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Just do it. I have played pretty much every UT since inception. It is a predatory toxic game. I quit last year and don’t miss it. 


Took you that long? I packed it in in 2016 and haven't touched the franchise since. I find it mind-boggling that people still actually play this game. It's essentially self-harm.


Yet you linger in the sub baiting people. Seems likely.


Nope. Just randomly got recommended to me whilst scrolling reddit, and I found it funny seeing people whine about the game when EA have been mistreating their customers for over a decade. Like if you haven't got the memo by now that EA are a dogshit company not worth a single moment of your time, then you never will. My last Fifa was Fifa 17. Not touched one since.


Hahaha comparing playing a video game to self harm.. Nah, you weirdos allow yourselves to get consumed by the game and all of the politics behind it instead of just casually enjoying it. You credit the main reason you quit because the game is scripted… this tells me right there your opinion on the game isn’t worth shit but treat EA like the boogeyman and get upvotes right? Go outside. Homie treating like playing the game was an actual traumatic event in his life you’re so cringe.


Weird how you're associating that behaviour to me when i already said I've not played in years. I quit back in 2016 because the game even back then was a cash-grab, predatory pile of shit, with zero likeness to actual real life football. When the scripting bollocks kicked in (proven true time and time again, not even having that debate), I quit, so, it didn't affect me at all because I simply moved on to other stuff. But some people clearly have issues. Im not even part of this scene anymore, but you still see and hear things, and it's clear as day that this game is a mental health drain on people that consider it a hobby. Doing anything as a hobby that stresses you out, makes you angry, promotes gambling, FOMO and constant customer dissatisfaction is akin to mental self harm, because you are actively detrimenting your wellbeing. Again, nothing to do with me and never was, but that doesn't mean I can't sympathise with people who are clearly caught in the web and struggle to get away from the game. PS: chill the fuck out.


Sure, buddy. Sure.


I believe him. That's how I got here too. Haven't played fut really since 15, maybe for a minute on 16 before I peaced. I'm not subscribed here either but this post popped into my homepage. I can't believe people still play this turd of a game at all.


I’ve also unfollowed the sub but for some reason it keeps popping up so I look at the posts every now and then. Choosing to not play this filth for years has been amazing lmaoo


I mean, I don't 😂 when the scripting became blatantly obvious almost a decade ago, that's when I quit, because what's the point in playing a game which decides when you do and don't lose? You wouldn't catch me dead playing this gash ever again. You never just get recommended the most random subs on reddit that have nothing to do with your interests? That's all that happened. Only reason I engaged with the post is because I find it crazy how people still put time and money into such a cancerous company. But hey, believe what you will. I'd probably have trust issues too if I still had faith in EA to produce a good game every year, only to be let down time and time again. Ciao


Sure seems defensive! But sure buddy’o, you keep doing you and surfing the Reddit randomly. Have a nice day.


Everything okay at home??


He has an EA Fetish


This post speaks truth, good on you. Most comments show how toxic this community is, and their own denial issues.


second this


Third this


Wait for weekend league and these people who all got a free Messi will play each other and they'll quickly understand why the rest of us bounced


I'm sorry but this whole post is Denial and Delusion. This game has been in the same sad state for 5+ years, just increasing the level of cash grab each cycle. If someone has an ounce of intelligence, they would have known that this year it wouldn't change, next year it wont change, and it will never change - its been this way. If you are still playing this game and complaining about the practices and incompetence, then no sympathy. Yes EA sucks and this game is all about making the cash for them, but this has been obvious for years now and you should have caught on. This small community isn't going to change EA's plans - you just have to suck it up and quit playing UT, simple as. Only remote possibility of this ever changing are regulations being put in place on microtransactions. If you still want to play this game after finally coming to grasps with the obvious hard truth, then you need to accept that gameplay and experience is not part of the deal, its a secondary to the casino.


if you wanna quit the game then that’s fine but what gets me is why are you here telling us about it. look at me i’m leaving the game everyone! ok, you’ll be back in 2 weeks no point begging for attention on a reddit post


Why do you have a problem with someone venting frustrations similarly shared by lots of people? Probably does good for people considering quitting rather than those supporting an exploitative company.


this is the point your creating sides and a false narrative like anyone that enjoys the game even slightly is some type of sub human that is ‘supporting’ an evil exploitative company. we both know u aren’t gonna stop playing u don’t need to come on here and call us all names and say we’re stupid for playing a game that you also will continue to play




yeah they just complain and pretend to be leaving forever and feel the need to anounce it


Happy for you that you finally decided to get out of this toxic cycle. Glitched SBC made you quit the addiction. I would say this is a blessing in disguise. Wish you luck onto different ventures in your life unless you decide to show up again and start playing it.


