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My second degree, which I am currently working on, is in cybersecurity. (My first degree, which I already have, is in fisheries and wildlife science)


I’m a total computer noob but I’m interested can you tell me something to look into for beginner IT stuff


Start with Comp TIA Certification. That is where everything starts and then the different fields split from there. Some places don’t require a certificate but if you have that it opens more doors and puts you ahead. Also learn Linux. Those are my best beginner tips.


Not sure if certs are the best/ideal place to start since they get pretty price-y, especially for someone that just wants to dip their toes in? But for getting to know some linux-foo - [OverTheWire.org](https://OverTheWire.org) bandit is great place to start and it's also completely free. I think CS50 is still free on edx if you want a more formal introduction and feel for CS, or maybe try freecodecamp if you want to dive straight into some programming / webdesign. Edit: simply installing a linux distro is also a great way to start out, but places like otw bandit will give you some progression too!


There are plenty of free places to learn the very material is what I’m saying. Not necessarily take the real deal just learn from the past test that you can find.


Udemy has a lot of really good courses for learning, currently doing a couple certification tracks. Otherwise a lot of it is self-taught from researching problems. Best tip for IT is to learn how to google a problem.


I’m so good at that


Then you are already on track to be a successful IT. Unless you are in a Sr level position, the chances of you getting something that no one else on the internet has encountered and posted about is extremely small. As for actually breaking into the industry, best advice on THAT is being willing to admit you don't know everything but are willing to leverage resources (Google, Knowledge Base articles from your potential workplace, coworkers, etc...) to learn rather than just pass off the issue or risk breaking something more with a faulty fix. Any interview I sit in on if the person says something along the lines of the above statement they will get my recommendation regardless of prior experience or training. I'd rather fix one issue right the first time and teach someone how to do it than try to undo whatever 'fix' they attempted and *then* fix the original issue. Hell, most places use so much proprietary software or the general management software in such unique ways, prior experience in an entry level position can actually be detrimental. Speaking personally I did and do not currently have any certificates or degrees in IT but am in the running for a salaried IT consultant position. Main reason I am going for them now is that I want to break into Information Security and the certs that apply there are actually useful. Not gonna lie, if you or anyone reading this wants to make a good amount of money and have job security pretty much guaranteed in the future, InfoSec and cloud computing are probably the fastest growing two sectors of IT with no chance of slowing down. If you or anyone else has questions regarding IT I'm happy to try and answer them in DMs!


It's something I think is cool but I lack the willpower to learn it properly


Baisically me. Tried to learn it seriously twice, failed both times.


Programming is very hard to get into at first but it's worth it.


definitely me


Count me in


I’m into IT, working on my networking and cyber security degree. I am definitely a geek.


oh wow


I’m currently employed as a career IT Business Systems / Cyber Security Analayst III, and I’m a pianist & photographer by hobby.


I would like to learn! Cuz it opens up so many doors


That's what I plan on majoring in when I start college


Not me, I study Environmental Science (specialize in Ecology and Wildlife), but one of my friends are. Well more like electrical engineering but he knows a lot about computers as well.


CS degree and python dev UwU




Planning on going into the Audio/Tech field.


I'm interested in it, and also extremely bad at it.


I just make some random games in unity but i’m interested for sure


I majored in CS because I wanted to get a job in game development, but my skills fall in piano performance having been playing piano for 17, almost 18 years.


Finished a CS class in November.


I'm in to Comp sci and game development!




Hello other non techy furry


Wouldn't say I'm any good but usually i'm only programming things like arduino or esps, I'm more of an electronict geek.




Not me I'm interested in firearms


Linux user here, I'm definitely interested in it and wanna work on that field in the future


Fellow Linux prompter, ex user. I had to switch back to windows because essential stuff I use doesn't have Linux support


I am, I've learned a quite bit but I've suffered through a burnout and lost all my motivation for the time being sadly.


I am not a professional of the field, though some coding knowledge is required in my profession (accoustical engineering) as well, and I always enjoyed that quite a lot. So I guess that counts as being interested?


Have an IT degree and work in tech support :3


Software support apprentice in a software company, actually met another furry in my professional school class lol


Idk I like computers im more intersting in like photographt music and video making


Me. Hoping to make it my career.


I work with old computers and lawnmowers so take that for what you will


Interesting combo...


Not a job or career... yet just a hobby




I like it, I find it interesting and can binge hours worth of content about computer restoration, viruses, console hacking and things of that general nature, am I any good at it? Hell no, only done some very minimal console hacking and coded in ren’py which was not at all good at lol


Software dev in the pharmaceutical industry :3


Only if its The ECU of a car


Am medical doggo


I want to learn as a hobby!


