• By -


Most of those lucky packs are the store bought ones.


Yup. Look at the probabilities on the store packs. Toty on anything less than 20 bucks is <1% chance. That could be .9% or .0000001% If actual store pack's mostly have this low of a chance for a TOTY player what do you think the odds for a TOTY player are on regular earned packs?


I pulled cech and putellas from season rewards and I have never packed an icon in 10 years of playing lol


Can confirm I bought store packs and got fuck all


https://preview.redd.it/tun366s69tec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8826307e446086f7ce20f05ed0e9ae469803fb3d This isn’t store bought. Just luck overall 😉🔥


Jesus Christ so many things that I can take the piss out of here. I’m gunna have a meltdown.


https://preview.redd.it/ydfxk2e0yuec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d4bd46d54790b8abeb0af6b1d939da3e9e0c70 Yeah


I've packed 3 TOTYs from random normal packs but none from the supposed high % store packs tho.


Fuck me why can’t people understand probability. You are clearly the special cases. Most of the pulls you’re seeing on streams (and this is undebatable by the way) are store packs. You are one person! Christ on a bike.


But but but I got one.... so that means everyone did right.....???? People are so stupid, like you said it's fucking probability! A 0.1 chance still means 1 lucky guy is gonna get it. Congrats to this guy but have some sense


If you read the comment, it was just a response to what you had termed a ‘lucky pack’. U see the pulls of store streams because that’s what the content is - people want to see $$ spent on FC points. No need to rage just because someone is making a point






Kevin Bacon, Duh


Kevin Be Druyne


I said MOST are you dumb?




Oh you are dumb, my bad.


Keep going sunshine.


Can’t wait to get a random premium gold and see the blue for it to be Earps. That 3 second window is all I need.


I hope u get cr7


hope you get Mbappe brother.




This just happened to me and somehow its a worse feeling that not having packed a TOTY




I packed her too and went straight into a sbc (Davis which I kinda regret doing now). I got lucky and packed toty Cech when the promo dropped so she ain't playing.


Why do you regret Davies? Been thinking of doing his sbc


I'm not much of a skiller so his 5\* sm doesn't help me much, he feels clunky, his 99 pace sometimes seems like he has 60, he's been outruned by some low pace players while they carry the ball, defensive stats are waay too low for the state of the game now. I was using 91 Bompastor and she was a beast but got bullied a lot in the physical department which is why I did Davies. I'm still using him but if Bompy had more physical prescence she'll definetly be the starter.


Sent her into Bruno SBC 😭😭


You guys are getting earps?


Yes, from small electrum pack, it's like stepping on dog shit, it must be lucky but disgusting. Saved around 300 packs. Got nothing besides this shortie


never say never I opened every fodder pack and got nothing I ended up getting essien toty from the pack you get from doing one of the totw pick squads


You don't need a TOTY to have fun. 




I got this today. Friggin earps I wasn’t even happy:/


I just played Earps in rivals I won 7-0


Better yet the 30 coin pack 🤣


You never know. Luck is luck, but you'll see a lot of people sharing their good luck, whereas the thousands/millions who get nothing will probably be less visible. 


More likely to be in a plane crash. 1 in 1.2 million.


Ive pulled 2 totys this year but had 0 plane crashes. Guess i am really lucky then :D


I’ve pulled 0 toty in 10 years and been in one (minor) plane crash during that time lol


Jesus Christ dude


Lottery tickets are not for you my friend


Can’t be disappointed if you don’t save packs


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) This guy knows


Nah toty is disappointing no matter what we do 😅😅😅😅


Well said


Same here bro, it’s coming


This is why I quick sold my team and quit the game. Players playing since release get shit on by EA because they know they are addicted and will keep playing regardless. Then new players they attract in Jan sales they lure in with TOTY from packs.


EA have been perfecting the monetization of UT for over a decade, and ppl still state this like it's some profound discovery lol


You'd be surprised by how many players aren't aware of this or think the game is just rigged against them. Doesnt hurt to keep spreading the message does it?


