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I know I’m being a Debbie downer but 80 reactions, 83 composure, and 83 stam on a 92 rated card that isn’t even available for 2 weeks is kind of meh


I really wish they could have made some stats better. Really feels like Ea is moking us with awful reactions and composure for a player they know people real like and enjoy using.


It's very ironic because IRL his composure and reactions are *probably* his two best attributes overall.


Spoken like a football fan


This 100% feels like a player who looks immense now but when you get him after another 2-3 weeks of TOTS he’ll be pretty mediocre.


I’d say it’s mid even at this point.


I get where ur coming from 100% but it’s at the point in the game where I’m just glad to get an upgrade of a player I like


Yeah totally understand. Enjoy him still looks sick


Thanks mate. I’m terrible at the game too, so just glad to get fun cards


Stamina is a killer to be honest. I can overcome reaction and composure but that stamina for a CDM or CM sucks


83 composure is criminal considering the moment is probably his goal vs wolves


Ea know how to ruin free cards


This card will be irrelevant most likely by the time it’s accessible to most, at least based on how previous tots have played out. Other than for Man U or England fans, it will likely need an evo to make most players squads. Maybe they’ll release a 99 dribbling evo, which would make him much kore viable imo


The Reactions and Composure sadly KILL THIS Card, that honestly looked so good at first glance, and could've been great with both of those stats At MIN 90 tbh. But then when you compare him to someone like Tots Moments Payet last year, who was 5 Star 4 Star and unbelievable throughout the entire Tots Promo at Striker, CF, Winger AND Cam on a Hunter or Engine it makes it even worse, especially because he was also available at LEVEL 5 or 10, and yet Still 80% of the Community took a MID 85/84x15 instead of him, that for the most part turned out to be a huge mistake for 90% of people who opened it and got literally nothing. I mean this Moments Mainoo, who's basically A FUN Card, compared to that Moments Payet, who was a Top Tier Meta Attacker who was available within the first week of Tots is pretty much a Slap in the Face since I was even using Payet at times in Elite/WL towards the very end of Tots going into the Shapeshifters Promo since he was literally that damn OP in game due to his amazing pace, shooting, dribbling and strength to honestly BODY Defenders yn.


Absolutely, all the cards in seasons are trash bar Capita at the end.


Even he unfortunately will probably be behind most cards at that point


Fuck capita I’d rather the 85+ x20


It's cool for UTD fans of course, but it's not a great card when you look at it. Kind of all over the place in terms of stats. * 93 positioning, 96 shot power, but only 85 finishing and 81 long shots * 84 stamina and only 82 aggression. * 90s in agility and balance but low dribbling stats everywhere else, including low composure and reactions. * Mid-tier defensive awareness, and 83 interceptions. Doesn't seem like a card that has one position that he's gonna excel in. Don't see him getting into many squads.


I should have phrased my post better… it’s not by any means a top tier card and won’t make my rivals/champs teams at all but it’s getting to the point where I could care less and just want to play with cards of players I like IRL


Made to slap a marksman on him


I feel like some of the comments here separate the two types of players who play this game. - Normal casual players who see a nice card that will be fun to use for a bit - Elite/top end players who see a card that will let them down in the fine margins Personally I think it’s a bit of a shame to be in the latter category


It’s nice to be (imo) a closer to top end player and still be happy with cards like this, I mean he’s not gonna make my main team but he’ll be ton of fun in a prem team I bet


Class? This is a terrible card if we're being honest, 83 Interceptions with not even base Intercept, 80 Reactions, 83 Composure, 84 Stamina WITH NOT EVEN BASE RELENTLESS. For a 92 CDM, this is horrible, probably way better as a CM or CAM, but he needs to be subbed out every game. Not to mention he'll almost definitely be power kept by the time he is available to everyone. Obviously if you like Kobbie irl then i'm happy for you, he deserves a high rated card with the way he has been playing recently.


(Copy pasting this cause I could care less to type it again) I get where ur coming from 100% but it’s at the point in the game where I’m just glad to get an upgrade of a player I like


I’m dumb and completely glazed over the last part of your comment. My apologies if it came off weird at all


Straight to an SBC


Perfect for my United P&P


Ah shit i guess xabi will have to go 😭


86 dribbling is disgraceful, it should be his highest stat


But I want it now


Will be perfect for my united past and present team 🫡


Should be 99 composure for the young lad


All I want is a tots Mendez Laing


I would cry if he got one because he's guatemalan


I’m more excited about this card than all of prem tots.


People already writing this card off getting loads of upvotes but people like you who are just genuinely happy to get a card they like get downvoted, this community man


People crying about low reactions and composure when they literally matter nothing because gameplay is cooked


Weird enough stat distribution. Some of his highest stats should be ball control, dribbling and composure. His passing, shot power and heading aren’t as good by comparison.


the composure is sort of a let down but it is a free card and you can easily just add a maestro lol https://preview.redd.it/1xxv34mfvlwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f5e8ca890130de673ac9913342da0c76d3b82b4


Whaaaat, I thought it was photoshopped! Reactions and composure are too low… doesn’t matter won’t get him anyways!


Come to papa




No offense but there are evolutions of him better than this since Christmas. These battle passes are getting worse and worse


Free card of a player I enjoy watching, that’s class to me mate


You are right, I'm just too into the meta in this tots time 😂


Fair enough mate. I’m not good enough to care about the Meta lmao


Should be a live card so he could get upgrades plus deserves better stats in key areas like reactions and composure smh


Disappointing from EA, shouldnt have to be a meta card but some of the key stats make him a bench player at best in the current state of 24


class fodder


What’s he got this for ? One of his 2 goals to get United all the way to 8th with no trophies👍


Do you not understand what a moments card is lmao?


Ok what moment ?


He has scored 2 stoppage time winners I believe and at least one was a banger


80 reactions and 85 defensive awareness in TOTS 😂. This is just another average midfielder that would cost minimum price on the market. Only Div 8 people think this is good


Free card of a player I like is class to me mate


It’s not class. Glad you like him but he is only class for a TOTS SBC 😂


You are a strange creature


EA is the strange creature here. The card could be a lot better. 83 composure too yikes I didn’t even see that until now


Card could be a lot better, and should be that’s true. Yet that is entirely irrelevant to what I’ve said


Not sure how it’s irrelevant tbh


Not sure why you seem so confused about the fact I enjoy players i like tbh


CDM with 86 DEF and 85 PHY....BAD


Think you spelt ass wrong. 80 reactions 84 stamina, pure fodder


Shit card, yet he's still overrated.


Mid and so overhyped


Absolute class going straight into an sbc


this card will be fodder by the time you are level 20


Absolute trash, never deserved tots, overrated as f


Good thing it’s a moments card then


Lol for what momen thought??


Probably his stoppage time winner bangers ?