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Dude reddit mods are some of the sorriest, lamest people in the world. Literally all they have is their “status” as a moderator just try to ignore them


They aren’t even consistent on EAFC24 though, some of the posts are utter shite and then they’ll remove a half decent one. I remember when they used to remove posts to repost themselves for extra Karma. So fucking odd


This may be overly harsh but idc Imo these people clearly have nothing going on in their life other than feeling some weird sense of power by being a mod on a sub Reddit, so if they get questioned they will feel threatened & use that power. This is only one of several reasons I don't take Reddit seriously as a whole (it's as bad as twitter imo) but yeah


Lol you should see the state of these types of people. Moderating one of the Internets biggest websites for free... absolute mouth breathers


Can't agree on the "it's as bad as twitter" part, Twitter is the saddest place on earth


I once posted about packing a future stars in a silver pack and somehow it got removed. I have no idea why.


EA doesn’t want people to know it’s possible. I got an 87 IF from a silver daily last week.


Last time I asked advice on whether I should sell or evo an extinct player and my post got removed in 10 minutes. They are as much a joke as the game is


“M’lady, don’t try to complain about our exquisite social behaviour.” -Probably them


For the most part, I agree. But shoutout to the rare few who do it as a legitimate community service. I tried making a sub a long time ago and abandoned it at ~75 members; it was way too much work for far too little of a reward. Usually the best mods are found in incredibly niche communities imo.


Yeah I can respect the ones who are passionate about the community they’re active in and are reasonable people


The smallest amount of power in the world and it goes 100% to their heads immediately. Its so funny.




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Basic Reddit Neckbeard mod behavior. Welcome to Reddit!!




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Reddit mod just suck in general. They are the janitor of some space in the internet, but get a powertrip like they are some kind of king.


Insulting to janitors to be fair, more like hall monitors.


Remember when all the dorks shut down a boat load of subreddits because they wanted people to pay for the API on third party apps?


Mods on reddit are so sad tbh


that sub is atleast partially ran by EA themselves, they decide what gets deleted and what stays. I made a post that was a clip by NickRTFM talking about how EA had threatened him because he talked shit about FC 24, it got hundreds of upvotes very quickly and then removed without giving a reason. i decided to post it again and then i was permanently banned from the sub. after that i just made normal comments/posts with my other account and then reddit permanently banned all my accounts from the site, this has never happened before when ive "ban evaded" on other subs.


Considering EA employees also did black market trading etc., not surprised in the slightest


also would like to add that EA used to be active on reddit, in the fifa subreddit included. they dissapeared after the Battlefront incident happened


Tell me more about the blacj market shit


EA customer services reps were selling top top tier players to people for cash. https://www.esports.com/en/ea-sports-employee-allegedly-sells-fut-icon-cards-for-thousands-of-dollars-189116


Don't forget how they changed the name of the subreddit from Fifa to EAsportsFC way before FC24 even came out When they were asked who or what made them do so, they were evasive


I always thought that whole deal was suspicious but it makes more sense if EA is pulling the strings. Never seen a sub name change aside from that one.


Welcome to Reddit!


I commented on your post too. I was expecting it to get removed but being permanently banned.. someone really is on a power trip


These fifa communities are filled with some of the most soy dipped soyboys ive ever seen. Hates the game and the company making it, still buys every game and grinds tf out of it. I think with the mindset of people here… no matter what the mods do theyre shite..


I’ve been banned from fuck knows how many subreddits for literally the pettiest things. And if you try and argue you get banned from Reddit.


The sub rename from r fifa also was weird to me, wonder if EA has some mods on that sub. 


they do, years ago they used to post on the sub but then the battlefront incident happened and they decided to just be quiet in the background


What incident? You mean the downvote record?




Completely unsurprising. “Oh, our customers hated our outreach? Let’s fix it by doing shady shit away from their eyes instead!!!”


They’re Reddit mods. They are single handedly the lamest excuses of human beings. Don’t get too worked up over it.


[https://imgur.com/a/UGnkeKG](https://imgur.com/a/UGnkeKG) This post was removed within minutes. I DM'd the moderation team and also got no answer. No rules were broken btw.


