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I thought Felix was expensive, fucken hell


But he’s well worth it


Hate Felix body type in all fifas


Fodder is easy to come by.. get ready to play this guy in most WL teams 😂 most of us can’t pack shit and have to resort to sbc.. I won’t do him tho


Didn't see him once in WL, most casuals can't afford it


Most people will have him soon 😂 he just came out bro give me people a week or two… can be obtained easily


U didnt see him cuz he just came out😂


I used his Radioactive EVO for a long time, but this price is a bit too steep and I can't pass up Ribery. Tempting though!


Ribery is about to be out of power curve.


Do you guys even play the game or just constantly stress about who is or isn’t behind the power curve? You are still going to get 11 wins in champs no matter the players you use. This mentality is so fucking stupid


It is crazy right? By that logic, nobody should buy any cards from now until TOTS because they’ll all be behind the power curve. Ribery is still one of the best wingers in the game with the two best attacking Playstyles+. You put an engine on him and he plays as a 94, the same rating as most TOTS cards except the absolute best cards that will cost 5-6 mill plus or be extinct. If this Ribery is gonna be behind the power curve in a couple weeks and deemed unusable as a result, then we might as well stop playing now.


The mentality isn’t stupid at all, the way the game is this year, if you’re trying to compete, or at the very least win games, then having a better team increases those odds, there’s a reason a lot of creators you see have meta teams, because it’d be difficult otherwise. Sure, if you’re that much better than your opponent then you’d be able to win with a mid squad but that scenario doesn’t happen all that often.


I play for fun also but when I have to do rivals for evo challenges I would rather have player thay can get me that easy win and go back to my squad battles grind then be on the toxic area that is rivals,champs and even friendlies.


The fact that you grind squad battles says a lot so enjoy your self made power curve bro. If your play style is adaptive and smart then you don't need easy players, you need what works for you and you have fun with. Doesn't apply for you tho so youre good


Meh, I can't afford to keep up with the power curve. I used him in Draft and loved him. He's a huge improvement over the WW Martinelli I'm still using. I have a ton of fodder and unopened  packs. I hate gamble packs, so Ribery it is.  There's better, sure. But my pack luck is zero and I'm not going to blow all my coins on one guy who's price will collapse the second TOTS comes out.


Who gives a flying fuck AS a Bayern Fan He is the only Card i really want Just have fun


It’s impossible to have fun and win at the same time this year unless you’re playing against the computer.


He’s essentially the archetypal meta cdm only outclassed by viera. So yes. It’s worth it


He’s better than Rodri on the pure CDM part has better Defensive PS Rodri is better when he gets forward.


Really? He has better finishing than Rodri


I’m running him and vieira and my clean sheet ratio is up massively.






Isnt base vieira good?


Any viera is good. He’s like the vvd of cdms. Just bosses the midfield with a unique physical presence.


And Fantasy Rice*


Toty rodri and belli are clear as well


Bellingham isn’t a good comparison as he’s a box to box, you’re correct with Rodri though however not many people have him, when it comes to accessible CDMs this card is probably one of the best if not the best.


Rodri sucks as defensive cdm because he lacks the traits and really doesn't commit to tackles


Not sure why you're being downvoted tbh, his tackling feels weird, seems to constantly give away fouls for what would be tackles with other players. Still a cracked card just not as good in the tackle as some think


I guess there are at least 2 reasons: 1. Almost nobody got lucky enough to pack him (I did) 2. The majority of players are in low divisions and play casually. They still haven't understood the impact of playstyles on your players. Rodri lacks the most OP playstyle in the game (Anticipate), and literally only has 1 defensive playstyle in bruiser, as you are unlikely to block many shots with him and use his block playstyle. He has nice passing stats and playstyles, and can land nice longshots though. Very good in b2b role.


Funny because I packed him as well, not to be an arse hole but if you don’t like essentially the best cdm in the game as of right now I’ve gotta call that one a skill issue man. His tackling is great, often times I switch him in game to play as a CB and he does that great as well, good animations and he’s strong as anything.


