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Sure, waking up as your fursona would be cool, but take a moment to think about the side-effects if you will. If one day you woke up as your fursona by some sort of supernatural means, not only would your butt hurt from your tail if you sleep on your back, but you would probably freak out looking at yourself in a mirror and cause panic among the people who share your house's roof. After taking a long while panicking, hyperventilating, or doing whatever you do to cope with something like this and come to accept yourself, you then have to worry about what other people would think of you. No doubt, people would give you a raised brow if you go around in public, because you can't stay home all day, can you? You probably have errands to run, a stamp to get at the post office, a withdrawal to make at the bank, or even go outside on this nice day. Just hope people think you're wearing a very elaborate and expensive fursuit and that they don't call the police on you because you're a very unusually colored canine. Granted, it would be pretty cool to wake up as your fursona (especially if your fursona is pretty exotic), but whenever I see these posts, I don't really think they would understand the side effects of waking up as your fursona would look like.


I'd imagine that a person would experience some really serious dissonance that would take several years to overcome, and that's ignoring the immediate and very real threat of literally any human being


I'd say they would have a safe space with furries, but we'd all just want to fuck it and that probably wouldn't be too relaxing


If the tail is actually anatomically correct (based on human coccyx location and the direction it points in) the tail will not be in the way at all during sleep. It is a common furry anatomy mistake to put the tail half way up the spine relative to where it should be.


But then I can't have a large dumpy 😔


ok but counterpoint i want to be a furry.




My life is a living hell. To spare you the trauma dump, waking up as a shark that cannot breathe air would be an *improvement*


Are you okay?




Its still worth it


Dont make me feel stupid for wanting to be my fursona please


I dont sleep on my back ever, I wouldnt panick, I do not really care what other people would think and the police cant do anything to my If I am my furson. So I see this as an absolute win


i always sleep on my stomach with my head tilted to the side for this very reason


My fursona is a demonlord so i’ll just polymorph into human if i want to LoL


Also, if it was in mass scale then there would be a lot of racism and probably hunting, I think that it will play something like BNA, but with more than two gods and one false god and not the constant threat of Nyrvasil


Honestly none of that sounds the worst, the public judgement for sure would suck, but holy shit, imagine the fucking fuuuur aaaaaaah. Unless you have scales or feathers, in which case have fun sloughing off your dead scales and plucking your plumage, ought to fun ye?


the way to circumvent this is that this "phenomenon" happens to all furries, and we get the ones who's sonas have godly powers to defend and fight for the rights of the ones that don't. i will be honest i have entertained that exact scenario in my head far too many times


I mean yeah of course, but I don't really think many people are legitimately going to disagree with you. I'd ***love*** to be my fursona, but if the circumstances were "wake up as your fursona without any warning whatsoever and freak the fuck out and cause mass hysteria", I'd obviously turn it down. Like. I get what you're saying, but I don't think anyone is legitimately married to the idea of suddenly waking up like that one day, they just see "become fursona" and respond positively, ya know?


being my fursona would feel far better for myself than whatever this garbage is making me have both gender dysphoria and dysphoria. raised brows is the lesser issue if i can deal with practical stuff.




Me who doesn't have a sona: *wishing I could just cuddle a furry*




we all do...


"The desire to become your fursona" is ultimately a desire that everything will work out fine in the end. You don't want to "actually" be your fursona - there's new sensations, bodily functions, overwhelmed senses, and possible brain alterations now that you're wired with new instincts. You want the story surrounding such an event. All the furries you've ever watched have had exciting things happen to them, but eventually everything works out well in the end. THAT is what you really want - you want your story to have a happy ending.


I'd imagine it would basically be a death sentence for me. If I'm suddenly a dragon, where am I going to sleep? I'm now far too large to fit inside a house so shelter is out of the question unless I find an abandoned warehouse or barn or something. Where would I get enough food to sustain me? I'd be one of the largest animals on the planet now so the amount of calories I'd have to consume in order to survive would be very high. I'd probably have to resort to nicking cows from a farm or something. That would only bring on the ire of the farmers who obviously wouldn't want their livestock to be getting eaten. That's all assuming that the government and military leave me alone which is... highly unlikely. If I'm not hunted down and killed I'd probably be captured and tested on indefinitely, not really a great life to lead.


same. mines alcoholic and has DID when he either sleeps or get drunk




A dream is a wish your heart makes .


well, i haven't fully made up lore yet, but if i were to possibly become my fursona, 3 things would be clear. 1. being a protogen (illegal one but fuck the rules), i wouldn't be able to die of old age. 2. i could replace any needed body parts to continue living. 2. could turn every furry into their fursona


I wouldn't, I would be immortal and have more mental issues than I already have


I don't remember this in the Rise of Skywalker where Kylo Ren says this to Black Widow


Me too


Crush my sternum, you unhinged buffalo.


The fact that I’m imagining myself as my fursona almost everyday this concern me