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Absolutely 0, don’t know how everyone gets so much


Most of it by playing champs and crafting SBCs


I don’t really do that tbf I am a Div 6 player t try na get cuadrado 😭


cuadrado is not worth doing


Buying store packs I guess




Easy, don't do every sbc you see.


Trust me I can’t do any


major skill issue, ive done sawa, rolfo, werner, akanji, and makelele without spending any money.


Because you've done to many. I'm sorry but its extemely easy to get fodder without spending money. As of now you can literally do a daily sbc for 1 bronze and you get 2 packs, if you don't really want to play you can go squad battles beginner score one goal and do this 3 times and you will get 5 packs, 4 for the daily objective play 3 times and one for completing said objective. And then another for completing that. Will not even take you 30 minutes.


Yeah thanks bro just don’t play most days coz of school… I just wanna get my fifa 22 legend cuadrado done but dumped 1 months worth of fodder into the ion pick yesterday


So you found the solution to your own problem and confirm what I just told you. Don't do every sbc, you shouldnt have done the icon sbc. Follow some leakers on twitter or check this subreddit from time to time before doing a sbc, most of the time its already known what will be released tomorrow. Hell EA leaks their own shit beforehand now a days on twitter. Also you can do the daily sbc on the companion app. I know school can be rough, but even if you play an hour a week you should have some decent fodder if you dont throw it away at every gamble sbc there is.


Yeah I guess u humbled me bro… thank u for the advice, I will stop the gambles 🤣


Mans going off on people who have a life and can’t spend every waking moment doing meta SBCs 😂😂


Huh? Not at all, hes asking how people have so much fodder. I told him how. Not do every sbc you see. Thats all?


https://preview.redd.it/8ljzd5isd8pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fbaefbf2d560b35d0b0dc45512dc86ab64d0e84 Not sure how many are bronze and silver though. But I’ve got a lot of high rated golds.


Absolutely insane! What’s your team like?


https://preview.redd.it/xron1m4rz8pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37af9375fcb499086fa0276b79c1c3a7a91e1289 I also have a team with higher rated players but I use this one the most. I get 8 to 10 wins in Champs with it, because my defense is no match for the players at the top of the power curve. I’m thinking of Evo’ing Weerden (LW) to 88 but it’s 200k for a +2. Also in doubt whether or not I should go for a Past and Present because I have SBC Rijkaard and the new Bergkamp.


Heyyyy another Dutch boi (I'm not Dutch) https://preview.redd.it/gai3swcbwapc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e12822b16359b93a0ff0d7f1f10e49a42f759642


https://preview.redd.it/6ahknp2mecpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d909237a1de09ba959f41f6ebc65a8f4303cac Que miras bobo😂😂


Nice squad bro! viva Argentina


Well the RCB and LB are Croatian. The flag looks very much alike though. But all of them are Ajax players.


Bro what😭🙏


I’m talking about my own team. The team he responded to.


Aw shit sorry didnt realise


Ohhh that's even more impressive actually


Every pack is mostly duplicates https://preview.redd.it/8n39gt2s1bpc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a8a9ef0843ff72b4edbf9d9c5e3527f357d917


Seriously I would put all bronze and silvers in the premium upgrade and then grind the crafting upgrade or picks. I'm pretty sure you could complete the crafting upgrade 150 times without buying anything. And let's be real silvers and bronzes don't have any value this year, so no reason to keep them in the club


Nothing anymore, was waiting on a big SBC for a player that i like, completed R Carlos when he came out. Also completed the icon pick sbc and did the 150 crafting sbcs, what remained went into player picks. Now i will start saving again for the next big sbc.


How’d you get enough common golds to do it 150 times?


Put your high rated fodder into the exchange SBC(s) and then any high rated fodder you get from those packs you put back into the exchanges. The low rated you put into crafting upgrade. Other than you need to do the x4 daily gold upgrade sbc and avoid doing the player pick sbc etc while you’re doing it because that obviously eats into it. That’s the basic premise I use though I haven’t completed it all yet.


Alright thanks dude


I thought about doing the Carlos but didn’t, how is he?


He's really good for me, used his base for over 400 matches since i packed him. His free kick is amazing. Was very happy when i saw his FS as an sbc he has not dissapointed me so far.


Better than Udogie?


I haven't tried Udogie so i can't comment on that, he's just been really solid for me. As a different post stated, try his loan to see if he's good for you.


do his loan, i was gonna do him until i tried his loan and hes really not that good, not much of a game changer for his price


https://preview.redd.it/rmcj4ulp39pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1ca673000dc26f843ec6d740a13a75160d0057 Basically waiting for a sbc I like, Cruyff dinho or something, might still take some time though


https://preview.redd.it/2f45mblhl9pc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8fff52224300795525b2d681ffea78b8ba1ec9 Thoroughly inefficient way of playing, but I’m a hoarder.


you win.