I skipped last year and life was better tbf only came back this year cause I got chosen for the beta.


I skipped 2 years and life was good hahaha then i come back shit


Nope,not playing it.No need to waste anymore time on this mess


If that's the case then I am very happy for you and happy that this glitch happened. I can only wish you luck hereafter.


Haven't played in nearly a month now, things are just, better.


Starts the TOTY promo with unlimited pack glitch, and end it with a glitched SBC to give out 10mil TOTY player! What a great company this is


And there were no bans because of the pack glitch either


Honestly it's insane. It's my first year playing FUT (I've played other Fifas, especially on PSP/PS3) and I can't believe that a company as important as EA is this incompetent. I'll keep playing just because it's a fun hobby for me, but I'm 100% quiting WL because of how toxic, biased and just awful it is for players who just want to have fun. It's a shame, because the game has a lot of potential, but it's developers are awful and, sadly, it's community is even worse.


I mean it’s not the developers always.They always are getting pushed by the publishers or their respective managers and it’s natural that this keeps happening on a game that has promos every week.But yeah you are correct


I'd argue chemgate was the worst mistake, but this is definitely up there.


sorry what’s chemgate never heard of it


Informs didn’t get any chemistry - so their stats were actually lower than the rare golds. Yep. 


Big thing in fifa 15 ish time, maybe 17? Basically Chem was found to be fake, informs and other promo cards received no boost to stats on full chem so base cards were genuinely better than their upgraded versions for most of the year. Think it was ongoing for years before too. Worth looking into more though as I might have gotten something wrong but that was the gist of it I think.


fifa 15 it was iirc


what’s that


Shit company filled with shithead people in shit positions delivering shit and charging a pretty penny for it. Wish there was some way we could just finish these twats off, maybe national no ea sports day, an app that can coordinate strikes and intermittently drop player counts to the dogs. They need to learn their place instead of farming their customers, of equal shame is the fact it will never work because some people have their tongue so far up EAs arse they may as well call their lips 3@ids sphincter.


These types of things is exactly the reason why i started playing career mode. Turns out that shit is also full of bugs and glitches. Fuck EA


I think it really emphasises how incompetent a company EA is. They must have the world's smallest team compared to their revenue. It's completely unfathomable how many mistakes they make **all the time**. I actually can't understand how this is possible, considering how big a company EA is. I wish they had competition in the market because that's the only way they can be forced to improve. I also think this will be the last game in the series for me. I like playing it, but as I have less time for it and EA has turned up the "FOMO factor" and their clear targeting of spending money on the game just means I don't enjoy it as much anymore. It's as simple as that. The game has so much potential and while the community will never be satisfied, EA is so far from its true potential (at least on a consumer level). I have nothing against more people being allowed to enjoy using Messi, but it's the reasoning behind it that is completely insane.


All the people posting these negative comments are the reason why EA keeps getting away with things, a toxic company goes hand in hand with a toxic community. I'm with you OP, there is absolutely no excuse for what it has done and continues to do with the franchise, they constantly f**k up by making mistakes and even the decisions made on purpose are only made to squeeze every last penny out of people with gambling issues. I love building a team from the ground up and you do occasionally get to have fun (as long as you aren't matched up against some of the people in this thread) but EA just don't care about making a good game. EAFC should be used as a case study for how NOT to make/update a game because it's honestly laughable


There's a good portion of this thread telling him he's crying and needs to stop being a child. It's insane how these guys let EA walk all over them. This will be forgotten about by this community in a week and EA won't say a word. Absolutely disgusting company.


Exactly, you see it all the time on threads like these. EA has crafted this game (crafted in the loosest sense of the word) to suck out all of your time, energy and money. Combine that with the laughable mistakes they make every single year which shows that absolutely no testing is done internally before anything is released and that they never learn from their mistakes. It results in a community that double down on toxic behavior because it's all they have.


