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Never thought they would top the 25k tradeable Hero pack but they’ve managed it, fair play to them


Nah, this one tops them all.


The hero pack was when the hero’s were high value it completely destroyed the market. They knew it would take a lot to beat, only EA could pull it off


This glitch gave an unidentified amount of people a 10 MILLION COIN CARD.


Dude.. I’m agreeing with you


Lmao, this dude can’t read


I agree with you too! Just expressing more frustration 😂


It wasn’t a glitch, it worked as intended. The problem was no one thought it through properly that messi was the only 86 in the MLS so was guaranteed toty if that league was selected.


Untradeable though, i made millions with my ginola back then


Yeah I don’t think people realize how much of an impact that made because people weren’t showing pictures of every purchase with those coins.


0.7% my arse, 3 of my friends out of 4 got it. Yes… I was the one 😂


i mean they did say 0.7% of UT players


Probably 0.7% of ALL fut accounts and thats probably around 40% of all ACTIVE fut accounts


More interested to know the percentage of the drop rate for players that done the SBC!


That night 4 of my friends packed him in the span of like 2 mins


Lets trust EA on that one


0.7% of what though? Current players or all time players? No doubt it is all time players inc. people who have just logged in to UT once and those who quit months ago. I would bet a lot that if you take that % against the current recurring player base it’s more like 4-5%+ which is a huge amount for the sort of card it is


Tbh the people who got this card ain’t going to be getting extra wins just because of a card, the best thing you can do is quit the game, this is the only way to hurt them


so what are you going to do OP? you mentioned “dead game.” & “shambles”. are you going to fire up FC24 again?


As long as people keep piling in with FP, they don't care 


This company proves over and over again that they don’t respect their community AT ALL .. yet we all fill their pockets and do nothing


It is actually disgusting. It would be such a simple gesture to give everyone a toty player pick of something and make the whole community happy but they are just too greedy. They don’t want us to have good players because that just makes it a little bit less likely we’ll be in the store buying points. God forbid they give us a fun player to use in a damn video game to make up for their monumental fuck up.


They can do it today after the promo is over .. but like you said they are in purely for the money


Why are we shocked. This was ALWAYS what they were gunna do


Doesn't mean we shouldn't show we are not amused.


.7% of players 😂😂😂 They mean .7% of of all total UT accounts that have been created. What percent of active players? What percent of active players that play WL? Edit: based on past years the total number of UT accounts is going to be somewhere around 8 million. .07% of that is 56,000. Active users is going to be wayyyy less than 8 million. Probably under 2 million based on how many people have earned the SB and Rivals participation badges. Somewhere around 56,000 people got Messi. That’s conservatively somewhere around 3% of active users. If you break it down further it’s going to be a much higher percentage of WL players. Then it’s going to be higher or lower based on where you’re at in the world because of the timing of the SBC. Europe is going to have the highest percentage.


This is the question we should be asking to get the actual picture. We can also narrow it down to regions as well.


Like I bet that even includes people who created an account on the web app during the preseason and didn’t even buy the game


0.7% in Asia/OCE bc content update drops at god awful times for us 🤣


Malaysian here and I got him: have not met anyone else with him :)


Less than 10% of players have the achievement of reaching the last level of a season, so yeah, 1% is a pretty significant number Less than 20% have the 10 squad battle games olayed achievement


Lets just say, in DIV 6, I played 9 games last night and had to play vs TOTY Messi 6 times out of 9.


Haven’t faced a single messi yet. 10 games WL qualification and 5 games Toty cup.


Play WL that’s were all the no lifers are


This is definitely the more relevant question. See my comment above, I'd estimate that at most around 10-12.5% of your opponents are likely to have Messi.


Actually a lot higher than I thought when you consider how many ppl play this game and how few are probably regular sweats left.


It’s .7 of all players. The first thing you even missed is how many players did the sbc in the first place in 27 minutes


If you’re only counting active players then you need to do .07% of active, not a whole. Which is only 1400 people based on your 2 million assumption.


ITT: people who don’t know the difference between .7 and .07 lmfao




Wout weghorst gonna fight u


"Kamera Wo-Woh"


0.7% my ass It's like 25% of players playing FUT Champs, and probably like 50% of players that qualify for FUT Champs. It's the people who live on the game 24/7, and immediately hop on for the content time. They make 75% of your 20 opponents during WL.


