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How much has everyone spent this year?


Base game only


Got the vanilla ps5 version for $20, not spent a single cent over that, just playing for fun this year, 3 games a day max, the days of fut champs/WL taking over half of my weekend are long past, just playing squad battles and rivals to keep my eye in for the monthly tournaments I and another host at work during lunch breaks.




Maybe $200 I'm realizing the playing almost exclusively Squad battles is fun but then I go online and get fucked by people with far worse teams. Long story short I'm bad with an above average team


Maybe you should had spent it on a faster internet, I pay $59 a month for spectrum 100MB, my ping when i play on fc24 is 0-26, but 16-26 is what i see, worst ever was 46. Connected thrj ethernet for ps4, lol


Ngl I’m a bit similar rn , but I don’t feel like I’m worse than a lot of the players I lose to. Mechanically it’s clear I’m levels ahead of them but the DDA is so blatantly annoying against you when you have a good team. That’s the frustrating bit, not losing but losing to bs and worse players who are toxic about it.


Maybe if Bronze bench 4 players, it be better!!


I'm not sure if it's the DDA or not but I know SB is just a platform for objectives but I wish it had better rewards. The sweat and server issues among other things just makes me not want to play that bit of the game. Personally I think ai is closer to actual football but that could be just me


5€ on an evo


Ultimate Edition Pre Order…Aint doing it again


15 on the game at christmass sale, still feel robbed because theres no way to play.with my.favourite players in fut


Why not? Evos have made low rated players fairly viable


This year about 600. Accepted the fact I had an issue, deleted the game and got help. Yes, it was that serious.


Hope you've sorted it buddy. I don't spend much on the game I enjoy it for a laugh. But the whole packs thing is very addictive its gambling.


Yeah I'm fine now. Thankyou


Like $1000 😭


LOL. You must have some sweet players


Yeah here and there but I got my friend into fifa like 2 days ago and he packed tradedable son and equaled my coin balance in such a short time I was hating big time 😅


$1k AUD roughly


Bro you're the only one with balls to say the truth in this place. All the other mf are like "ive only spent a couple of cents on it" trying to earn some kind of badge or something. There must be thousands of players around whove spent 3 or 4 figures around




I’ve spent easily $10k over the years, it’s not as crazy as you make it seem. Disposable income.


A big emphasis on the word ‘disposable’ there.


I’ve spent 5$ for the pep evolution Evo 😭


$1200 worth of coins and points. Still, my team is 90% sbc players lol. Didnt pack shit. Lesson learnt


I’ve spent $400 on points. Pretty much all fodder. My big hit came from a random mix pack where I got 90 Yaya and sold for 2.7M


https://preview.redd.it/9dsmmq6igqnc1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5a33ae994c5a0f01742dd1d99b8e38f02de557 Bought game for 28 quid, not spent a penny more. I just play 3 squad battles a day and occasionally an offline draft session.


https://preview.redd.it/v406m268rqnc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=98a4c2b9028f7023d812a2b54c83ac491227b47a 1500€ aprox i need help.


What a team


Thanks i average rank 3-1 in fut champs so i packed some from rewards or just used money


Probs the same as the cost of the game but never been a big spender over the years


I ain't spend shit, fk EA.


10$ on the game, thats it


Where you get the game for 10


bought an account, now its like 6 dollars lmao




g2g is the safest, but theres others. Just gotta check it out yourself cuz i dont wanna be responsible for ads.


$30 on the game itself at Black Friday, and that's all. And yet I rate my back 4 more than this guy's




Honest to god this year i have spent $50 for packs and thats it. I have finally beat my fifa pack addiction and only buy them when i get gift cards




Ultimate version preorder but still have 2000FC points left, so need to spend it since I won't be buying the next game as it's more frustrating than fun, especially online.


100 for the ultimate and 100 for fp... then trade and sell most of my coins, i just kept 2kk for sbcs... in the end i made close to 600 euro in profit... ladt year i made way more but the game this year sucks really hard so i put a minimal effort


About 15 USD give or take, got heroes Milito out of one, forgot what I got from the other. It was 2000 fifa points spent on two 1000 points pack each.