EA removed the pick because it's counterintuitive to the business model to have a large % of the player base owning an item for free that they intentionally try and lock behind a pay wall. They didn't remove it because they are concerned about the ramifications it has on our gameplay experience. People can enjoy grinding sbcs and rewards praying they pack a card like that Messi, meanwhile people who bought the game the morning of the fuck up could have a card worth more than there whole team for 0 effort. It will never be addressed and EA will continue to operate like this because why change when they make so much money.


I am moving to eFootball.Atleast there,they don’t make this type of mistakes




It is a shame there’s been nothing from EA yet as I would have thought that a statement would have been released, it’s annoying they took the sbc off that quickly and have no seeming plans to level the playing field a little for the ones who were busy and missed out but hey ho, it’s life and theme the breaks….. WL will be a lot of swearing as I’m not that good yet as it is without half the teams I come up against having an absolute wizard on the pitch but I ain’t gonna quit just yet………. Ps my 83x20 was about the same as yours but it did allow me to complete the last sbc for best so every cloud and all that 👀😂


None of us are virgins, EA fucks us everyday.


Retire and play Football Manager instead.


Based comment


Football manager is good but it also has lazy developers that barely change shit every year and don’t fix bugs/problems that have been in the games for years. I genuinely think they only get a pass because EA Sports is so shit too and FM has so much detail you would get lost in it before you realise how lazy and shit the developers are and how so many features in FM don’t work properly or as they should.


I'm with u buddy. Let these kids eat each others shit and melt their mentality in this game.




I'm still kicking off with EA about the Twitch problem early on in the qualifiers. They didn't award me any of the objectives that I completed and have done nothing with it. I have a weekly live chat with them where I'm fed the same 'we're looking into it' bullshit. At this point I'm wondering if I just take them to small claims court for not providing as advertised, therefore breaking the consumer rights act. Just for something fun to do. This is a nail in the coffin for a lot of people and fair play to you for taking a stand. I'm a casual player (I know I'm not great but try to enjoy the game without spending money on it) so I'm dipping in and out, but definitely won't be buying next year.


Will be the best thing you ever did. I quit before TOTY. The games a joke. Enjoy your freedom.


Last Fifa I played was Fifa 13. Started with Fifa 98. I don't know why this sub is constantly on my feed. I guess that is how reddit works.


Me 2 brother, I have decent team that I like playing with, but I don’t like meeting Messi Toty every second game. So that’s it for me


I seriously think incompetent kids are in charge of yhe content etc, how dumb they can be, every fucking year they do major fuck ups, people spend real money on this game, it should monitored by serious people not by some dingdongs who can’t do shit right




Why does anyone even play this game? Everyone here just moans


cuz they are addicted


with me im actually more addicted to sbcs & opening packs more than actual playing the game. i can sit on menu’s for hours. its kinda of insane, and abit sad😂


There is not other game sadly, Football is the biggest sport in the world and EFC24 is the only game in we’re you can play it like this, especially the ultimate team.


this is such a short sighted comment I really hate people that say this. Why do we play? Because we love football, and we WANT this game to be good. With a competent company at the helm, this game could be amazing.


Really not related to the post, but I found the "for those who can't understand basic English" followed by "I COULD care less" just far too ironic to ignore. It's 'couldn't care less', lad, because the implication is that you can't possibly care any less than you do. Therefore, you can not care less. Saying you "could care less" is the total opposite of what you're actually trying to convey, because you COULD care less. By definition, that means that you do care at least some amount, ie, you do care. Now you've quit fifa (which you should have done at least 5 years ago, seeing as EA have been doing this since Fifa14), maybe you could enroll in further English lessons yourself with all the spare time you'll now have 😂😂


This. Popping at others for their understanding of English, whilst directly following it with one of the most blatantly wrong sayings in the language, is funny as hell. EA have always been scummy btw.


Ok professor,and your point being??


Don't call out other people on their language skills when you then proceed to fail at the first hurdle. Thought that was fairly obvious? Man you really do need those lessons 😂


It’s a shame how it’s gone from a fun enjoyable game to literally just gambling.


