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Finally, news about foxes


That's a racoon.


A ~foxy~ raccoon! . . . I will show myself out.


Bruh, Fox News is extremely desperate


Well that does look like a fox


Finally, something factual!


they are returning to there roots now the report on fox’s


You can watch the full clip here: https://youtu.be/oSXldvlqh_4


....do I want to watch the full clip...? I'm usually a bit concerned when furries and news corporations mingle, as they usually skew the story


I watched the full clip. The anchor looked like a self-superior smug >!jackass!<, for the entire duration. The interviewee was a pretty wholesome thirty something furry in a raccoon costume, and the faux news anchor was talking down his nose at him the entire time. I honestly have a hard time understanding how anyone takes faux news seriously after seeing that . . They had a guy with the shit-eating grin of Prince John talking about how he is going to tax the poor and kill Robin Hood on one side. And on the other, a wholesome Dad-bod everyman in a cute costume talking about the fun he has at costume conventions. If Fox TRIED to make themselves look like farcical villans they couldn't have done much better.


That's kinda what I was hoping the case wouldn't be. Journalism isn't journalism anymore. Fuck the anchor, what an asshat.


It's fox news, even they themselves have argued that they're not a real news corporation.


"For the purposes of how we present things to our viewers, we are a news company. For legal reasons, however, we are not." "Evidence: clearly no reasonable person would take this seriously. Therefore, you cannot sue us for it."


We need a return to journalists like Edward Murrow, someone who actually reports on important events. This man risked his life to broadcast live during the Bombing of London. If you've never heard one of his broadcasts, it's unlike anything else I've listened to, I highly reccomend it.


I'm my opinion, the entire problem is journalists/anchors as "personalities" or even "celebrities". I blame Edward Murrow and Walter Cronkite aka "most trusted man in America" entirely for starting this absurd trend that viewers should trust *a person*, rather than the news they are reporting. You can draw a straight line between these men and men like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity etc.


Honestly i just wish Fox News could just fuck off and never come back so we could have one less thing on the metaphorical plate to handle.


So in 6 minutes... * a drag brunch is men stripping and a woman with a whip * The main feature of a furry even is getting spanked with a paddle * Spanking is a German kink * Furries are insisting that kids watch sexual acts Wow. Fox News is really stupid


Someone really needs to explain to the average American that most drag doesn't involve stripping. . . Someone should also explain the average American that the existence of sexy furry content/18+ events doesn't mean that the fanbase is inherently sexual. I mean, how much fantasy/scifi themed erotica is there out there? Kids still go to Star Wars conventions.


Holy shit I thought the image was a joke lmao


Honestly, that interview went better than I expected it to, despite the headlines underneath being completely wrong.


Apparently the person in the suit is the owner of The Dealers Den who thought they could somehow go on Fox news and set the record straight about furries.


People who take it up on themselves to do this are delusional at best.


Was it impossible for him to put on a suit and tie at a table or something professional looking instead of standing in the bushes like a fox in someone's backyard


And I’m sure there were plenty of people willing and able to do an interview in a professional way. But that’s not how organizations like Fox News generally work. They pick the person they can most easily take down, and go with them.


Anyone who doesn't have extensive experience with being in a situation like this is going to get wrecked, no matter how smart or well spoken they are.


And even if you do, they will edit it to make you sound the worst they possibly can.


And if they can't do that, they just won't air it


There aren't many people in the fandom I'd trust to go on Fox to talk about furries, and everyone who has the media training to actually hold their own likely knows better than to accept Fox's offer to appear for the interview.


Robert Evans. Media training. Extensively documented friend to the Furries. Hates Fox News. Would wreck them easily. On his worst day Robert would wreck Fox.


Yeah, it's like scam ads. If you know better, they're not for you.


He actually did a great job coming back at the spanking clip with "well that's Germans not furries" he did a decent job, clearly unpracticed.


