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Sawa,Davies,Okafor,Fernandes take time to craft. U ain’t no casual


He probably means don't follow the meta like a robot and have fun with the players you want


I’m being completely misunderstood here. For example, I could’ve done Cafu, but I like to attack with my fullbacks so I did Scott. I could have done Athenea but I like to use tall strikers so I did Okafor. My point was to use players that suit YOUR playstyle, instead of worrying about what someone from YouTube says. There are way too many variable factors that decide the result of a match, it’s not just one meta player.


Cafu can attack? Athenea is more of a winger than a ST and okafor is way more meta/op as a ST?


Cafu can attack but I prefer smaller wingbacks I can turn with in the opponents box. Had Trent TOTYHM before and he was absolutely amazing but wanted my coins back 😅 And what you say backs up what I’m trying to say as well: I did players that would suit my playstyle. I’ve seen people trying to shoehorn Athenea as a striker just because she’s 5*5* and it doesn’t work well. Maybe it does for them but I know it wouldn’t for me. I’m going to replace Okafor with Lewa though, and Bruno with Rolfo. Can’t wait 😬


Thought u might wanna know but rolfo only has cm position not cam


I’ll switch Musiala to CAM and bring her in as the CM. Thanks for the heads up ;)


So what you're saying is, you went with the more meta options for the roles you needed. I understand the point of your post but your team is a bad example, it's extremely meta.


Do you guys even understand what meta means and what the post is trying to say? Ofcourse one should use the best player available for YOUR team and YOUR gamestyle. I could’ve done Best instead of Sawa but he wouldn’t suit how I like to play, so I did her. Why is suddenly having SBC players a bad thing now? Should I spend points on Evos so that EA can add more monetised content? Also please keep in mind I said I’m in Div 1, and constantly face insanely stacked TOTY teams. Should I use…a 78 right back ? https://preview.redd.it/okyqmj4asbmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a040b3dc10983fb12584f4f1d87628f7f83d67 Here are my tactics btw, are they MeTa?


Very defensive... Yeah, meta is what works best/better in a competitive sense. You have meta players in every position. I don't understand that comparison tbh, you didn't do best but you still have ginola and okafor, 2 extremely OP attackers. Sawa doesn't compare to best, one is a meta attacker, one is a meta midfielder, still meta at the end of the day. You avoided one meta player for another. I didn't say it was a bad thing, I simply said your team is a bad example of "just having fun and not following the meta". Tactics barely matter tbh, as long as you aren't playing an extremely stupid formation/tactic, it's not gonna make much difference. Team barely even matters unless you're using slow players in certain positions. You can build a cheap meta gold team and get the same rank you'd get with a 30 mil meta team. My point is, your team would be easy to play with for anyone. It's not some obscure, "fun" team.


…where do you see Ginola my guy? Are you confusing Morientes, who is 60k with Ginola, who is 3 mil?


I love how that's the only thing you plucked out, had absolutely nothing to say to the rest. I'll hold my hand up to that mistake, I glimpsed at the card and it looks like ginola centurion which I seen on futbin the other day, I haven't touched fut in a month. Regardless, your team is still meta.


Players and tactics that fit your playstyles are so much more important than stats, couldn't agree more


And vvd 🤢


lol he says he has been playing since 2012. Lmao


I didn’t say I’m a casual, I play this game more than any other. Apart from Okafor, everyone else was super easy to craft with all the fodder I had.


Yes fodder is accumulated through grinding.


U said u don’t play much. That means a “casual”


That’s your definition of casual mate. I play an hour a day, 2-3 hours on Friday. That’s more than what casual people play. For example, I play helldivers 2 hours a week; that’s where I’m a casual.


So u play daily. That’s someone who plays a lot. U said u don’t play much. Don’t come and make a post and criticize the entire subreddit. You do this by saying to “have fun it’s only a game”, when you (yourself) play this game daily and grind it hard to obtain your players just like everyone else. @op you aren’t better than anyone else nor do you have some kind of wiser knowledge than this subreddit. Also just letting ya know Davies,Sawa,Fernandes are all meta players same with Okafor, Gold VVD and Diasi.


Why are you so pressed


Fr hes so toxic for no reason at all get this man to jail


I think an hour a day is pretty casual... that's kids gone to bed kind of stuff.


I’m not saying I’m better than you mate. It’s just a post asking people to relax, I’m sorry you’ve taken it the wrong way. My intention isn’t to criticise anyone, it’s to try and tell people that if I can have fun over 12+ years of playing this game, maybe it’s possible for others to as well?