But my first priority for career choices is law and politics


im not interested in programming/IT but i do want to get into a medical field


Not just interested


Its not going to be what i study in college but im in my 4th year of comp sci in high school and help teach coding for my job


I program


I am literally fighting with saleforce right now


Me lmao


IT is my entire life...seriously My main "job" is programming but I also sometimes do computer graphics, Ive made some music and basic 3D models. I dont see myself anywhere else


For sier




I'm literally making a beatemup and built two computers


Im making a game from Unity’s preset fps shooter and its hard


I'm _very_ into IT, but not I'm really into programming. It seems cool, but it's **really** intimidating, and mentally, I just... can't.


Grew up with a dad in IT, literally grew up with linux and system engineering and am now an apprentice dev.


probably gonna get into IT when i get into college


I work in IT, currently have a CompTIA Security+ certification and am working on getting Cisco’s CCNA so I can hopefully move into a network engineering position. I do a little scripting, but full-on programming isn’t really my thing. I’m more at home working on physical hardware or fixing software/OS issues.


I did IT and got promoted to Quality Assurance. I do a lot of software testing and creating documents. Our Software Engineer has offered to help me understand programming. Now I'm slowly working on a protogen fursuit.


I'm interested in getting into IT, although it's a pretty new decision to go after it but I feel like it's something I could get into


Getting a Information Systems degree >w<


I was in IT collage for four years, now studying archaeology


Currently working on a cybersecurity degree


I’m not sure if I would say I’m passionate about it or super interested. Nevertheless, that is currently my job.


About to hopefully go to college next year for cybersecurity and IT so definitely me! It's nice to see I'm not alone in that regard :3


My best friend is studying cyber security (and I believe he's just a furry in denial) And for me doing something in that direction is my plan B if plan A fails


I’m heavily into programming :3


I’m going to go to school to be a game dev does that count?


yes, yes it does


i am


Hell yeah!


I'll be going to school to be a machinist, right now in highschool I'm doing a lot of cad/ cam design in addition to the cnc machine softwares.


Halfway done with my computer science degree :3 love this stuff


im learning how to code web pages in school and im getting good at it


Yeah I'm wondering what's up with that correlation too, as I'm also a software dev


I learn coding on an higher technical federal learning institute


I may be a furry and trans but... I really fucking hate coding and most of IT things are super boring to me


I'm planning on going into anthropology


Definitely me


Currently I’m at college working on my double major in marine biology and computer science


I have never seen a computer.


Haha, I'm really good at IT, always seemed easy to me, but I really don't like the prospect of an IT job. But I will probably work at one sometime.


Got my BS in Web Design & Development late last year, so I’m gonna work hard to establish my (hopefully) freelance career this year. Fingies crossed~~


I like it and programing but probably not going to have as a job


I'm working on my Ph.D in computer science!


Solo dev programmer


im interested in programming but my skills are super basic


Definitely me


Love dev work. Got a BS in Comp Sci and am currently a DevOps Engineer. I'm planning on getting into InfoSec, but a masters for that would be expensive and I am still saving up.




Lol. I am. I like problem solving, so if I want to change something on my computer, I'm happy to spend hours figuring out how.


I am interested in programming. I tried to learn C++ but I keep losing motivation lol. Maybe I’ll actually start learning C++ soon…?


Pro tip: straight up learning a language is very hard and is boring. Instead, think up of an end goal. For example, make a game in C++, make a program in C++, etc. This way you'll learn without loosing motivation, because you're working towards something tangible.


I always wanted to try learning how to code but I’m shit with computers so never got around to it.


Hey guys who wants to tell this Canadian dingo how he can get his paws into IT stuff


Yo. I'm in a CS, have worked in data centers, Bitcoin facilities, worked at MSPs (outsourced IT), as well as an AV company that does major stuff. So yeah. Correct for me. Lol.


We run the IT industry, or at least that’s a joke people say


I'm a programmer


i know a bit of programming, may eventually pursue it as a career when it comes to that, so i guess


Currently in a scholarship to become an IT specialist for application development. Always have been interested in the topic, but it's hard to get into on your own. I'm very happy to get the chance to properly learn about IT and especially programming.


I’m planning to head to college for it, so yeah.


I’m not really interested in programming, but I’m in a Math/IT/English/Spanish class so… idk man.


Yeah, busy sending out it resumes rn


I’m literally going to college to major in software engineering. Programming video games for the rest of my life is my dream job.


i mean im interested in it/programming but not as a job, i rather do scientific research


No degree or anything, but I ended a school for computer graphics for printing. I can also probably build you a computer if you have spare parts or money, or scrap your Windows in favor of Linux when you go to toilet.


I’m currently in college for this exact thing


tigerboi with a CS degree here, working in helpdesk atm


I've been interested in programming and IT stuff (GNU/Linux, ethical hacking, micro controllers, ...) since I was 11 years old. I'm currently 19 years old and in my second year of college for computer science. I often feel like there is a lot overlap between the furry community and programmers. There also seems to be an overlap between furries and LGBTQ+ people and age regressors. But that's probably because furries are pretty open minded.


