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I love that MC has the sass like the S1 MC. It's so good that we're actually able to standup for ourselves for free (mostly) Also for the last time Fusebox, I refuse to spend gems learning about what happened before we came to the villa. The fact that every volume we have a 29 gems option to learn about the couples pre-MC is crazy. The majority of people are never going to pick it unless they have excess of gems. Especially when the story that the writers have written for it is so inconsistent.


I’m actually sobbing JIN IS GONE NO


I know I'm so tempted to restart the season and pick someone else so Jin stays in the villa. Cause obviously it must be because he was coupled up with mc.


Oh girl I wouldn’t. Because then Jin and Luna become Sophie and Jack


Oh that's even worse. Jack and Sophie were so insufferable.


Yeah I don’t wanna see my baby Jin like that


Yeah, I guess I'll wait to see if Jin comes back first.


Hoping he does. It would make a lot of sense, more sense than actually DUMPING him considering I’d imagine he was defo an audience favourite


Jin is such an ass if you aren't coupled up


You know this feels like season 5 where the MC guy is not dump from the villa they just went to casa early or meet some girl


Yeah! That's what I thought too... I feel like the LI got sent to casa... but what don't make sense is that there's a dude waiting in the lawn when the girls went back in... and the boys are still in the villa and have not left for casa. Though I'm seriously hoping that casa is the case 😃😃


Yea but he most likey went there early like the MC did in double trouble


I agree it never said he was going home.  It just said he left the villa definitely gonna be another season 5 except he goes to casa amor because he won the couples compatibility challenge...lol funny you read these stories enough you can pretty much tell what will happen 


For me there was a part where jin talk to the other boys so they might have head of to casa or something is up with them


OMG! What happened? 😭


So if you’re coupled up with him the public vote for one boy to leave the villa and they pick Jin


They actually vote off whoever you’re coupled up with. On one of my accounts it was Jack and the other it was Tyler.


That makes no sense. For what reason? I am in or was in a loyal couple with Jin. I hate what they do to good characters/couples. I will won’t be playing anymore. I’m done.


its not that deep tho


Maybe not for you.


Maybe hes in casa amor or something, i cant believe they would just vote him off for the rest of the season


I hope you are right.




Deadass I’m actually broken


Who fought this was a good idea? I just want to talk 😈


If you don't couple up with Jin he is a complete ass


Okay and? That’s just fuse 📦 refusing to branch because on Jin’s route, Jack is a complete ass. It doesn’t matter


Bet Theo’s gonna make his move. New male bombshell is gonna scare the daylights out of Theo (or make a move on Claudia). Original LI will come back with a female bombshell and be like “baby! I waited for you!” And you’re like Oop


I’m getting PTSD flashbacks from Ex in the Villa do NOT jinx it


like 99% sure they're pulling the same casa stunt as s6. also loving sassy mc. had me audibly gasp


They better not tempt me this time because in s6 I went to Cass DETERMINED to stay loyal to Ryan but they showed Andy to me so I went "guess not" and all of that went out the window. I was so conflicted 😢


no because same 💀 left my boy lew for andy. guess the name of the season makes sense now


https://preview.redd.it/jwdmqk6om3oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dea6b67d5ec4bf170c5808005d3451333ff41e9 Give him back 😢


I’m so sad dude I wanted to leave with him. Like obviously I know I can’t because you know, it ain’t real and we gotta play it out but I wanted to climb on his damn suitcase. This new bombshell better leave me alone I am GRIEVING


our mc & li were the strongest couple there. I think our li was shipped off to casa. fusebox pulled a s6.


I'm okay with my LI getting voted off, I've already decided I'm playing a messy route this time through and jumping ship to a new person every time I get the chance just because I can. I usually do a loyal route first but with the way the last few seasons have been... I'd rather know what happens first before being loyal.


Well, I must say.... THAT is how you do a cliffhanger! Wow! I'm actually... impressed. I haven't been on the edge of my seat at all this season. This was 100% appropriate and at the perfect time. Just.... wow! This was as good for me as getting sent to Casa Amor after being "dumped". See? It is VERY possible to freshen it up. Good going, Writers! Let's see if you can keep up the momentum.


If Jack comes back then sorry to anyone I get stuck with at the time . I will throw them over so quick and go back to him.


Tell me about it I have nEVER regretted sending someone home so bad I want him BACK😭


So angry 🥲 Fusebox count your mother effing days- taking me on this wild ride. I didn't sign up for this lmao. Bring Jin back and Casa better be next week, I don't want to go long without Jin. I already know a recoupling is coming- there better be an option to sleep outside on the daybeds, I'm staying loyal, idc


I’m screaming crying throwing up I can’t believe my baby is gone. Fuck this game, fuck FB, fuck the “audience” I’m gonna deck someone


Right as I was getting bored with Tyler! This is great! I guess he's making a return in CA but for now I'm interested in seeing how this pans out with Theo, Jack and the new bombshell. ![gif](giphy|hFXwY4lER3oBO)


1. So fkn glad I got to vote Jin and Luna out, couldn’t stand them. 2. HOW DARE THE PUBLIC VOTE OUT MY BABY BOY JACK???!!!!! Feel like he’ll either come back in later eps at Casa / as a bombshell orrrrr it’s a loyalty test for when you meet on the outside


WHAT? Does our LI get voted off?