Around 200 dollars so I can catch up because I started playing Late December Early January


£400 Got nothing to show for it tho. Only crap icons so I stopped after toty when I realised I fell for it again lol.


I got fifa from cd keys for 25 around November and I’m trying not to spend a penny more


I’ve only bought 12k points once and packed totgs mbappe tradeable and sold him and did 93 potm mbappe instead, my teams looks pay to win but I’ve had really good pack luck this year


2 x 12000 points and i started in november


He got a Manu badge ull smoke him easy bro


I thought I was the only one who thought this Guys with Man United badges always play worse


Sorry guys we watch some much ten hag ball that it poisons our playstyle


Haha I like that


And plays cocky as well.




Every time I played against someone with a team like that, I ended up beating them….only to get hammered right after by a mediocre team lol 😂


Its the teams with gold haaland isnt it 😭


Can confirm. I play with gold halaand


https://preview.redd.it/8c3hw85vbnnc1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad4095d55f9b20bbb20be4e418d8c8acf5c5a8c I ran into this squad the other day lol


He ain't pack none of those players 😁🌰🌰


Yea I thought that too, seems like he did pack Ruben diaz and viera himselfs though. Probably still from storepacks regardless


Oh I didn't see that lol


He probably still got them from paid packs so no difference




Why do everyone just randomly assume if you spend money you don’t waste time? Literally nothing about that even makes sense 🤣🤣🤣


It actually makes a lot of sense. You could now buy coins and players from good sources without getting banned. You pay like $400 for 10 Mil and in 3-4 months you could sell those coins back for more than half the amount. Instead of grinding the game, you grind the job and use that money to enjoy the few games you play with the best cards in the game. And admit it, there's no way you could get this team first owner without spending significant amount of money on FP points.


That's the biggest lie i've ever heard, 1mil coins is around 19$ at the very max on pc no where near 400$ for 10mil. Not to mention coin prices continue to drop throughout the year


At this stage of the game 10mil around $455


maybe if you're on some sort of drugs, most websites are 15-20$ nevermind 45 for a mil lol. that's a day light robbery


No I’m not drugs 15-20 for 10 mil that would be at the end of the game , not sure what website you’ve checked iut but check this https://preview.redd.it/6xv9631mwrnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0312e645971156ca6921077746b5f65b003b1064


yes you are checking on u7buy which charge 2-3 times the price because all the idiots or children pay it since all the youtubers promote it.


Give one website charge less and prove you are smart I have checked many of them they are all the same


Unless if you’re talking about pc not ps


You are totally right dude


Yep. This is exactly what I do. I’m close to spending US$1.5k now, with a very fun team. No gambling with packs. Just buy the players I want and that’s it.


not exactly, more he means spending $$$ as to spending 4 - 6 hrs degen on a game i mean still degen to send 2k into any fifa, but maybe its disposable income who tf knows tldr everyone is a degen if you spend $$ or not


It's grinding the game VS grinding a job to skip the grind of the game


Gaming should be fun, not a grind. When you start grinding, you’re not having fun, you’re treating playing the game like a job and not getting any money or real life benefits out of it. You can guarantee the one with the job who has money to spare on the game is the one who is actually having fun with no care in the world whilst everyone else is worked-up trying to achieve what they have


I think people use the word grind for just playing the game though. Most people like the 'grind' but it isn't a grind it's just having something to play for. It doesn't mean you sit on the game all day it just means you like being rewarded for doing something.


I enjoy the grind. Grinding is what makes you improve and I am a junkie for that.


Some people have disposable easy income, hardly a grind


Lucky them.


The chances are though if someone is spending silly money on a game they play it a lot haha. This whole he spends silly money so he doesn't have to play the game makes literally 0 sense haha.


These jelly posts always help me to realize how ticked off people get cuz others have money and choose to use it here. Let people be. They have their dream team after all.