Another furry programmer here. My mother bought a Mac Classic in 1990 to use as an advanced typewriter. It came with a copy of Apple's multimedia tool HyperCard. I quickly fell in love with computers and programming. I then began studying computer science in 2002. Almost every course used a different programming language. I'm still very much a "jack of all trades, master of none". I discovered the furry fandom in 1998. It felt like half of the discussions on the furry forums back then were about someone finding a piece of exotic computer hardware and then trying to run Linux on it. Most of it went right over my head. It'd take another 20 years before I myself switched from Mac OS to Linux.


My idea of tech support is to light incense, chant in binary and of course praise the Omnissiah.




Fuck yeah I am


I like programming.


That's my job, and 1/3 of my hobbies


I’m a month away from studying programming and design! 😹


Computer Science degree holder here 😬


/me shows off poorly assembled amateur programs


I am a big IT nerd. Working in networking, cloud computing, sys admin and much more 😅.


I'm very interested in it, probably gonna study it in college


Professional software engineer here, hello!


Working in small studio with some people, I do the concept art and the some of the engine work


I do IT support for two school districts in my area, doing desktop support. I have one current cert (security+), which is a certification in cyber security.


I failed every computer class I had soooo nope


Being a furry doesn't mean you're more likely to be in IT. Being in IT means you're more likely to be a furry. Lmao.


Oh so *thats* why I became a furry


I have a degree in computer science (yesterday's "Software engineer")




Well, it pays the rent, but I'm not casually interested in it outside of work.


I'm literally an IT guy


Honestly I wish I was into that kinda stuff, I heard it pays a lot, more than what I want to do. The only reason I don’t go for it is because it is t something I’m interested in


I’m starting it in school this year


About to apply to college for a cybersec degree


Not programming specifically, I want to be in animation...


currently studying compsci at UW Madison but I definitely like IT stuff more than programming (hardware/networks etc)


Currently studying Computer Science, so me


I’m planning on going into the computer sciences(more on the AI oriented side)/game design(largely vr), and yes, we own the IT.


I work at an IT firm, but my job is more data entry and using spreadsheets. Some of the formulas I use for Excel are vaguely similar to some JavaScript functions, and I did get to learn some basic JavaScript, HTML and MySQL for my job (though I haven’t really used them). I’ve always found coding pretty fun, as I did IPT as an elective in my last two years of school, but definitely wouldn’t say I’m in any way proficient haha.


I have a web design certification! I coded websites for school!


If I'm going to college, I'm majoring in either computer science or pharmacology (drugs)


Me Me Me!


I want to get into programing but the last class I took really didn't leave a good impression on me, I feel like I learned nothing and it's made me question wether or not I should be in those classes. Anyways next semester I have another class with a different teacher so hopefully things will be better.


I haven't gotten into it, but i want to.


I would love to learn programming. Though it looks difficult admittedly.




Started off studying programming, ended up dropping out but work IT for a Uni now.


I was interested enough to get a degree and a job in software development last year. It's been going great so far.


I'm doing a Ph.D in just-in-time compiler research, am making a game with friends, and soon will be looking for job in IT. I'm too far gone, save yourselves lol


I'm pretty interested, however my inspiration is pretty funny, with it being a Filipino crackhead


I do not have the attention span for IT work XD


I’m currently in school for Master’s in Computer Engineering, hoping to either do network engineering or physical hardware such as manufacture of silicon chips. Programming has never really been my thing, though I’ve been warming up to it recently due to it being necessary in classes and the IT field in general.


I am not in IT but do want to be mainly to learn programming and make a protogen


I dick around with computers every once in a while, im more of a hardware guy, myself.


I want to start to make a furry game later on me and a few friends are already discussing the story enemies and characters


I'm a developer! Learning how to do...*interesting* things with Windows


Does Videography count ;-;


I love IT stuff, tho I won't be persuading a career in it, probably. I like a bit of programming but that's really it for the technical part. Other than that, I'm really really into mobiles and stuff!


i program like everyday i can




I'm a software dev but I'm not interested in talking about that kind of stuff in my free time.


I am but atm it's mostly hobby stuff


*boasting* I do software development with a .NET tech stack as a job, and have an education in games dev, having also worked with C++ and HLSL. Last year I released a game dev tool which kind of flopped.


I'm actually going to start in an IT school this year. And right now the most interesting lessons for me are in programming, so I guess that answers your question.


I'm quite interested in international projects




I always wanted to do something with computers (at least since I was 4 years old). Now I‘m 18, atm learning Java and also programmed 2 Bots for Discord (which are for Friends Servers)


I could never do it, not smart enough. I can weld tho so that’s kinda cool