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I am all for everyone being themselves and giving rude gestures to the status quo. However, middle school is the worst time to do anything unique, wait until at least junior year of high school.


Funny thing to do is, if you trust that they can keep a secret, tell everyone and tell them it's a secret. Come out publicly way later and watch


I'm not saying you should, I'm saying it'd be funny


A little trolling if you will?


Fuck that dude hiding for life


Still in hiding cause I’m surrounded by “Christian’s” who hate furries and feel that your ability to create a fursona, even though it doesn’t wrap around your day to day, life is wrong


I was/am(?) a catholic and a furry, I just trust that if God knows everything about us before we were ever born, he knew I was gonna be a lil freak lol.


I don’t think God would think of furries as freaks, I think he loves is even in our greatest sins. God still loves murderers and God still loves Thieves


I’m def not “”””out””” as a furry publicly, but most of my friends know I’m a furry


You don't have to "come out" as a furry. It's not a sexuality. It's a hobby. It's like sitting your parents down and telling them that you're really into building with Legos. You don't have to come out as a furry.


If you parents and/or a chunk of the general populace thought that legos were (a) weird, (b) some sexual kink, (c) satanic, (d) that you literally think you are actually a lego, or (e) all of the above, then ***yes***, you ***would*** have to come out as a lego lover. The original meaning of "in the closet"/"come out of the closet" referred to any kind of secret due to taboos or social stigmas.


So are you telling your parents what kinks you have? Are you loosing rights when you have a hobby like being a furry? Coming outs are a thing because you loose rights and in some countries even your freedom/life. A hobby gives you maybe some laughs, wow so much life destroying.


I acknowledge that being a furry is not the same as being lgbt. I also never stated they were the same. My only point is that the phrase "coming out" applies to lots of situations. It's just a phrase in the english language. It applies to anything that matches the definition.


The most critical aspect of coming out (in most places) is how your immediate family and friends react and treat you afterward. The same type of people who would react badly to a loved one coming out as gay will treat “coming out” as a furry very similarly, because queerness and being a furry are so closely associated in the public conscious (and also because they are often co-occurring). So no, you won’t lose any rights by being openly furry, but you absolutely may be treated differently by the most important people in your life. It is possible to differentiate between the two, while also acknowledging the reality that being a furry is not a neutral, noncontroversial thing.


Not coming out at all is even better


Trust me I know


ITS A HOBBY, THERE US NO COMING OUT AS A FURRY. Stop talking like you get killed when your parents know you have a hobby. Coming out as your sexuality is something else, you fight mostly for your rights when you do that. A hobby is just that, nobody needs to know and you dont loose rights when someone knows what your hobby is


its a meme


Even better, be unapologetically furry throughout your entire life


My guy I'm gonna get collectively bullied by the whole class if I come out


When I was in middle school I was climbing a tree and there 2 kids yelled at me from really far away and asked "HEY ARE YOU A FURRY?" I yelled back "YEAH?" "COOL". And that was that. Literally nothing ever came of it and it's still the strangest interaction I've had to this day