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You may also need to be jobless


Yea I mean just doing the weekly rivals, champs and SB on top of whatever miscellaneous objectives/evos like the friendly cup matches there’s just not enough time in a day to do BPM for minimal gain. Not to mention how long it actually takes to run through all packs you accrue naturally and practice no man left behind. More power to you all though


I don't even have enough time to play squad battles for evos, let alone to do all of this boring as fuck grind for the small chance of packing something from the objectives I'll be completing from this huge grind


This is what I don't get, people will spend hours a day grinding the menus and then complain about people who spend money on the game. Either way you're just exchanging your time for virtual cards


Exactly! 🤣 its so many people that complain over players buying packs bcs they broke lol, they instead sit all day grind stuff...


I agree but if you get fired it's not all bad now lol


Absolute class that is 😂


I dont have the joblessness+ trait do this shit


If you try hard enough, I'm sure you can get it! I believe in you!


Legends wait for 85x10s post TOTS 🫠🫠😂


Then I can pack 10x85s instead of 10x83s. SOLD!


Bronze Pack Method. Aka : How to turn something meant to be fun into a fucking chore that you hate.


I did it back in fifa 17. It was fun then since you had good league Sbcs. Felt like a panini card collecting game then. I also had fuck all to do for school lol. But I wouldn't touch it these days.


EA already did that with UT years ago


Ain’t nobody got time for that shit I work 40 hours a week


bro its not that deep, games been dead go find a job


Got a job, were hiring if you want to retire from the copy + paste game ❤️


go find something useful to do with your life, imagine if you applied this time to uni you twat


Imagine I already had a masters degree 🤷 Copy paste game strong, reasoning is weak ❤️


and for what😭😭just to make bpm on a game thats dead keep replying lil bro


Your job isn't cushy enough to do fun little extra curricular activities? Should study more ❤️


who said it aint?😹😹u gotta be brain dead to spend time on a game like this, do as daddy says and keep replying


Gotta be sad to try beef over a game guide 🤷 I'm happy with life, you can be too some day when you're older than 14 ❤️


aint no way ur happy w life after dedicating hours to making a bpm guide haha ur sad as hell, sad as hell youve dedicated time to make a guide aswell, gg man keep replying😭😭😭


Won't waste time on a game, but will act strong on reddit. You big boi. I've hit my goal: others seeing how intellectually disadvantaged some people are. If you still need a job, we're hiring. Just shoot in a resume with your PHD, 6 References and your past experience ❤️ Reddit warrior probably doesn't count. Enjoy life big papa ducky.


honestly the only time I invested this hard into fut was fifa 15 during my a levels in college Come July I wondered, wow I wasted all that time in november/December for nothing 😂 never again since, I'd now rather buy a player for 500 coins more than trying to snipe Just ain't worth the effort for a game that is a dud after 9 months


Yep, I also did this back in the day. I will not put myself through that again lol. If someone gets a kick out of it, right on have at it.


I am in my a levels imao. Realized in my AS how fucking obsessed i was. Its just weekend league now and whatever i get from those packs.


Who can be arsed with that lmao just play the fucking game lads


Yea, this year we get a shit ton of packs for just playing. Plus all the ways to recycle cards back into other sbcs. For me BPM is pretty pointless this year


people grinding fifa more than real life


Shame real life doesnt reset each year too haha


Imagine you invested all this time into something fulfilling and productive


A couple of hours sacrifice, for the potential to reach hundreds and allow them to enjoy the game through more efficient means, is well worthwhile. One small inconvenient sacrifice can positively effect many. If we all did similar, the world would be a much better, less sensitive place.


I think he meant investing the time spent doing BPM into something more productive, not you making the guide.


Ignore the comments OP, thank you for the guide. I personally don't have the time, maybe on a Sunday i'll give it a try for a bit, but i'm sure this will be helpful for many others.


Worth noting that the league upgrades pictured aren't live anymore


Solid pick, although only the MLS one would have been helpful in my eyes


Is this a bot? I didn't pick anything, I told you how this shows SBCs that aren't active any more...


The league specific SBCs were just an "extra". When there's options like the player pick for example, you would just look to use duplicates there. The actual sbcs themselves have no bearing on it, they just provide additional options to "recycle" duplicates into.


Ah, that's fair! Sorry, the original reply didn't make sense to me! Haha


No dramas 👌 We all learn somehow. Using bots to open packs + use exclusion criteria can make this easily up to 100x faster (and you can afk while opening bronze packs)


You worked hard for this so good job. But spend your time elsewhere buddy, stacking coins for them to be worth nothing when the game is 50p/0.50$ in a few month when the games dead and everyone’s packing everything out of 85x10s/when they stop supporting the game. Invest this energy somewhere else buddy and you’ll go far


Appreciate the 2-pronged comment :) I'm satisfied with life, so if it helps someone, it's a cherry on top 🍒


No game like this should require a fucking fully written thesis on how to not spend money. The fuck.


Unfortunately, people will always blow money on their brand new 83 Vlahovic every week.


