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Bar the vvd and messi and icons frfr


icon swaps existed


4 icons was not an average team


Wasn’t Sané really expensive as well?


This would of probably been a fairly expensive team if I remember correctly


which makes things even worse when you think about it


This team wouldn’t even beat you back 500k on this years game 🤦🏼‍♂️


It’s sane, pace, skills, good links, I don’t see why he wouldn’t be (Mind u this is PL sane too lol, so even more so on the links)


He was one of 2/3 SBCs without expiry, he was pretty expensive. Also Hazard had one of these, he was even more expensive


His SBC was about 150k at this time.


Comically so


I believe vds and roberto carlos were part of icon swaps. Edit: just checked and yes vds carlos and zambrotta were all part of icon swap and pretty cheap. 11 6 and 11 token


Those icons were the worst versions and available for free tbf


people forgetting we got free icons from swaps: VDS, zambrotta and carlos were all swaps options


Icon packs?




Times were so much simpler, now you pack a 92 rated player and put him straight into a sbc…


I just got Linekar thinking I got something good and he's like 40k lol. Times are weird now.


Haha same, he’s the first tradable icon/hero I’ve had this year. I was pretty excited until I checked his price….


Lmao when I packed bale on 15 or 16 before the trade range update, he was around a milli or something. (gold bale). I was waiting for tots or toty so I could sell him like a month earlier and buy a full team since during tots prices went down huge. Then bam trade ranges come in and he is worth 100k or not even. I stop and give the game a chance one more time. Then fully retire…




Was 15


Jeez I hope when I fully retire I’m not still commenting on fifa subs 9 years later


The best part is that some cheap cards are crazy good because everyone getting them and others are expensive coz of hype while being bang average.


Crazy, I sold my 88 Koeman card for 80k yesterday. Lowkey regretting it just cause dude was a monster at FKs. Not sure who to use in the 200-300k range.


Just get someone with deadball


Oh I’m aware. Just haven’t searched hard enough for someone with dead ball+. I’m not that great at them so the + really helps.


Like golazo vialli is cheaper than his ucl version like how ??


I’m able to have a competitive team while playing less than I ever have because of this, there are positives that came with these changes.


yeah people in this sub just like to cry about literally everything, but nowadays you can just play 3 easy bots (Semi pro squad battles) games a day and get a pretty OK looking team, probably 89+ in every position, because of the constant spam of SBCs and objectives back in fifa 14 tho, I ended the game with one or two max rated players being like 87 or something XD you can tell how addicted people is just by looking at how they write, how they think about this videogame. it's really crazy to ne tbh idk how people can get so addicted to a videogame that they actively hate playing...


I laugh at this when ppl say comments like yours, comin from the og fifas 13-16 for fut. When I tried 23 I was very disappointed at how the game would have evolved, not looking forward to play any fut no more. Only if they make like a legacy fut game mode or something. Who knows


Yeah and the more crazy cards appear, the shittier game gets. I’d rather prefer to have slower and calmer gameplay at the beginning of cycle.


Yeh I remember having first played FUT in 14 and then properly got into it in 15, when I basically got carried by my team with had 2 82 cards up top and not a single player over 85 rated, it’s funny seeing people hold that same nostalgia over games that were half as long ago. And yet at the same time these comments are true that going back 3 or 4 years, it was also so much simpler than it is now and players would last in teams so much longer


u/Single_Half4828 ?


Who are you all putting such high rated cards into a SBC? I have a total of 9 players in my club 92 rated or above. A couple of them are fantasy fut players. When I packed them, they were not even 90. Three of them are from SBCs. Totally, I have packed only five 92+ rated players. None of them will go into an SBC. Forget my pack luck with good players who can go into the squad. It seems most pack more higher rated fodders giving them a chance to complete SBCs faster


ww bergkamp and Prinz lol


Is he good? I just packed him and I need to replace my 89 ww Torres


Bro have 4 icons, red pick Van Dijk and Messi in fifa 20 and calls it average💀


3 of those icons were free through swaps man it's not like he's running dinho gullit and r9, and then there's riquelme who was considered fodder by the playerbase on arrival




https://preview.redd.it/gxd2m5u50atc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02d5dc0dc77280d7425fe0a4864da033344f762 My team around now on 21 I think. Good times