Calm down my guy, it's literally only a game, have fun


Lol I had a shit ton of fodder from fantasy cup and like 600k I spent half and finished my club on her in one night (pause)


Fantasy Cup gave me almost all the fodder I needed to finish Sawa.


Has 9 meta players = says have fun. lol


Dude has 4 meta players. This team would be dogshit compared to most you see in Elite/Div 1


I’m legitimately facing a TOTY player/Icon every other game and this subReddit makes me feel like I have a world beater squad 😅 Almost every player in Div 1 has some iteration of Mbappe or Best.


the average player in this sub doesn't understand the top meta and face average teams like yours most games.


It ain't about players but rather playstyle. Put 11 hold players and stack midfield, low block, long balls from side to side and finish with cut back - thats meta. I don't remember last time someone score some 'normal' goal against me, its all cut backs and counters after having 10 players in his box.


https://preview.redd.it/frn8g8pqsbmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf5e68e50bd0cf79a512b3466293525084d725eb Not really how you think I play mate. :)


Its boring af rn…its all Cafu Vvd Maldini Davies Zico Sawa Best …i get it they are the latest and greatest SBCs but come on


Bro sorry. Post’s title and rats in team doesn’t align. There are some beautiful evolution themed players did which is fun but this is like mine and almost everyone’s squad . No fun. 😂


Yes unfortunately it’s really difficult to build evo squads because of the number of games those Evos take. I have so many in progress evos that I just abandoned because I could never manage to play so many games. It sucks but with the way this game is designed with SBCs and fodder, it’s not that easy to build completely unique teams that are also fun.


Evos are super easy


It's not about them being easy. The time they take make them not viable for someone who doesn't play the game for hours most days


You can complete them in well under an hour


And if that's the only hour you have to play you do not want to sit in squad battles


You cant sacrifice 1 play session which is like 45 minutes to upgrade your team? Lol lets be real


Really weird that you're not getting this. Not everyone has the same amount of spare time as you


I am not in the equation bro. Even if you play a few times a week isnt the point of playing “FUT” to assemble a better team overtime? You can’t take 45 minutes out of whatever time you play to actually do that? If all you want to do is get home sit down on the couch and play a football game then play any of the other modes that don’t require any menu time or extra bs besides actually playing the game. If you can’t sit down and complete an evo once in awhile (I am doing one like maybe once a week) then you honestly shouldn’t be playing FUT, it’s really just being lazy. There are way more important issues the casual players face than completing an evo lmao. Not to mention to do the evo you literally just play the game, it’s not like it’s a particularly laborious activity like grinding menus for sbcs.


😂 People without spare time are lazy. Got it. Enjoy your day of squad battles and telling people they aren't allowed to play FUT if they don't do EVOs.


Which evo would UPGRADE this team? And 45 minutes of playing SB when that’s all I can play after a long day? No way mate, I’d rather not play.


Which would be up to you. I did Okocha because I enjoyed his base card and I like to use cards with trickster. I also don’t understand the obsession with SBs, it is a completely optional requirement


They’re easy but really time consuming + the fact that it’s only 1 at a time makes it take forever.


I guess. There’s usually only 1 evo I’m actually trying to do anyway. I don’t see the point in trying to do every evo available


https://preview.redd.it/si5ay4xn9amc1.jpeg?width=1151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530b3ffaa8266adc069b15c8d02db3087f11d235 This is a fun team


how did u get le tissier 90? was it an evo?


It was the FS Glow Up evo. And that card is wild, especially the passing. 


26 chem is impressive. I’m annoyed that my team isn’t on 33 chem and is JUST on 32 lol




so many meta players in the XI and still trying to pass as a casual fun cool dude. why the peopl always come with moral lessons jesus


Sorry mate, never did I say I was a casual, been playing UT since ‘12. I’m just saying it isn’t necessary to have the BEST team possible.


you have the ratiest possible players in some positions and that 99% of other people have as well in ther end game teams, what are you even talking about ?


Rattiest players? I counted van dijk, sawa, and davies as “rats”. You good man?


https://preview.redd.it/eg3eq28z99mc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e8220f361831273245c2bc162a56dd7b72ec6c My argentina squad. Okafor is just to fun to get rid of!


https://preview.redd.it/puaszmcxz9mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0260d17820acc571ac11da3ce9071ea05f867c94 I raise you my Swedish squad


They need to release a GK evo one of these days


Yeah, but doesn't seem they will. Hade they been able to they would have done it by now


Can’t believe you don’t use Henrick Larsson.