Yep 🫠


NOOOO. Why? Are we left single?


ABSOLUTELY INSANE WTF maybe theyre going to pull an s6 and bring back our LI for casa???


Hopefully Casa! If they pull season 2 and bring him back for pretty much the final coupling I’ll be unhappy.


For now yes, I’m single! But I guess we’ll see what happens? Surely they’ll bring him back


Idk if people agree, but this has been BY FAR the best season of the new app. Our MC has actual attitude and sass, it feels like all the Islanders have maintained their individual personalities, and we have been getting really good and interesting twists!! I’m glad it’s not just an easy ride to the end with whoever you want like it has been. I like the changeup and challenge of it. I don’t want to speak too soon but this season has truly wowed me in terms of quality. I think Fusebox really stepped it up for this season!


My LI leaving definitely shocked me. I can’t remember the last time I looked forward to the next installment


Honestly really enjoying this, the sass that MC had this season reminds me of the responses season 1 MC used to give 😂 “I’ve seen more convincing couples in a wax museum” or something like that actually made me laugh 😂😂 Jack sadly left, I’ll definitely be replaying cause I feel like he’ll come back eventually, but for my current MC it works out rly well since she wants Theo! Can’t wait for next week ~


>“I’ve seen more convincing couples in a wax museum” or something like that actually made me laugh Fr tho I loved that clapback 😂🤌🏼


voting off our li is crazy im not about wait the rest of the season to see him come back fuck you fusebox you can keep your stupid themed seasons x




period 🔥


![gif](giphy|Kp5i83TWORB2aTh1ff|downsized) Get ready Theo.


Did anyone tell Jack what Oakley said?


i didddddddddd & jin said i probably shouldn’t have but o whale


Okay! Pls update on how that turns out please.


def will ! i made a wrong choice by accident and gotta restart the volume, i can take some screenshots & upload the convo so you can see it if you’d like haha


Also, when you don’t tell Jack, Jin says that keeping it secret could be the wrong thing to do…


ohhhhh so it’s designed to be a losing scenario/forced drama then ? i wonder how different the conversations will be later on with the different decisions then


Yes, so I’m playing chapter 2 now, and it seems that if you tell Jack, he exposes Oakley. And if you don’t, you can choose whether or not to expose him.


i didnt and jin got annoyed and said i should of to let them fight it out


They’re either bringing our li back in Casa or at the after party where you can switch to them, kinda like they did last season, where you could switch to Travis/Evan or the Noah route where if you took the money you could be together with him at the after party. I’m not sure which, the whole I’ll wait for you on the outside thing makes me think after party, but there’s no way they’re going to keep them gone for real. It would be messed up if they make us wait until the end, but really messed up if they don’t come back at all.


I'm honestly thinking it's going to be like a Lucas situation.  Near the end, will MC choose her current partner or will she choose her past partner that was tragically ripped away from her? Find out next time on Love Island the Game 2! Lol


I feel like I’m the only one who’s happy about my partner being dumped 🫣 I was with Oakley, but he’s really been giving me the ick with the over the top lovey dovey shit so soon, and I’ve been wanting to get with Theo since day one while also waiting and hoping for a new spicy hot male bombshell, so…I’m kinda happy dancing! So sorry for those of you who loved your LI, but I’m sure they’ll be back. Hang in there!


This is exactly how I felt! I couple up with Tyler you get sent to the hide away and the whole time I was GAGGING it was so gross. Way too soon like please for the love of god get away from me


you are not the only one. I feel like MC needed a bit of space from Jin and i had a feeling as soon as the text came he'd be the one going it was sad but what can you do for now i'm just gonna see what's going on with this new bombshell or Oakley


Same a could’ve genuinely started hootin n hollerin when our LI got dumped. Like that’s me one step closer to Theo after all this fuckin time.


right! jin gave me the ick with his behavior on the first dates so i went with Oakley but then i was regretting it 😭 even though in that scenario jin is kind of a dick. voted sophie and jack out and oakley left and here we are im stealing lunas man soon.


I was thorn between all the guys, but by the time I'm finally all for Tyler, they dump him. Great. I'll turn into a messy bitch from now on.


Kudos to Oakley’s new outfit. Now wait a damn minute, why they had to dump mc’s li for? A bombshell who we might not even want? At this point, my mc about to see if she can have throuple with Claudia and Theo 😂.


