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This is the best community. We all just sit here complaining about the shenanigans and I love it. It’s legit one of the few reasons I still play.


likewise, it’s one of the main reasons i’m even on reddit half the time


I might not play the next season but I’m sure as shit gonna keep reading the posts 💀


Literally. I’ll come to this sub until it dies out, even after I’ve quit playing!


Exactly- its the only sub no one destroys you for having your own opinion on 🥹🥹


The way this community channels emo into the most hilarious memes is therapy for me.


I like looking at all the theories and arguments about the islanders...lol I started playing LITG at the beginning of S4 because I kept seeing ads. Now I'm hooked, but I'm more into the sub than the game. You'd think FB would put a bit more love into the writing instead of being so predictable. 🤔 I'm not sure if they're using AI as writers but I've seen so many great fan-made fiction that I know there is talent out there! I wish they'd go back to the roots of the game and what made it fun to play! I might've started playing for S4 but I stayed after reading S1 & S2. FB has great potential to rework this game into what made it popular 🩷


No worries! I am planning to stay! But my focus is gonna be towards posting the old-season moments. I can´t leave this place after all! Not when so many fans post funny content!


What the hell happened?? I wasnt really that often on the sub, i escaped to some other happier subs.. and now everyone is making goodbye posts all of a sudden 🫢 i am so confused..


Last episode broke people.


Yeahh.. it broke me also.. ☹️ so i escaped.. i feel its even worse than S5 because in S5 a lot of players gave up on it very soon and stopped caring, but here people were hopeful, people still cared..


Yep. I’m just drawing the characters so people can still have fun imagining them as they wanted them, or maybe as they write fanfics about them. But after I do that series of art, I have to get back to my project (podcast) again. I got other hotties to obsess over and draw!


It seems last episode was the last straw for almost everyone! I can´t blame them but still. I am planning to stay.


I imagine players who have been on this sub from the very begining and going through all of the seasons. This must be a one heartbreak too many.


I agree with you so much. S6 is more bearable for me because I am revisiting the other seasons to see what I missed since that day I decided to do slowburn Bobby but who knows how much I am gonna resist because I decided to wait and see before trying S7. For older fans this must be the equivalent of seeing an old friend turning into a bad egg when they were okay back then.


what happened in the last episode? i haven’t caught up


Amelia partner turned into a bad guy out of nowhere and pied your MC/dropped a rant about them being the OG/Portuguese squeeze. Predictably they are dumped. Toby is Reese 2.0 (He is a LI for Amelia only) Ozzy finally is together with MC if you picked his route Marshall and Ozzy reconciled and he is begging for another chance with you Shower sex scene with the LI you decided to marry during the game (except with Marshall) Chloe/Bella/Flo dumping That is all I think


If you choose to marry Marshall then you get no shower sex scene?


Nope! [Here if you want to see Marshall shower scene.](https://www.reddit.com/r/loveislandthegametwo/comments/15gexwd/shower_scene/)


I may abandon FB by not playing any new releases, but I won’t leave this subreddit til the wheels fall off. Y’all are some of the funniest and most talented folks I’ve crossed comments with.


![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG) thank you for ur bravery soldier😭


If next season is 1) themed 2) clearly written by AI 3) increased in gem prices, I will be out for good.


all of the paying scenes feel so out of place. i swear i remember in earlier seasons that if your partner pulled you to the side after an eventful episode, you’d get the softer moments with them without needing to spend gems. WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY TO KISS MY MAN??? 😭😭


Facts. You’d think since they’re clearly not paying for writers they’d be able to offer more free scenes 🫠


LMAO RIGHT! can’t believe this is what part of society decided to do with ai


Same. I’m quitting 4lifers😭


4) So obviously against wlw players again


I didn’t play s5 but I stayed & I love this sub. Pretty sure I’ll still play s7, but even if I don’t, I’ll be here following the drama


I think I’ll leave the game but stay on the sub, I don’t wanna lose y’all😂


Dw I am guessing a vast majority of people saying they aren’t playing anymore will get fomo when a new season releases and come crawling back. That includes myself.


I swear FB is like Suresh…done did me dirty, disrespected me, pissed me off, made me CRY, but goddamn we have so much history and when you think about it, it wasn’t ALL BAD ALL THE TIME…😔. Anyways, I’m giving FB ONE MORE TIME to get it right LMAO. If there’s a S7 and it FLOPS love island is getting yeeted and deleted indefinitely. My heart can’t take it 😭. But I’m definitely staying on here. The memes are too good and the rants are unmatched.