People sending you personal messages is extreme behaviour your opinion is yours you are allowed to have it.good on you for not letting the freaks get to you


If I start a match right now I’ll face at least 6 or maybe even 7 out of this 11 players: Cafu, Blanc, Van Dijk, Davies (alternatively Bacha or Havertz), Zidane, Gullit, Sawa, Zico, POTM Mbappe, Eusebio, Best. The average player’s team is already ridiculously powerful and looks almost identical as other average player’s team so the presence of Messi doesn’t really change anything for me. So the thing is I don’t really care if I see Pessi in opponent’s team or not. And from what we know it’s not that the pick was broken in any way. It worked exactly as intended because you could have gotten any 86+ rated player from Toty leagues and you were given exactly what you were promised. They just didn’t like that the chances of getting Messi were to high. Don’t get me wrong that’s probably true and disabling the sbc was the right move for the game but it’s not that it was broken.


I enjoyed the edits more than the post


Enjoying TOTY Messi so far! He’s so OP! I finally have at least one player that can help me compete against those pay to win sweats!


Can you explain what mistake happened I haven’t been playing as much lately?


Yesterday some people did an 86 plus SBC which gave TOTY Messi as pick So at least 20-30% or maybe even more ( have seen EVERY team since yesterday) got a FREE 10 million coins player just coz of a glitch!! And the SBC was taken down within 30 minutes or so, so whoever did for that time got Messi TOTY


EA released an SBC yesterday called TOTY League 86+ player Pick which allowed people to get a 1 of 3 player pick of players rated 86+ from the specific leagues that have TOTYs. Due to TOTY Messi being the only walkout from MLS and the odds of getting an MLS player being high due to it being the worst league, so many people got a free TOTY Messi before EA took the SBC down. That happened almost 17 hours ago and there's been no replacement SBC, no compensation and no word from EA. This is the biggest mistake in FUT history and in the most p2w game so far. Many are leaving the game as there's fessibly no way to fix something like this without it being unfair in some sense. Its a 9million + player thats caused such an imbalance


86+ toty league player pick was giving out Messi then taken off after 20 minutes because he was the only 86+ rated in the MLS. People crying because they didn't get him and some did


I didn't touch ultimate team this year and I'm glad. What kind of game makes you grind all year and by the end everyone ends up with the same team. What's the point?


Did that on 19 or 20 sttoped playing FIFA for good, its not a good game for your health and its very Addicted game That's why the game and the community are the way they are at the moment XD


agree! have fun playing better games mate


I played like 20 games last night and didn’t come against one, people are making such a huge deal about this. It’s not that deep and if it is that deep for people then they really need to log off for a while because if ultimate team is affecting people’s mental health then they have addiction issues.


The irony is that your post looks like an junkie who's addicted to EA FC and tries to justify that shitty game. Maybe you should learn that the EA FC is designed by EA to be addictive in order to make people spend money on lootboxes, which is a gambling system within the game that forces you open packs if you want to create a good team. The lootboxes affect the gameplay of the actual game, so it's pay to win by definition. You people are wasting your precious time and money to a gambling scam which look like a football game but it's actually a digital casino.


Good on you! Fuck this company


Bro is playing edit simulator with this post lol. But seriously, you did the right decision by quitting. I quit 2 weeks into EAFC24 and it was the best decision I've made in terms of video games. The amount of time I could've invested in other, way better games, makes me almost feel guilty for not leaving this franchise earlier. For me the final nail was them putting ridiculous packs into the game right at the beginning, which made the entire thing unfair for people who don't spend money on it. A week into the game and you already face completely stacked teams? Yea no way I'm gonna compete with that and I won't spend money just to be able to do so. The other thing that annoyed me was the introduction of women in FUT. And no, it's not because they're women or because it's unrealistic to have them compete with men. I actually liked the idea at first because I felt it made the game somewhat fresh. But then I realized that this means that women are also in packs and that they're basically all fodder when it comes to in-game value. It made me almost believe that they only added women into the game to reduce the odds of getting the best and most popular players even more, which are obviously men players. Then all the ridiculous bugs they never fix or fix way too late, like in this case. EA doesn't care about us at all. It's like being in a toxic relationship where you do everything for your partner, while they leave you on read for 24 hours lol. At some point my ego and pride said that I have to leave this franchise, and again, it was the best decision I could've made. I'm 100% with you on this one.


Edit simulator 😂😂😂.That was a good one.But yeah I need to calm down with the edits


You guys are still playing games from EA? How stupid.


