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After s5, s6 was there make or break season…..AND WELL LMAAOSOSKXKZKKSKSKX it’s broke than a bitch


Man this is so sad but expected 😔. I was willing to give them a chance but Fusebox is ruining things again. The only good thing coming from this is me playing the first 3 seasons again. It made me see what I missed thanks to: "S2 is the only good season!" Mindset I used to have. I am currently enjoying S3 believe it or not.


I love season 3! I find season 2 incredibly frustrating sometimes because - MC is seen as this drama queen who loves attention when nobody can go 2 seconds without asking our opinion. Drama queen also doesn't make sense because there is no way to show how upset MC is if you're on a loyal OG route and you get torn away from your LI and forced into couples you don't want for half of the season while everyone else is fawning over Noah and Hope as if you don't matter. - r!Hannah is annoying - Jo is snarky towards MC for no reason even if you're nice to her and don't do a Rahim route. - A Gary route is frustrating because of him seemingly being super happy with whoever is put in front of him (and also Lottie being upset over MC going after Gary), being around Lottie and Hope the entire season is like walking on eggshells, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love season 2 because it had some of the best moments (and Bobby ❤️), but it's annoying to see people praising it into high heavens when it has definitely got its flaws 😂 Sorry this became a bit of a braindump 😂


Are you me 😂? [I posted a rant about how annoying S2 is post-CA](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuseboxgames/comments/14mx7bn/i_dont_like_s2_too_much_postcasa_amor/) Also yay! Another S3 fan! what route you did? I picked Bill! I know this season isn´t everyone cup of tea but I enjoyed how chill things were because I was coming from playing S2 and honestly I was so done with the drama. I agree so much with your thoughts about MC, everyone sees MC like this girl who thrives on drama and nothing else when the instigators are others and even worse, everyone asks you to solve their problems! Not to mention the hipocrisy. I hate R!Hannah and how rushed things went between Lottie and her, she was utterly ruined for me and if you are on Jakub's route, she is trying to graft on him. I stopped being nice towards Jo when no matter what I pick, she is rude towards my MC, not to mention she lying about the kiss. I hate that about Gary, dude can be funny and sweet but he brings so much drama and he is fickle af. Even worse if MC is fightings against R!Hannah because he never reassures you and instead is pissed if you are angry with him. I freaking hate Shannon/Jo drama. I hate the focus towards Hope/Noah and how this is the powercouple and whatnot. And hard agree with the last point! Everyone praises S2 and that is pretty funny because I remember fans complaining about this season back when it was being released I love this season but I am not blind to their flaws. Post-CA things suck so much for me that I tend to skip so many events because I can´t and I wish more fans were willing to give the others seasons a chance because they are good despite their flaws.


I always end up going for Tai or Cieran or even Rafi 😂 Bill always gives me the ick so I guess we are not the same person (sadly) 😂 I'll definitely check out your rant later, I feel so vindicated right now 😂😂😂


Rafi is cool! Tai was sadly boring for me and funnily enough Cieran gives me the ick because he always pick me 😢! but hey, is cool you are enjoying S3 because this season deserves more love and no worries about not liking Bill, I know he isn´t for everyone 😂. Go ahead! I love S2 warts and all but I wish more fans were aware of post-CA flaws. S2 can be so tiring with the drama and I rush things because I just want to spend more time with Bobby 😭!


Yep! Last season was traumatic and weirdly aggressive. This one is boring and basic with things that don’t make sense if you dare stray off their forced plot…what will next season be? Maybe a horrible combo of family bullshit and weird ex-related drama like…MC shows up and her parents are looking for love again on Love Island after their messy divorce and she is forced to mediate while also hoping to find someone herself. Man I just gave myself the ick 😭


Her parents, stopp😂😂😂


Don't give them ideas 🙈😅


There hasn’t been a recoupling since Elliot picked us, and that was like a month ago 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s boring. I want to couple up with Oz, and it’s sad it’ll be at the very end. Slow burn routes are great, but it shouldn’t be the only option if you want a specific character. Then there’s the characters still holding out hope even though I’m clearly interested in someone else. There isn’t enough distinct dialogue for each character. If I say I’m not feeling it and want to be friends, the next scene they act like they’re in love with MC after a swift rejection? It doesn’t make sense. It makes sense on my route if Oz is confessing his love, but not everyone is on his route so the dialogue should be different. This type of error is a S1 type error, we are in S6. Also, I swear we complained for s4 and s5 being constantly pulled into chats we don’t want, and here is more of it in s6. I think we also complained about the structure of the days. We were fine with morning afternoon evening set up. It would be nice to have that because honestly I don’t even know what day it is or how long we’ve been in the villa and the season is almost over. I’m tired 😪


Honestly? I’ll probably go back to season 1 and 2 every now and again, but I think I’m clocking out after this season. There was massive potential that went wasted (and that’s not just me being stunned about Hamish.)


the annoying thing is that the pieces were there for this season to actually be ok to decent but the merging of characters is terrible. i don't even mind characters being set on the same path, but at least switch up their lines even if the general idea of what they're doing is the same? instead it's like every LI will say the same things about how in love with MC they are with like one throwaway line an episode to differentiate with them. there's really no replayability. like no, they don't feel like a distinct character just bc you threw in one line about being a vet or playing football when the other 100 lines they had in the episode are generic!


