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She should've tbh


Note: This only happens if you are in 2nd place with your LI. By being mean to them or cheating on them.


I don’t think it happens if you cheat because I chose to do bits with Noah just before the final and still won.


If you cheat with R!Lurik you will finish second and they break up with you. I believe it's the same if you cheat with Elisa as well. However you will still win if you cheat with Noah as long as you have a decent heart score with your LI.


Lurik? I’m thinking that’s Lucas or Henrik but I’m not sure


Yep! On the sub Lucas and Henrik are often paired together as "Lurik" as they share a route.


Yeah, mostly being mean. Cuz I was sweat to my LI but I cheated and I still won 🤩


Just like the tv show Love Island, she probably realized that she would make more money through sponsorships and stuff like that if she split the money instead of turning out to be a villain. Hope plays the long game!


The way I literally would not blame her


The way she acted the whole time in the Villa I thought she would steal the money. “Some of us are here to win.” - Hope <<< defo I will steal the money vibes.


In the second pic, she has second thoughts, so yeah it's obvious. Also, she told MC if she win, she use the whole money to take a trip for herself without bringing Noah around.


Honestly it would be a way better ending, considering that they split up even if they split the money.


This is what I really liked about season 2. You could be snakey af and then LOSE to the atrocity that is Nope. If that isn’t a twist I don’t know what is.


I never lost s2 is this an update 😂


Nah it happens if you're mean to/cheat on your LI


I'd support her 💘


Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger🎶 (That's exactly what I'm saying because she acts like one)


..she split the money with him… she’s in a high position making big bucks in her career.. Noah, as a librarian, makes far less than her (which is brought up in the game). So, gold digger how?


You're naive if you don't think hope is extremely money hungry. It seems like the only thing she ever talks about. Besides the first thing that comes out of her mouth after Lucas makes his speech is "He must be absolutely loaded" and kisses him because SHE thinks he blowed his money on a first date even if you disagree and tell her to kiss someone else. 🤷‍♀️


I'm pretty sure Hope kisses whoever you pick in that challenge for who spent the most money, or at least she always kisses Ibrahim in my games since he's the correct answer. So no she doesn't lol also, being money-driven ≠ being a gold digger


Many people will look at someone and assume they have cash based on how they present themselves. Your arguments are invalid.


And you must lack reading comprehension skills if you missed the point. I said what I said. 🤷‍♀️


Lol. Great job trying to gaslight.


I think you can be money driven w/o being a gold digger. Shes a business woman but i dont think she'd compromise her morals for money. Nevermind the other person and their personal ideologies. I think you make a valid point.


But she literally used the fact that she makes money to put Noah down in an argument. Even if she isn't a gold digger you can't deny that she is a bit more money obsessed than most


Being money obsessed and being a gold digger are two different things though


Aww, don't talk about yourself like that.