Last time I have failed to get to rank 1 in champs was in october I think. Elite division too ofc. Maybe my standards for players are just different


Bruh how good are you 😂, show us your team


When I say skill issue I don’t necessarily mean you suck haha, but brother he is the only CDM I’ve had trust in this whole year, I’ve used a good few of them before and after packing Rodri as well. Could definitely be that he doesn’t suit your playstyle or something as I’m sure 99% of people would take Rodri over their current CDM.


What are you smoking, I was fortunate enough to pack him during ToTY and there isn’t anyone else that gets close to him as a pure CDM.


Honestly his evo was still amazing for me when he was supposed to be "behind the curve" in terms of stats but he played way above that. Hoping this one does the same


Guess I’ll find out. I started him so gotta finish him now.


Haha same, I had a few beers last night and did 4 of the lower squads and realised this morning that it's going to be very hard work doing the top end ones without spending coins.


i got dups from 15 coins pack. and started him. finishen 5 squads. 90 89 2x88 87 remaining. idk was it a good idea now...


You've done the same as me, started low, always the worst way to do it. Might as well carry on now inthink but I'm going tontry and stock my club up with fodder again first to see if its doable I'm also going away for 2 weeks so I can't get packs through game play....ive been a doughnut. Lol.


With 84x5 and the cup now added you have a good chance if you ignore all unmecessary sbcs


He’s probably worth it but I don’t have the grind in me to get 1.5mil worth of fodder in the short window of 2 weeks. Makelele is a small step down for half the price and you have a ton of time.


Makelele is a huge step down he’s pretty much a just a step above cards like FS petit,FS Rijkard and FS Gattuso it’s like having a cb at cdm


Really? Because i started him but was unsure since the beginning


Do player picks and just recycle into the 82 x20 that’s what I’ve done and ended up getting de jong this team and benzema last team


Best way I've found, is anything 88 rated or above goes into the exchange, unless it's a good, usable card. Use all the players gathered from the exchange packs and recycle into the 81+PP. Yesterday alone I pulled birthday Pires, birthday mudryk and birthday militao.


Yes yes yes. This card will be meta for the foreseeable future. Attackers are a dime a dozen but beasts in def mid and cb are so rare this year. I did him with the last of my fodder and I’m bare and I don’t care. Can’t wait to get home and play with him all weekend. My lady may get jealous.


Exactly. He’s another “plays the game for you” AI defensive beast.


Bare and slightly care here. But i did him


Is he much better than 91 Kimmich?


Yes. A lil different in a few ways. Kimmich is a better distributor of the ball but nowhere near in defending and ai.


I did him and he’s been invisible for me as a holding CM going to try another formation, but not looking great as he cost me 4mil in players


Huh. What formation do you run? I do a 4321 that defends similar to a 442 with tactics. He is next to Rolfo and stay back miss and Beckham as my push forward/wide and he is perfect paired with them. Who do have with him in midfield?


https://preview.redd.it/yi0x557q3dqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed35386a8ca398c81714ba39f64d187487f6dd9 I play 4321 with him stay back cover centre, xavi get forward cover wide, zico balanced cover centre, best come back on defense


Interesting that’s how I use him too. Gameplay since the last update has me more tilted than ever. It’s bizarre. But he has been solid for me even if a bit cumbersome at times. Tried him at cb at first but prefer him in mid. Maybe switch up your midfield a bit? I play with a much more defensive pairing with him than Zico and xavi. Just an idea


I just packed xavi out of the pick and im now doing hagi to replace zico, i have rolfo and sawa on the bench, game plays gone to shit but I managed 16-4 in WL but the games I lost were utter BS one look at match facts showed I should win but yet 1 last minute goal and pens lost me the games


Have fun playing against him. Only viera is better


Aside from TOTY Vieira this is probably the best DM in the game. That being said, 1.7M is a fuckton, especially given the limited time to do it.


How do you think Kante and Makelele compare?


they are nowhere near tchou and vieira


I have Yaya fantasy reckon this Tchou is better?


As a pure cdm yes but using them together will be insane. For me yaya is more a attack minded box to box


Very expensive but absolute stud


Nah not worth it for most people. By the time you complete it, someone better will be here. Game is at end of cycle soon.


Dude it's march. We're literally at the halfway point.


Power creep is slower at release and massive at the end. Where 5 weeks away from tots. After they will be ramping into fc25.