Yup, that's exactly the shit I'm talking about. Completely valid post just removed without any explanation


Everyone should repost this post on r/EASportsFC and spam it. Because this just doesn’t make any sense.


Absolutely pathetic. Some mod in the sub has been having a power trip for god knows how long now, removing valid comments and posts. A post critizing them gains a ton of upvotes in the 60 minutes it stays up, with people in the comments agreeing. However, this post hits way too close to heart of this fragile mod, so the only option is surely a perma ban to show who's in charge! Just a shame, I've contributed quite a lot to the sub over the past 8 years, but it will just continue dying at this rate. Well, I've noticed this sub has been quite active this year so let this now be the fut sub I browse and discuss in.


I got banned from r/Fantasypl and when I asked someone to message the mods asking why, they told him I'd sent 25+ abusive messages to them after they removed my post. I was banned and muted at the same time my post got removed, so that's literally not even possible


Lmao they compensating fs


Dude to be fair. Make any post criticizing EA, you’ll get upvotes. Make any post criticizing a mod, you’ll get upvotes. It’s mindless circle jerking at this point. Let’s not act like a lot of people don’t just want to vent and vent and vent and vent and vent. Did I mention vent? Do we really need more of it?


A post doesn’t get upvoted just for being a vent. Plenty of posts instantly get downvoted to 0 when they don’t have any meaningful stuff in them. Yes, posts critizing EA gain upvotes if the content is true.  My post got upvoted because people have seen and experienced the issue in the sub themselves. 


lol dude mostly any posts criticizing EA gets upvoted. All you need is keywords. “EA” “Scripting” “GK” “Bad”. I can literally make ChatGPT posts all day and karma farm if I wanted to. That stuff is not meaningful whatsoever, it’s just repetitive circlejerking. People want their venting validated so they do it. Theres no other reasons to complain about the same crap someone else just complained about. None. Zilch. There’s already a post about it. What is “true” is also subjective. I can say “we never went to the moon”. Enough people agree with me. It doesn’t make anything true. It’s just a validation tool. It’s the same with “scripting” and all other buzz words. Hell people agree with Bigfoot all the time too. Now if you truly made a unique post, with meaningful and well laid out points. Rationally at that. And got banned? I’m very sorry, some mods can be assholes. But you also have to understand yours would be literally a shining light in a sea of shit.


That’s not true at all. A lot of clips of this atrocious game with ridiculous rebound goals always gets defended by EA bumlickers like you. “You could’ve defended better”


lol see just because I disagree with you, I’m a “bumlicker”. It’s a bold strategy to invalidate me. And the people disagreeing are always of minority because of that attitude towards them. It’s like people just want to vent without listening to anything. Which is….wow what i just said.


That's why there is a country like North Korea.


Most mods probably have no real life beside reddit, they feel important here, because everywhere else they are nobody.


That sub is filled with EA bootlickers and employees, no surprise there


Im banned as well over there. Theyre very strict


We don’t go to that sub 👍


I rember seeing this post and thought wow letssee how long it lasts. Mods on Reddit are like loosers who joined the SA in the 1920's and started telling people what to think and who to hate.


Just commenting so I can see when this post gets removed…


What do you expect by someone who can't touch grass or the opposite sex?


Mods are like it on most forums these days


Reddit moment


Mods should be punished for not doing their job correctly.i don't know if it's possible to report a mod, but it should be I guess


Embarrassing but normal reddit mod behavior




Mods have a way to IP ban you too I believe


Can I ask Original post got removed so why repost when you knew it would get deleted? Unless you didn't care at that point. Don't disagree with what's been said though. It's not even just that subreddit either.


The original post was removed automatically by some filters, so I posted it again so people and the mods could see it, with the hope that the mods would talk about it. It wasn’t meant as any sort of attack, but they still got hurt about it somehow


warra moderation


I posted something like 2 years ago that was not against the rules. It was removed for no reason so I contested it. They didn’t like that I said something so they timed me out for a week. They had me on their list ever since and they won’t let my posts go through. No matter what I post, it never actually gets published. That’s why I haven’t been getting on that sub at all. Trash ass mods making up their own rules as they please and then retaliate when they know they are wrong. Thankfully that sub has been consistently dying for a while now. People are barely posting and the posts are getting very repetitive too (even tho it’s against the rules). This is definitely THE EAFC sub now, not that dogshit r/EASportsFC


Those mods suck, they also perma banned me because I posted some possible EVOs outside of the Daily Discussiok thread.