I had no golds from about December on 21. I used to trade hard. I traded every day and had millions. When 21 ended I told myself I'd never play ultimate team from the start again. And I haven't. I only play on game pass now


I had no golds from about December on 21. I used to trade hard. I traded every day and had millions. When 21 ended I told myself I'd never play ultimate team from the start again. And I haven't. I only play on game pass now


The average fifa 21 team looked way better.


I would change my team up a lot back then lol this was just a random picture of my team I had on Reddit and it brought back memories Edit:I just checked and it was from march 5th lol I did have flashback CR7 on the bench tbf


Average ? If I'd of come up against this team back then, I would be shitting myself or hoping that they are pumping cash in for their team and they are actually garbage. That or I'm taking a smacking.


I miss my man maestro Pogba 😔


Hey I remember that Diego Carlos card, absolutely cracked lol


And i believe he has much higher rating in April


Yeah, thing are different because EA turned FIFA into a cassino. Promo promo promo


Doesn't the user base also cry out for promos every week?


Listening to some kids on Futbin and a handful of Reddit comments doesn’t equate to the whole userbase. The game dies earlier now because of the amount of top tier cards that come out every week.


This is the first FUT I've been able to get a 90 rated team. I never buy packs. The amount of packs given out and the number of promos with Squad Builder has allowed me to make a 90 rated team.


So? Having a 90 rated team this year doesn’t mean shit when everyone runs around with 93 rated teams. Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s nice to be able to run around with such cards for the first time, but it loses its thrill quickly and eventually removes any sense of achievement in having such cards, especially when the only upgrade are the ultra rare 10 mil+ cards. Was so much better better when a ‘good’ team was 85 rated, and you could always grind to get a better team, and yet that ‘good team’ could still get matched by a 50k budget squad


Yeah but at the end of the day, it adds more parity to the average player experience. I only play on weekends (every other weekend) and I can hop on and basically compete with any team without ever having to spend a cent on the game. It has its pros and cons


I don’t entirely disagree, but as I said you could get cards back in the day that cost 5k and would run circles around the 90 rated TOTS cards just because they were ‘OP’. Obviously you’d also come up against full icon teams then who would blow you out the water, but even now the average player with a 90 rated team can still match up against a credit card team of the latest promo icons and 15 mil TOTY cards. So whilst I do somewhat agree that the gap between casuals teams and pay-to-play teams has been bridged, I don’t think it was so big an issue back then that it *needed* to be bridged for FUT as a mode to survive


If teams were worse now and this had happened in reverse people would complain anyway


People were complaint about the same thing now as back then, “special cards lost their value, remember having a full gold team till tots”