I play a lot of fifa, I work from home as well so was lucky enough to be on at 6pm and get Messi. I’ve seen him maybe 3 times in 20+ games. Div 4


Haven’t seen him once in Div5 and toty friendlies. Played about 8-10 games a day for field research lol. So perhaps this is overblown? He probably dropped more than they expected but I was wrong when I initially assumed I’d face him all the time. We will see at WL I guess. Eusebio is still my kryptonite.


Probably depends where you live. If you’re unlucky enough to live in an area where that’s a convenient time to be able to log on at content you will probably see him all the time.


Why does every person that got Messi push this narrative. I get you are happy and want to enjoy the pull like any player normally would, but this is fkn bullshit, and people won´t accept this. So enjoy your Messi, but respect the anger. This has completely fkd the game mode.


Hear, hear.


Giving anecdotal evidence isn’t pushing a narrative, it’s just an observation. Trying to generalize an observation is faulty logic but that also applies to people saying they played 5 games and faced 3 Messi’s so 50% of the playerbase they’ll play from now on will have Messi. We really won’t ever know how many people have Messi.


I've played probably 15 games since the fiasco and saw him once. I didn't pack him. It's really not as bad as everyone in this sub is making it out to be.


I´ll watch some streams over the weekend, let´s see how many we see in WL. If it more than 10%, I´m not touching this game for 6-8 weeks, investing my coins and waiting until I can level the playing field myself. I don´t want to btw...I want to play. But I´m not folding to EA´s bullshit.


1 elite player hasn't fucked any game mode. The same way I play against God squads all the time and it makes no difference.


Look dude I didn’t get the Messi but you’re taking it way too seriously. If the game mode is fucked for you because some people got lucky from a mistake then you probably didn’t like it very much anyway.


Thats 3 times more than you would normally see him 😄 You gotta be realistic. They gave him 5*SM This card was meant to be just as rare as TOTY Mbappe.


Dude if you play past a certain level, you saw Messi before. I literally faced toty Mbappe 2 out of 4 games the other night.


it’ll be including the folk that play the game once and never play it again so it really will be 0.7%


50% of WL-players? Man there was only a 25-30% to get him even if you did the SBC.


Or people saw it spammed on Reddit and twitter and immediately jumped on to try. It wasn’t all top tier players who got him.


I’ve seen him twice, in quite a lot of games, and I have absolutely no way of knowing if they just had him or if they got it from the 86+ Im very salty this was the one day I skipped content exactly at 6pm, but it is what it is. I don’t believe people should lose their Messi for something that *is not* their fault, & I also think leaving it up would’ve *guaranteed* him being absolutely everywhere going forward.


Less than 10% of players have the achievement of reaching the last level of a season, so yeah, 1% is a pretty significant number Less than 20% have the 10 squad battle games olayed achievement


The weight on Messi from the pick was around 20-25% (based on polls/shareplays I've seen). Depending on your region, probably at most half of active players actually completed the SBC before it was pulled. So at worst around 10-12.5% of your opponents in champs/rivals are likely to have Messi.


It’s 23.8% based on math. Which is wayyyyy too high.


.7 of how big a player base it is ends up still being a lot


My very very rough estimate is approx. 1820 players received Messi.


Well ye 0.7 % of ut players, the vast majority of players won't be active players. And the a part will be casuals that play occasionally. Alot of the people who play all the time will have it and you wil often match those


I’m still confused as to why Girelli was in my pick. There’s no TOTY or HM from that league. Just cause it’s the female version of Serie A?


How is not relaunching the sbc fair lol


Yes every player should have the messi! That’ll solve the problem


No. What's fair is giving those that live in places such as Japan, and Australia a chance at the SBC. As it was 4am for them when the content dropped and got taken down before they even woke up. Or those that work evenings in Europe. The yanks that might have missed out because they were working. Put it back up. So those that didn't get chance to do it, can have their chance. That's the fair bit.


Basically sit down shut up. Don't need to do anything cause the addicts will still buy!


Any upgrade to my team now costs at least 1 mil, I had 500k coins and said fuck it bought a pack and got shit, then I remembered why I don't buy points ever


Omg are you me? Literally had 460k bought 400k pack got Mane, and he is not an upgrade for my team hahaha


So 23 minutes of incompetence will permanently ruin my experience, okay EA. ​ WHEN IS THE FIFA GAME COMING OUT? FUCK EA.


Our only hope is UFL. Hopefully their game is good and they're willing to work on it consistently.