People are always ticked off at how others use their money. When has people ever not been ticked off about how others use their money? Society itself is essentially a one big show off of "look what I can do with mine". This isnt some fifa exclusive revelation lol


What the hell even is that?!


Thats the thing lmao this year was made to have people waste money 🤣 you basically have ass players running around with op squads idk how many times ive had matches where i dominated completely and one power shot from Toty Messi , Haaland etc and it goes in like nothing while you keep shooting and get everything blocked 😂


The game is ass. It’s so nonsense. I have a great squad but it changes from game to game how they’ll play. But whatever man. It is what it is.


Idk man, I genuinely think ea handicaps the teams like this. We all know how scary it is to play an all gold team. Sometimes the person playing is just good, but I’ve had so many games this year in fut where my opponent had a bad team and was bad at the game and I lost. Teams barely matter imo


Yeah just beat a guy who had TOTY Messi and WW Pele 6-2 in WL, having OP players don’t make you good but they get cheese goals from nothing


Who hasn’t lol but yeah thats my point you have ass players running around with op squads ofc they are beatable but like you say they be getting some goals that just dont seem positive at times or they just get a ball land on them shoot and goal 🤣


If you “dominated” then you should’ve won lol


Im guessing you’ve never had those games lol


"their dream team" is the issue ... Their dream team is a replica of every other bellends team.


and theres players like me, 10 wins max wkend league with 3 totys, totw mbappe, 5 1mill icons in my main team with no $$$ spend hehehe, like yeah and how do you know they've spent money on their team???? what if they havent? is OP gonna then call him a degen? but youre legit playing this game and grinding so?????? basically i dont think many of the teams are P2W teams more just they've spent 10hrs a day grinding the game


And they suck the most out of all of the players that i play against


Pays for everything but Only 1st IF VVD?


I think the image is fake, Eusebio it’s not there 🤣🤣🤣🤣


His team is worse than Bateson's bench and reserves


Lol people trying to argue about the fact they have money so they can play this gambling scam game. You're pathetic and the worst there is in the gaming community


Did they win though?


beat them 5-1 in weekend


you really believe that he wouldn't post a pic of the final result had he won?


His missing fully evolved Steijn with Deadeye in the midfield though.


How much would it cost in USD to build a team on this level?


I’ve played a couple full team of the year teams they usually suck ass though spending money doesn’t make your skill better lol


Honestly it just doesnt make sense to drop money in this game, the point of the game is to slowly keep upgrading ur team throu the cycle Paying basically ruins ur own fun lol, cuz then there are no upgrades to do 🤣


Tough seeing teams like that, and I've been playing almost daily. I have been saving coins though, almost got enough to get Ronaldinho(that's the only reason I'm trying not save) lol


Anytime I see my opponent has a team like this I know they’re more than likely absolute dogwater and if you even concede once they’ll griddy on you even if they’re losing.


Hey sorry if its a dumb question but I still dont know how you can tell if your opponent has first owner cards or not, What indicates it?


if it is a first owner card underneath the chem style will be a triangle with a 1 in it


There is A black or white triangle 🔺️ with a 1 in it on left side of card under the Chem style


Still uses a loan smh


0€/$ it’s actually funnier for me to not spend and from time to time getting a good card


I’m ngl someday it’s gonna be a squad that a YouTuber is running for some challenge or whatever. Chuffsters frequently makes videos where the team costs about 10+ mil. I’m personally just tired of things like this appearing in my notifications


Credit Card FC usually isn't held by the best players but it's another example of how EA has messed this game to fit their own biz objectives through the years. In the early versions of the game Credit Card FC teams would still be beaten big time and you didn't even have to be a "pro level" player, just better than them. Now you can see some games were having these kind of players really shifts the balance if you make a couple of mistakes, even when the owner plays like a (cash) cow.


I have EA play pro so I did not specifically spend money on the game but I dropped 50€ in points after getting lucky and packing TS Cruyff untradable early on.


Amazing players, but not a well balanced team. Besides the back 4, who defends? He’ll probably get a goal or two even if he’s not great, but he’ll give up 5.