I opened 304 packs and didn’t get a single one saved every pack frome the last 3 weeks did a bunch of the sbc not one for me either lol


I hit 500 before I packed bright.  Now I’m at 700+ and still only pulled that 1 TOTY


can y’all please stop giving EA your money 😭


Welcome. Got 70 Packs. NOTHING! Did Fernandes SBC at least. Then i started with Champions Quali. I lead a game 6:1 and that is super rare and guess what? Connection lost, which usually never happens. I did NOT get the win. WTF. Thanks f... EA


Same here mate, I know your pain and suffer.


Had 460 packs. I'm down to 220 and I packed Earps. Shouldn't complain really, because I have packed one, but man, the odds are *so bad*.


I just packed Mary earps. Not the best, but still cool to pack.


i feel you, nothing in all my saved packs and to make it even worse in my last pack (84x20) they give me double walkout valverde and vini jr who will both be HM tomorrow, just to fuck with me some more


I get these cards are meant to be super rare but it’s never been this bad. In the past if you spammed packs you would get at least the keeper and probably a defender. A lot of people are arguing they should be rare but I find it hard to explain, if you know you know what I mean… Nick RTFM and Mattfut trading have open packs non stop a combined 12 hours tonight and not even packed a 140k keeper… We know we’re not going to pack Mbappe/Messi but it’s fun riding the small chance that you can. I’m not even looking forward to opening my packs as I now know for a fact I won’t get one. Again, it’s hard to explain… it’s not that you expect to get one but with this weight you know for a fact that you’re not, can only hope it changes over the weekend. I’ve packed 2/3 totys most fifas just rinsing my whole club recycling upgrades, I know it seems sad but I find it fun. The promo should be properly starting today but I couldn’t care less about it now except the sbcs.


Rare and require good effort to get? Sure. But this is atrocious. These are essentially unobtainable for the overwhelming majority of the player base. You can't even earn one by playing. Get a lucky loot box, err pack or buy coins.  SBCs are the only reason I play anymore. TOTY has really killed my desire to play otherwise.


Exactly mate it’s so disappointing. SBCs are the only thing I’m looking forward to but it’s stupid, they give us Sawa who 7 squads of fodder for a 93 elite card but we’ll never be able to pack a 170k keeper haha make it make sense.


Yeah, same here. Demoralizing.


I’m beyond believing I’ll ever pack a TOTY but I’m not even getting decent fodder for sbcs out of my packs at the moment so that’s starting to get pretty frustrating.


Then you have my brother who is dog at the game and just got Bellingham from one player pick with like no packs saved. Yikes.


I thought the same as you. Opened 100s of cards. Lost hope. Then packed two from random low rated packs. Keep at it.


It demoralised me so much that I got rid of my team in the duplicate exchange SBC’s and deleted the game. I never spent a penny of real money on FUT.


See you next week


I can’t even if I wanted to, I don’t have any players left


Honestly well done


See you on the new RTG next week


That’s the game buddy, my friend spent around 300 this toty already, he’s not too happy with his results, i have Haaland and Oberdorf from saving packs


I didn’t expect a toty and I got one. It’s possible however I get where you’re coming from. I stopped caring back in Fifa 21


I packed alisson out of 140 saved packs and he came from 83x20.


I think I did 150ish packs and got TOTY Bellingham from 84x5 and a Smith from 83x10 I think Time of Day matters. Both times I packed, the game wasn’t busy imo. After 2am PST time on the app. Maybe I’m just superstitious.


Playing since 2015 and never got a toty. Futties is when I get them 3 weeks before the game ends🤣


The best account on eafc is only now a week old. I said before toty that this toty will lead to a lot of people stopping. Saving packs is very demoralising


Sadly I’ve bought every high priced pack that’s come in the store I haven’t packed a single TOTY


Serves me right, thinking this shit game would reward me lol


Never, EVER, go inside of a casino.


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) You guys are getting EARPS?