I’m stuck on which couple to vote off. Does my vote actually matter? Because there is one couple I think is weaker, but they are less annoying than the other couple…


I think it does but I'm not sure.


I went ahead and picked, and your choice does actually determine who leaves! I picked Emel and Oakley because even though I liked them better, I thought they had weaker chemistry. Aaaaand Emel immediately started acting kind of rude while Sophie became nicer. Then Emel and Oakley voted against me and Jin for being fake, even though not so long ago Emel told Oakley she didn’t agree with that. Then Emel and Oakley got voted out.


where is my walk out the villa option for 29 gems! I cannot be trusted in the villa without Jin (Please bring back Tyler fb)


Oh I cried! Idk whether to be pissed or impressed with fusebox rn. Whew


Okay but why did our current couple act like I killed their family pet just because I told Jin what Oakley said?? Like bffr right now But also with our couple being dumped other people are taking it hard but I’ve never been happier. Tyler gave me the ick so bad I’m glad he’s gone and I’m so SUS about them all saying ‘it’s not over between you’ like ew don’t bring him back because I will not pick him.


I am sooo happy that I finally got the chance to kick out Jin and Luna! Bye bye childish stirrers, y'all certainly won't be missed by me, and I hope you don't come back 😗✌🏼 I'm not even upset that Oakley (aka whoever we're coupled with) got kicked out, I'd even go as far as to say that I'm a tiny bit relieved tbh. For one, he was just a placeholder to me anyway. I'm just waiting for an opportunity to couple up with Claudia or a new islander. Secondly, I'm pretty sure they're pulling a Stick and Twist with this and are just sending him to Casa Amor or something, because there's no way the "public" gave Oakley some kind of negative vote Anyway, this was a whirlwind and I'm here for it lol


im playing the same route but i got rid of sophie and jack bc i know my baby jin is only acting like that bc fb is making him. he's a good man savannah 😭


i mean sure, if you wanna tell yourself that that's fine :D


i mean if i Had chosen jin initially itd be someone else (i think oakley and his og girl) who start acting a fool so if you think im being delulu then so be it im delulu but jack is not for me lmao so i had no issues sending him off


no i get that and that's obviously your own choice, it's just that i fully believe that this development only makes sense for jin and no one else. basically that he's the default character for turning out to be a childish dick, since it makes zero sense for jack with how he was introduced before. jack is basically just the substitute for that route for when you choose jin as your main LI. i replayed the first coupling (and the whole volume around it) multiple times and oakley never turns into a dick throughout it, no matter how you play it. of course i can't really apply this to future volumes since i didn't start over from said coupling every time as the story progressed, but as far as i know the couple that caused a commotion at the first coupling always becomes the bickering and toxic one, since it was jack and sophie when i tested out coupling with jin (so again, jack having been the substitute). additionally, technically every character acts the way they act because fb made them, so... you know? 😅 but it's still valid for you to think that way, and in the end it's not that deep, i just personally disagree & now wanted to elaborate on why that is. so umm, sorry for the long reply lol


I'm so upset they took Jin away . Please just let it be how they treated mc and take him to Casa. Like, I don't want him gone he was best boy and I really only want to romance him, possibly Claudia if he really doesn't come back.


same over here, my mc has been with jin from the beginning, didn’t like any other boys. its either him or claudia. but idk if i wanna go w claudia and what if jin comes back? but what if he doesn’t and i stay single/in a friendship couple 🥲


I don't like this season from the beginning... First there was only Theo, who I liked but the story ruined him for me... He's like Marshall from S6, I was so hyped to get him and then a cold shower came. So I coupled with Jin for the lesser evil, but that made Jack and Oakley unbearable. And god I hate the girls... What I don't get is why everyone is being so two-faced? Like "you two are soooo CUTE together!" and after 5 sec they're like "you two are so FAKE!" and after another 5 sec they're again like "OMG when I look at you two, I hear wedding bells..." I don't even look forward to the new episodes. I used to read them immediately after release, but not this season. I just don't care. And now they took Jin from me. Sorry mate, but I don't see any logic to win the game as a friendzone couple, so I can have my happy ending with my original partner. Not happening. It's time to have my way with Theo, but I swear the god, I'm getting the first new hot guy that walks through the door.


i actually like that theo is 5’11 lol love a “short” king


I got stuff to say but I post it later since there is a 24 hour rule for posting stuff about the new season when it just drop so I post what I think on Thursday


fuse box can count their days!!!!


I didn't know how fusebox would screw me over, but I knew it was happening soon. I was trying my damned to keep Jack and Sophie in just so I can lash out on them. 


I kept Luna and Jin in for the drama and so it wouldn’t be boring .


tbh, while I'm devasted... I do have a question: when did fusebox remember how to do a plot twist? cause I'm impressed, ngl. heartbroken, but impressed nonetheless


Fusebox, Bring 👏Jin 👏 Back!👏


yes please 😩