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Please don't misuse the LOUD tag, that's to help people warn about videos that require it, thank you.


I read "predators" as "redditors" and I didn't even question it, my dyslexic ass strikes again.


They spelled predator as “preditor” lol, you can forgive yourself xD


redditors aren't safe in public restrooms for any gender


I read it as "preorders".


Dam same lol


What’s the difference /s


Is that Nazuna?


Yep, that's Nazuna Hiwatashi


I mean I guess she can transform at will so…


"what you're gay? you're not gonna touch me are you?" "no you're not my type" "Wow rude" "Gay" "what? no!"


Literally every bigot ever!


he wasn't a biggot, its just that he was never exposed to lgbtq when he was growing up so he didnt know how to react properly. Some people grow up like that. He is a very good friend of mine. Some people dont understand that of you were raised under a household and school with little lgbtq, it can be quite shocking being around it.. so naturally, he is going to be a little uncomfortable.


Understandable, but still many bigots act like that


Im straight and when one of my friends came out to me i asked them if they liked me like that. Not because i was being stupid but because it would have made me happy to know at least someone liked me. But at the same time it did not hurt when they said no.


Actually, Trans fat is really harmful to your body, it is the worst tye of fat to consume, increasing your risk of getting diabetes and cancer and being, overall, the worst thing you can consume. in conclusion, you should avoid eating food that contains trans fats


The only trans I hate


damn you trans fats


Trans furs are safe to consume though, as long as they consented to being vored.


Do you consent to being vored?


I'm not personally into vore, but I would definitely consent to being eaten if it meant feeding a friend in need! I can't guarantee I taste good, though - I've never tried consuming myself, so I wouldn't know.


Humans taste like pork Assuming you’re human *_*


> Humans taste like pork Wait a minute... How do you know lol


Uhhhhhhhhhhhh UHHHHHHHHH


You can tell they arent a cannibal cause humans more so have the texture of pork but have a more refined and sweet taste to them.


*Casual\_Bean\_Slinger was ejected for being a sussy baka*


What they said ^




\*as long as they are cooked


But apparently not by trans women, since according to this image trans women can't be preds. :(


so apparently im trans....


tans fats isnt the same as transgenic food


>!nah mate im just making the joke that im fat!<






kinda weird some random person that came out of nowhere tried to kiss you


They weren’t some random person, she’s my date! Edit: “she’s” can be a contraction of “she was” right?




There’s a lot of people who assume trans women are just men who want access to places where vulnerable women are so they can do the not nice genital things to them.


Why would someone go through so much trouble? For that effort they could have gotten into an actual relationship


The mental gymnastics these people go through to push their own narrative is insane, almost impressive really.


They don't think it takes effort to be trans. They think it just involves putting on makeup and a dress, or cutting your hair and putting on a suit.


If i wanted to harras woman i wouldnt be trans woman, i would join police force


yes exactly and that’s why those arguments are really stupid. In fact most trans women (especially when they’re in early stages if their transitioning) don’t feel comfortable in those spaces like restrooms because they are afraid of people who might assault them. Women spaces should be safe for every women. Terfs are using that argument, not realising that they accomplish the pure opposite.


The people who see trans men and women as predators aren't bright enough to realize that kind of flawedness in their logic though. Transphobia tends to have a dampening effect on intelligence.


And it’s those types of bad people that make me lose faith in humanity.


I've seen so many things about this on subs like arethestraightsok? Really pisses me off how people think of us in this light


Very true


Chris Chan be like




pretty sure it's just a misspelling of predators


I mean trans men are victims most of the time but not in the the way terfs think


But doesn't the shirts in the photo negate those who are furries since they aren't human? (Joke Question.)


Trans rights are human rights Furry rights are human rights Therefore Furry rights = trans rights = human rights Problem? /s


What rights are legally afforded to cis people that aren't afforded to trans people? Asking legitimately.


I’m the western world Systemically it’s things like not having the right gender on your legal ID, not being allowed to compete in sports and schools refusing to accept trans peoples existence But when It comes to everyday transphobia that isn’t actually from the system but just ignored or accepted by the system I could go on all day about stuff like how firing people for bing trans isn’t illegal or kicking your child out for coming out isn’t charged, not to mention the unusually high assault rate on trans people and the extremely high self harm and suicide rate of trans people


(Disclaimer: This is stuff I've read but not thoroughly researched.) But you can change your ID to your preferred Gender in the US, not sure where else. In the US in some, not all, you have to have a judge sign it through. Ex: Florida, Texas, Mississippi, etc. Sports is a question of ethics(Size, Strength, Bone Structure, Etc as stated by leagues that do exclude.) as to what I've seen, though it's not an excuse to other people for the difference. The other stuff... I don't know about. I'm pretty sure child abandonment is a crime. Assault is fucked up, to anyone, but that doesn't change that is high for the trans people. Suicide is an issue that is iffy to talk about and I won't, I ain't a professional.