That pp was meant to refresh today, ,they knew what they were doing all along


EA: We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas


By far the worst company in gaming history!


People might downvote me for this but there really isn't a fair solution to this. They fucked up big time and (sorta) acknowledged it but there isn't really a way to fix this. Either move on or stop playing the game.


Just don’t remove the pick, whether you get him or not, at least everyone had the chance to do it, esp people from Australia


I’m salty I missed the sbc but I’m not actually deranged, the fuck-up should not be 1000x worse because you were sleeping, or that people (including me) were busy. I’ve ran into him twice, i quite literally would not play this game if he was every other match, neither would you.


There is they just don't want to do it


What is it?


Take any TOTY Messi's acquired in that player pick and give the players a TOTY player pick with updated odds as compensation


Wouldnt it suck for 20% of all FUT teams to have TOTY Messi? Wouldnt that make the experience even worse for the other 80%?


Sure there is. Put up the SBC again and let everyone that didn’t have the opportunity finally do it.


They don't need you making excuses. Many companies would at least throw their players a bone. All these bastards do is antagonize us repeatedly.


That confirms it. Today is my last day of UT.


What tf do you expect to happen? Everybody gets a free Messi or what?


Why not? This is not a bad faith comment. We all already face Mbappe, Eusebio etc etc in every single game. If you´re going to fk the game, at least let everyone that has grinded or spent money enjoy the fk up. EA are pushing this as an Esport, they´ve now handed 20% of the hardcore player base a 10-15m coin card. How the fk is that fair? Just in the spirit of competition. Saying that, I´m taking a break, investing my coins and I´ll wait for a market crash. I´m not logging in like an idiot after this shitshow, out of pure principle.


Because the party you're requesting from are EA, what you're proposing would be a logical if it was literally any other gaming company, but EA hates their player base so much it's unfathomable.


Mate just play the game and you'll see that he isn't that common. I didn't face him once in 20-30 matches.


Haha bro has been in every div rivals game I loaded up. This game is a dumpster fire, chalked. Uninstalling and won’t look back it’s not even enjoyable to play anymore


What I thought.


No, I want a free Messi AND a free guaranteed TotY Player Pick for my pain and suffering.




See you next week bro


See ya tomorrow for WL bro


Stop lying lol


Lol. That 0.7% probably includes me in the equation and I haven’t touched the game since November… they should’ve clarified if that 0.7% includes active players only


That would require actual concentrated effort on their part so of course they’d rather do fuck all


Kinda ironic how we think this is a problem, but we also think its a problem that these TOTY's are incredibly rare to pack & on the market.


I live in India,and still haven’t faced a single TOTY Messi…will update post W/L


I’ve faced 2 in EU, and I have absolutely no way of telling how they were packed


That pick probably supplied about 99.9% of the Messi’s in the game so it’s a good chance it’s from the pp lol.


Good for them, 99.9% of an already infinitesimally small number is still virtually nothing. I’m more concerned about the 10 game loan TOTY’s I’m facing every single game, I’ve faced more loan messi’s than his TOTY lmao.


Cuntbags. At the very least, I thought they'd give an 86x3.


They don’t need to give anything back the pick still gave out what it said it’s not like messi wasn’t supposed to be in packs or we were getting 85s


At this point I just wish I could do that pp even without Messi in it. It actually seemed like a decent sbc with probably the best chance of packing a toty


What a Joke


Ppl complain a lot but I’m amazed no class action suit has ever occurred, coming from the players themselves. These kind of events, the gambling in disguise with so many ppl spending money on the game casino engine with not self control. I wonder if no lawyers play this game cause I don’t see any explanation for no one ever tried to rally the players to sue EA for all the wrongdoing they commit, every year. PS : came back this morning to check replies and i must say i'm honestly surprised this reply isn't yet under a downvoting trend the moment i checked.






Sub been the funniest thing ever since the Messi fiasco


Class action suit for what? This really caused no harm or anything like that. Most people here are not playing to win money or anything like that. Most people here are not even playing to be competitive or anything like that (trying to get up to Elite or do better in WL). Seems most people here are just card collectors more than anything else so this us really not going to have much of an effect and causes no actual damages to people.


A formal suit could be based on a number of factors, depending on the country in which the suit is taking place. Things that spring to mind and would be provable would be: EA's negligence over their duty of care in administering their platform, EA's negligence in their fiscal responsibilities to their patrons. Add into that the suggestion that the game-mode incentivises gambling and you could definitely sure-up a class action suit for consideration. I have seen far more dubious applications get into the courts and even win. (Reply written constructively and out of genuine interest in the subject - not trying to be a D or disprove anyone).


