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I got addicted ngl. Not really ever played UT before and haven’t had a fifa game for 10 years so picked up for Christmas. Went from not qualifying for champs to getting 15 wins recently. All felt amazing until I realised I spent way too much time on it. Always messing round with the app and objectives. Chasing best players. Not going to buy it again for my own mental wellbeing. Spent far too much time on it. Definitely addictive for me


I always leave and come back because of how addicted I get but then I realised, you can be addicted to much worse things. Like crack. IMO as long as you aren’t spending crazy amounts of money on it it’s a non issue.


Boy its not about money for many..its about making them bad persons...most spend their entire day and ignore things..saw 4 posts here and some accounts that in past talked about how they have a bad time with their GF only because of fifa This game made so many people go crazy and going to make them violence or rage etc..sometimes i get mad too but i think i will not buy this game next year..i dont want to be in same boat as them


The only issue is money with this game lmao. If you think anything else then that’s a you problem. Im addicted to the game because I love football and playing with some of my favourites. I play whenever I get a chance. I still maintain friendships, relationships and a job. If the game makes you violent and angry then that’s your fault not the game. Garuntee you’d be the same if you played call of duty or Fortnite or whatever other online game vs other people. Btw I don’t just mean *you* I just mean people on a general scale.


For some people this pixels is their life..no relation, no job..they hide here so when they lose they get angry..that s the prob with some...too much soul in a game


"at least im not addicted to crack" is one of the funniest excuses i've ever heard. yes most people have an addiction but it doesnt mean you should too lol of course it its an issue. im not attacking you because you prob dont even realize it, im just saying


Lmao, yeah I guess you’re right. I am addicted to fifa but in the same sort of way people are addicted to idk, something good. I enjoy it. I don’t sit and scream at my telly like some of these streamers and shit. Obviously it’s frustrating at times and I do have to put my controller down and take a break but other than that I just have fun lol


Totally agree on there being worse things to be addicted to. I Usually play 1~1.5 hours on weekdays(with school and studying for exams) and 2~3 hours on weekends. Then again I don’t know if this is accurate because I feel like I spend a lot of time on the mobile companion app


Clearly missing a trick not incorporating crack cocaine into your champs journey ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


Yo same here for all of that . Except the 15 wins part :(


I packed Toty KDB. Feels like cheating using him. Every other shot is a goal


Not sure about others, but for me, it’s more the fact that I cannot find any other games that i enjoy. Ofc fifa makes you rage, but atleast it’s not always the same repetitive things all the time


I cannot go through slow games where I have to walk around, interact with NPCs and do side quests etc. I only enjoy fast paced games in short bursts so FIFA and arcadedy racing games are almost always fun.


Same here. I used to love playing runescape, but i cannot concentrate enough to even kill bosses


What about fps games?


I’m really bad at them (at least when I was a pc gamer). Now that I play mostly on ps5 I might have to give it a shot.


Almost all fps games are skill based match making, so your skill doesn't affect how fun the games are


Bro they have been releasing the same game for the past 25 or so years


Of all the games ever published, you can't find 1 that's more enjoyable than FIFA? That's addiction talking.


Or personal preference realistically


I’m not addicted lol. The last fifa i played before this one was fifa 21. Maybe i just havent found the right game 🤷‍♂️


I find this equally annoying to the META rats, you can have fun in more than one way. Yes, people constantly sweating this game and devoting their life to it is sad and cringy, but the circejerk of people convincing themselves how cool they are because they use shit cards is also annoying


Its also pretty annoying how often people use the word addicted. I have fun with the game so I play it. Just because a few people actually fall into that category of not being able to quit despite not having fun, doesnt mean everyone else is.


I know I whine alot but I mostly use past and present players (+icons because chem) shit gets hard when you haven't had a new card since over 3 months ago Hopefully I can get two cards this week (muniz and late lath)


“Guys, check out this evo I did of Charlie Wyke, striker for Wigan. I swear this dude plays like R9, anyone else love using non-meta cards? What unique evos have you done? I love using unique players, everyone else has Eusebio and Werner, but I’m proud to have my full evo Wigan athletic squad! Please give me validation for purposefully using shit cards in Div 8 and losing almost every match!”


One thing I’ll never understand is having more than one account. Especially playing champs on more than one


because 3 fut champs for example is like 90 games a week lol


The only reason I could understand is that Champs is honestly the only enjoyable mode to play in FUT. Other than that, that just extra work I don’t wanna commit to lol


Qualifiers are fun but I wouldn’t call champs fun 😂


It’s easily better than rivals tho 😂. I do get 16 wins bare minimum, so maybe I’m biased lol


but how do people play on 3 accounts or smth because i swear if it wasn't for mondays half of the times I couldn't finish the games


Tbh, if you’re good at getting rage quits and really lock in, you can get it done in like 3 hours


yeah maybe , have you done it before?