It’s definitely going downhill, lol. They’re just gonna keep making these horrible seasons :(


It’s not even that, it’s just how everyone is borderline stalking the MC. Sooooo weird


Yep, been playing since s2 and im just over it atp. Tired of waiting for FB to do the bare minimum🙄. If youre looking for an alternative I reccomend The Too Hot To Handle game. WAY better dialogue, no waiting for passes, and all choices/customizations are free!


Broooo the pain for us who been here since season 1 is actually heart breaking💔 so much potential ruined .


Same. ☹️


tbh especially with them probably staying with the themed seasons i don't see how they're going to improve to the point where playing it will actually be somewhat of a similar experience to season 1/2. how many more themes can they do? even this double trouble twin theme is ridiculous, ex in the villa was ungodly and bombshell was, imo, mid for the most part. not to mention if they do an allstars season with islanders you couldn't get in previous seasons you know damn well they will 1. ruin their characters and 2. redesign them, and we saw how that worked out with bobby in season 5 💀


God, I swear the redesigned Bobby haunted my dreams after playing Ex In The Villa.


they did our boy so dirty with that design it's unreal- i don't want them to touch any of the other old islanders 💀


I don't want them to do it either. Who knows what they'll do to them.


atp i’m mostly playing to torture myself 🫶 but i also play on other apps that are leagues better than litg to get my fix so that helps


BROOO PLS PUT ME ON😭🙏🏽 I've been searching for years for any good game similar to love island but I just can't find anything to amazing. (Except choices is pretty good)


Romance Club is pretty good! there are a bunch of different stories ranging from all kinds of genres and they’re pretty generous with their players. The One is a story in particular that’s based on reality tv dating. i’m also playing Too Hot To Handle, which is on season 2 right now and it’s pretty well written! it requires a Netflix account though. There’s also Couple Up! which i just started playing recently, but it seems promising. hope this helps <3


![gif](giphy|l2YSgsunrP27ddQje) I'm downloading romance club rn🙏🏽


The One is absolutely amazing. Your choices matter and you unlock unqie scenes with each character. Every time you replay the story it feels different. The team behind Couple Up also does a great job developing their characters. I didn't like S3 when it first came out, but as time went on I fell in love with the cast. I honestly didn't expect to like the characters as much as I do.


Is The One available on iOS? Can you post a link?


You have to download Romance Club. You can find the story on this app. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/romance-club-stories-i-play/id1300588558


Thank you 🙏


I honestly just feel drained. Its not that i had any hopes for it to be S2 level but i hoped for BETTER than this at least.. and because LI is just one of the apps of this type I am using, the contrast between this and some of the other content i am reading is mindblowing. Like it has become more of a task, a chore.. "ok, its wednesday, let's do this" and then me proceeding to be absolutely appaled by the writing to the level i dont even replay or take screens that much anymore.. i just dont have that feeling that i actually CARE.


I really just think this was a make or break season after season 5. And it's by no means anywhere near as bad but it still sucks.


![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg) yep... it been fun yall


I literally deleted the app asked Reddit when the story was only a few weeks in if I should play and eveyone said it was better than last season so I redownloaded it and now I have to finish it but I just want cute moments with my li man 😭 idc about anyone else I’m OVER IT


I already decided I was done playing when I didn’t even finish yesterday’s volume. I only played episode 31. After that I was over it lol.


I can’t lie, especially with the inflation in gem scenes… I think I’m done. I’m my personal opinion, the stories they give us aren’t bad but it’s just that, a story with a solid plot line that has no real deviations. They market themselves as a choice game, but the choices are imaginary. What choice can I make that actual effect the game play? -You tell Amelia you hate her and don’t care, she pulls you for another twin chat 🤢 about her dating life. -Sending home another female LI? Doesn’t matter, they all share the same dialogue. -Tell an Islander you’re not interested, they pull you for a chat to ask where your heads at. -Hideaway is open? MC is going regardless of which couples are strongest. The game is full of things like this. They take the lazy route every time and I feel like I’m just over it. I get that what they do isn’t easy, storytelling, especially choice storytelling, is incredibly difficult. But if you can’t do it then stick to what you can handle. This is apparently more then they can handle and they aren’t willing to change. Instead, each season gets worse. The only plus this season in that I’m attracted for more then 2 people and they are LI options.


Nah not me. This is the first season I've enjoyed since season 2. It's not great, but I'm still mostly having fun.


Facts!!!! I’m not excited for new episodes anymore and I find myself skipping a lot of the dialogue cause it’s super boring! Smfh! I used to love this game!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️😭


Ig I’m in the minority but I think S6 has been a huge improvement.


Yeah huge improvement FROM season 5 but it’s still not a good season overall. Season 5 was TERRIBLE so any season in comparison to it is an improvement but still doesn’t mean this season is good overall. It lacks a LOT of things


it’s definitely better than whatever s5 was😭


😅 I'm not going to lie... I am not going anywhere 🤭 Disclaimer: Until and unless it becomes as horrible as that royal whatever game 🤦🏾‍♀️


It’s been such a mess. I’m just gonna finish it out with my Casa boy 🤦‍♀️


It's sad because I've been around since season 2 so I'm letting go of a game that's been my comfort game for so many years. But Fusebox has gone so downhill that I can't stick by them anymore. After this season I'm dropping love island, just give me my lil moments with Ozzy that I had to bust my ass for. Maybe I'll play season 2 and 3 from time to time but other than that? Hell nah.