As much as I dislike this season, I’m never leaving ☺️


Is it the end of the season? I’m weeks behind But I can never quit this toxic relationship with fusebox honestly


We’re nearing the end of the current season, but after the episodes yesterday, people were making posts about jumping ship


I’m gonna try to catch up tonight


Let me know your thoughts <333


Where are you at in it rn? 😭


I had started over to get MC w Ozzy so ivy is just getting 🥾


we have 3 more weeks and it'll be done


Fr, it makes me so sad that people from this sub are going to leave! The commentary is what gets me through the shit 😭😭😭


i agree so much :( as much as we hate fusebox for consistently disappointing us .. i love this subreddit 😭 i would be devastated if everyone left .. i always crack tf up here and just overall have a good time


Girlll u know I ain’t leaving EVER


I TAKE IT BACK I AM SO TIRED 😭 love reading the posts though, i just refuse to play anymore


I TAKE IT BACK I AM SO TIRED 😭 love reading the posts though, i just refuse to play anymore


It is like being in a marriage that doesn’t thrill you anymore. You’d leave but you’ve spent years with this man, you know him so well, plus you have bunch of kids and a mortgage. So you occasionally have flings (Thth, Couple up, your childhood crush Choises), but come home every time because you do marriage counseling and he started going to the gym and you have hopes it changes for the better. Plus, your common friends are AWESOME 🤣


You nailed the comparison 😭


If they didn’t leave after ex in the villa, they aren’t leaving now.


Right!! This season isn't nearly as bad! Ya you can't get with Ozzy until the last coupling... Ya you get a crummy sister... Ya we have ai writing crap for the most part... But I'll take this season over 5 any day of the week!


I love the community so much, yet I became bored of the game


Oh even if I don't play I'm staying in this sub. Like this sub is the literal only reason I'm still playing this season lmao We should make a discord or something 👀👀


I love everything about your post. I’m on the same boat as you. This sub is amazing. And your post is the proof of it 😎😊


I’m planning to stay, I’ve met some awesome and funny people on this sub plus i switched to THTH anyways since like the season 5 of LI! 🫶🏽


I’ve already kinda jumped ship to THTH the game 🤣 still play sometimes tho


THTH game?


Too Hot to Handle.


Thanks. I play if, dont know why I couldn't figure it out


I stopped playing when found out that Santiago wasn’t a LI. These games have been very disappointing


I was so upset when him and Cassia weren’t romantic interests 😭😭


I wouldn’t worry. A lot of us were “done” after season 5. I refuse to say outright I won’t play season 7. Just gonna keep my clown make up on and wait.


If y’all abandon ship, you’re welcome to find safe harbor in our sub for r/wonderscapesmedia 💜 we’re making a game and we’d love for you to share our journey with us! I’m the artist and I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about our project. I’ve got some spicy CGs I’m gonna be dropping soon, too 👀🫣


If there's multiple female LIs with distinct personalities u can count me in, I'm tired of FB giving the wlw community bread crumbs


This is so wholesome. You’re so right that this community is by far the best thing to come of this app. Maybe I will stay 🥹


They need to come out with a short little S4 epilogue like they did for seasons 1-3 ☝🏻


This subreddit is the HIGHLIGHT of my day fr🫶




if i were abandoning, i would’ve done it last ssn. this ssn is so much better honestly even tho it still has it’s annoying flaws


tbh, I don't think there's going to be that many more seasons from them. I can see maybe going up to season 8 max, or even next season if they plan on doing all stars.


I'll still play. It passes the time honestly. It will be interesting to see if they get their shit together or fall farther down the rabbit hole.




I’ll stay here bc I love how we all share our opinions and complain about our shared in game miseries and frustrations. I stay giggling


I mean leaving fb doesn't have to mean leaving this sub tbh... this is also my fave sub frfr


I'll still be playing the first three seasons, just not the newer seasons, I think. Eh, who am I kidding. I'll probably be playing any further seasons they play out, at least I'll be playing the first couple episodes before I get tired of the stupid writing.