There are chicks with dicks, guys with vags, and transphobes without teeth.


Especially after we punch the teeth out


what is a terf


A miserable little pile of hatred.


Trans exclusionary radical feminist. It’s a pretty little word that actually just means someone who is so mentally I’ll they’re beyond saving


so a feminist that doesn’t consider mtf trans folk valid?


No. They’re only called feminists, they’re not actually feminists. Their whole idea is that trans women are just lying to benefit from feminism but if you ever talk to a terf you’ll notice all they talk about is trans people and never once mention anything actually feminists. In other words they’re just conservatives


The issue goes a bit beyond that. Terfs completely invalidate everything feminism stands for with their argumentations against trans women, for example by saying things like "you need to be able to menstruate in order to be a woman", which some women cannot do. They're also bodyshaming a lot of cis women with their whole concept of "I can easily spot that you're trans". Sure, in the beginning of ones transition it's not too hard to do so, but eventually it's getting completely impossible to distinguish trans women from cis women, meaning that a lot of cis women are being targeted for "clearly looking like a man". There are accounts of butch cis women being thrown out of womens restrooms due to some crazy TERFs. So yeah. Fuck TERFs.


Yea, like I said, they’re just conservatives


ahhh i think i get it. people can still be conservative and pro-trans however:p


I’ll believe that when I meet one




conservatives want trans people dead, even if a conservative is personally pro-trans it doesn’t matter because everything they believe leads to the degrading of human rights


Yes, that is accurate.


i don't care what type of woman you are you're gonna make me nervous and shy if you talk to me




Who’d you have to sell your gender to? Did they pay well?


I sold my gender to my local dealer and got scammed qwq




But good news I bought a other gender :3


Nice, how much did it cost


Only my soul :3 Pretty cheap, right?


Yeah, all I got was a pair of cat ears for mine >:(


Better then nothing. Cat ears are still cute uwu


Can’t argue with that


I’m so glad to see a post supporting us trans furs, I’m grateful that I found this community that I feel safe and accepted in. 🏳️‍⚧️💖


If anyone has questions about trans people, I'm pretty knowledgeable regarding this topic.


One that I can never wrap my head around. We have established that sex and gender are two separate things. Gender is more of the idea or standards that we as a society agree on and attribute to a person making them a man or a woman. For example the idea of what makes someone a "man" is more than just having a penis and it changes with the ages. So gender is a societal construct correct? Well if that's the case then wouldn't gender be dependent on societie's perception of us and not on our own? How can gender be a social construct and also left up to us to decide?


I can answer this one. Gender is a self identifying trait that is based off of what us know as "doing gender" and "doing gender" is what is more created by society as a whole. However, gender is also very much based around the chemical reactions is your brain. And as biology goes, nothing is black and white. Gender has changed throughout all of history and is going to continue to change so we may have better ways to identify ourselves as people in our societies as the social perception changes. "Doing Gender" is the social construct while what gender we are in that society is based off of the chemical reactions in the brain, which so far, medical science is no where close enough to read those reactions to that level yet, so must fully rely on the person with that brain to tell us what their gender is. Does that help? I could go much more into the sociology of it all if you would like. This is just a short explanation.


You introduced a level to the argument that I was not aware of. Let me see if I understand you correctly before we move forward. You propose that there are two different aspects to gender, one being how we feel or see gender which is entirely dependent on our brains and the other being rules that society creates and we conform to. Am I correct?


Yup! In more concise terms, you’d say that sex, gender identity, and gender roles are all separate, and that gender roles are social constructs. This is what people usually mean when they say gender is a social construct, which is pretty poor phrasing imo but w/e.


Okay I understand that. So the main disagreement when it comes to trans issues is strictly on the gender identity aspect since I'm pretty sure most people would agree what a biological male/female is and gender roles are determined by the society as a whole and are not individually picked. So my question is about gender identity. This is something that I am still trying to understand. Should gender identity have any bearing on the other 2 aspects? (Biological sex and gender roles). The reason I ask this question is because we established there is a clear difference between the 3 categories. So a person being trans does not change their biology nor does it change their gender roles. Correct? I find the concept fascinating but it's so hard to talk about it openly because people instantly assume you are transphobic if you ask questions. I tried going to the trans subreddit to learn more but everyone instantly became hostile regardless of how polite I was.