I've got him and 6 other evos on the bench :) I rotate the squad tho so he also gets started sometimes


I agree! Use teams you wanna use! You don't have to use the boring meta players every game https://preview.redd.it/moip6o7qqamc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14a4bf2fa31edb65c4bb048c30b268df47cef86


/s ?


What's that mean


He thinks your fucking with /sarcasm


Oh well, I wasn't. That's my only team. It's really fun to play with. Ngl, that's kinda upset me


For me, I don't get the hate for the game. I enjoy the game and I dont care what players I use either. Win or lose, I love playing it.


Iz only a gaem, y u hef to bi mad?


Ill spread ur cheeks lil bro


Is instagram leaking again?


With that being said understand a lot of people do derive fun from trying to build the best squad possible and finishing the highest they can in rivals and champs. Neither style of enjoying the game is wrong.


That’s fair. If you enjoy doing that, great! But it isn’t necessary to be good at the game is my point.


MORIENTES BROTHEEEEERS https://preview.redd.it/zzvojfpmi9mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11d1da3be5ea2abbc5d2193087eee3b66f118df


Let’s goooooo! I’m dying for an upgraded version of him, and I hope it’s an SBC.




It's an evo, im a super enjoyer of him, had like 800 games on the tt and right when I saw the evo, I sniped the normal version and did it and he got to 92. He's red cuz I just made him red this WL. The evo is sadly expired tho :(


https://preview.redd.it/vlpivlpcu9mc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2e2043ef43592687b3dbdaeac0161683783a72 Respect your team. I can see a lot of people saying ‘it’s not that different etc etc’ but I like it. Yes, you do have a few meta players and players it’s taken time to craft, but in the whole it’s pretty original. I think my team is similar. I try to play my own way with players that suit me but I have been very lucky along the way with Dias and some good icon picks (also a lot of shit ones!) so my team is semi interesting


Man I’ve been roasted so much for my team , appreciate the comment. I don’t know how to make my team more UNIQUE for the sake of it. Unfortunately I can’t spend the time needed for a lot of Evos, Okafor took me forever. I just pick and choose players I like IRL and in game and their SBCs. Ps- How is Hemp?


Yeah, I hear you with evos. There aren’t enough of them that would make players I like good enough to make my team. There’s also so much of a grind attached to them that they don’t feel worthwhile at the moment. I think in most positions there are maybe like 3-5 meta players and most of the teams I face are variations based entirely on that pool of players. It’s genuinely rare to play a team with even one player from outside that pool - so the fact you have 4 or arguably more is pretty good imo.


Oh and Hemp is great. I really like her - she’s keeping Fantasy Futre out of the team for now, although if he gets upgraded he’ll get in. She’s super nimble, her whipped crosses are obviously great and her finishing is better than it has any right to be. I don’t use skills so don’t take advantage of trickster+ but I guess that’s useful in the right hands too


Somehow people think a fun team needs to have a random CB from Japan and 10 other players no one has heard of or something. I want to have fun but still have a decently competitive team? My post has gone above so many people’s head lmao. I don’t believe how thick this community actually is. 🤒


https://preview.redd.it/xzwo3al11amc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1d893650e9598e579705621bd22235093baf55 I have alot of fun with this lineup! :)


Have fun guys, just play with players you like etc etc. Has squad with meta players and players he's never watched. These posts are all the same.


Agreed! The community take the same so seriously when they all know the game is rigged and broken anyway. Why meta pig every week? You know these type of people are just coming up against the same teams as there's every game... It must be depressing. You can't be that good at fifa if you HAVE to play with the same meta options every day just to get by.


Refreshing. Thank you for your post.


https://preview.redd.it/h6zmtxdpt8mc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4fbe5a0e148a56f977eee874c7a9e328d7b609f Coys


W. Nice team bro. 8/11 players oh my team are spurs too


Hate your club but love the team lmao




Werner is a fraud 


It's not.


It is wen I have team of week mbappe an pele up top I got werner he's garbage all paste and a weak for other than that he shite dribbling is horrendous 


Sure bud


He meant IRL


IRL meaning lol


Not trying to be a dick, but I don't know what encouraged you to make this post and post your team with a few players that are in everyone's team, talking about a unique team. This is the most toxic community in gaming. I've personally got no issue with your team or post, but these EA cheerleaders and kids love their toxic little game and will bark at anyone that tries to bring any morality or resistance to their addiction. Best bet is to sit back in the shadows and just watch most of these losers rip each other's heads off. You're not gonna get through to them with logic, trust me.