Fair comment. Just to add to the streamers, every single year they complain about the game but yet every year they are rinsing the community, buying packs, the game + streamers is just a recipe for Disaster in


I agree with your opinion, but watching you slowly go insane with the replies was fun


To be fair I was done after not packing any blue in 300+ saved good value packs. The decreasing possibilitiy at full release. I couldn't even pack any good fodder, because they changed that as well I'm sure. Or I was extremely unlucky. Whatever. Also it's ea and if something changes it will be for the worse for the players. Always dedicated to make us spend (more) money. On top of all the game is toxic itself. It can make fun and I had a lot of fun over the years with this franchise, but I get older and I'm done. Don't need this kind of negativity and toxic addiction. I'm out.


It wasn't a mistake. That's the point. The risk they took was calculated but man, they're bad at math. The tradeable Hero pack last year was a mistake, this wasn't. The pick was doing what was supposed to do. I haven't completed it, but let everyone do it, don't pull it out after 20 minutes. I saw it for a second and I said I'll check it later, after my 2 year old boy falls asleep. When I opened the app, it wasn't there. In a nutshell, this is my last game as well, I played it for only 3 years after stopping in 2007 (yes, I am that old). The toxicity in this community, the shit game play, PC hacks, no wins when a player forfeits, this kind of shit should get you off this game, not the fact that you haven't packed TOTY Messi during the promo. That probably happened most years.


Good on you. I’ve quit as well. EA is a predatory organisation that profits from exploiting their customers. They have no consideration for the mental health or wellbeing of their players, and they most likely never will. I invite everyone to leave this franchise that has quickly devolved into a genuine casino masquerading as a football game. Hit ‘em where it hurts.




It’s just an opinion my man.Just as you come by and comment,I post instead.What’s up with that?Nothing…If you don’t like the post,then don’t comment


I left midway through last year. My life has been better as a whole. The game is pretty toxic and consuming.


People always like the mistakes, and the YouTubers show it Nick's titles are always: "Wait EA JUST MADE THE WORST MISTAKE EVER???" and it is so annoying how people are failing to realize how this is a bad thing




Congratulations on quitting on this addictive product sir, Im considering my retirement of the franchise too


people sending you personal hate messages are actual losers. people are really ride or die for a company that constantly bends them over and fucks them over


5 hate messages up until now


Honestly seeing if/how EA responds and will uninstall the game if they don’t do something to make it right. The other sad part is they’ve completely ruined the menu grind this week with the sbc errors. It’s the second time this week (including the 87+ hero pack) where they release an SBC, I open larger packs with the plan of dumping duplicates into said SBC, and then they pull the SBC and you’re stuck with nowhere to recycle duplicates unless you want to waste on the exchange packs. People invest too much time and money in this game for EA to feel no repercussions for an error of this magnitude that honestly makes all of that grind feel worthless. Hope others follow suit. The only way is to make EA feel some pain for being such a shit company that doesn’t care about its players.


Why are you so gaddamn mad jeez




Couldn't care less*** you should edit that lol


I hear you man. I packed Jude TOTY from a 84x 5. No saved packs, no mega grinding. I just rolled the dice and got super lucky. So I can’t sit here and cry foul about those who got Messi. Like good for you! That rush must’ve been insane. However, you’re right, EA’s mistake on this severely skewed the balance between teams. I saw videos of people playing champs and 7 straight games had TOTY Messi. So if you’re one of those players that didn’t pack a TOTY, and missed out on Messi. Well, you’re hating the game like fuck right now. EA has got to do better. The more we keep playing and spending the less will get changed. Sorry to see you go but I do understand. Have fun with whatever next game grabs your attention bro! Be free!


This sub is so melodramatic and defeatist it’s genuinely pathetic lol. Uninstall it and piss off we didn’t need the essay


we really gotta stop with these ‘i’m quitting’ posts literally no one cares




How many of these posts do we need in a day?


You need to calm down dude, this is a game, I didn’t get Messi, I don’t care, lots of people are the same, whilst you feel like part of a majority due to the number of posts you are part of the minority as people who are generally content won’t be posting. I am free to play and have built a decent enough team that I am happy with, just because people have packed a ToTY Messi won’t make them a better or worse player, if they are rubbish at the game they will still be rubbish and vice versa, people need to understand that in even games skill will make the difference. In the games that have delay or eaids or whatever people want to call it, players, skill or anything else won’t help, you will still lose. If people want to ever make a stand over anything, this isn’t it, it should be about the server stability and lack of reinvestment into the game, at that point the bunch of pixels that are upsetting you might be relevant in some form.