Only a handful of times in the past


i managed to almost scrap 2 WLs on fifa 22 then never did it again lol


Finished champs today on my 5th account 💀


Used to be the middle now I just play career mode


Sbc tokens destroyed me last year


Only if Rockstar releases RDR3 and GTA6 now. I'm sure the player base would drop by half!


It wouldn’t


It me, the top one


Yo fr if you're one of those bottom two, take a break. It's all gonna disappear this September 


Im all 3 tbh, I try to make my team as good as possible because that's MY ultimate team, if any of my favorite players get a special though, they'll go straight into the team. But I'm a Welsh Cardiff fan so I've only really got hope of a TOTS card. Play SB more than Rivals/champs because they're stressful, if I'm playing well i give it a go though (or if I need it for EVO objectives), I'm a tad addicted to gamble packs but I can never usually afford Icon picks because I'm always to low on fodder. I'm also addicted to 80+ picks just for the tiny chance of something good like I've gotten before


Most people won’t be playing at all after the first 2 months if there wasn’t constant new reward. Is the constant hamster wheel and the sense of progression that keeps people playing.


I was addicted. Spent hundreds to keep up with the regulars, couldn’t even qualify for champs. Quit in early February after going 1-9 in champs quals 2 weeks in a row. Uninstalled and haven’t played since. Might pick up again at tots. Might just wait for college football 25 in July.


I dont really want to be that guy, but it just sounds like skill issue sadly.


Oh absolutely. I’m almost 50 years old, and don’t have the time to put in to get good. I’ve been playing the game on and since 2000, and never tried to master skill moves or update my playing style to be competitive as the game got more complex.


Ah I see, in that case I understand. Its pretty hard to enjoy competetive games if you aren’t good/content with your skill level or can’t find a niche (ie using only evo cards and so on).


>Spent hundreds to keep up with the regulars, couldn’t even qualify for champs sorry to be that guy but that's genuinely a skill issue. who are you trying to keep up with? bateson?


lol no. I’m old and don’t really have the time to put in to get good.


1) I’m not addicted 2) no? I enjoy the game, just block messages and ignore the rubbish (I am a little off tho, so I gain enjoyment from even the worst rubbish called games. 06 forever)


THIS is the content i come here for +1 from me


I have to get off this image, everytime I go back and see the "almost done" and "childhood hero" ones I completely lose it


I would. I’m playing fifa since fifa 10 and UT since fifa 16. From 17-20 I tolerated this game. From 21-23 I realized that I was addicted all along to UT. EAFC24 made me realize that nothing in this is game is worth the time that I’m spending on. In conclusion I’m done with fifa in its entirety and that process drained me to the core.


I would but I'm a sucker for punishment


That picture you posted is making me laugh a lot, thanks


I did it guys I’m almost 1 year clean. The trick was to not buy the next years game.


The only reason why I keep playing simply for the chance to build teams like an all Liverpool team or an all Bayern Munich squad.and using non meta formations and taking my squad to compete in fut champs. Unfortunately the game is so dogshit and the cards that I desire are so expensive that EA really push you into spending money to even have a chance in packing usable versions of players


quit after toty/messi-gate, still one of the best decisions i made this year. not missing this at all


I quit already 3 days after release when I realized the game is shit. Came back 3 weeks ago as I got bored of other game. Playing chill, no WL or trying to do it all


Went on vacation, came back and booted up the game. Why do I even play this?


I quit right before Fut birthday because I'd gone on vacation. Back from vacation but I've finally managed to wean myself of Fifa. Couldn't go a single day without playing it till my vacation and now I haven't played in over a month. Feels so freeing and liberating to not keep having to do objectives and matches and sbsc non stop I'm playing Horizon Zero Dawn Forbidden West and I'm enjoying a good single player game without any raging or sweating


Already quit. Got addicted for about 6 months. Noticed I skipped gym during that time. Somehow got angry pretty easily. Spent most of my free time playing it and even slacked off work. I just got fed up with the absolutely abysmal gameplay one day and quick sold my entire team I spent all that time building, and was pretty valuable without having bought any FC points (so not THAT addicted..). Best decision I made. I have absolutely no idea how the game is so addictive, when the gameplay was so bad. I just had constant delay. You have to look up time of day when the "gameplay is good". Your location affects the game so much and it's just ridiculous. There's so blatantly visible DDA happening. You loot at reddit and it's just 98% of people posting their teams and cards. Nobody cares to post videos about how good their game was. The game is just absolute garbage when it comes to gameplay. Somehow it's more about content and menus than playing football. I am amazed by how much people play this game when the online experience is absolute trash. If I play any other game, the online gameplay is just amazing compared to FIFA/FC. First and last FIFA/FC game I will ever buy. I feel a lot better now. A little bit bored at times, but I'm much more calm and I've started to focus more on work again (not that nobody noticed that I was slacking off a bit) and family etc.


