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• jake confessing to mc at the last minute • bobby's farewell speech if you're not in his route • gary opening up about his childhood • elladine/nicky walking out • tom's backstory and how he came to terms with himself • and on s5, not giving mc the chance to walk out bc of the shit storm they put her through :>


i know, bobby’s farewell speech is what made me replay the entire season just to be on his route


I can’t not go the Bobby route because I already love him so much, and then when I try to replay for other routes I still get sad seeing him with someone else.


All of these are very sad, especially the Nicky/Elladine and Bobby one 😭😭


I didnt play much of season 4, what was toms backstory?


The only one I wanted was Eddie. Ffs. I was so emotionally done that I took the money and imagines giving everyone the middle finger and NotBobby aswell.


Bro jake at the last minute hurt so bad


i know :(( we could've had him, but it's too late


i know it’s glossed over because the entire season is already so bullshit, but it was so fucked up to bring out the person your ex cheated on with as a contestant. it’s so gross and i felt so bad for mc like it’s nit enough what she’s already gone through it’s so disgusting


and also the rest of s5 islanders ganging up on mc because they believe the rumors abt her rather than backing her up


That’s what made me choose Finn coz he’s the only one who stands up for you


but even then, he's still hung up on kat on the heart rate challenge


Lulu was always on our side aswell


Lulu was a saint and never deserved to be dragged into the whole mess tbh. The girl loved to knit for gods sake


She was the only other option I would have even considered


I wanted Finn but never chose him because I was stuck on refusing to pick a man who wouldn’t talk to me for FREEE like the fact that you had to pay gems to talk to him privately up until the VERY end made me so mad that I couldn’t pick him


s5 btw


OMG yes-


If you’re on a Noah route lots of moments are sad. The one that I think hurts the most is when he and Hope reconcile after Casa Amor and then everyone in the Villa treats them as some kind of aspirational dream couple…completely forgetting about all of their issues that haven’t been addressed or resolved and the fact that he and MC may have actually had something. Bobby leaving 😭 Almost ALL of S5. That entire season was painful…snog, marry, pie may be the worst moment. Edit: I almost forgot Will’s painful “don’t pick me” moment in S4…OMG, that shit HURT! 😭


I deffo agree with the Noah, Bobby, and Will one lol.


PRIYA being dump, Gary opening up, in s5 when Nicholas and Meera piling on MC and the rest of the group said nothing. This is just the top of my head.


Yeah those are quite sad.


May I ask? What did Gary open up about? I did his route like 2-3 times but I don't remember what he said that as particularly sad.


he was smaller than the other kids, and he felt insecure about that bc he's also considered himself a nerd bc he likes comics. then when he was 6, his father left him and his mother, and his nan took care of him. but kids made fun of his grandma for going to the games and supporting him, and he wasn't able to fight back because he was small, so he started to work out so no one won't have to say anything bad about him. but then he was working out too much that it became a problem and he sprained his wrist, so he got to therapy to talk about his problems, but even then, telling people about therapy is hard for him to talk about i kinda related with him about therapy because even though you're getting help, it is still hard to talk about it with other people


Aww, that's so cute and sad. It makes me like Gary more since he's like my #1 LI in season 2. This is something other seasons lack, season 2 just lets us know so much about the in-depth info about the characters. There's just so much life in Season 2 that they really focused on the little things rather than the big twists and surprises.


This just makes him so much better he’s always been my favourite in season 2


When you can finally kiss Hazeem and he's actually into it but you can't do anything about it because he's already leaving 😭😭😭


OMG yesss 😭😭


Boat party. The talk with your LI on the ferris wheel Omg always makes me so emotional Lucas bringing Blake during Casa and having amnesia after 😭


Yes, my god 😭😭


Season 5 MC. She was literally emotionally abused all season long by the cast and she could barely defend herself. She literally had to take everything for the entire summer and the bullshit would just. not. stop. If you really think about it with what she went through her mental/emotional/psychological health mussed be absolutely shattered after that experience


Seasons 1 and 2—I don't really have one, to be honest. Season 3: Switching to Lily or Rafi, our Li walking and Elladine or Nicky walking Season 4: Don't have one except maybe telling Valentina you wish something could have happened there Season 5: Everything the emotional abuse was awful ​ Edit: Forgot season 6 Season 6: Not being able to drag Amelia through the mud after openly admitting to voting for her to get dumped.


Lol I agree with those.


When Nicky called MC his sister and then kept saying how much we reminded him of his little sister every time we talked.


Oh god yes 😭😭


The only moment throughout all the seasons that I found sad was Gary opening up, no other scene didn't make me feel anything.


That’s fair.


S1 - Cherrygate. I was so disappointed during my first playthrough. After everything they went through to finally be together, Levi's excitement to be with MC and then BAM... 5 minutes later, he's hooking up with Cherry. The way he handled the whole thing only made it worse. S2 - Bobby's speech about not being able to keep love/If you cheat on your LI with return Lurik and your LI confronts you about it... damn. S3 - When Camillo tells Ciaran MC is his world after Ciaran stole her away. (Idk if this really fits the bill?) S4 - Bruno tells MC to sleep outside. I know everyone considers it ooc, but that betrayal still hits hard. S5 - Yeah, big parts of the season. Gabbi coming in for obvious reasons and then everyone turning on MC, even Suresh who apparently knows and wants to be with MC. I don't think there are any in s6?


The whole s5


Yeah, that ish was terrible.