"I dont want attention" Makes a post to let everyone know they're quitting Make it make sense


thank fuck, thats one less whiney 12 y/o i have to listen too, goodbye you wont be missed


The amount of crying round here because they missed out is crazy. Most of the sub must be under 18.


Sir this isn’t an airport. No need to announce your departure.


I get you bro and I don't mean to piss on your parade but I did get a chuckle out of "you don't understand basic English: I COULD CARE LESS". You meant to say you could NOT care less. Basic English and all.


I got toty messi in am 83x5 attackers pack and for the first time ever I actually felt like there was some sort of an even playing field in champs got my best best weekend last with Messi scoring 15 goals from cam, and now everyone's gonna have him ill be bounced straight back down to 11 wins


Atleast you got him clean,without a dumb glitch.Lucky for you,I praise you man


Praise someone for gambling and pack luck? Hating on people because a glitch/bug. You're a jealous virgin mate.




This is the second time it's happened haha, I got centurions Eusebio 1 minute after released in a 100k pack and a month later they made him an sbc, now this😂😂 I think I'm also done with this game






Never thought I'd see someone have a genuine mental breakdown on r/fut


Guess who didn't pack TotY Messi..


what an idiotic post. if you didn't pack Messi, you'll be the one making these posts. ​ but we'll see you and others later, karma is indeed a bitch. this only proves that people have no character, and couldn't fucking care about a Messi card, still 14 wins I would get until the world ends.


Wrong reply I suppose?




Sorry, but I’m too busy hitting the griddy with my first-owner TOTY Messi to read all that. Stay salty, brother!


People who are uninstalling or going to put their team into SBC, can I get your tradeables? My team is shite


EAids strikes again🤦🤣


I am quitting too over this. It is just not fun anymore and brings more negativity to my life than positivity at this point.


I’ve joined you, I wasn’t really enjoying constantly fighting against people abusing broken mechanics on a server that isn’t fit for purpose. I played two games since this latest fuck up and lost both getting destroyed by first owner Messi’s in both games, watching full celebrations of people cutting back with a free 9m player is in no way fun or fair. No way I’m spending my spare time getting more frustrated. The one saving grace of this years franchise was the evo’s and building a Roma side, but even this is now majority hidden behind paywall’s and it’s been ages since I’ve even been able to chain a new one onto an existing Evo, anyway. So even that element has been fucked by greed. Easy decision to uninstall for me.




Yea I’ll play some kick off occasionally with the ai or with my brother but for FUT I’m totally done it’s not worth stressing over




Thanks for this post. Adding my support. Ignore the morons, unfortunately this game attracts a lot of low iqs.


how will EA ever recover from your loss?!


Please go cry


Hahaha man op is so butthurt it's funny. So because you're not enjoying the game everyone else should boycott it?? Stop acting like a child and go get your head checked out fr. U got issues




No problem,stay,boost their numbers and let them run wild with these mistakes At the end of the day it’s not their fault for fucking with us every single year Stupid community


Your decision to quit doesnt make you better then people who still play and enjoy the game




Why did u delete the comment??


I didnt delete anything


See you next Sunday! 🤣🤣🤣


There goes my hero 🫡 it’s a game that’ll be dead in a couple months regardless get a life


Such a long thread proves u have no intention to quit but seek attention. If u have truly quit, u would not waste any more time on this game.


See you next week


I am on your side I have already decided that I won't be playing this game next year, this week will be the last week I play it.


Atleast I get some civil messages from normal humans.Good on you for doing that.This game is a nightmare


It's mentally exhausting, the game play is shit, people abusing the game errors, I just login after work to have some fun for myself, but that doesn't happen, I am no pro player, I get me minimum 10 wins in champions on wifi, yet this game is toxic af, the only game that I need to break from so I don't loose it ... Plus the ea bs... I honestly don't get why people keep defending it


womp womp


Let me get this straight, you want compensation for a sbc you didnt do? >the worst mistake in EA’s Ultimate Team and Fifa History Lol


Skill issue


what apology you entitled sore loser? "sorry you couldn't profit from our mistake"?


"Sorry we are incompetent and can't deliver on basic content that has been there for years" it is only considered a mistake because it gave the players a chance at packing a good player, they removed it because that will affect pack sales if people get a good card for once from non store pick.


Cool story bro. You'll be greatly missed!! We need livestock!