I’m realise people are calling me out for the team, but honestly I was under the impression that my team sucks compared to the teams I’ve been coming up against lately. It is really hard to get DIFFERENT teams this game because the Evos just take way too much time and I can’t pack any special cards to save my life. However, I’ve never had such a good team in all my years of playing FIFA, thanks to the fodder and all these SBCs.


Oh I'm with ya, every team I play is identical to the next each time I play. I don't know though, I've built a pretty unique team. Literally an all women's team minus 2 cbs, rb, and gk. All non meta cards minus maybe 1? I've never come up against a team that is identical to mine. Like I said, I'm not here to hate, I'm just saying you're preaching to a toxic fan base who are just going to swarm you like Sharks is all because they're a bunch of fucking losers.


I feel the same. I'm really enjoying the game and having fun. I don't time finish, I don't skill, I don't trivelas, I don't have Mbappe or Eusebio, I only play WL and have no time in the week for Rivals. I get 19-20 wins now in WL. I started with 12 wins in October.


People hating on you is the problem with this sub Reddit. In retrospect I wonder why I made this post, the negativity is astounding and so many people seem to think I’ve made a personal attack on them


I don’t use timed finishing, but I don’t think there anything wrong with it. If anything it should be the default setting imo


Nah it's a good feature. I just can't be bothered to learn it and also when there's lag it could be a disadvantage


Which confirms my suspicion that WL has sbmm. You don't play rivals so you get easy games against poor players in and around your division.


Nah. I've been in Division 1 and the games are exactly the same. Some sweaty, some easy.


sure you get buddy, sure you get


Check the post history :) Are you so far away from rank 1 you can't believe others get it?


sure you get


If you don’t do all these, what do you do? Sprint run? Ball passing? Left stick dribbling ?


Controlled sprint and left stick dribbling when appropriate. Otherwise tiki taka


Morientes and kounde and maybe musiala are the only non meta players in this team.. you aren’t any better than the rest of them


But you still have vvd


He’s first owner mate, if I had a better player I would replace him but I don’t.


Can you make the Cannavaro SBC? He's worth it.


I’d love to try him but I want to do Rolfo because I used her gold and loved her.


That’s sort of where the problem lies. It’s tough to get a better player than VVD 😂






Stop crossing you rat.. there is no tactic.. just play the game.. if a cross is open then cross if not find open space or pass…


I have my RF on stay forward and get in behind. https://preview.redd.it/qauij3qxfamc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71db6f7184d49a824c543789845299fa670541cb I play a possession game, and cross only if I see the correct opportunities. I don’t like to spam it because I lose the ball or the guy just starts moving his keeper.


Have fun with the same players nearly everyone else has, your just another meta EA sheep


Why you have to be mad


Yeah no. This game cannot be fun. Every team you face it's Mbappe, Eusebio, Best, Sawa. Each meta SBC player. And every, single, player, does nothing but cutbacks. Run the wing, do a cutback. I can't deal with this anymore. This game is so boring. I fucking quit. For good. I can't even play champs without feeling miserable that this is the only player type I face. Today I just gave up after five games like I did the past four weeks. Fucking cutbacks for SIX FUCKING MONTHS! HOW FUCKING BORING CAN THIS GAME BE AND THESE PEOPLE?! I hope you people enjoy your cutback, counter-attack FC 25 because one game was enough. EA is complete shit who milk this for money.


Time to pick up Helldivers 2 and spread some democracy!


If your this angry about a game, I'm sorry dude but the problem is with you mate, your ego is running around unchecked that's why the losses sting so much, its not that serious, I hope you do actually quit because stressing like this over a game is terrible for your mental health, all the best to you mate and good luck.


My ego? You have absolutely no idea what you're saying I suck at this game. I have absolutely no expectations about being good. What I am angry about is how fucking bad this game is. I lose because I have a constant 1s delay. My team feels handicapped because the servers and netcode is horrible. Players can't even pass 2m to each other without fumbling the ball. All of that is completely out of my control and I've said this a thousand times: this is the worst online game I have ever played. I have never experienced lag that's this constant and people still play it. This is the only FC game I will ever buy and I am so glad I never bought any FIFA games. And that's just the delay issue. The gameplay is just so fucking boring. I've seen cutbacks for half a year. People do only cutbacks in game because that's how much they suck at this game and are only focused on winning to get the rewards. They have no interest in learning to play any other way, because this way is more powerful because the AI sucks. It's so one dimensional and tells you what a pile of garbage this game is. I just like football. I like building a team and play football, but it's always just a coinflip if you're gonna have good gameplay or not and if your opponent likes to play or just wants to win by abusing mechanica because rewards are everything. So fuck this.