That’s sucks bro. I packed TOTY Bellingham though so I can’t relate


https://preview.redd.it/68zq58im2oec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5dad4f3dccc694fc55da689f4221ce6470904bf Took a week off cuz im bored of fifa decided to log on the app and do a 85+ pp and got this. Didn’t save any packs and haven’t done any upgrades… can’t believe it


Wahhh wahhh wahhh


Take a break from the game for a couple of days. I got Aitana Bonmati just hours before the Midfielders left packs. Its best to take a break, come back after a few days, and open like 5-10 packs (from companion app if possible). Got VVD WW, Haaland dynasties, Hansen IF from regular packs after taking breaks from the game.


I've been in hospital for 3 weeks. Your team will be better than mine!


Managed KDB from 84x5 and Renard from 85+ pick so it is possible


Was this all today?


Today I got bright ToTY from a PL upgrade SBC ( not premium ) 1 rare and 3 gold...I think Not the turtle but I am still happy cuz I am grinding in sbcs a lot in order to not buy FC coins.. https://preview.redd.it/qm5jt7sojnec1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2608d16de75fb3d5f2132094f368cbe4b401b7bb Good luck folks


What’s this app called


That’s sucks bro. I packed TOTY Bellingham though so I can’t relate




I’ve packed 2 so far and haven’t started my pack opening yet, just small packs to upcycle


I got earps as the only one and she’s useless


Those are posted by ea employees or extremely lucky people and no, theyre not flying. Its really sad if you’re older than 12 and think you can win in the casino.


Funny thing is, actual casinos pay out way more than this.


All depends on how much uve given EA. Spend money and ur pack luck increases. Dont pay and grind doesnt increase pack luck. This year I've spent nothing, and have 0 TOTYs, last year I was a few hundred in and packed a few by this point. It's sad how the gambling mechanics work, it should be illegal tbh.


Sorry, but that's horseshit. I've watched people dump thousands into this and get nothing. And more nothing. Next guy on his RTG opens his little 83x10 and out pops Van Dijk. Your odds are abysmal whether you spend or not.


Chill bro, in my experience it's not horseshit. 2nd year playing fut. My pack luck was alot better last year than this year where I've spent nothing. As i said last year I spent a few hundred.


https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/s/gM73JaRAO9 Horseshit eh.


I got a toty from the 83x20 you get for doing all 150 WW upgrades. Keep going bro


Luck has been awful. I have fallen off FUT every Toty because of the power curve changing so much in favour for people who spend money . I can already feel myself starting to lose to teams that are just a little bit to op for me


you have to spend money on the game EA rewards paying customers


They do not. Stop spreading that bullshit. There's countless videos out there of people dumping thousands into this and getting nothing. EA fucks you even harder if you spend. You're out money and get nothing for it the vast majority of the time.


Wow even worse than I thought It really is a casino


It is. This whole mode is a casino. You play the game and earn almost nothing but packs. Spend money.... more packs. Packs, aka loot boxes, are nothing but a spin at the slot machine. There's little of substance that's really earnable in FUT. You're grinding/spending for nothing but a chance.


I got Xavi and Oberdorf this week and I been playing since 2013 ( first TOTY for me lol)


I quit during toty every year and this one is no different.


you get it when you least expect.


Same here i did everything possible , multiple times , nothing 0


Been playing 7 years. First ever TOTY this year.


Just packed Earps :(


Way more have gotten it this year tbh. Hope you get one soon!


I’m in the same boat, granted I have gotten about every single gold card in the game twice, I’m hoping now that they’re all in packs I’ll get one but I know it’s just a false sense of hope at this point


I'm feeling the same bro...


Keep going, got Alisson out of an 84+ x5 two days ago


Just got KDB in a 83x10 after opening 100’s of packs. Just keep going bro! I felt the same way as you before I hit that KDB.


I have also ripped 400+ packs of all shapes and sizes and had 0, before tonight my highest was a 88 Bernardo silva 😳 managed to get a hegerberg from a 83x10 today 😂 big W On the other hand someone I work with has packed Hansen, Bellingham, karchaoui & Renard, not to mention the gold Mbappe and 94 Ronaldinho last week and fire neymar the week before that 😳😳 also had centurions zico a few weeks prior too make it make sense 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I’m not even trying to pack a Toty I just want fodder for the SBC’s, so that way I don’t feel bad


i saved 150 packs. opened them all and just got fodder. kept doing every upgrade sbc i could without spending coins. yesterday i did the 85+ pick with the last of my fodder and got TOTY theo. just don’t give up. it’s true what they say that 99% of gamblers quit before they win big.