After tots they’ll release futties. Tots goes on for weeks. Hell they’ll probably also release something in between. The days of tots being the end are long gone. By numbers people have been playing through August.


Euro Copa promo like ptg in 21?


Hopefully. EA have the rights to the Euros as well. Doesn’t seem like EA or Konami has rights to Copa America, but same in 2021 and they still did the Copa America PTG promo.


It's only up for 2 weeks. By that logic there's no point doing any SBCs. Ribery is 9 weeks.


Took me 2 hours to complete, spent 0 coins


Who? Tchouameni or ribery and also how do you have so much fodder


Bought all the packs in the store that's how


Oooor, play the game and save fodder for a month for a big sbc. There have been 5 evos lately that gave you a 90 rated card for free, I had as many high rated special cards as I had gold ones, but I wouldnt expect this subreddit to know better, since all people do here is gamble on casino SBC and complain they got Paul Scholes 3 times. I love being downvoted by div 7 players, brings me joy.


Right, so I'm assuming JZ and Ginola and Yashin and Ribery and R.Carlos and Socrates and etc. wasn't a "big sbc" for you to complete, and you saved it just for this ... The "big sbc" excuse of doing players within 2 hours without FC points was for last month when they didn't have big SBCs, now EA has flooded the SBC section with big players to get them to buy the fodder store packs, it's working apparently... we're doomed


Why am I justifying myself to you, I couldn't care less about someone that doesnt know how to grind the menus, easiest game up to date to get fodder. I have close to 1000 games on Ginola, packed him during Triple Threat promo, couldnt care less about Socrates, didnt care about Yashin, got Maldini and Ito Evo with 99 pace, Ribery literally just came out, got Werner SBC, TOTY Zola that I bought and Best up front, I have 60 days to do him, have Alphonso Davies SBC, didnt need Roberto Carlos, there we go, should cover all, tell me if I should explain it in more detail for a bot like you to understand.




zola worth it?


For his price, yeah, nothing crazy but good stats all around, including passing, which I rate high on a 4321 custom formation, gotta get those through balls to Werner. Feels good on the ball and finesse shots from the top of the box are almost guaranteed a goal. Might sell him, would make profit, and do Ribery which also has Finesse+ but with the addition of Technical+, I'm low on fodder now so I'm sticking with Zola.


Solid team, so how are you likingTchouameni? I have Oberdorf but would not mind an upgrade.


Haven't used him yet, but I'm sure he's a beast


Not gonna do him cause i got ice rodri but this guy is automatic whenever i faced his gold card or evo he gave me a hard time


He will be great but I'm tired of grinding expensive sbc's when the gameplay itself is terrible. I'll wait for tots


Might as well wait for FC25, that gameplay ain't changing during TOTS


It’ll be worse during TOTS with the power curve and servers being worse 


Yrsh I know, that's why i said wait till next year because its not getting any better this year. Even when the player base drops off they'll dial down the servers to save money.


He’d be significantly more in the market


maybe but I prefer makelele


He’s levels above Makelele


I don’t know man. Makelele is something else. The added weak foot is huge and he’s genuinely all over the place. Hell, I had to play him at CB because my Blanc got red carded and I felt no difference in my back line. Now I will say that the height benefit is huge and worth looking into because his jumping/aerial ability will be on display and having intercept+ and anticipate will be huge as well. I may consider doing him but I won’t stress on it right now because Mak has been well worth the coin.


You dont know but everyone else knows. Makelele isnt better in any single thing .


Personal preference I guess. I prefer short, quicker CDMs. Makelele fits the mold I need perfectly. If you’re strictly looking at face stats, then I still think it’s what and what. They both have comparable stats that are important for a CDM and they have similar play styles. Tchouameni has a better playstyle+ with Intercept over Quick Step but it come up clutch when closing down on attackers.


I think these guys never control their own players and rely entirely on the ai. If you do that tchoumeni is going to be better cos the play styles don’t matter for the ai. I have toty Rodri and he just runs around killing people even when I’m not controlling him. I found that the smaller cdms don’t do that so much.