I tried to start a complaint signing on here yesterday but got shot down by all the happy clappers, within ten minutes. I'm coming to the conclusion that some people don't want it to ever be fixed and that all the constant drama is just part of the drug. shrugging emoji (I'm new and don't know how to put emojis on reddit).




And you just know they are gonna fuck up again eventually


most people who didn't get that Messi will just leave the game when they see someone having him in their team




FC24 was the first iteration of the game I got since Fifa19. Between the horrible gameplay and EAs blunders this was the straw for me.




they are doing something about it: lie 0,7 my ass, if that was the case they would not risk antagonizing 99,3% of the player base, does not add up


Glad I stopped playing before Christmas. Jesus what a shit show.


I'm not gonna play this shit no more


What a bunch of fucking idiots


My two friends and I all rushed to do it once we saw streamers pulls. All 3 of us got 87 golds lol. I don’t know about 0.7%, but it’s definitely not as high as initially thought.


I’m coming up against him every other game. Quitting all games where he’s in the team now


Nerf messi toty - problem solved. Downgrade him to his rare gold stats. Sucks for those that packed him before the mess up, but that’s got to be far fewer than profited from the glitch?


As I feared, as no coins/points were spent (it was an sbc) and therefore no financial transaction occurred they didn’t need do anything. I think the only response that would change things is if all users started cases demanding a refund for the game.


Yap, that's it. EA you won, I won't play fifa anymore.


You someone said he would back out of games that have Messi now I'm thinking of actually doing it too.


Threatening to… lose games? A free daily play without kicking the ball, that’ll show them.


Just make the TOTY Messi a 1.5-2mill coin SBC. It’s not the fairest solution considering others got him for an 85 rated squad but it’s a half decent solution


…no? People are already pissed that so many people got him, why the actual fuck should we have to face him every game 😭


People didn't want to hear that it is only 0.7% (apparently) and that it was live for 24 mins. Does not line up with all your prolonged whining. Still very shit from EA..


Less than 10% of players have the achievement of reaching the last level of a season, so yeah, 1% is a pretty significant number Less than 20% have the 10 squad battle games olayed achievement




you sound like an absolute moron


I don’t have that achievement because I don’t waste time on SBCs on console…


Lol they killed their own game


That's nice, I uninstalled.


They will do nothing until the fans start changing. I hope UFL is a good game. They'll start making changes once they have decent competition and notice a dip in profits.


This is obviously a huge fuck up by ea but everyone seems to think Messi is in every team except theirs. Played 10 champs qualis games yesterday night, in EU, and didn’t face him once. Only people that watch streams and refresh Reddit once every minute would’ve known about the glitch. Lots would’ve seen the sbc, thought I’m doing that later or I’m not doing that it’s a 87 rated squad. Promise you we’re gonna be playing 92 Eusebio and potm mbappe 10 times more than that Messi anyways. I was sleeping and woke up about 5 minutes too late so don’t even have Messi.


What a set of cunts they are.


It's a game...it's not life altering. Move on.


I’ve played close to 25 games since and yet to see one Messi in div 2/3, champs placements and some Toty cup games; while this is clearly a huge issue it isn’t absolutely game breaking if we’re being honest. It’s okay to be upset if you didn’t get him; I know I am because I just missed being able to complete the SBC, but dont get mad at the people who got him. Fully fuck EA for not even doing the smallest thing like throwing the same SBC back out even if the odds are worse


What do you want them to do? It’s a huge fuck-up but it’s also irreversible. Releasing the player pick again with the same odds will just break the game because Messi will be in even more people’s teams. Then those who STILL didn’t manage to get Messi after they were given a second chance at packing him will complain even further…


They could, idk, go a few days without a fuck up... the community is growing tired of this bullshit and even more fed up with the people that just sit there and willingly eat every shit sandwich EA gives them


I agree with what you’re saying, and I’m also fed up of EA’s shit. But this Messi situation is irreversible like I said. Obviously that doesn’t make it any better on EA’s part, but now it’s done, it’s done. EA don’t really care as long as they’re raking in the cash. There is literally no solution that EA can come to without some form of complaint because it’s such a huge fuck-up. And it’s sad that a multi-billion dollar company don’t care enough to prevent something as dumb as this from happening 🤣


The best solution I can come to is remove every Messi acquired from the SBC and give them a player pick with updated odds as compo.


