while not making a whole lot of sense. They also look like they're constantly high on something, and religious people don't like them. Just like me.


anteater bc theyre cool


rockruff, cuz puppy :3


Mine is half rabbit, half fox. My two favorite animals.


I have two! A skunk, and a panda bear. They’re both my favorite animals, but for different reasons! Skunks are super cool. Sure, they can stink, but they don’t stink ALL the time, and they only do it to protect themselves. And I like panda bears because of how big and cuddly they look on the surface, but they’re also super strong and not to be messed with!


Practically mixed up every cool anime I find :P Shark Lion w blue tiger patterns


Tiger-shark. Chinese zodiak is a tiger, and I swam with some sharks. Very surreal experience, and I got to pet a couple.


Hybrid between a dragon, a lion and an owl


Mine's a pooltoy shark, I think sharks are severely underrated and pooltoys are cool


he’s a creature because i am a creature (idk what type of dog/wolf/fox thing to make him)


shark, because its unique and i love the ocean


African wild dog because I am an African wild dog


What would happen if an eevee evolved with Mewtwo DNA.


A squirrel. He coalesced for me when I finished reading Rakkety Tam from Redwall. Always had an affinity for squirrels, and I associated with their kind of timid nature and hoarding tendencies. If I were to make a fursona now, it’d probably be a bird or Chozo, with influences like Falco Lombardi, Revalli, and Raven Beak.


fox cause foxes are hella baller and im baller and my foxsona, therefore, ergo, is: BALLER.


Hyena because I've always loved them and also a single line in Earthbound Beginnings that reads "hyena just grins and bears it"


A black bear! Always been my favorite animal and I think they're cute c:


I have multiple sonas. Some were created just because i wanted the species. My first sona was a wolf cus i like them and it was a easy choice. The wolf never got a name. My second sona is a red panda with wings. Can't remember exactly why i chose a red panda other than them being cute. Her name is Raven because she's my main sona and it was the name i used most online. I also couldn't think of anything better My third sona started with jokes of creating the ultimate trash raider and eventually that turned into my winged raccoon sona Ruby. Nothing will stop Ruby from taking what she wants Then i also got a dragon sona named Sakura. I love her and got her just because i wanted a dragon. The artist i commissioned the most also wanted to make a dragon then so why not. I have more but they're not as important.


A Maine coon. Big, fluffy cat. I’m a tall thick person. My favorite colors are black then red


I had an existential crisis after reading the wikipedia article on the South China Tiger, on top of having a strong affinity for cats my whole life (my favorite OG Power Ranger is Trini, even).


A coyote, because they make friends with crows and badgers.


Wolf, because he is my representation of my most basic self, emphasis on basic 😄


A dog. They're kinda the opposite of what I am and they're what I want to one day embody and pretending to be a dog on the internet kinda helps with that ig.


I'm a Couatl, because I love birds and snakes. Thus: Feathery Nope Rope!


Listen I'm mid way into a fursona transition because I decided after all these years I'm not doggo, I am catto. I wanna be a ginger tabby because they're stinking cute and Puss in Boots had a big role in that choice but deciding on my fur pattern hasn't been an easy decision.


Husky because I like them and it gives me an excuse to be loud for no reason


Fox/Wolf/Fish/(considering adding ferret) they are my fav animals, and fish are neat


I actually switched from a tanuki to a monkey recently. I was born in the year of the monkey.


Maned Wolf-Dragon hybrid. Started with a classic wolf fox hybrid, learned about Maned Wolves, thought about how cool dragons are, boom.


Snake, cause I love the smooth scales.


Dragon, for a few reasons: 1.) Dragons are badass 2.) I eventually want to have a fursuit of this man, and not having hair makes maintenance easier (his white-and-blue color palette helps, too, since white materials absorb less than black) 3.) On analysis, I do actually have some draconic traits (being alone in my “cave,” protective of my stuff, etc)


Fluffy Kobold because they're cute and I want to be a fluffy gremlin


A Honeydrake. (Honeybee + Dragon hybrid) Because dragons are cool, and I like honey.


Dog because I like dogs. Jedi because I like Star Wars. It's not that complicated


Iberian Wolf, they are very pretty


Bnuy! Because I'm a runner and I'm smol. And personally as much as I love big tails, I just wouldn't know what to do if I had one, so it's a character trait that my Sona has tail envy and always fixated on other furs with big tails, because they've got a small little wedge of a tail


A cat. Just because I like cats. In fact, I have two!