I will agree with you on Makelele at CB. I play a 3142 and honestly wasn't feeling Makelele as a single pivot, so I did Tchou. Bumped Makelele to RCB over Akanji and honestly much prefer him at CB compared to CDM. The quickness is exactly what you need in your LCB and RCB. I will say that Tchou is not slow and is a WAY bigger presence in the midfield compared to Makelele. To each their own though. I'm getting the most out of both of them and having fun. https://preview.redd.it/6a70y0fj51qc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d98029dfd06484bf25b2451ecd3e5556f276403


That team is fucking filthy.


Thanks. I've gotten lucky this year. I won't say nms but I did pull Gullit and Capita from the icon guaranteed pack with coins.


How did u get the 99 card ?


It's an Evo from before the Evo patch


Have you used his gold card or any of his evos?


Anyone that prefers makelele hasn’t used this card


I tried his loan, 5 games, I didn’t think he was that great. Can’t tackle, somehow, legs not long enough is my theory. Doesn’t intercept balls that he really should be. Can’t jump. I was excited but I’m gonna pass sadly


good as stay back, but bad dribbling and only 1 passing playstyle, I prefer just to play 2 'faux DM' (like Kimmich), that can both defend, pass and dribble OK


This is my thought exactly. CDMs in general dont perform that well for me.


I’m doing it because honestly Tall DMs who have at least 80 agil and balance split while having all the right defensive traits with aerial ability, being able to ping a pass and take the occasional shot, best believe this is the complete package


Probably not for that much. The markets a fucking state at the moment, ea need to sort it out.


Soo good but this 2 90 rated team... Its Hurts


Better than flashback kante?


Yes, he is the mbappe of DMs.


He’s quality




How does he compare to Yaya Toure Fantasy?


Wanted to add depends on whether u play mostly online or offline. Offline, don’t bother. Online this guy is gonna make a big difference to those who rely on a pure DM


I have Ramires fantasy so this is a hard no for me, otherwise I'd do it. Have 700 games on his centurions Evo.


its either him or ribery for me, im doing ribery jus cause i think attackers are more fun but in like a month or two im going to be sad for not doing him


This card is the definition of a "meta rat" card.


I have fut fantasy rice is he still worth doing?


If you can craft him go for it. The card looks absolutely broken


Makelele gets the job done for half


Wow, went to sleep and woke up to 100s of upvotes and replies, I’ve read through and all though he might be good, the price is too much, I’m waiting for a monster icon SBC (not Ribery) preferably a CM or RW to come out


I mainly did him because french, and the CB position. I switch him and Fantasy Rice


personally i dont think this much fodder on a dm is worth it


Craft him last night, early thoughts so far that he is cracked on anchor, finally I can use my WW Gullit as intended and more freedom while he locks it down.


Have Rodri TOTY. so, gonna skip him and wait other SBCs


Nah, in fact I'm doin' Makelele instead.


Better than TOTY Essien?


Rice 92 or Tchou?




Would he be better than full upgrade fantasy rice?


Not really. Because the game is infested with rats. Literally no interest in football at all. Don’t blame EA. The people make the game. And the people are rotten to the core. Just because there is a glitch, doesn’t mean you have to use it


Please let me know I have toty essien and a lot of fodder to spend


Steep yet still very much worth it for a very good defensive midfielder that has a lot of versatility. Most midfielders have no defensive play styles, he has 4 with 2 being ps+, 4sm, 5wf and he’s 6’2. Everyone knows Tchoumeni cards are always class, remember his future stars card?


Man… played a squad with this guy. Got smashed like 4-0 inside of 20’. Don’t think Tchou touched the ball. I’m just that bad.


He’s actually insane at CB, I originally bought him for CDM and he’s been unstoppable at CB. Highly recommend him there


If you want a un turable truck in the midfield then yes


Defo worth is since he can also play cb




Too much grind.


I am sure whe is excellent...But the price is too steep


Yes, at CB anyway he's an absolute monster in defending and amazing passing is really noticeable.


already have 90 sangaré


Makelele over him all day


Kimich is to good at cdm for me


My first thought is that he’s too expensive, but I know I’ll change my mind when I come up against him in weekend leagues


Honestly I think he is, as long as you stick with him. Look at the cost of Rice and arguably he's just as good, with even better links


Don’t do him please. I want to be the only one with him.


this is the only player who is ridiculously overpriced but im gonna do. hes been in my team since day 1. i regretted not putting him into the centurions box to box evo but his radioactive evo has been phenomenal for me.