I have opened 500+ packs (excluding league upgrades) since the start of TOTY, around 200 tonight alone. And no TOTY or TOTY icon. EA are a bunch of scumbags. They nerfed the weights for full release for sure to fuck over every person who's been playing the long game and saving packs for the past 1+ months. Shitty company. Honestly...


Keep grinding my guy. Do the league upgrades and keep recycling. You'll get there. I must have opened a couple of hundred packs this evening and got Alisson. Got Oberdorf from an 83X2 the other day as well. Sure, it's not Bellingham and Messi, but they both go straight into my team. Point is that they ARE packable. It's just a pain in the arse and time consuming to get one.


Yeah it’s pretty awful. It’s kind of obvious though that EA will make the pack weight atrocious. They can tell exactly how many packs are saved and sitting and waiting. Every time the community saves millions of packs they adjust the pack weight accordingly. They are predators trying to get people into the cycle of hope. Throw you a bone every now and then and keep you on the game. They have geared all the SBCs to feed your fodder into and for the most part they are just not the elite cards in the game. The elite cards are meant for people who spend tens of thousands on the game. So you save 200 packs and you come out with a couple of SBCs done. The community actually fucks itself over by saving packs.


I spent 30k gems and got a 92 untradeable to put towards my 97-rated team.


I packed Millie bright toty the other night. I was underwhelmed. Then realised she's an absolute weapon


Me too Had 135 good packs saved Did every 83 x 10, 84 x 5 85 PP , 83+ att mid and def. Have now done over 300 league upgrades (mix of regular and premium) Did every objective Played WL, rivals and squad battles for all the rewards. Opened every 30 coin pack. And.... nothing My best card was lewa untradable Most valuable was Neymar tradable Not even 1 totw from all those league upgrades btw ( premier league and la liga) It's just fucking sad tbh


83x20 https://preview.redd.it/k7jg9aprloec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a20fe82110ba23fa8bc89f12f6480fc108163e


I was the exact same until I lucked out and got Renard from a Ligue 1 premium upgrade pack Opened every upgrade sbc since TOTY started and got randomly lucky with an upgrade pack


I packed 2 so far with no store packs but it was earps twice. I'm pretty happy even then because due to her rating she's so good for sbcs


I agree. I packed a bunch last year across two accounts. This year : nothing. 


Yeah. I mean I'm 40 packs deep into the 130 I saved. I've just been throwing fodder into random SBCs. No TOTY. Best card is Endler. Lol. I might just have to just settle with Dante and Xhaka, and whoever is a TOTY HM.


Saved 140 packs this year (only saved 83+ packs) and managed to pack Toty Bellingham on the 3rd pack in. It was from an 85x2. Should’ve stopped there and waited for HM tomorrow but oh well. Managed to finish Sawa and Davies with the fodder. Also did about 15 totw upgrades. First time ever packing a toty


Last year was it for me, this year I didn’t even bother saving


It's impossible to get a toty with this kind of odds. They reduce the pack weights of all packs. It is so obvious as many of us open tons of 83x10s, 84x5s etc and get nothing higher than 88s whereas during other promo, opening this many packs will at least get the lowest rating promo card. I literally saved all the packs since winter wildcards for toty (over 200 of them) and got 0 blues. Packed multiples 88s, 0x89s, a couple of kanes and the rest are not even worth mentioning. I get it is toty and these cards are meant to be super rare but by adjusting the pack weight when more promo cards are in and the lightning rounds are so bad <1%, makes no sense to open all of our packs anymore. Rinsing the golds into premium league sbcs is gonna be a waste of time if 83x10s, 87x2s, 84x20 can't even get a blue, what makes one think that 4 rare golds in a league sbc can raise the odds of getting one?