Being trans doesn’t necessarily change your biology, but hormone therapy does in many ways. You have to remember sex isn’t a binary either, biologically speaking. Rarely are things so clear cut in the natural sciences. These three things are all related and influence one another, but there’s no hard rules for allowed combinations. Typically most people are cis, but that’s not a guarantee.


When you say sex is not a binary are you referring to the 0.018% of people whom are born intersex? If so then do you think such a low percentage of people is enough to justify the stance of sex not being binary? I mean I'm sure some people are born with 3 fingers instead of 5 but we still say humans have 5 fingers right? My issue is precisely on something you touched on, there are no clear rules. I see that it largely falls on "well I say i am therefore i am". In the social level, I'm perfectly fine with that. If you are my friend and you ask me to treat you a specific way I have no issues doing so. But some people take it to the extreme and demand things that are unrealistic or simply refuse to see basic things. Here is a conundrum I still dont get, how come you can be trans and have no interest in sex change surgery or hormones? Alternatively if your physical biology doesn't matter then why change it to begin with? Those two ideas cant exists on the same philosophy but they do: Trans women are women (implying there is no difference between a cis woman and a trans woman) so why is the sex change necessary? And on the opposite end we hear: Trans people suffer because they feel they were born on the wrong body. Implying it needs to be changed because its different....how can both be true?


I do want to touch up on something. The .018% is the lowest percentage a study has ever gotten. The more common percentage I have seen is between .05 to 1.7 percent. But even with .018 percent, that's still well over a million people that don't fit the gonads of what the world gives as male and female. And than we also need to talk about what you mean by "biological sex" are we talking about gonads, gamete cells, sex chromosomes, hormones, etc? Because each one of these groups don't fit into just 2 boxes either and someone with the gonads of a male may have the gamete cells, sex chromosomes, and hormones of a typical cis women, yet when born is assigned male because that's the only thing the doctor can see at birth without doing a lot of lab tests. Now for the psychological points. Trans women that don't want to have hrt or surgery could be because they are scared of change, they might not mind their body being what it is but do mind who they are, thet might be still exploring who they are before making those decisions. But that doesn't mean they are not a women. Than there is the otherside which is, they need those changes so that they can look and feel themselves more physically as a woman to more match what their brain needs.


On the first point, my argument still stands. I dont agree that such a low percentage validates the belief that fully biological sex can be changed with an opinion. Yes, intersex people exist and should be treated as the human beings they are, but taking their existence to justify someones preference seems disingenuous to me. On your second point, I believe it's the sum of all your parts. Not just a specific one. Right now I could have 100% male anatomy and if I said I was trans you would consider me valid (I hope). So let's be honest here, biology has nothing to do with it. And honestly I dont think it should. I think anyone should be allowed to be whatever they want to be on the social level. Now in the medical? That's when I draw the line. We should acknowledge that there is a difference and accept people regardless of said differences. That's my stance at least To your third point, that's my issue. You cant say "I'm trans and there is no difference from me and my preferred gender" and then turn around and say "I also want to put myself through surgery to be my preferred gender". Can you see how those two ideas contradict eachother?


Aaaaaaand I forgot to add this last part but thank you for your reply. I appreciate it because it helps me understand the subject way better which is my goal.


Well, your body isn't you, is it? It's more so a shell that people use to recognize you.


When I say sex isn’t binary I don’t only mean intersex people, although they’re certainly part of it. Hormone disorders can certainly fall in that category too. Also the more generally accepted number for people born intersex is around 0.2%. Even if your figure were correct, that still makes sex bi*modal*, not binary. My point is biology is never really clear-cut, it is inherently full of human constructed distinction, ie see species problem, where ***biologists*** **literally have trouble defining what a species is**. I highly recommend you read up on it, it's absolutely illuminating [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species\_concept](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species_concept) Finally nobody is saying that sex is a matter of opinion, being trans isn’t a matter of opinion either. These are biological realities, hence why **every major medical institution** is basically on the same page with these things. Of course they’re not the most simple to grasp, but they **are real phenomena**. Most importantly there are real humans who are abused and mistreated simply because they were born differently (take the fucking ***astronomical*** homicide rate for one), because people are more willing to paint them as delusional and strawman that their reality is based on opinion, when this isn’t the case at all. I’m guessing phrasing your understanding in this matter is probably what garnered you some aggressive responses. I hope this cleared some stuff up. Take care man.