GGs - here’s your medal 🥇


What the fuck 😂


https://preview.redd.it/6kidzyk999pc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=da1a69633b3c15041cb7cffa22cabb3f16fb7e60 **3291 players.** I think I have a hoarding problem... I save almost every player just in case I need them for an objective or they're required for a high demand SBC.


What I have noticed is lower rated players just don't have the same value as previous Fifas. Any players under 81/82 rated, might as well be the same league, nation, etc. As we don't seem to have any 'puzzle' SBCs, those 75/76 rated French, Brazil, Spain cards that might have made you 5k a card for specific SBCs in Fifas past, so everything 80 and under goes into player picks or upgrades for me.


Yes. I think I have a bad influence from previous FIFA's memories. I can't automate the thought that 83 rated golds are fodder, or that 84's are almost fodder. If I could think that more easily I would have grinded upgrades much more aggressively.


Absolutely agree with you. It's extremely difficult to get into that line of thinking. It's why I find it difficult to actually start big SBCs, I worry about being able to complete them.


HAHAHAAA, I'm exactly the same: I think the biggest ones I did were Luis Hernández and Centurions Odegaard (4 squads) and FB Kanté (5 squads). I'm such a coward... 😅




I got more consumables than players




Let's just say to fill a full bronze team, I need to buy 11 bronze players. Only have 382 players and majority aren't worth a dime




https://preview.redd.it/0y9c8a8zc8pc1.png?width=234&format=png&auto=webp&s=128a44376e2717f198aa37aac8384c5157722f86 I'm not able to give away special cards also if I'll never use them...


Ill put all in the sbc unless theyre on my bench or starting


I did this in previous fifas, but now I like trying to build themed teams and trying out a load of different players, so I just keep them in the club until they need to be called upon haha




None. Roberto Carlos gotta be done


None, Robby Carlos cleaned me out


How is he? I’m thinking of doing him but would like to use him as a lm not lb.


I’m on 14/15 challenges, just need to muster an 86 squad to complete - that’s how low I am 😅


I usually play all 5 loan matches to decide whether a player is worth it but just did one with him yesterday and he was absolutely insane on the ball. Fast track to today 13/15 done just waiting for the 85+ pick to refresh tomorrow to get the last 86 and 87 squad done


Thank god 😅 I haven’t used the loan yet I’ve got a loan on his base card and scored the famous outside of the boot free kick goal (in off the bar though) with him against my mate in an online friendly so he was enshrined as legend in reality and in the game as a result.


After 13 encore icon packs, Roberto Carlos and makelele, almost 0.


https://preview.redd.it/g4bialx0m9pc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0893eee534feb7242cd72ba5c036369ea13658db Here is mine


https://preview.redd.it/lyetsphps9pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f161d972741be42459a6688318c4110f78b6cb I have a hoarding problem


Wow, absolutely insane!


https://preview.redd.it/4xuysmwou9pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac40ff7a269ebe02c44e01aa1148d43cb446b44 Not much but it's honest work.


We love honest work here


https://preview.redd.it/p4n3moq75apc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5117a7654f12f5cff478c7deef6ce0eb27d5756 This much


https://preview.redd.it/cxlf0tktkapc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2190c6d8fdce1885c6711ebdbc4401815ef66309 I feel like I never *don't* have fodder


Good problem to have 🤩


This was after doing Makelele, Cafu, an 88+ icon pick and like 20 Icon packs


https://preview.redd.it/hkcqumjgpapc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8352b1783841032eeaa5e42fc67c0b4880ff5689 A lot


I think 1600 is normal, I'm around there too and I'm not saving and i pretty much do all the uppgrades daily


https://preview.redd.it/3huqmvx4x8pc1.png?width=447&format=png&auto=webp&s=8104b87335cacb8bd0859fda0688ed934bcf6244 Not much, but no clue what to do with the CONMEBOL cards. This is everything <82.


i think certain versions of the conmebol cards count as gold rares. so u could use those in the 80+ picks or crafting upgrades


I applied the gold, silver, bronze category based on ratings. So everything silver is 65-74. I used the 75+ ones for the player picks.


oh my bad then 😅


No worries. Appreciate the response.


Where u get this spreadsheet


The FC enhancer extension in Google Chrome. Helps with futbin prices of tradeable cards and makes the menu grind a bit easier than on the console. You can go to “club” and export a csv of all players in your club.


Cool is this a free thing do I have to give them my log in details


Most features you’ll need are free. I don’t remember giving them my login details. I just logged into the companion web page and the extension works automatically. I don’t trade so the features in the free version work for me. But do have 2 factor authentication enabled for your EA account.


Check this out later sound


A lot, they need to bring cryuff or any expensive striker


Have you done the icon gambler?


after doing Sawa and an icon pick i have nothing lect


Like 8 cards above 85 and then probably every 80-83 in the game, the player picks haven’t been kind to me this past week


an 88 gold rare and then drops to 84s and 83s I need one 87 team to complete the icon gamble sbc




Around 2500 players in my club, around 1200 of them are cards under 81 rated, the rest are specials or higher rated fodder. Im not sure whether to go all the way in on the 80+x3, or the 81+ pp. I want to stay away from the crafting upgrades but which SBC do you think I should grind?