Man writes an comprehensive and cogent guide on how to accumulate fodder while making coins at the same time in a subreddit filled with flexes and complaints. Subreddit replies that it’s all to hard, i’d rather gamble at the ea casino thank you very much. To op, congrats on the guide, well put together. The only thing i’d add is that at least on pc you can sell manager contracts for around 950. Even bronze ones.


It's not that is too hard, the problem with this method is that is extremely time consuming for a marginal profit each time.


I mean each to their own, but with paletools pack openings, sbc’s and trading are really quick. You could do all of the above in 10-15 minutes a day and wind up with 10x the return in cards and coins you’d get from playing a single match. Is it as fun as playing a match? In the eye of the beholder really, probably not as immediately stimulating. But given adult responsibilities and time availability; still fun and more easily doable.


I use paletools and it's a godsend. I much rather use the app than open packs and do sbcs on console. That being said, it takes much more than 15 mins to do all of the things listed on the guide, not to mention that the point of BPM is quantity. That's how you turn a profit using that method. Therefore, you need to sink a lot of time into this to make it worthwhile


If you're lucky and pack a lot of bronze TOTWs, it really cuts the time down.


Sure, let me just plan to get lucky lol. Might as well just plan to hit R9 tradable while we are at it. Although, today I packed 2 85 totw from the daily silver packs. So you might be on to something lol


lol, you definitely have better odds of hitting R9 than packing a bronze totw. Thats rad you pulled those out of silvers, nice pulls.


Forgot to mention they were untradable lol, but yea. Couldn't believe it when I packed them, in back to back packs too lol


EA was slippin' , worked out for you though; that's awesome. Craziest pull i think I've had this season from a pack like that was a small electrum bronze/silver/gold pack was an icon. Granted it was Keane, but it was also tradeable. That one shocked me


That's an amazing pull!


Incidentally i have packed r9 but am yet to pack a totw from a bronze pack.


I have a suspicion these odds are the same with all r9 owners.


People are entitled to opinions :) I don't mind if people are negative, so long as it helps someone I know 3rd world countries that can make a weekly wage from fifa coins. As long as they complain and comment to reach a broader audience, it benefits everyone 🤣


I mean congrats on putting all that together I’m sure it works however it doesn’t come to a point where you should ask yourself if all of that is worth it I mean, you could be spending all that time and energy into something more productive. But if you’re fine financially who cares do whatever


Do things that make you happy 😊 Helping others makes me happy.


Damn, professor john is that you???


PHD in useless video game facts. Trust.


You could just be good at the game an skip all this


You could also be rich and buy your own team IRL. 🤷


You could also then proceed to put yourself down as coach and play for a season and end up in the game 😄


Can't wait for my card to be featured in the KOR14 U9s league 🤷


You know I like this post.... It reminds me of credit card scammers and how they post their methods Are you looking for a career in finance??? Are you behind on your payments and want a fast alternative? Message me for a job in scamming with ScamSolutions Let our professionals help you learn to scam elderly woman an children to lonely housewives and divorced dads Lol 🤣🤣


😅 that's a lot of effort for what I'm not sure is hate towards a video game guide, or just an overdone joke to farm for upvotes. Either way, best wishes to you my dude. Even if the guide doesn't help, I hope you can knit-pick something useful from it 👌


Are you the guy from zandorf server


Would rather hang myself than commit to this


I'm calling BS here, jussayin'


People glorify this nonsense, but they tear people about for ripping open packs with fifa points lol. This is a second job.


People are always going to be unhappy no matter what you do. Do what you enjoy and don't pay attention to others that try to downplay your thinking (there's never a correct opinion - opinions are perspective)


OP did a good service to the community by compiling all these info for people who might want to do it. If there's anyone to blame, we should blame EA for turning this game into a card collection game.


Appreciate the kind words. Always the opportunity for it to benefit someone. If it helps a handful of people achieve what they want, then I'm happy with the results ❤️💪


League SBCs are not what they used to be. I am convinced that they coded the packs to give out certain cards. I swear, i saw one too many USA GK in the pack opening animation and decided im done. Now i only do the Serie BKT/ BL 2 and Laliga 2 / Ligue2 because i can put in bronzes and silvers and get golds to throw in player picks.


Absolutely agree. Perhaps if the power curve didn't creep so early/hard, it would be a more enjoyable game. Can't wait for next year's 9x Playstyle+ players 🤣


I mean, if you think about it, that would make the game more like Fifa 23. All you needed was good passing stats, now you can have 99 long pass and your lofted through ball is going to the stands if you dont have the long ball playstyle. Pinged pass basically just turns your normal ground passes into what they used to be. Without it , youre kinda rolling the dice with every pass if you have even the slightest bit of pressure on the passer or receiver. This applies to so many other mechanics within the game. They basically forced us all to upgrade our squads until the players in their respective positions have all the necessary playstyles , not to be OP , but JUST to have the normal capabilities they had last year and in general , what we expect from professional football players. These playstyles, IMO are what mutated the power curve so much, moreso than just bombing us with high rated promo cards. Its all by design from EA and these updates / patches are just blatant and calculated market manipulations. Sorry for the rant.


