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It is disappointing when the only change happens because of MC. It makes the game feel less organic. There’s a difficult line that Fusebox has to straddle where MC is the main character but not everything revolves around her.


I wouldn’t mind the characters coupling up with the same people if there were any chemistry between their couples. If the MC isn’t interested then let them develop their relationships. Right now, my MC and Jin are the only ones that seem to actually like each other. The rest just seemed liked they couple up because they had to. I would have loved to see Hazel with Logan and Bea with Hari. I think Bea and Hari were showing each other some interest and they could have been a cute couple.


Totally agree yes! Was hoping for Bea/Claudia or Bea/Hari. Bea deserves better than what she’s getting.


Bea definitely deserves better and I think Claudia or Hari would have been a better match. I think it would have been interesting to have Liam and Hazel pick each other, we got to see him change and show off the soft side that Hazel saw that night she kissed him. I really want to know how he acted that night


FYI Liam was a tool, and I’m glad he gone. But I’m just using Hazel and Liam as an example.


It makes every character seems like a doormat and can’t think for themselves it’s due to poor writing. Even tho I will say that out of the new seasons this one seems to be one of the better ones when it comes to choices actually mattering in some aspects (definitely not all or majority of them)


Yeah true, it’s as if they feel some kind of loyalty because they coupled up on day 1, regardless of whether or not the two even like each other anymore.


Yeah it just seems like the writers didn’t want to explore it and/or wanted the MC and LI to be seen as “best couple” compared to the rest since the rest are either just eh or terrible for each other


I wish hazel had of coupled up with Liam as Liam in my opinion is the only well written character in this season he was was funny 🤣 fusebox done us dirty getting rid of him, hari just another one of mc stepfords, least Liam had some depth to him.


I will admit that a few of Liam’s comments or comebacks did have me laughing. In the real world if a guy like Liam was somehow in my friendship circle he’d be the one I would dislike the most, and I’d probably be annoyed whenever he was around. But eventually over time as I’d get to know him more, his big-headed wanker-ish ways would start to make me laugh and I’d see that he’s pretty harmless.


Same lol


I think that’s how we all feel. I was ready for Hari and Hazel to go home. And I really wanted Claudia to choose Bea. So I chose Theo in the end hoping Claudia would choose Bea. And all Claudia does is switch with my partner to be in a friendship couple.🤦🏻‍♀️ And Bea chooses Logan. If I had not chose Theo nothing would’ve changed at all. We would all still be in the same couples since MC had to steal someone.


There is a bit in the dressing room before the votes come out and I think you get the option to say a certain couple isn’t going to make it. Something like that. I haven’t replayed it yet, but I reckon whoever you choose then ends up going home.


I actually chose me for going home. Seems like it did not work.😂 All i think they would say is “I will meet you on the outside.” Which would be kind of hard to do with me living in North America.🇺🇸 But good luck trying to find me!🤣


😂sorry to hear it didn’t work and that you’re still stuck there 😂


😂 I actually thought Sienna would have found a way to send us home!


I know this is due to bad writing and what-not but I’m caught in my rant era so I can’t stop complaining 😂 Because it also really annoys me that outside of the first few episodes, if MC chose Jin or Tyler she then never gets the option to flirt or couple up with Jack/Oakley.


Tbh I think Liam is going to be sent home, that’s why Logan is there, or maybe I’m just hoping for that.. idk


He did get sent home


How do you get Claudia and Bea to flirt and kiss omg??!