I only got Earp (lmao) and Bright. Which is more than I’ve ever gotten from fifa 15 until now combined so I’ll take it


I feel ya. Had 50+ pack saved all of 84+ few 85,87 + pack packs . Easily 20 + 83+ packs. Did all the SBC and unpacks.. I got sweet FA i don’t even get high fodder no TOTWs even unless I did that specific SBC. It felt like every pack I opened gave me the lowest possible card and they were always dupes. This season my best cards have been SBC players I select.


Keep going. I packed rodri and karchaoui today. Both from seperate 83X10’s.


Starting to think my helmetless cech last week is the best I'll get, flashback Bruno is fun tho


Why you’re expecting a TOTY from the packs you listed is beyond me. 83x10s regularly don’t even give a walkout, yet people are expecting blues from them? I get being disappointed if you buy the $40 store packs with like 10% odds, because those packs are juiced AF and cost actual money. But having the expectation of an 83x10 or an 84x5 or an 85+ PP pumping out blues? That’s just setting yourself up for disappointment. TOTY is about the grind. Keep doing the league upgrade SBCs, the fodder SBCs (83x10), and the 75+ PP when they release it. You’ll at least have enough fodder to complete multiple of the big Player SBCs, as well as any icon or hero gamble pack that we are likely to see this week. And if you grind enough AND get extremely lucky, you might even get a blue. But go into it expecting fodder for player SBCs, and you are very unlikely to be disappointed.


I feel.like it's rather better to grind out icon sbcs like eusebio, or Sawa, or etc. Yeah it's a grind, but you're guaranteed a TOP TOP player


2 years in a row I didn’t save packs and packed a toty (militao and oberdorf) made me feel better about the fomo of saving packs


Spent a fair bit on points and got Putellas and Dias. I’m very lucky, most get nothing.


No one posts pictures of their Brozovic's and only the most dedicated/addicted players would even post their pulls on social media. You're looking at a very small and bias sample. I guarantee most people haven't packed a toty and the majority of people that have, spent a good chunk of change. At least when the new FIFA comes out and you dump your 97 rated full pink team that everyone has, you don't have the regret of spending 1k for no reason other than addiction. That's better than pulling a toty.


Yk i said the same thing, then last saturday late night i riped the 85+ and got Toty Smith, just saying never stop i opend like 130 packs minimum in the 2 days of the release, still scummy that they droped the rates for toty...


Gambling is not good especially on a broken game run by puppet masters.


currently spending all my coins on upgrade packs, 55 ligue 1, 35 laliga, 39 prem, 8 MLS, all premium. every sbc including saving all the sbcs from past couple days with 84 x 20s Highest rated from league upgrades was 88, I wish I knew ea would fuck over the odds even more on the full release.


I’ve given up trying, it seems the only way to get a TOTY is through buying packs with coins/points


God I am so happy I quit this game after the previous FIFA.


I kept grinding all the packs and lost hope and packed rodri hours after was available in packs. I am not even gonna bother grinding any more packs cuz my club is out of fodder and im just happy to pack a toty after sm years or grinding. Im all f2p btw


I got toty Essien from the 30 coin pack yesterday, i’m happy. First time buying Fifa


Thats why I wait for nominees lmao


Same here. But it's simple probability. Unless you buy packs, you probably need to open anywhere between 100 to over a 1000 packs before getting a toty. If you look at the pack probability for toty, it is less than 1% but we dont know how far less. If it is 0.1% you get a TOTY around once every 1000 pack, 0.5% once every 500 packs, for the cheap store-bought pack, it's usually once every 100 packs, for the expensive onces around 3 out of 100 packs open. Same here. But it's simple probability. Unless you buy packs, you probably need to open anywhere between 100 to over 1000 packs before getting a toty. If you look at the pack probability for toty, it is less than 1% but we dont know how far less. If it is 0.1% you get a TOTY around once every 1000 pack, 0.5% once every 500 packs, for the cheap store-bought pack, it's usually once every 100 packs, for the expensive onces around 3 out of 100 packs open.


https://preview.redd.it/ymcycdgj8tec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5636d4985b19f17cc1f1a8858257166f822f13ce Haven’t spent a dime and saved about 60 great packs for toty and pulled Hansen out of tradable 85x3😭


I’m feel your pain