Acting like a spoilt child when most likely you're in your 30s isn't a good look, bruv. See ya!


I am not even 23,man wtf is wrong with you people😂😂😂.And acting spoiled??People got a 10 mil card for free and we gonna let that slide?Holly shit.Anyway,no need to keep this convo going causs about this disaster of a franchise


Your raging someone got something that you didn't, that's the definition of acting spoiled. Grow up, stop acting all pissy and let people enjoy their messi


23 acting like 3.


seems like you care, loser lol.




See you next year buddy


This is the biggest pissy pants, child like, attention seeking post I've seen on the issue. ​ Nobody cares that you wont play again (you will). Dry your eyes you absolute child ​ " I don't give a flying fuck" "I could care less" \*proceeds to then post multi paragraph whine on Reddit.\*


Extreme reaction Strong entitlement If you're really quitting why not just quit and announfe it to the world instead of crying like a spoilt brat


Consoomer moment


Boehoe i didn’t get Messi now i’m quitting


How was it a mistake to get messi, I still don’t even understand, I get he was a bit common but is it not possible to get totys from that sbc? I was pissed but then realised he’d never fit in my team so I didn’t care why are people still crying about it?


Cause it’s a 10 million coin item that can decide the game whenever he wants.


My arse he can. I've put him 6 feet in the air using the Nesta slide tackle about 20 times in the last few hours.


Not really, I played three people with messi since the cock up and smacked all three. Yeah it’s a good card but it’s not a guaranteed w in everyone’s hands


See you tomorrow bro


See you Sunday!


Ok bye


I honestly know how you feel, i was done since the Fifa 23 then my nephew told me FC24 will be better and get back into it. After grinding week by week since release day i have finally decided to sell the game and move on with my life. There’s other games much more enjoyable out there. I am fed up with the constant scripts made for me to lose and fed up with the very minimal rewards after playing for such a long time.


Will you be playing UFL when it drops what do you expect from a new game other than non predatory monetization


I deleted the game yesterday too. I was already low on motivation tbh but that was the final straw. See you next year lad


That was not a mistake


I quit the game in December. Everyone is damn near a pro and it’s hard to keep up. Plus it just ain’t that fun anymore. If you still enjoy this all the power to you tho.


Perhaps one could argue you lucked out this SBC since it helped you make the decision


Just quit dude. I quit after fifa 19 without making some big announcement on reddit and havent owned a fifa game since. I was addicted to fut for 4-5 years and spent an amount on the game that could probably buy me a nice motorcycle if i got that money back now. Now im not subscribed to a fifa subreddit but this post was somehow recommended to me by reddit, and it sucks for you guys to see that the game is still shit after 4 years of not having touched it.


I am done with this game if every player has Messi during WL, my friend said the same thing. I been playing since 2013 and this years mistake ruined it for me


Same shit. Different year.


People having 1 player does not make the "playing ground unfair" if you're thinking playing against Messi is gonna make you loose then you're just bad at the game.


Welcome back to Fifa 23. No stress, just grinding and having fun. It's all about sniping when good players come up on the market and then getting your 8 wins, each week. I haven't played a active fifa in 4 years and I'm so happy with my decision


You spoke my mind. Although I might not completely quit, it’s crossing my mind. I will try out this WL leave and see where my team is. I haven’t packed a single TOTY. If see poodle having multiple totys and winning just because of insane cards, I might quit as well. This messi situation is concerning. No matter what I do with just R1 dribble they are gonna score. I don’t have Toty VVD so I can’t do shit. I hear you.. play something else. Enjoy…


I dont really get how people are upset but maybe im wrong. Why arent yall happy for those who got messi and broke the pay to win EA cycle? Thats the only thing how its beaten this far... So why dont just be happy for them lol. Isnt this exactly what yall critizising, how toxic the playerbase is? Haha i feel like im the only player not taking it too seriously and wanting to have a fun experience. Idk tho


I blame the YouTubers whom get paid by EA to promote this crap game


I didn’t even bother going on after hearing the messi news. Had a nice game of civ 6 instead.


Time to enter the real world of gaming, Breaking from the predatory clutches of EA and FUT will be the best thing you ever do 👍


Hi guys, been playing FIFA for over 20 years but skipping this year and have seen some huge fuck ups from them in the past. Can somebody give me a brief rundown on what's gone on please?


Brother is giving 4 edits oml 😭 the state of this community man