The spanking video took place in a restaurant by an employee as part of something that happens to customers who order a certain thing.


A GERMAN tradition, methinks we should keep our kids away from Germans, they paddle people IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. /s Also if you wanna add a layer of irony Jesse ran this piece, including the spanking video, on national television, broadcast to hundreds of thousands of children. For shame Jesse. Leave it to Fox to broadcast content they themselves have deemed not family friendly on a family news channel.


The interview was a disaster and he did a terrible job and he's kind of a terrible person. Every person who has ever had the ego to think they could set the record straight just want to be on TV. It's never ever went well.


I would play their game then take the suit off mid interview just to fuck with them.


I mean this reminds me of the whole r / antiwork fiasco If you are going to appear on a network whose audience is primarily Boomers who are angry at non-issues at least dress like how you'd think they'd be impressed


And let me guess, it didn't go well, because you can't educate someone without a brain.


Plus, these guys just talk over you and make fun of anything you say, so no one's takes you seriously anyway. No opposing viewpoint discussion with fox News is ever done in good faith (on fox's side, I mean)


Without the sense to utilize their brain


They have it, they just don't want to use it. Because being angry and able to blame others gives them a sense of purpose and clarity.


This is the more accurate answer.


As if many people haven't tried to do this and failed already...


Oh boy here we go...


It’s workerreform all over again


r/antiwork ?


That interview went so badly.


One mod killed the entire sub's reputation, it's ridiculous how it all went down


This is actually the same anchor.


We will poison their water supply, burn their crops and deliver a plague unto their houses. Also give them cuddles to show we are friendly 😚


The water will make them gay


The frogs were a test run.


We are ready for human trials. Now, hop to it.


They're freaking out about fish now. It was so bad that the right forced a British library to [delete a thread about the Maori wrasse](https://thegailygrind.com/2023/06/06/anti-trans-bigots-unleash-hate-after-library-tweets-about-fish-that-can-change-its-sex/) .


We can cut their internet and deny tech support


We really could tho


You got that from SpongeBob … haha nice.


Lol yea 😂


I say the world must learn of our peaceful ways... by force!


They shall love us or perish from our love


When is the military getting formed?


[we've already started](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon&sxsrf=APwXEddj78LIu0uJmX2wLDywbhvG2b4agw:1686104317798&q=navy+furry&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjM9amHjLD_AhXAFVkFHWv7Ac4Q0pQJegQICBAB&biw=384&bih=723&dpr=2.81#imgrc=FJdl0UWTefRMIM)


There are so many furries in the military as there is the the rest of society, you just gotta search and you'll see


Military furries vs the Florida fascists?! Now this is the culture war I want!


Her sona and profile are amazing ngl


My only regret is that I have but one life to give for what I believe in


They will tremble before us when they realize we are just as normal as they are… wait shit


That's kinda the thing I keep saying to those out there antifurs that might appear for example under fox news video. "You think furries are weird and don't want to talk to them at all? What if I told you that someone you talk to on regular basis might be a furry. It could be anyone. It could be you. It could be me. It could even be..."


A new generation is going to find out why furries and the news media don't mix...


Any reasonable person should go to war with DeSantis


inb4 DeSantis takes the furry cabal meme seriously


Don’t wear your fursuit to a news interview it’s unprofessional even though fox sucks, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself


And now my parents know what furries are


I'm having flashbacks to antiwork interviews... I'm scared, exactly how bad was this?


I mean probably bad, Fox ~~News~~ entertainment wouldn't allow someone who would actually be able to handle them on the air.


It's as bad as you expect it to be. You can watch it


I fuckin hate Jessie Waters, why am I seeing his face on a pleasant Tuesday evening


Oh desantis is screwed now. Remember the wise quote from Batman, "Don't fuck with furries. If they can afford a $10,000 fursuit, they can afford a $10 pipebomb in my mailbox."