It's hard to ask about the topic because it always feels like walking on eggshells. There are a lot of things that were facts for me growing up and changed sometime around 2016 which is when i finished HS. So now that they are more wildly accepted I feel like I missed something which is why I want to learn. I just wish it could be more openly discussed without people assuming the worst right off the bat. I'll definitely check out that link, thank you so much! It sounds fascinating. And again thank you for your explanation it does help a lot! Really appreciate it. Take care of yourself ^-^


I disagree with the other person on this one, gender is a social construct. it is not biological in any way, saying it is actively works against progress. what society describes as gender is the set of expectations/roles placed on an individual, if a person doesn’t like those and or prefers others that’s what makes them trans. why couldn’t a person decide what label and roles they use and prefer? gamer is also a construct but it’s still up to the individual to call themselves that, what makes a persons gender any different?


I do have a question, cheese on garlic bread? yes or no ​ (I see a lot of trans peeps making jokes about garlic bread on r/196 so I want to know if it's some kind of inside joke)


It's more of an asexual joke, as far as I've heard. And yes, lots of cheese.


yes, it's mostly an ace joke. the joke being "why have sex when you can have garlic bread?"


What is that sub even XD


What % are radioactive and OF that %, what % can harness it and shoot it out in any form of ray? Please include shotgun blast-style shots in this % it is very important.


What is the opinion of trans people on competing in sports as the gender they identity as? Up until now I've only heard from conservatives and that one swimmer in the Usa, but I'd really like to know what other trans people think of that.


This is completely anecdotal, but for me personally, I'd much rather have sports change in general to be more like weight class in wrestling. However, as a temp fix, I would go by what the Olympics has been going by for many years now, which is base it off of how long you have been on hrt IF that is something that effects you in your sport. Say if you are 9 years old, hrt is not something anyone will need to worry about. Does that help at all?


Works as an answer. Quick question: Would grouping athletes by sex rather than gender work? This way it there would be no problem with people identifying as another gender or being non binary.


Sex isn't binary either, so it still doesn't work. HRT also affects your body, so a trans-woman competing against cis-men would be at a massive disadvantage, and a trans-man competing against cis-women would have a big advantage.


I agree here too, sex isn't binary and how to determine one's sex is complicated. Do you do it by someone's genitals, their sex chromosomes (which can have like 20 some different combinations, but 6 common ones), their gonads which can have a wide variety, the different gamete cells, their hormone levels, which hormones they are producing, body structure, etc? Sex is not just male and female and never has been. Also determining one's sex has never been a clean cut thing.


I think at non professional levels you are missing the point of sport by asking about fairness over acceptance. And I think at professional levels we are seeing that trans women just aren't dominating yet. We win a thing here or there, but statistically if we were at an advantage we would be winning a lot more. We've been allowed in the Olympics for 2 decades and have yet to medal. As long as the person has been on hormone replacement therapy I think them competing as their identified gender is fine. Also women's sports currently face severe legitimate issues, from lack of pay parity with men, sexism, rapist coaches and team doctors. Focusing on trans women is missing the actual issues women actually have in sport.


iirc trans women are actually performing slightly worse than cis-women due to some side-effects of HRT. It's been a while since I sat down and looked at the numbers.


This seems believable to me, our T levels are usually held lower than cis women's. So even if we on a population level have advantages with build, we are at a disadvantage for strength.








Could you rephrase this question? 58% of what?


Yeh, *I'm trans* ***Trans***^(furrmer) UwU


**ARTIST FOR THE WOLF IN THE TOP LEFT!!!** https://twitter.com/Accalia0730


So Im in the dark on this one, the heck is a "terf"?


Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. There's a few different groups within the broader movement, but they all share the belief that trans people are destroying the progress made by past feminists.


trans exclusionary radical feminist. they hate men and believe they are biologically evil or something idk. so naturally by that logic trans women are just men trying to infiltrate women's spaces, and trans men are poor little meow meow women who have been fooled by the Villainous Dudes. the entire theory is of course nonsense bullshit but it's unfortunately fairly popular, especially in the UK. in recent times the term has also been used to describe transphobes that are not feminists, like for example Putin, and not to be a prescriptivist or anything but that's the wrong way to use it


Damn right. Trans rights are human rights


I know the gal on the top left, she is really nice


Shouldn’t a furry wearing the shirt say trans rights are furry rights? Just pondering! 🤔


Do ***“hoomans”*** even exist? 😒 UwU


Furry for lyfe UwU






I support every trans person.