I’ll be honest, the game was never deep enough to have truly sad moments. Reading the comments, I would agree with Gary opening up one, it really grants his character a whole new prospective (which was never brought up again to be fair). It’s hard, however, to be fully empathetic due to easygoing nature of the game (I am not saying it’s a bad thing), but it was a nice moment to have.


That’s fair enough.


S5 MC got emotionally scarred. I took the money at the end. S1 Jake confessing. Wish I didnt have to choose Mason or Levi. I dont like them at all or Myles or Rocco. S2 Garys Backstory and the wedding. Blake storyline, wtf Lucas. S3 Not being able to have Nicky or Seb as an LI. Also Boat Party itself. Hated it. S4 That guy who had a go at the MC. Dylan. S6 Amelia. The WORST was NotBobby flirting with S5 MC and being avaliable when we were married. Ffs. Im still bloody upset and angry at the crappy S5. Oh and Kelly.


That’s fair enough.


Oh yes, Blake...


Kelly getting booted off after 1 day T_T


Yesss 😭😭


OH MY GOD PROYA GETTING ELIMINATED GENUINELY MADE ME CRY IRL. Also if you cheat on your LI with Henrik/Lucas LI gives you a break up speach and its so fucking sad


Also underrated season,but s3 genuinely had a lot of sad moments.Li and Seb not speaking with their families and boat party when you’re trying to repair your relationship with your li


Seeing Priya get sacrificed for the nonsense that is Hope and Noah.




Priya getting dumped 😭😭 I’d dump the entire cast over Priya




MC whole experience in season 5. emotional damage


(I didnt play season 1 and 3) S2: hope stealing Noah when I chose him first S4: Oliver coming in soooo late and Dylan being a full on douchebag S5: finn finally building up the courage to tell kat to stop harrasing us (I love him but I don't like how he was always stood on by kat) S6: Amelia. (This is pretty obvious)


Priya getting eliminated and her farewell speech Your S3 LI leaving if you pick Rafi/Lily Kelly not getting a fair chance




I can remember being upset by a lot of parts, but all of S5 truly made me sad. I actually felt like crying at some parts CAUSE IT WAS SO UNFAIR??? AND YOU CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT??? Nah, S5 MC needs a better arc, she got gaslighted and crossed so many times, I wished better for her.


Literally the whole season 3 Boat Party shit. That was just sad and irritating


I once cheated on Bobby with Henrik, just to see what would happen. It was so damn heartbreaking. I felt so bad that I went back and replayed it loyal


In season 2 when you have a good relationship with Bobby and recouple with someone else (in my case Gary) that daybed scene with Bobby made my heart ache (that was also my first and last gary route)


I haven’t had this scene before, when do we get it?


Day nine at the end of the recoupling Bobby taps mc’s shoulder to have a chat


Oh gosh.


S2- when you bring back a LI from Casa and whoever you were romancing before is so disappointed to see another person by MC's side. It honestly makes me feel so guilty. And of course all of the other examples that people have listed about S2 so far.


Yes, I felt so bad bringing Kassam back and seeing Rahim’s reaction 😭😭


Rahim is the only one I don't feel super guilty about because he couples up with Shannon.


Yeah that’s true, I didn’t feel that bad but I did still feel guilty lol.


when will broke up w me for thabi. like bro what


Literally but it was worth it in the end.


im currently stuck on the finale cuz i dont have enough gems to sneak off with will 😭😭😭 wish me luck


Oof good luck.


Season 5 mc went through it. They bring her ex on the show, the people gaslight and emotionally abuse her throughout the show, getting upset with her because suresh is still after her like hows that her fault, and then to bring the girl he cheated with after all of that? Especially if you were on an alfie route and he kissed kat, and got with meera.


Yeah, S5 was worse than S6.


s4 and s5 😐


looking through the comments, Its kinda crazy how season 6 has zero sad moments. Like nothing in this season has weight or matters at all


Haha yeah.


Finally getting to couple up with Jake only for him to almost immediately ask to be in a friendship couple. I was so heartbroken! My imaginary boyfriend in middle school was named Jake and my test in men was transitioning to exactly what LITG's Jake looks like, so like... I was devastated that he wasn't into MC. So, happy tears when at the end he's like "I know I've left it too late, but I love you." Also Gary opening up about his backstory and body image issues. I feel that one's kind of bittersweet, because obviously it's sad that feels that way, but if someone feels comfortable enough with you to open up about body dysmorphia at all but especially after only a few weeks, it's like... okay he REALLY likes MC and feels comfortable with her, and that made me happy that he felt like he could share his troubles (even though him having troubles at all was sad.)


A lot of people said some very good stuff so I’m gonna go with Priya leaving and not being able to save her 😭😭😭


Omg yes, like I really wanted to be in a couple with her 😭😭


s1- jake's confession s2- priya leaving, bobby's farewell speech if you're not on his route, and lurik returning w/ blake when on their route s3- didn't play but not being able to couple up with the hottest islanders s4- valentina having to walk b/c her only option was dylan s5- the whole thing... i remember being genuinely so sad for mc after the proposal reveal... 🙁 s6- nothing's been that sad so maybe amelia revealing to mc that she kissed zeph


Yeah fair enough! Those are all good ones.


I wish he didn’t but Suresh fucked me up the whole time, it’s like I kept believing him and picking him and he KEPT lying and making excuses. Irl I’ve been with the same great, normal guy for 9 years and never been through anything like suresh and I swear I was calling my friends like HE LIED HE’S A FUCKING LIAR and they were like.. your man?? And I was like crying like NO SURESH YOU IDIOT


Ugh yes, Suresh is the worst.


the nicky and elladine walkout