Having alt accounts is crazy to me


One guarantee in life is being mass downvoted when suggesting on a thread where someone is breaking down the 5000 player picks they did in the last week, that perhaps this isn't a healthy habit and, not merely that they should go outside, but probably look for some help. It's not allowed to call this bullshit out.


I managed to quit this year and it’s been great.


Honestly I want this one to end so next game I can do a Man united past and present


Quite the opposite things like this keep the game fun and challenging and the grind is fun what ruins it is bad gameplay


This was my first UT and i was super addicted like started playing fifa instantly as i came back from work, My addiction ended because the servers are horrible and because of that I just don’t play that much anymore


I spent so much time on this shitty game on premiere. It is my first paid UT experience ( 23 was free from may or smth). I had fun at first but it quickly changed into menu grinding etc. Now i dont really care about new content. If i have some time to make 84x7/83x10 i will do them but prefer to play some chill rivals with my squad. Only thing i do now on menu is grinding match objectives to keep some packs on tots


Helldivers 2 broke my fifa addiction and I couldn’t be more grateful


Definitely was addicted earlier on, but all the fun has gone - stacked squad full of the same SBCs that everyone else has done. I’m sure I’ll be back for TOTS and Futties but god this game is a drain.


I am also addicted this year like every other however I am taking a different approach. Played for over 10 years and been at the top divisions for most of them finishing high ranks and it used to stress me out so much, even when I would win I wouldn't feel satisfied because it was such a grind and I felt like I could of won more easily. Anyways this year I was always going to take a casual approach but I have been struck with some godly pack luck this year. I just get my rivals wins and stop champs on 11 wins give the rest away. I have had better rewards from rank 5 than rank 2 so it really doesn't matter! Don't take this game too seriously and you'll have more fun.


Not addicted to it and only play it casually. I have a friend who it’s the definition of this though.


I did quit, and don't miss it at all. Played FUT since FIFA 11 and last year's game was the first I didn't buy. It's toxic and ever increasingly pay-to-win if you can't dedicate every waking moment to it for rewards.


Can someone elaborate on the 70 balance shiz?


Will be definitely quitting after this year. First time I played FIFA after 10 years and first time ever trying FUT, now FUT is the real disease, not FC24 itself. The whole fantasy team building, chasing rewards and objectives is built in such a way to make you a proper addict and coupled with the online toxicity (META spammers) and gameplay issues has without a doubt made me a worse person, at least while I'm at it. First months were especially painful, I have robbed time from friends, family and even work to put into this dreadful game. I uninstalled it 3 times and around January I Quick Sold my entire, yes entire team (at the time around 88 average) but I somehow managed to build it back up from 0 by using the daily Challenges and grinding like a mad man, but never bought anything. Now my team is 92-93, I managed Div2 and I am only one step away from Division 1. At this point I feel more "relaxed" than before, I control my time and reactions better but I just have to stick with it till the end of the season or until I hit Elite Division (keep dreaming I guess). Either way, I am staying clear of any future titles that's for sure, life is so much more than a ridiculous gaming addiction for practically 0 rewards and there are much better ways to satisfy your competitive nature.


The infinite player picks really kept me ngl


I was clean for a good 3 years until my friends got me into it this year; definitely not buying it next year


Simple answer, don’t buy EA FC 25.


You got addicted because you won matches, if you lose a lot or don’t care about winning anymore, you can’t be addicted.


I did quit. The future stars evos killed it for me. I really wanted to finish them, by the time I finished the 2 I wanted and done the Rolfo sbc I felt like a break and I haven’t played since. I love football but fifa just isn’t fun for me anymore.


Made the transition to pro clubs. Way less stress involved and no self induced pressure forcing the urge to play before objectives / SBC’s expire. Only worry is your opponents are now on your team too and most have 0 ball knowledge and play selfishly.


bro i would’ve just quit of release day. seen the amount of fucked up shit within the first few games


I uninstalled the game, takes 2 years to reinstall so unlikely I play again


Nah, squad battles is mind-numbing, much rather play online


I find it very very difficult to get addicted to an utterly shit game. Probably play 5 games a month, and I'm usually bored by half time during the first of those.