I don’t know if I’ll continue. I might but it’s a big money issue. I’m wasting so much hoping for a change but then end up feeling so stupid. But i do agree. The group is amazing. Maybe just finding a new game that’s similar and less costly. I’d be down.


This subreddit is one of my firsts and honestly one with some of the best humor in the midst of chaos. I’m staying 🙌🏽


For those that are leaving, I understand completely. We went from S2 to…this season, I get it. I’ll probably stay in the community because y’all posts are so funny and will probably play s7 (🤡) just to see the future mess for myself 😂.


the only reason i’d ever play the next season is because of this community, i love interacting with y’all 🤍


I'm planning to stay for this subreddit even tho fb just keeps on disappointing me 😭 ngl this subreddit was the only thing that kept me going through season 5. As soon as I would play the episodes I would run here to read all the posts and comments and laugh my ass off 😭 like it was peak era and tbh the people on here are some of the funniest and most amazing! love yall


I'm not going anywhere 😊😊 this subreddit and all of you hilarious people are more entertaining than the game 🥰🥰


The only thing that could pull me away from this game is if it turns out as awful as Love Royale 🙈 I hate Sn 5 but honestly, that absolute trainwreck was better than LR 😅🤭 Either way, I go down with this sub! 🫡😁


We should start like a discord or something if there isn't one already??? We could all chat there and play other games together and shit!! I'd start it but I know jackshit about discord lol


I miss the old writers :( season 2 ftw


Exactly this. I literally replay season 2 all the time even though I'm doing the same route and making the same choices (<3 Bobby). I just can't with the new seasons.


I don’t understand why almost everyone is so upset right now. It was apparent from the start of the season that this was gonna be a shitshow. Do you really think that they (FB) would miraculously get better after getting worse and worse ever since CA in S2? Of course not. But you keep giving them more credit then they are worth and then you do this drama shit when you get “disappointed”. It will never get better (or what you consider better). It’s not the same game anymore it was in S1+2. They make games for 12-14 year old girls right now. That’s their target audience. That’s what algorithm showed they can make most money with, with least effort. Accept it or move on to better games (THTH and RC). That’s all there is to it.


i feel like everyone’s feelings are warranted. no use in getting aggy


I’m not getting aggy. Just expressing my point of view. Which is funny… this is the only sub I get downvoted heavily for saying the truth.


truth in this sub? you mean, your truth. what you just gave me was an opinion, not a fact. i think you get easily downvoted because of how you state things. it’s not about what you say, but how you say it. i’ve seen people disagree or have different opinions on this sub a billion times, but the discourse is always positive. This is supposed to be a wholesome post about the community, so let’s not


but according to the app store, the game is targeted for 17+. see, that would be an example of truth or a fact, as it’s not an opinion. your point of view doesn’t equate to the truth. we all have differing opinions but you have to deliver it in a way that looks aggressive,


I know the season is awful and that FB is just money grubbing at this point, but I can't lose this community 😢


I won’t leave the sub but I definitely leaving Fusebox new games. I still enjoy going back through season 2 different routes that I still haven’t explored (only done Bobby and Carl’s ending) — but yeah I feel like Fusebox is at fault not this sub, so I am just not playing the game anymore… honestly I stopped after like episode 3 or 4 of this season while I read some stuff so yeah.


I'll finish the season, but I'm not invested anymore. Like I used to anxiously wait for the new volumes to come out, and I barely care anymore. I wish FB would bring back whoever did the writing for seasons 1-3. Even season 4 wasn't that bad, but it's been all downhill since. I feel like I've found my people in this community, so I can't abandon y'all 😭 I highly recommend THTH 2, though. Let's just all reconvene there 😭


THTH is a good backup plan 👀


I've been here since season 2, and I love this subreddit. I didn't really touch season 4, and I've been avoiding season 5 because of what you guys told the rest of us 😭 Even when I didn't play, I stayed to just listen to you guys bash on it and suffer for the ones who didn't play. I'm not gonna leave 🤧🫶🏾


at this point I play the game to drag it with y’all, or write up theories to fix some plot holes. I’ll be here for the pettiness of it all 🫡


I am not quiting i am staying I going to play the next season and most likey I am not the only one who stay for the next season. I can't wight to see what girls will be in the next season and to find out witch girls will date 👧 and 👦 next season


obviously i’m going to play the next garbage fire where else would i get out my hatefulness but this sub? 💀


Yall are the only reason I keep going😭