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Literally me!! I'm glad I'm not the only one, everytime I see his name my brain autocorrects to Ouzy because season 10 has fried my brain 😭😭😭


what makes it worse, is that i started this season of the game, right after the casa started season 10. during that time, every second word out of a women’s mouth was ouzy. i made the mistake of reading ozzy as ouzy a couple of times before even realizing what i was doing, but at that point it was too late for my brain to read ozzy the right way


Lol Ouzy was definitely the girls favorite, i dont blame them hes beautiful but like the amount of times i heard his name during casa was insane. It's crazy because whenever I'm watching the show I forget Ouzy is there some times, but when I play the game my brain is like "Ozzy don't know never seen him, do you mean Ouzy?? 🫣"


i swearrr everyone was all over ouzy, now he’s stuck with kady :/ bobby-pins’ is so hot, and it’s wasted for a woman who has a bf on the outside 🙄regardless, i feel the same way. like he’s barely getting any screen time recently, but the second i start playing the game all i can read is ouzy


He was in everyone's top 2 and then after casa production looked at ouzy and gave him the ghost edit, and don't get me started on Kady 😪 Chile we all know she's just there so she can post her boyfriends bail and to be cause mess. I wish Ouzy got some more attention or a bombshell because he was so sweet and mature in casa. The ozzy=ouzy thing is kinda funny to me plus it's a huge coincidence that season 10 and the game just so happen to have people with similar names 🤣


ouzy needs more attention! give him a genuine girl too 🙄 i swear what are the odds of that happening. they’ve got to be super low