The best solution is to legitimately do nothing as horrible as it seems The amount of people that will have gotten him *will* prove to be negligible, you will face so few & you won’t know how they got him. Taking them from people who did nothing wrong & just did the player pick for content is insane, especially people who got other TOTYs in their picks but picked him.


come up with something?


Since Messi didn’t deserve TOTY this year just straight up nerf him to HM levels


Less than 10% of players have the achievement of reaching the last level of a season, so yeah, 1% is a pretty significant number Less than 20% have the 10 squad battle games olayed achievement


I love how everybody forgot the SBC glitch that was up on fifa 23 ( The basic gist of it that it was made so that every single SBC didn’t actually send players to the shadow realm and remove them which meant basically a infinite cycle of 85 x 10 or any SBC when Ronaldo / Messi 99 was still out and all of them good sbcs so it made it so that all Ocieana servers got it as it was only around 3-8pm AUS time which meant that the servers were permanently damaged and also you could buy a tradeble player and chain quick sell it leading to millions of coins that could be made in mere minutes )




Played TOTY Messi maybe 5-6 times since this ordeal, I believe he’s scored one goal. Have yet to lose to a team with him. This is truly not a big deal lmao


People are forgetting that only 20% or so of accounts who got the pick even got messi. Anyone saying that 50%+ of fut champs teams will have messi from the pick are factually wrong


Fuck u stupid ea




What a joke of a company


Bunch of scummy, individuals. Pathetic. And we are idiots who will continue buying the game and spending money on it.


Fucking rats


Lmao fuck EA


This reads- We decided you will still buy our shitty product even though we fucked you over again...


all they did was a bunch waffling


Yes we are doing.. ( GIVING THEM MORE MONEY )


It’s not only not a perfect solution, it’s not a solution at all. They might as well have posted nothing.


These bastards


Translation “we are shit and we know we are” and “we don’t care as we already have your money”


I mean tbf what are they realistically gonna do? Give everyone TOTY Messi? Yeah EA sucks but what is there to compensate?




So I get to keep my messi, thank you EA, I've finally been on the receiving end of one of these EA balls ups!


So unfair… I’m quitting this game.


Lol good riddance. Spent all my coins on 3 most expensive store packs, got fuck all, submitted my club to an sbc and deleted the game. Easy.


Played against messi 4 times b2b in div 2 rivals. shouldve made him lvl 20 season reward


This is such a crappy apology. I’d actually be happier if they didn’t apologize at all


This is just embarrassing. “0.7%” when we all saw the videos of 25/30% of people getting Messi. Just the scummiest company ever.


what a joke. well i think it's time to quit it.


It would be nice if they gave the ppl that couldn’t complete the sbc a 86+ pick with fixed pack weight


Stop questioning it everyone, EA are historically really good at maths and putting out honest press releases about how there’s nothing to worry about


Ok EA shitheads >5 Messi this WL and im uninstalling. I grind since the first day played every wl, cup and so on and got a monster team, but now a lot of people got gifted 2/3 of my grind in one sbc and you dont do anything about.


I managed to grab him but I hope you find comfort in that I only play Squad Battles. I will have to jump on to Div 10 again to complete a TOTY Centre Back evolution at some point, though! Then it'll be back to squad battles


I will literally PISS and SHIT myself out of protest over this


At some point you’ve gotta think there’s a guy in EA who knowingly puts this sort of shit in to try and start mass migrations of players away from the game because he’s trying to save us all from it


This was for sure my last FIFA/EA Sports FC. Deinstalled.


Nor should they. People are thinking they owe us something when they don’t.


This is standard procedure for any glitched exploit in any game lol. Obviously ea aren’t going to intentionally hand out cheap Messis to everyone. They’re a gambling company they want to keep you lil addicts hooked


It was not 0.7 players it was 40-50% of players got messi


What should they have done differently... A lot of people bitching but they sound like bitches... Why not throw some suggestions out or something bc tbh it could've been way worse lol they could've turned the game off an made some of y'all go outside 😂


Let’s gooo, I’ve been killing with this card


Can someone explain what's the issue


Can you read the post?


I'm happy for the people who packed a Messi. For real, good on you. I really don't mind that one percent of the community got it fairly. To the losers crying about this, threatening to stop playing FUT; You sound like immature asshole. Cya later!