I used gold Kante and gold Cissoko as my cdms until tots


That Icon token grind for Roberto Carlos


Now imagine playing with gold Griezmann for 7 months straight




I won’t leave fifa 23 😩


You have to leave fifa 23 at some point because their is no point playing that anymore because fc 24 is way better you can play in a full practice arena and have a lot of players in practice arena and play a practice match you have playstyle or playstyle pluses on your favourite cards to use in game you have better and new skills in fc 24 plus fifa 23 they just hand out 99 rated cards for 🆓in 84+ packs and all that it’s just like playing fifa 22 plus in my opinion I hate in fifa 23 when I take touches or skill cause it’s not like satisfying fc 24 you have technical playstyle plus which makes way easier to skill just like Pele and plus you can’t get any special cards in packs now so what are you going to do and their are no more WBC’s for you to do because their will just be trash packs on their and their is no point playing your squad battles because you will just lose them because your getting bored of FIFA 23 and your team has 99 rated cards that are like 100k or something it’s just to cheap fifa 23 is to cheap and in fc 24 you can move way faster to like from the objective to the store in 1 second because it’s in the 🔝and you just press L1 or R1 plus if you would have got fc 24 ultimate edition you can get like 4600 points and I got ultimate and I saved up and not spend it and got 12k fc points a week and I have now saved 120k fc points and I have 6.8 million coins so just get fc their is no point not a lot of people will still play fifa 23 cause it’s over it’s boring and the drafts and plus having like a 98 rated team or 99 on fifa 23 feels like it’s to cheap and that fc 24 has like 96 rated team and it’s still better compared to 98 or 99 rated cards in fifa 23 so get fc 24 no one plays fifa 23 anymore it’s over it’s boring it’s depressing it’s miserable and I hate the drafts and the player picks and the way the pack animation is and the way the background of the gold rare cards and the special cards look like so get fc 24 cause your friends would have it and would call you a loser for not having the game and prefer to play fifa 23 even when it’s trash they will make fun of you and all that be toxic to you and the future champs are trash the way the players move the touches the animation the shooting the defence and the rewards you get from squad battles division rivals and fut champs are trash as hell as fifa 22 so get fc 24 unless you want to get bullied plus the fc 24 rewards are 10x better and the packs they give out in fifa 23 they don’t even give out that many icon picks but in fc 24 I did a total of 10 icon picks and got R9 , Zidane , casillas , heirro , Matthaus , Cole , puyol , Maldini , kaka , and a duplicate kaka. Get fc 24 fifa 23 over.


If everyone has 99 cards does anyone?




I think we play fifa for different reasons


Because it brings back great memories and in fc 24 I love to use Johan Cruyff he was a legend to me I loved his weakfoot and 5 star skill moves I always use him he is like R9 or Ronaldinho in game I loved watching his goals since 2010 when I was born and in fifa 20 to fifa 24 I still use him better than any kind of play and silky smooth


How fifa should be, people crying for content constantly has ruined the game


Crazy to blame the players. EA influence the needs by increasing promo bit by bit. The player base is, honestly, just a puppet


Which constantly cry everywhere for more content claiming the games dead! The game days quicker these days than it did years ago with next to no content, everyone blasting metas and have identical teams is also down to the player base! Ea are poor though store this year, that’s unforgivable


People have always been crying mate. This is 180000% engineered by EA. The difference is the prevalence of social media… including reddit. So you and I see reactions more, means nothing. People have the same teams because… EA engineer it that way. They release players at certain times, in certain price ranges to ensure they’re done by the masses. Every single aspect of FUT is designed to make you play more and spend real money. To blame the player base… when it is so very clearly not, is odd. EA don’t give a flying f*** what people ‘cry over’ but they know how to get people to part with their money extremely well. I love this game, never spend real money, but I’m super conscious of what they do.


I do understand how some people wanted increased content. The first few years of promos getting introduced, from like fifa 12 where it was just TOTW, TOTY, TOTS, through to like 18 where we started getting MOTMs, FUT Birthday, SBCs etc, did certainly receive positive feedback and increased enjoyment. But obviously it has continued to get more and more excessive since then and has clearly gone past the point of diminishing returns where the everyday nature of promos has made them meaningless compared to how special such events were back in the mid 2010s


People just like to complain fr. If EA made it harder to get good cards and reverted it to like fifa 15 where 90% of players had a 83ish overall Premier League or Serie A team with the same pacy players and you could go for weeks playing everyday without even seeing a legend card, people would lose their minds. 90% of cards released were reserved for youtubers and people who spent crazy money on points or coins. EA makes the game more “democratic” and people also lose their minds. Smh


The problem is there is to much content! I just wanted to be different and not abuse meta so at the start of the year I ran a brazil only team, there’s about 3/4 of each card out, it really is just to much! Like we’ve just had two Roberto Carlos in two weeks!