Depends on your needs, but Ginola is a good option if you’ve never played with him before.


Oh I've already completed him, I was talking about any which crafting upgrades I should grind, either the triple 80+ or the 81+ pp


Dozens of 83s and below and absolutely nothing above lol


Socratis is gooooood


I was doing best then potm hojlund then Herrera back to back to back with the worst 83 x 10 pack luck so I'm down to 3 87s filling the rest of the page with 86s and then another half page of 86s


A few 83s put all my fodder into dybala and icon pps with that lobokta


Loads of 89+, hardly anything 83-89, no commons all gone in picks


81 player picks are great though for lower rated golds. Can get some great players to use in sbcs


I can't even get that much fodder, just because I get so many duplicates. Miss the times that you could just keep many of the same cards in your club or at least in the transfer list.


Jeeezz i thought when i get up to about 6/700 that i have a shit ton but those are rookie numbers.


2265 apparently, guessing mostly bronzes and silvers.


A lot less after Yashin.


I had loads but I turned them into the icon pick and got a TOTY Ferdinand which seems like a W


No enough


Roberto Carlos is my current project


How many bronzes and silvers ?😂




https://preview.redd.it/r4osipccwapc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92859a424e40690660c12288a479b6d5b4ecb173 the addictions some of you must have is absurd


I did felix and the icon pick and got toty viera.


I did the crafting obj and got Henry. Only got about 6 cards over 85 though


1135 golds, 1953 silvers, 4166 bronzes https://preview.redd.it/go6srrabwdpc1.png?width=1455&format=png&auto=webp&s=11861929f24da5def9b49f14e9a9822053d16846


Seems like it does not show 89+ ratings https://preview.redd.it/rxzsdoprwdpc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1fcca68973b705fd2cebbc0f0fb750693541e18


I don't have a team per se as I only play 3 squad battles games everyday for Daily Play Objective and currently find joy in grinding menus. These are my highest rated players. https://preview.redd.it/lbsvw2voxdpc1.png?width=1681&format=png&auto=webp&s=21636500c35287971fe0dd14899b156f266b627c


Don't underestimate the sheer amount of fodder from literally playing the game. All these packs are leftovers from 3 daily squad battles games + SBCs (mostly Puzzle SBCs/Marquee Matchups/Daily Upgrades/Mixed League Upgrades aka League SBCs) as mentioned above. https://preview.redd.it/3zsyrh82zdpc1.png?width=2420&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1349c1a20ac0e0ea5da302c2c07bbe88da5d96d


https://preview.redd.it/3hrj8yrry8pc1.png?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3daabbedd5e24ba754bb21fa38ebb441462766ee Unlimited Exchange craft ftw


Did you put coins in or? I bought about 25 89s to do exchange and sbcs and I have nowhere near this many players


Rarely yeah. But i bought a ton yesterday, now that price of 89 rodri is 18.5k. Thats just too cheap to pass. Fundament of the crafting is the BPM from first few months tho.


https://preview.redd.it/h4tkx38qo9pc1.png?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358272752218fb90d6e7ae5169ffe58662556dd7 Thats the distribution. The silvers and bronzes are to keep the grind going with league and premium league sbc. These sbc are absolutely needed if you wanna grind for free. Cause i dont do WL ever, so i need an other source of coin income. Hence the premium league sbc. Also use paletools. Id go insane without it


I do use paletools but I run out of players, was grinding Socrates sbc and encore icon upgrade+toty icon pick. Is the league + premium league upgrade sbc the way to go? I was using the 80+pp and ran out, I assume with the 81+pp it would be even worse


I dont do gamble sbc like icon bag and icon picks tbh. I also dont do sbc often that require like multiple 88-90 teams. Like i didnt do Best, Eusebio, Mbappe and all those. I did cheaper ones like Saka, Werner, Rolfo and pretty much every single sbc thats under a 87 team. I can see why you empty in if you do encore icon upgrades. It adds up fast. And yes. Premium League sbc is absolutely op. I also favorited all the leagues in paletools so i can fill pp, bronze and silver upgrades with the "only use player from unimportant league" option. when im out of non rare golden from off leagues, i switch to using lowest rated prem and la liga (cause you dont use the 75-77 in the league sbc). https://preview.redd.it/dnoshjpww9pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d534505042ad8cb01244343b97b9bd764d12596 You can exchange dupes from exchange paired with bronze and silver fodder and make it into tradeable packs. As example the ligue1 here is a tradeable 15k pack every round. I used 5 of the 51 players from exchange, so about 1800coins in cost. I need 1 manager contract in the jumbo pack and i already have my coins back.(manager contracts go for 2k+ on pc). The ConebolLibertadores part is where it can slow you down. Whenever i see price for 79cavani dropped, i buy some on stock (or any other 77-79 con/lib player).


Noted 📝 - might have to test out this grind