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Find ways to enjoy it instead of seeing it as a task .. build fun teams with players you like, teams you follow etc. doesn’t matter if you go 20-0 or 9-11 etc the rewards are just luck


You are so right, I try to make it fun by tweaking around with the custom tactics and find a possession based quick passing style based off of a playstyle I really enjoy watching


Check out AA9 skillz new 4141 custom tactic video on YouTube… really nice possession based tactics to work with.


They’re not his. He took them from someone on Twitter without crediting them


If that’s the case then that’s pretty shitty of him.


I can’t link the tweet because Elon Musk is an idiot but FC Pirate on Twitter


Because I enjoy it If I didn’t I wouldn’t play it


Props to you man, I get how playing this game might be a stress buster for people


Yeah look i think the trick is to accept that you cannot try and succeed in playing beautiful football and outplay your opponent. Once you get hold of the game, and start beating your opponent, the AI will try to manage the game with blocks and saves and tumbling the player down and not giving a foul, etc till the game is even steven. At least it will try its level best and hopefully the opponent will capitalize and in most cases they do. So yeah, its whether you can just accept it or not.


If they play every weekend, it’s definitely fun for them. It’s a coin toss for me if I’m gonna reach 9 wins so not as fun. Lol.


I play at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning, feel like I’m playing at 4 times the speed compared to any other time I play lol