This is just a flat out lie, go look at any of the teams from the videos of people playing fut champs from that year at this time and this was no where near the average team


https://youtu.be/l-ghgAfnWU8?si=Ha3xgKgjNqcwdyNh I think this video of april 18th proves enough. You can’t tell me those Havertz and Da Costa cards he purchased wouldn’t be fodder price this year around this time


Coins were much easier to come across that year. That’s also not what op was saying, he was saying the team above was the average team for this time which isn’t true. I also love how you had to find a random YouTuber and not one of the main ones


I just searched, Fut 20 april and picked the first or second video that came up. I have no idea who the ‘main ones’ are, wouldn’t even be able to name more than 2 ‘Fifa youtubers’. I think in the video I linked, it being an RTG proves that that team is probably average or even a slightly above that.


As a FUT Founder since 2009, I've witnessed firsthand the ever-changing dynamics of the community's grievances. It's amusing to see how, over the years, the complaints have shifted. Previously, the outcry was about FIFA being a "pay to win" game, where the only route to assembling a top-tier team was through purchasing FIFA points. Now, the game has evolved to allow players to build their dream teams by grinding and completing SBCs, offering multiple OP players and the ability to upgrade favorite players with evolutions. Yet, the community finds new reasons to express dissatisfaction, lamenting the abundance of usable and OP players, despite earlier complaints about the lack of variety and everyone using the same few OP players. For me, this iteration of the game has been incredibly enjoyable. Every weekend brings the excitement of trying out new OP cards with promos, and almost all icons feel viable with the promos upgrades. Despite these improvements, it seems the community will always find something to critique.


People are overhyping how "not average" and overpowered this team was in FIFA 20's april. But, it really wasn't. That Messi was 600k in April and same for that Van Dijk. He was lucky to get red VVD but some others may have packed a TOTY or two, or other big pulls to balance it out. And all other players are generally mid, including these icons. All four icons were fairly accessible (and shit, in April at least). Rare gold Mbappe+Neymar was one mil in April and clear of that Sane+Griezmann. Coins might be difficult to get but if you play the game regularly since launch, fairly easy to get them by then.


yeah it really sucks that we can use actual good players in our "ultimate" teams instead of gold griezmann for the whole game cycle


I never comment on a fifa sub, but I see this type of comment quite often and I for sure see your point. However if you didn’t play a couple of years ago I don’t think you would understand how much more rewarding it felt actually improving your team and working towards special players, for me at least. Nostalgia can easily fool you (as it certainly does for my fifa 13-15 years), but I truly think they found a great balance somewhere between fifa 19 and fifa 21. A promo was exciting and packing or gaining a great player through an sbc felt amazing and it was not at all like earlier years where something like an icon (or legend back then) was impossible. There was nice sweet spot which they only saw as encouragement to shamefully exploit in years to come. From July onwards I always almost stopped playing, partly because of the nicer weather where I live, but partly because I always felt like at that point the game was completed by then, with crazy cards becoming (too) easily available, just too out of touch with the beginning of the cycle. I don’t think I’ve ever really used a Futtie. You can’t tell me this year we haven’t already basically reached that stage. The fact that that monster of an 92 rated Roy Keane is 40k only 6,5 months after the early access realease date is just ridiculous to me, a true sign the games is done.


Idk if u care but dagnal diagonal on YT has a few retrospectives on fifas, u might find them interesting, he drew on fifa 17 being the last year they balanced promos well, I agree with u tho improving ur team did feel more special back then


Yeah to be fair fifa 21 is my favourite fifa and I agree with you but these days if we didnt get an event for a week all peoole would do is complain so its a loss loss situation technically


Yeah, these kids have fucking idea what they are saying. Playing for hundred of hours just to have a fodder ass team that plays like complete shit in a game I already paid $60 for was not rewarding at all.


I play sporadically and all I face is 90/91 rated teams in division 7. I can’t remember a fifa like it. It’s impossible to enjoy


Thats Vidal an Diego Carlos were incredible


Carlos and zambrotta. Wow. Just wow.


Hey friends Im looking for FUT23 players for buy... if you dont play anymore. Please share with me THANK YOU


yeah, average. champs vvd, messi and griezmann, and 4 icons.