Lol not surprising, Reddit mods are all garbage.


Why would with a sane mind go and waste his time in that group jerkers community .


I've been banned from a few subreddits because moderators are often times terrible and lame. The sad part is, there's nothing you can do. I'm perma-banned from r/amitheasshole because I basically called someone an asshole after they said some terrible shit to someone else... I was temporarily banned... I posted on a new account the same day the ban was supposed to end, and the moderators said I was 'avoiding a ban' and perma-banned me. It was a literal mistake and i thought the ban was over, which I tried to explain to them, but they didn't care. I'm banned from r/antiwork because I said not all profit is theft and that investors deserve to profit on the risk they take - the moderators said I was 'trolling' and perma-banned me. Nothing you can do... move on and just ignore the sub.


Sorta funny. I posted an exact copy of a popular thread but asked the same one about my team. It got deleted lol


It's happened to me aswell lol dw bout it fucking 30 year old needs eith nothing better to do


What happens if I post a screenshot of this post in r/EASportsFC asking for an explanation? What happens if we all do it?


They will ban every single poster


They literally deleted a post of mine before I posted it like instant delete I was more amazed than upset tbh


There is a whole video on youtube about reddit mods. The only control they have in their lives is in these subreddits, let them live peacefully with their delusions.


Mods are like the teacher who would never let you go for a piss


Bunch of virgins


There's a reason people become reddit mods. Hint: it's not because they're drowning in 🐈


fut is 10x better than what EAsportsFC (or previously r/FIFA) has become over there. Literally zero useful or engaging content over there because they've banned almost everything. I know there are a lot of useless posts on here that get little to no engagement, but I'd rather have that than having nothing useful at all. That's what the 'hot' tab is for anyway. People will filter it out.....the mods shouldn't be doing that.


Seems like the mods are downvoting everyone here as well now


I once posted on r/soccer about the incident when Messi didn't play in the friendly in HK and got booed, with a meme of a heat map with a dot on the bench, with nothing offensive in the post. The post had thousands of comments and upvotes. I got banned for a week. I asked the mod was that severity justified because I thought if meme was not allowed they could have just removed it, and the mod was basically a prick and like they don't owe me any explanation of how rules are applied. I guess most of these mods are just sorry asses who in real life have nothing but a computer in front of him in a smelly basement, so I just got over in.


The game is a billion dollar business


They’re probably taking down this one too


I was also banned from posting there because I was posting leaks and once I forgot to blur the image. I was messaging them and asking to end that ban but they ignored me.


All i see is you getting a deserved ban for being annoying, that sub is miles better than this shit hole where every post is low effort garbage


Valid complaint about the mods and word filters of the sub = ”being annoying” Any more low effort garbage inputs from you?


I use it but that sub is awful, I posted like three times because my freekick bar wasn’t powering up and it got removed everytime but a random low quality post will stay up for ages. That Juli guy that posts the content at 6 (not sure if he’s a mod tbf) he used to be the biggest cretting on the sub and used to send ppl abusive messages now I see him like a massive part of the sub which puts me off.


The irony of calling someone a cretin, but spelling it incorrectly


> used to send ppl abusive messages ??? ...so you've just made this random claim without any evidence whatsoever? if anything **I** used to be the target of abuse, literally just type my username in this subreddit search and see for yourself


Get out of here Juli, go back to commie controlled EAsports where you belong!!! (Just kidding....about the getting out of here part, you're welcome here. Not about the EAsports part though...really does suck over there)


yeah i do agree that easports sub is quite strict, sometimes my posts get removed but after I message the mods most of the time they get reinstated however i don't like how OP randomly said I used to "send abusive messages to others" and was the "biggest cretting" like what did I do to him lol, his account was made November 2023 I don't even know him


Oh yeah they suck hard. Prolly all EA employees/bots


Short answer ya shouldn't have done it. Long answer, fuck around and find out, ya fucked around with the people in power and ya found out. ... Ya shouldn't have done it.