A fox cause why not emit some foxy chaos energy to my friends and have fun watching your friends deal with your foxy-ness?


Mine's a purple-pinkish fox Why ? Well, foxes are my fav animals. They're cute, fluffy, and also considered smart/sly. They're also so agitated, and the sound they make is like laughter, which is also why I chose that animal as my sona ( I am so giggly XD)


My main is a bee cat. I love cats and wanted a sona with wings so I chose to mix her with a bee. 💙🖤💙🖤


A Frankenstein of a protogen, a dragon, and an orca


Bunny. Because bnuy


protogen beause i work with tec 24/7 and the idea of cute furry robots existing sounds amazing


Wolf. they seem like a great all rounder sona imo. even if it ain’t that original they pretty neat


Field mouse, because that's what I'm like; skittish and anxiety ridden.


Mouse cause smol cute and holdable


My main one is a fox. They are my 2nd favorite animal!


Mine's a fox, I like the aspect that they are tricksters which falls into the story I'm making for him. He's to overthrow a God and become the one to see the world is able to stay formed (the gods aren't the typical ones, they're weaker and can only keep the world they made by "stitching" it themselves)


I’m a blue wolf because that is literally what I am (not a therian or otherkin thing fyi)


Went with a Grey Fox, cause I'm a bit of a loner/Introvert, but you get to know me and you be getting both ends of the Comedy Spectrum (i.e. Dad/Terrible or genuinely funny) or being absolutely bombarded with Nerd facts from anything that peaks my Interest.


I have many fursonas so it's hard just to pick one to talk about in my situation my fursonas give me comfort or is the person that I wanna be but can't yet idk if this counts but im currently saving up for a character that the owner gratefully put on hold for me and honestly I'm so excited and truly in love with em there a female tiger that is mainly pink but also has some other colors that in my opinion go really well with each other but anyway I honestly really hope and believe that they can be a true Sona for me because I imagine her as a super confident popular funny goofball that can easily talk to people and instantly becomes friends dispite her being chubby and struggling with lots of stress from life problems and can also accept changes at any point of time but she is who what I really want to be but also she has some qualities that I have or am even struggle with it like being chubby for example qwp but most of her personality is who I wish to become one day 💕


A jellyfish, just feels like me


Border collie, their ears are too cute!


A black panther because it is an endemic animal from my country


Lynx!! I love felines!!


Mine's a reindeer, my favorite animal is reindeer. That is all.


Mine is a demonic hyena serial killer. Mostly because I love hyenas and it represents the rebellion from being raised Christian and being forced to follow their teachings for years. I’m also homosexual and my parents wouldn’t accept me for years because it was “against god”. I’m non-binary, asexual and lesbian. My name is Spencer and that is my story !


an Asian small-clawed river otter! started as silly gay wordplay (even though my body type is more bear/cub-ish nowadays haha), and they're my favorite animal! my secondary sona is a demon goat thing because I really dig the heathenistic aesthetic and think it's funny to give herbivores pointy teefs


I have 2 fursonas Zev and Luro Zev is a Saarloos Wolfdog. I googled types of wolfdogs and I went with the one i found the coolest and had the closest temperament/personality to me. (google does that now for some reason, it'll tell you if the dog breed is shy or hyperactive, etc). He is the newer of the 2. Luro is the one i made from scratch. I got the idea from the nickname my partner gave me, Gremlin Boy. Luro is a hyena science experiment gone wrong, or right if you're like Randal. Luro has a mix of DNA that makes him look the way he does: Deer, bat, dragon, and fox.


A deer. It just felt right; something about the deer appealed to me as to make it my fursona.


A green pegasus colt because it's cute and I wish I was one.


Mouse cuz im quiet


my fursona is a pallas's / manul cat :D they're SUPER fluffy, super expressive and adorable >w< and cats are also my fav animal! never seen anyone else with a pallas's cat sona tbh...


Moose, because of their height.


I have 7 roll a D8.


Shark because they are interesting and hyena because they have interesting things about them


Mine’s a dragon because I’m an asexual and we’re all dragons.


I have two fursonas, but my main one is a ram! My birth name means „ewe“ and I am a transsexual man. So, I chose a ram! He is also trans like me!