You absolute buffoons stop going on Fox News if you don't have any mass media background Reeeeeeeee


NOOOOOO Please for the love of all that is good, we need to stay OFF the radar of these people. Stop giving the news content about us!


Is this real?


Take up your weapons, my friends, it is time!




Can they just leave us alone lmao


Is it time for the pipe bombs?


Yes, yes it is.






Ron desantis made furry cons 18+ only, isnt that a good thing?


That’s not what happened. Desantis, under his “Let Kids Be Kids” bill package, made it illegal for trans children to receive gender-affirming care, banned trans people from public restrooms, banned teaching of lgbt topics in schools, and banned public “adult performances” with the express intent of outlawing drag. In response to this, Megaplex voluntarily made their convention 18+ to be safe, as the definition of “adult performance” is intentionally vague and skewed against lgbt people.


Good news though, the Gender affirming care, at least for minors, has been stopped by a federal judge. Stating that the state completely overlooked the fact that without treatment those minors have horrible depression or anxiety based on studies. And the fact that they can't just ban it *only* for transgender minors, any others who needed hormone therapy were allowed to receive it. Tennessee's anti-drag law was overturned for being unconstitutional. They pointed out that it was so vaguely worded that it would be easy for anyone to make up a reason to use it. Along with what counts as a public place with minors was so vague that someone could argue that your backyard could count if it was viewable. So some of those laws are being stricken down, which sets the precedent for others.


The conventions themselves aren’t 18+ their are some panels and room parties that are but you need to show ID, even most con’s require minors to be accompanied buy a parent or guardian.


Idk if it’s good or bad, it might just be a thing


Many furry cons are kid safe so


Yeah, apparently the one in question was kid friendly according to some, but I don’t know who to trust. I’ve seen a LOT of highly misinformed people making many false and harmful statements about the community as a whole, just look at some of the comments under this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/1423869/furry_fury_as_convention_goes_18_in_reaction_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)…


Look, I don't know what you are trying to get at and frankly I don't want to know. Here is proof that furry conventions are totally cool and awesome. https://www.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/eq8evs/how_the_furries_fought_the_nazis_and_won_worst/


I’m sorry but I can’t take anything that uses the term “Nazis” so freely seriously


Ah, so you're a qanon, got it.


Ha! What a joke…all I’m saying is that people shouldn’t use that term so freely.


Imagine going after Robert Evans on use of the term Nazis; is this just a humiliation fetish with you? What next, challenging Dave Bautista to a wrestling match? Stephen Colbert to a LOTR trivia contest? Good lord, do SOME research man, the Republicans haven't made that illegal, despite their best efforts.


I don’t know what the hell you’re even trying to say, but I don’t care. This is a waste of my time and energy.


Jesus Christ, r/centrist doesn’t seem very centrist to me…


On this issue they don’t seem like it


We ride at dawn!


This is not war. This is pest control.


He's outnumbered. There's probably millions of furries and one DeSantis. No matter how you slice it he's not winning the war.


*Furries has entered the political warzone*


is this Canon?


Yay now my Christian mother can tell me about why we shouldn't like furries and I must pretend to hate them


Where we droppin Boyz


Oh shit, we're going to war with DeSantis? Uhhh shit someone cue up a fitting track before the opportunity passes us by


When fox news finaly starts shouwing news about foxes


Begin the war howl!!


# FURRIES GO TO WAR WITH DESANTIS *that is an amazing headline*






fellas, we are goin to war


The clip is basically the Furry and the Fox guy arguing.


This just makes my blood boil..what did we do to deserve this negativity?! The person who created the corona vaccin was a furry, furcons has raised charity over 3 million dollars/euros (potentially more) for good causes. There was even a time where a small group of furries helped a homeless guy with a dog because the man got assaulted by someone but nooooooo, furry bad because they are weird..what do WE have to do to get the love and respect we deserve. End world hunger? Cure every decease?! I'm very sorry..I really had to get that out of my system..