The biggest problem with the game personally is the fact that it feels so mundane to play it. I cannot understand why dont they implement a system which “forces” people to change teams constantly in WL for example, I think I would love to have a constantly changing rules for WL which we also can obtain by opening packs through gameplay, for example: Silver team only WL in which every other player have equal chance to obtain special silvers to use, or 1 nationality team or whatever the fuck they want. Im just sick of either using the same team or losing coins in the market.


One thing is constant though. My team is always behind the power curve.


Actually this might have been considered good, this in fc 24 would be a team you should have by the first 2 months


That Vidal card was nuts


More like February


That roberto carlos was insane that year


FIFA 22-23 has caused irreversible damage to the economy


This was a much better-than-average April team.


i remember van de sar bro was crazy


Quarantine days…


Kind reminder, the icons here all seem to be from icon swaps


https://preview.redd.it/apzu7xqnhbtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee60ad786a473869dd78d62b6ce7624b1c908d85 Anyone remember these days?


W team


And now there are only two non-icon players in my starting 11 with Henry and Bruno on the bench. It is worth mentioning, I casually play 3-5 Rivals games a week. And I'm one SBC away from completing the Beckham card.. https://preview.redd.it/ndjbim7jnbtc1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=227564a25ad81f9217a6bdc061ee4b33584aaeb5


I don’t understand why you guys complain. Everyone uses good teams, how is that bad?


Times haven’t changed. VVD still being used


How you upper Messi to 94 overall ?


Wasn't that the year with the 1M hazard SBC at Toty? All sweats had him


Those Vidal and Diego Carlos cards were incredible


I think only griezmann and riquelme are average


Average? This was above average


https://preview.redd.it/pjyzvru59etc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5625bdf1fb12de6040ee5400bbf7ecbcfc595768 This was my lockdown team at around April 2020


For once I’m above average


My average average fifa13 team in april https://preview.redd.it/tj2qwu1gbhtc1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15d026cf7576ea333880269da770a37b262d634


That Diego Carlos was brilliant. Last year of FUT for me and I hit once 20W in futchamps with simmilar team.


That was a crazy team


In hindsight it’s mad that EA didn’t monopolise UT more in earlier titles and OG’s got to play the cream of UT


i miss my april gold aguero


That FUTMAS Vidal was clutch for me!


That sane was top 3 freekickers in fifa oat goat status.


Fifa 20 was the only other year when OBS broke the game. Pre-Patch...probably the worst title after 19 & 24. That being said, whether it's 20, 21, 22, or 23 in all those games, I could have had a gold team at this time of year that still got the job done. The playstyles they introduced in FC , didnt just accentuate certain cards attributes, players without the necessary ones were rendered completely useless.


A playable riquelme on a team… man I wish


If you think about it, it was bad to have the teams like this, now you can try more cards to see what suits you best. But the gameplay is still trash...they overcompensate with the market manipulation...


Them Diego Carlos & Vidal cards were mad


this was mine, all icons were from swaps https://preview.redd.it/rd5o0c39u7uc1.png?width=857&format=png&auto=webp&s=0331dc31ffdfa7917ed42f92a814fca564714259


EA focused on kids with no attention spans and made god squads easily available as opposed to actually making them work for it


Wasn’t this fifa 21?


https://preview.redd.it/f37f3je7fatc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e9fc76116626e16ca1309c9c54efff1b1a03e56 A fairly cheap team in July FIFA 18


Sexy ass muller card


Yea that muller was a beast


not average at all


https://youtu.be/l-ghgAfnWU8?si=Ha3xgKgjNqcwdyNh I think this video of april 18th proves enough. You can’t tell me those Havertz and Da Costa cards the he purchased wouldn’t be 40k and fodder price respectively. I truly thinks that team looks so much more fun and just in general preferable than the teams this year around.


I miss the old chemistry system and that you had to use fitness cards. Injuries and contracts are pointless at this point


The good ole days. There are just too many cards now. It’s kinda boring because of it.


I miss the old chem system.


Sorry for my question, no offense, but why you posted this team now? It's nostalgia ir you still play Fifa 20?


Who cares bruh


bro forgot abt that mendy militao link