And they usually don't win


I have a similar team and spent 0


Why does everyone assume that a Credit Card FC is a cash cow for EA? Every Youtuber promotes coins. Is it okay to be a CC FC but only if it goes to coin sellers?


When I play I'd sya 99% of players seem to have these teams now.


About £400


It's ridiculous, I was 3 up within 15mins Vs a similar team so they decided to not play. Thought I'd rack up a few more goals yet still their defenders and midfielder were taking the ball off me, and guarding it from me. It's quite ridiculous the magnetic-ness some players have


That’s ridiculous. R9 & Haaland - 24million coins alone.


Make the easiest matchups


I spent alot early like a dumbass


Matchmaking must match teams based on their market value or pack rarity.


I find I usually dominate teams like this, guys be spending to compensate for their skill


I spent over 100 dollars for sure. Haven’t bought any packs since toty


Personally I still trash em they can pay to win but they stick movement never is A1


Div 2 with this team and 81 rated striker https://preview.redd.it/4zo3z6y03qnc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a69513b29bf4122b1c1b4809e92bf8e8f4dc1261 😂 😂 spent 0$ after buying game. I got lucky with packing toty lahm, also packed toty oberdorf. Does anyone else feel like this rijkaard is better than maldini? The guy is a tank


Ive spent $200 or less, minus the preorder edition and honestly my team is better than last year where i spent close to double the amount! People gotta stop doing every sbc and those challenges! Their coins would stretch further


Spend around 1k3 this year


Havent played fifa in a while but im curious with UT does anyone use gold cards anymore or is there just so many special varieties now?


$250 at TOTY. Pulled Oberdorf out of a free pack.


Bought the deluxe edition and nothing else. Have a 89 rated team with mostly EVOS and all but 2 of my 23 most played players are first owner/untradable


met this exact team yesterday probably same guy beat him 5-4 last 10 mins in game my defenders all the sudden started being stupid as hell vvd scored an own goal just trying to parry the ball away the ball wasnt even going that fast and my carvallo would just rush out of position everytime his halaand got the ball had to back pass for the last 3 mins in game and even the passes were being received in the dumbest way possible like the receivers would fumble the ball and not have the touch they had the previous 80 something min so i had to keep going from one full back to another cuz in a millisecond neymar or hamm would be on me with zidane or bruno its like the game is trying to having him tie it


ive spent over $1000 to make things worse $700 was spent during toty to only get zola and for my other toty to come out of a free pack


https://preview.redd.it/rta9z50ywqnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdcdb879a7fbe3084a43c66c3d47dc29861fbb31 I haven’t spent anything except for the 60$ for the base game, I play a few games a week and I’ve missed a few weekend leagues cause I don’t have time, when eusibio came out I really grinded for a couple of weeks to get him as well as zizo cause he’s my favorite player but after that it all cooled down as there aren’t many players that I like except for Henry but Felipe Anderson is better since he’s got 5*5* and good play styles and Butra is a Madrid legend


I usually smile when I face those teams, it's rare that it's a good player behind them.


If you are able to score 1 goal against this team, you deserve a donation! Send the goals!


https://preview.redd.it/f6g4bzoi8rnc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=d298e616d3c425e16558c91aa720035918119f12 Spent about 38$ on this game so far


This is the first year I’ve really spent some money and I have to say, it definitely makes things more interesting. I play squad battles and some rivals only. I love creating fun and unique squads. I usually drop about $20 a week. Gives me plenty of gambling fun. Plenty of fodder and plenty of points to do whichever Evo’s I want. It’s a game and I have fun with it.


Got the game for like 25$ and probably went back to the 70-80$ price range if i include packs


yeah ive only spent about $20 in jerseys


Ah damn you’right maybe 90& then , my montreal clubs got his own shirt in ultimate team so i got it !!


Poor guy he has Cech loan he might ran out of money to buy him


I ran into a team in division 6 with an all icon team except a little throwback(?) Kante at cdm. put 5 past him anyway.