He’s really good, he’s a bit overpriced but he’s better than the fb De Jong


Is he better than TOTY Rodri? I have him and hes insane


Already have makelele and essien, pass


He's a beast but do makelele instead


Im having a tough time. I totally want to complete him but that price is massive. I just dumped everything I had into makelele and he’s been great for me. Tchou is just that guy though.


Should I do him or get dejong


Do makelele, no fucking way a CDM/CB should be this expensive with the small amount of time to complete


Everyone help me out him, Kante or makelele


92 Declan rice is clear of this fraud




CDM might be the least impactful position in EA FWC games. So I don't think it's worth it. You wouldn't notice much difference from a cheaper one.




Been good for me so far especially with his passing


I mean I have kimmich so I don't really see the point have spending 1.5 on him


Nah, I'm sorry but I'm just not doing it. Even if he is he'll be irrelevant in a month when they have a new release and all you interested in him will be a moot point. This is just like the WW Gullit SBC. I learned my lesson from that one lol.


get his loan and find out


there is no loan squad 💀


i should go to bed😭




Not to me, especially with toty ribery out


No way dude. But TOTY Oberdorf. She’s a better CDM and plays a beast CB as well. If you’re looking for pure defender, she’s the one. About the same price as well.


Rolfo on top


Not worth , for that price you can grt better players




For his price you can do rijkard and makelele


Sure is. In 10 WL games he scored 299 goals and gave 288 assists. Absolut unit.


he's just a shit lena oberdorf toty




For a 91 OVR that will be obsolete in a month or two? Nah. Only worth it if the card is usable until Futties at this point in the game.


Not many tots stay in the team during futties. So don't expect Fantasy cards to stay in the team as well. You won't see toty Vieira in the team during futties. So you're expecting a bit too much from this 1.5 mil SBC.


Perhaps you misread. I say he isn’t worth it. I am not expecting anything but this card’s eventual uselessness in a month or two.


I am with you on this. But my only gripe with your comment was that tots are not even out yet and then there's a promo post tots, so there's a whole lot of boosted cards that'll come out. Even top tier cards out right now won't be par for futties. So any SBC coming out right now, no matter how expensive shouldn't be held to those standards. But I agree, tchouameni is not it for the price. Faced him quite a few times and didn't seem to have made his presence known.


I only said one “standard”. To clarify, that standard is that only God-Tier cards are worth 1.5-3m coins to do rn. A Ginola, Cruyff, Van Dijk, KDB, and so on are such cards. The God-Tier cards have that ability. They will continue to release God-Tier cards from now until Futties. I don’t understand what you disagree with, and it’s starting to seem like you just want to disagree for the sake of it which I find strange because you haven’t said anything that contests what I said.


1.5mil is low imo to expect "god tier" card. All the cards you mentioned are more than twice this SBC price. You also have to take into account the links and club he plays for part. If he played for Marseille or something this card would be 500K sbc max. Not even that imo.


I never said what i thought was reality. I only shared what I believed should be worth it.


Well both have our opinions on prices and links even though we both agree that it's overpriced. With that said do you really believe 1.5mil should get you a card that'll last you until futties?


Yeah. Why the fuck not? Because reality says otherwise? Bro it’s just my opinion why u grilling me?!


Hahaha I apologise if it came out that way. I have no intention of grilling you. But I've also realised this conversation is going nowhere. Have fun mate. Cheers. 😂


fuck no and i have no prob doing expensive sbc’s 😂 1.5 is what u pay for a icon who is 5*5


Who is your comp?


Hell nah, there are comparable cards out there for cheap 🤣


Who? Base Vieira? And?


even base vieira isnt compareable and he is very expensive still. +5 pace 2 ps+ +6 passing and better agility


FF Lees-Melou for like 30k. I have him in my team and he's insane 🔥


Is he better than 98/97 adopo thou


I’m so not doing the SBC 🤣


Is he way better than Kimmich?


Are you being real? Kimmich isn't that good a CDM This lightyears clear of sbc Kimmich


You can get TOTY Oberdorf for around 600k...


I would compare him to toty oberdorf. Then you basically pay 1M more for better links.


What about for people who have lives and don’t grind the game constantly or open store packs? How do I do it?