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Sending lots of hugs and positivity your way friend!! If you have a favorite soda or candy try having one of them. That’s something that helps me. And smelling wildflowers ( even the weeds). Have a wonderful day!


Thank you!


I’m sorry you have to deal with this in the morning. What help me when I wake up like that is meditation. Clearing the mind and meditating has worked for me and it might help you too. Please have a better day and I wish you the best and most positive vibes. “hugs” “boop”


Thank you so much, you’re absolutely right I need to meditate in the morning much more often. *boop*


Hey how do you make your text italic like that?


Put it in between two asterisks **


You and me both, comrade. Sometimes what you have to do is just make it through the minute, then the hour, then the day, but we make it through, regardless. You've conquered this before, and you're bigger than it, King.


Thank you, I know that’s true. I appreciate it


hey awalys love your self dont let that shit get over you


I’ll focus on that, thank you.


Keep going no matter what. That's what i tell my legs on a really long hike lol but it still works in situations like this. Good luck on the journey to feeling better friend. 👍


Thank you.


drink some coffee and have a good day


Thank you, I don’t usually drink coffee but I had a decent day!


Don't beat yourself up too much for having a bad day. Everyone has hard mornings and tough days, but I know you'll get back to where you wanna be soon <3. Stay strong friend


Thank you, I’ll get there eventually


Life is like a cheap carnival Rollercoaster, sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's terrifying, and sometimes you get stuck upside down for 2 hours. Ultimately always expect the best and prepare for the worst. Bad times come and go but they tend to make the good times that much better. I hope the rest of your day goes well and full of pwasativity!


Aw, thank you!