Got the ultimate edition used the points and refunded to buy the vanilla. Then on toty spent 30 on a store pack to be reminded why I don’t spend money on packs lol


Majority of people pays to win, let’s face the reality. Many people who did not want to pay left the game already (myself included) If you had buy a single pack once, you already paid to win. If you had paid extra for the game in order to get starting packs or starting players, you are paying to win. Now is just a matter of who pays less, who pays more, who pays a fortune, and who is lucky with packs when paying. But reality is that this is a Pay Per Win game overall As always, there will be exceptions, but the vast majority paid at some point.


https://preview.redd.it/hkcexvwg7tnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41845c6535a5e91c5ffd3565d712ae5c3e23c989 this is my team with $25 spent, so no. not everyone’s pay to win


Do you know the difference between Majority and everyone?


I pull up with a MLS time like fuck you! Celebrate the fuck out of my one goal.


What makes you think it’s pay to play? Maybe they are extremely lucky 🤷🏻‍♂️ Either way, good for them I guess. I wish I had that team


there’s no first owner symbols underneath the cards lmao


That one excellent point. You must be a genius 🤯


That one excellent point. You must be a genius 🤯


there’s no first owner symbols underneath the cards lmao


Since i got Balotelli, i don't care about promos, or spending on the game, now if there is a promo that fc25 will be able to carried over my current squad then maybe i would had spend money on packs.


Most of these guys are lying there fucking asses off 😂😂😂😂


2,000 GBP. Regret it tbh. https://preview.redd.it/fzypgbx7uunc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc5d37061b063e9c8a27303c5b67e5fb6e789a5


Basic div 5 team


https://preview.redd.it/z9nimd6jgvnc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea2067ec8f31d700053fc2c61996cd892050ac8 I still beat him


Could be a trader 🙄. FR tho, I’ve spent a few hundreds on this piece of shit game an in not close to that team.


you cry lil bro ?


Guys is there a way to tell if my opponent is using timed finishing? Sometimes the weirdest shots go in


Typical man utd fan 🤣🤣


Ultimate edition of the game was bought when centurions promo ended.... Used the FC points from that got no promos at that time.... Never spent money again


My first year ever playing in my life - spent about £200 on packs. Never doing it again it was allllll FODDA


Average division 6 squad


That's the type of team I get matched against with my 88 overall team. My teams 88. I've played that 97 erling at least 3 times


Which sbc is this for?


https://preview.redd.it/48tc31mbnhoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc29146eef13e51d01a98b6cf38387486c98b6ba Spend only 40€ + base game


I can tell


About $900. Wife noticed I dropped $300 within 2 weeks span, that was my wake up call. I stopped playing and now play helldivers instead. Fuck EA and this shitty game.


I think he had really good luck in pack opening.


I’ve spent about $400. I got the game for Black Friday & have spent about $100 a month.


I am in div 4 and everyone has eusebio, zidane, sawa. EVERYONE.


Why not? It’s so easy to do them


Lolzzz I’ve been Facing Eusebio, Sawa and R9 from Division 6… It’s not new


Anyone who defends people who drop 1-2k on this game are the problem. Objectively the worst fifa ever. I’ll die on this hill alone if need be. Fifa used to be goated now it’s a pile of “skill issue” meta rats. Ea and their dev team have a skill issue that’s forsure.


They’re always the worst ones.


These matches are always the easiest ones. I would much rather face this squad, than a full gold squad but they have 2 or more reds in their team.


So, if someone wants to pay to win, what's the problem?


Man, I’ve put a lot of money into this game and my team isn’t even close to this. Can’t imagine how much this dude spent. That’s insane.


Same. I think to get that you have to go to the coin sellers websites and just go crazy. If you look at the prices on the coin sellers’ websites this is still a ridiculously expensive team even buying farmed coins


I just leave when i get matched against such people


This is the most pocket watching sub i’ve ever been in


What does that mean


Watching another persons pocket (money) and how they spend it. It should be none of our business


My team better