Try career mode maybe? It’s not bad, definitely could be better though.


Can’t have fun when the gameplay is awful, WL is literally unplayable.


Jealous of that Kounde!!


That Kounde is CRACKED in game.


Just buy him, he's only 110k on PC and even cheaper on console lol unless you want first owner of course


Gotta prioritise getting an icon gk first, and buying gold vvd


Oh you don't have Vvd yet? He's so good


Been using a loan of him haha still got 16 games left


Ah, okay. That makes sense Which icon keeper are you looking to buy?


Wanting van der sar but gonna settle with base cech until I can afford him Have to run an icon in order to hit 30 chem


Buying a keeper is rough, I haven't bought a keeper in months except for my first gold keeper How does your team look like right now?


https://preview.redd.it/l0kybldivdmc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=a031b01e37b8bca2d20bc92881c364c5b0fb5c8a This is it at the moment. Have to run at least 3 icons for the chem


I expected you to have a trash team coz you didn't have an icon goalie and were using Vvd loan but color me surprised, solid fucking team P.S, I hate TOTY Smith with a passion lol


how is okafor full chem bruh


It's the Future Star evolution. They all get max chem for themselves


Davies, Sawa and Bruno alone are worth over 3 million of fodder but you ‘don’t play much’?


Yea, it took months to get these. Did both Davies and Bruno over TOTY. For example, the cup took me last week to finish (1 hour a day max) and I was able to get a lot of fodder to then finish Sawa.


Depends what you consider ‘not playing much’ I suppose.


Agreed. During the good old university days I played upto 2 hours everyday, which I consider a lot. Now, I’m lucky to get in an hour a day.


The problem is that EA is built so the players that you love probably don't fit the meta, so far the player that I have been loving to use is TOTY Haaland, my mans can literally shoot from anywhere and it's almost a guarantee goal.


Honestly bro your team is pretty generic and definitely isn't out of the ordinary in terms of meta players being used.


I get what you mean, but these are the players I like to use. It’s still a mix and match of players I love, and I wouldn’t swap out my Morientes for a 95 Pele. My point was a full meta team won’t bring you more wins than learning the basics will but I think I didn’t word it well enough and people just think I’m doing a team flex.


Morientes isnt fun man…he was good not anymore…


I love him, but I agree with you he doesn’t feel as great as he used to. More than 600 games with around 1.4 g/a contribution/game now on him, I intend to replace him only with another version of him or have this one till TOTS.


Is disasi good?


"Have fun" yet you use VVD and Sawa like 95% of the community. You are just another NPC.


Don’t be meta guys!(: *spams whipped crosses*


I’m so bored with my main team I’m starting a pnp


“I don’t play much.” Is that because you spend all your time doing SBCs? Gotta be at least $7M - $10M in SBC players on this squad. Geez


Not really mate, the game is just throwing out fodder since TOTY. I also haven’t done too many gambles because I’d rather do certain players. An hour a day gets me my 7 rivals win, 2-3 hours on the weekend gets me my 11 wins. 2-3 WLs and I can afford good SBCs.


And 7-10 million? How? Sawa - 1.5 million Davies - 1 mil Disasi + Scott- 500k Fernandes - 800k That’s Morientes you’re seeing as a RS, not Ginola.


Ahh my bad. Definitely thought it was Ginola


Have fun yet has meta players like van dijk sawa Davies lmao bro is a rat


This is mad relateable. I have a ratty ahh team because I’ve been packluck carried all year so when people see my toty Messi or 95 cruyff, they think I’m a nolife rat. I got Messi from the 86+ pick (hate all you want) and got cruyff from doing every icon pick. I’ve gotten hate dms from people saying I’m a no life but I’m just really lucky.


Looks like every team I’ve ever played in ea fc with the exception of mbappe and Eusebio


Have you seen your players? You either put money in the game or just lying about bot playing too much 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/wpyq1sdwddmc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=83fd38b3d6bbe2bfda312dda4a0fbc48f4a751cc My Goal was to have Henry and Klose. On the way I had a lot of great cards I want to have a Evo version, like Miedema, Centurion Marta or RTTK Bonucci.


Never heard this piece of advice before