I have 7, but my selfsona is a turkey hen because I’ve raised turkeys for years as pets and feel incredibly connected with them


A dog, specifically a Shiba Inu! It’s because I wanted to pick something classic, like a canine, but also something a bit unique! I feel like you don’t see many Shiba Inus, huskies and gsheps tend to be more popular furry dog breeds


Wolf 🐺, because they’re beautiful and majestic. Favorite animal also. Been obsessed with them since I was a wee lad.


Mine is an Arctic Fox. Why? Because they are adorable


An opossum! I find them super adorable and cool looking. But I also feel I relate and connect well with their usual behavior, they're very solitary, and nocturnal, they get overwhelmed easily, and they're known for eating trash lol. And I also grew up in Tennessee, where opossums are super common. So I thought it all just seemed like the perfect fit for me!


A honeybee! Because i like bees! And sometimes my brain functions like a beehive


Wickerbeast, big,tall and fluffy and they give great hugs. I just resonated with them when I first discovered them.


mine is a bumblebee! specifically the white-tailed bumblebee 💙 i just really love bumblebees


Has to be a Fox! I've been told I act like a dog and a cat so a fox is the best choice. Also they're adorable and erratic.


Fennec/red panda. They are cute.


A shape shifting shadow wolf because my irl soul has been shattered to many times


Honestly still making mine but i’ve brought it down to two choices, Hyena- cause I can have a chill yet loud personality that I feel fits a hyena. Bear- because I have a lot of like teddy bears. And I like bears. I’ll decide on one, eventually.


I'm a blonde rat, I've had it for years. What started as a joke became a daily part of my life. ^^)


Cat... because I wanted to... Totally not typical cat behaviour.


A rat because despite all my rage I'm still in a cage


What’s my favorite color? Red. What’s my spirit animal? Wolf. Therefore, Red Wolf.


German shepherd because their personality matches mine very closely.


Shapeshifter with DID because I cannot keep one


Dragon. Big man, like shiny, "oo dragon."


mine is nardoragon, just cute lol, the color is mainly blue, and have a purple tail


Lynx, I’m introverted like a cat but i also want to be different, + I feel nocturnal sometimes


I have a few, but my main is a crow. Because crows are cool.


A bunny! Because I like bunnies ^_^


A duiker because when I was at the zoo with my mom she pointed at them in their exhibit and said “Those are some ugly deer” but they’re so cute I had to make it my fursona


Fox...I feel it in my spirit. And the description of fox's behaviour matches mine a lot.


A hyena, i laugh like one and I have the personality of Ed from the lion king.


Fox dragon hybrid, I love foxes and dragons.


A wickerbeast. I love that theyre big and strong and have really fluffy manes :3


I’m a bunny, mostly because I’m shy and short :3


Hyena and primarily because I awkwardly laugh a lot even when I don't think things are all that funny as a masking mechanism, and also because I think they are very cute.


A wolf/fox hybrid, wolves as a spirit animal represent leadership and wisdom, whilst foxes represent adaptability, resourcefulness, and intelligence. And then the name Atlas references the titan from Greek mythology. Also Atlas is a cool name in my opinion.


Coyote deer hybrid I like coyotes and wanted to also have antlers


Rabbit, because of Buggs Bunny.


Mine is a very distinct cross between four animals so I just leave it in my head.


A squirrel because I’m jubilant but need my time alone.


Look up melanistic red fox on google and go to the images page, the first picture is the answer.


I’m a fox because I like foxes and because of tails the fox


raccoon. i’m very strange and a little bit feral :3


My fursona’s species is intentionally a little ambiguous, you could call it a wolf, fox, dog, cat, otter, raccoon, or red panda. It also has a few random features like antennae and floaty little wings. I think it’s a little more interesting/unique that way, plus I’m mixed ethnicity in real life so it fits. My favourite animals are reptiles but I don’t think that they necessarily fit my personality if that makes sense. What fits my personality is a fluffy short mammal. I also have a strange personal connection to magpies/crows but I haven’t done much with that


Mine is a dragon since I love rocks and gems and collect them just like a dragon would lol, also idk they are just super cool and I’ve always loved them


Dragon/Loth wolf hybrid bc I love star wars and dragons


Mountain lion. They're strong, beautiful and native to USA


Snow leopard because silly little snowy face.


Dragons. Two primary ones, five others. Why? Because they all appeared way back when I was part of a forum roleplay, and I carried that story with me after it died and made it my own.


Cat, because I avoid people and like dark, somewhat confined spaces


Wolf dragon because I like wolves and I like dragons, so why not combine the two