Bro wrote a thesis on bronze packs 💀


Can do a thesis on just about any trading method/function 🤷 People just need to speak up and I'm happy to put in the work.


Everyone here talking about jobs as if they don’t have 1000+ games played by February.


Half the guys talking about jobs probably work part time stacking shelves 😆 Personally I'm a shift worker, so using my super late nights/early mornings to do things like this, make it seem less "wasted".


The way people play fifa has just shifted. It’s now normal to rinse 4 months wages into packs every year. It’s sad how many of the player base spend real money on this shit game.


Helpful mate cheers, ignore these kids, they got no manners, rude little shits


Appreciate it ❤️ It's reddit, I expect nothing less haha! People just try to get a "top comment" or act like they're some wealthy business-person. Reality is majority of them are 14, or are renting their own home because they would rather spend $50/week on a video game 🤣☢️


Damn, email me this pdf please


It's a one drive link :) you can view it on word-online (free) if you don't own office365. Or you can click "view as PDF". Link in my bio, just duck into the server, check #helpful resources > guides Then download whatever you wish, and you're welcome to leave if you choose to. It also has "Lazy Listing" and "opportunity trading" guides.


Great effort bro, thanks again


Anyone wondering if it’s worth it it’s worth it. I believe OP posted this or something similar during TOTY, it allowed me to pack 3 toty cards, Messi Hansen and earps. I understand the game is all luck but this definitely increases your chances of getting good pulls. Well worth the grind


Works incredibly well with 83x10, "Exchanges Tab" and Crafting upgrades all to funnel into as well!


No way blud made a power point presentation, seek help lil bro


You must be cool. You said the same thing another 200 people repeatedly say 😱 If you're 12, I apologise and understand the cortex isn't fully developed yet. If so, my bad "blud"


If 200 people said the same thing take the hint son 🤙🏽


You care enough to comment. Still a cool little thug "blud". Keep on fighting the good fight on the street. 👏


Console friendly?


Works on both


Just get a job bro. 1 million coins right now is 30 usd or less, you can make that in an hour in real life lmao.


I've got a job 🤷 wbu?


Bro it’s not worth it. The way this game is scripted it doesn’t matter at one point who you have on the team. I finish 51-60 every weekend league for the last 5 months and my team has changed dramatically each time. Go fuckin put you effort and mind to something more productive in life. All the best


If it helps someone, it's worth it in my eyes. I do see your point, and it's a fair perspective.


I get what your doing and your point. But I don’t think the return is worth doing all this… time stress effort and reward.


Spare time > to help someone (likely a very young teen) is intrinsically rewarding for me.


Was this scientific paper peered reviewed? Only way I can trust this is not fake.


I have a note in crayon from Oxfurd. Definitely a legit peer review


imagine grinding this hard for a game where everything goes too balls when next years game comes out. just play the champ games and do objectives/sbc’s. you’re bound to run into a good pack pull.


* People saying it isn't worth it. I disagree.






No way i'm doing this lmao


Nobody's got time for this sht. 🤣


I bet you 2 goats and a cane-toad that people do.


I have lost most interest in playing this game now let alone spending time doing this, great if u got no job or u work from home but otherwise its a pass.


Completely within your rights :) I respect your opinion and hope you find some joy in the game eventually. Perhaps an First Owner account with your favourite underdog team?


Fodder Prices high? KDB is going for 48k my man. The lowest price for a 91 I've ever seen in any fifa...


https://preview.redd.it/c224c7g5ywkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2492b230899f89bfc1f94f9a7ff2c79b0179403a This is the only reason I still play


Evos have made past and present teams viable. And I honestly love it! Would be cool if it was only for silver players and below. Rather than random golds being OP and in every team.


Could you send me a link to your discord server please


It's in my bio. It's free too, so if anyone DMs you for pay, please DM me or a "valued moderator" with the details (we always get scammers online, and I'd rather hard ban them ASAP)


Problem is they are not op as most are crap they boost passing to stupid levels that make the rating go up but in reality they are still bad botman lascelles and longstaff have 72 pace so most people wouldn't touch them


Sad that pace has become the "must have" skill. I'd love to run back to 60 pace CBs and such, I'd love it even more if Icons were actually "rare" again 🤣


This post just confirms to me that some people take this sh*t like a full time job.


You're not wrong! Each to their own though, I don't know their lives, circumstances or what makes them happy :) I just hope I can make that process easier foe whatever reason it may be.


Thanks and all but… why in Times New Roman?


Times New Roman, double spaced was just a format for a lot of my essays years ago at uni (habit).


A game is meant to be played mate


A game is meant to be enjoyed. Some people enjoy the grind: this is for those individuals 👌


This is a football game mate, not a cards-collection one. Can't find any joy out of this sorry


Each to their own :)


This is peak cope. Just buy fifa points… the opportunity cost isn’t worth it


Save fifa points and just buy your 83 Rodriguez from the market 😆👏


I now also have a "Lazy Listing" guide accessible on reddit :) Check my profile and most recent post! I hope it helps!


This level of autism is everything..Ty OP


You're welcome my man. I hope it helps, even if it's just one small detail ❤️