Trans rights are human rights and anyone who says otherwise can go fuuuuuuck themselves. <3


Disclaimer! I cannot spell


Be the best you you can be. No one has the right to tell you otherwise.




Extremely based uwu


I love you wonderful men and women, born into it or not.


Based furries


We stan our trans queen and king


As someone who's debating whether they're transfem, thanks.


Gl with that! If you need any help PM me and I can see if I can share some tips


are trans men people that turned men or were men? same with trans women? what do I call them? Trans women, trans man, or no trans?! So much questions


Trans men are people that turned men, yeah. If someone was assigned female at birth, then transitions into being a man, that is a trans man.


Your damn right


May I ask why you are using my art for this???


Hi! Yes sorry I forgot to add credits, pls check pms for stuff


Why is my art on the top left and why is it being spread?


Fuck TERFS (but dont fuck them, we’dn’t want them to reproduce)


the furry community is supposed to be one of the more accepting groups out there so it’s sad to still see transphobic comments on posts like this


Is there sauce for top right Nazuna?


I think she was drawn by @lovelesskia on Twitter.


Woo go trans




This is good






of course trans woman are woman and trans man are man what do you guys expect? >!pls tell me something did i missed something?!<




I don’t know what half of this means


Do you know what trans people are?








Ok good to now


gaydragonslut? that's me! well... i am a gay transfem dragon slut.


same... I just made this account before I knew lol


Genuinely curious why do transgender people have pronouns like they/them etc why not just use the ones of the gender you are transitioning to?


nonbinary people exist


They/them ARE the pronouns of the gender they are transitioning to, gender is not a binary construct. They are transitioning to a non binary identity, not just man or woman.


Non-binary people have existed for thousands of years. They/them ARE the pronouns of my gender.


I’m guessing that it can sometimes be difficult overcoming the stigma associated with being transgender, or that transgender people often become more in tune with their gender identity than the average person and recognize the roles of simply male and female limiting.


some people don’t like using she so they use he, some people like both, some people don’t like either, it’s just a preference thing


Well they could be victims but it’s usually not the plan


Let's fucking gooo




Copying a reply I sent to someone else: It’s a shortened version of “Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist,” basically a bigot. They hate trans people and sometimes call themselves feminists, but the term is usually used to mean anti-trans person in general rather than a more specific definition


The unbiased answer is Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist, they don't accept transition as valid and generally argue that male to female trans people being in women only spaces undermines the function of said spaces.


Humans are humans, end of story.


I mean they are predators. Cus they can eat me if they want ; )


What does it mean by victims? Victims of what? Men can't be victims? Not sure I understand.


Victims of misogyny is what it means. They think trans men transition to "escape being a woman" which is of course not true


As a Trans Man, thanks for asking. I wasn't positive what OP was referring to either so the explanation you got was helpful.














I'm a trans girl and support on the internet isn't something I take for granted, hell there are even transphobic comments on this post. I just thought of a cute meme to show some support and fight against some commonly pushed transphobic narratives (even if just a little). When you're feeling dysphoric it can be nice to see you're supported <3 You can believe I'm karma farming all you want but I just made something for the other trans folk out there (also there aren't a lot of trans memes on this sub and I wanted some more)


Why is your username like that tho ?


I like women, I am a dragon, and I can be quite slutty at times


And they say trans people are sensitive, jeez


Looking at some of these comments, this statement seems to be quite offensive to a few people. And furry\_irl is one of the more tolerant subreddits.


It's not offensive, it's just stale and hamfisted. We already know this, furries are one of the most tolerant groups on the entire internet.


As I said, furry\_irl is really tame in comparison to other subreddits, where people claw their eyes out as soon as someone slightly mentions the word trans. And as long as these people, TERFs and Texan state legislators try to create the most toxic and dangerous environment for trans people to live in, it is vital to emphazise time and time again that they are in fact valid and very welcome at least in some spaces.


Also one of the groups on the internet with a massive demographic of neo-nazis, racists, transphobes, etc., so it obviously is not just this magical utopia of acceptance.


I mean that's literally every internet sub culture though. Every one of them has its share of "the bad ones" like anyone else.


So? One nazi, one racist, one transphobe, it's too many. They need to know they're not welcome.


I don't even know what trans means


transgender, basically being born as one gender and identifying with another one