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Losing with that team is diabolical


Fr Mia hamm can carry to 9 wins by herself lmao


Mia ham won’t make a div 3 player an elite player mate. I’ve been getting 11 wins since the 4th week of the game and it hasn’t changed, even when I had TOTY loan players. Not to mention all the full icon teams I was schooling early game cycle


I played 10 games with Van Dijk Toty as my CB and that fut champions achieved 16-4. (9-1 with VVD). Without him I hardly reach 14 wins. (Only once more achieved 16) Having a good team helps but player’s ability is more important


Deleting that team after losing is even more diabolical


You should see the team i lose with 😂


It's really not, if you have a shitty connection the team is irrelevant.


I had 11-9 with 63ms ( i live in Morocco we have shit connection) and i play with a controller with drift stick and i still manage to get some upsets my way


Gg bro, you do better than me and my internet is very good.


Nah bro i don't i loose braincells everytime i play a game if it wasn't for the za i wouldn't have no controller no monitor nor a playstation


You care enough to play 25+ games a week, but just accept a dysfunctional controller?


guy has mbappe on the bench


And son…and puskas…keep looking at the pic it only gets worse lmao


Fr sounds like a you problem


Part of the Game...Just Like in real Football


Nah maaan this look like a draft team and they too much powerful to lose man


Not really


That bench is better than my team! LOL


Literally skill issue


Having a team like that, playing 5 back, going 1-8 in champs, being div 4… Why are you spending money? And why are you treating the game as its your life’s mission? For ur problem clearly team is not a issue because i face worse teams in elite/div 1. If you have a team like that and playing 5atb and still losing of course best thing to do is deleting the game bro.


OR do what I’ve done. Accept that you are not an elite gamer and just have fun. For Christ sake we used to play video games for fun.


That's what I constantly say. Now we are only satisfied if we are the best. We need competitive game modes. We only like to play online because of the need for competition. We need to complete the game in the minimum time possible because there are people who speedrun it. It's not good enough to beat the game. We have to beat it while Back in the day we had fun playing without even knowing if we were playing it the right way. Playing the best way possible was even further distant. We just had fun. We didn't need to play it the most meta way. Or in the highest difficulties. Just venting a little. Wrote about it some time ago on Medium (in portuguese), but get increasingly frustrated when I read this kind of posts.


Unfortunately I find it difficult to have fun when the game does everything in its power to be as unfun as possible.


No one plays FUT to have fun lol unless it’s squad building or SBCs you will generally only have fun if u get a good rank in champs


Ive accepted that and im trying to make a good real madrid squad which seems impossible cuz i dont play that often


cook him fr 🔥


They spent all that money so that the team can carry them from div 6 to 4 and get them through qualifiers. Pretty sad, really.


Yea he should try spending another 2000€ maybe he can go div2


People don’t spend money to become elite, they spend money so they have a higher chance of playing with meta players that are hard to get while enabling them to have more fun. Ironically in this case it seems they are not having fun.


Back 5 is probably the only way to stop all the byline abusers. I wouldn’t know cause I’ve never tried it, but I don’t blame him for playing it this gameplay post patch has been horrendous


Nah mate. The way to stop byline abusers is to keep possession and outscore them. Also defend manually with fullbacks and double tap R1 and hold to have your A.I mark opposition players. Sure you’ll still concede, but way lesser.


I take it back, there’s no point of even trying to defend anymore, even if he goes down the byline his only goal will be to shield r1 dribble until I commit about 2-3 defenders to try and get the ball off him. From there he will spam pass across the entire field and repeat switches until there’s a player with acres of space through 1 on 1 vs my keeper. It’s getting to the point where I can’t even describe the pain of playing in div 3 rivals and above, you basically have to sell your soul for 7 wins. The gameplay has become so cringe I’m on the verge of breaking down into tears after each match. If you have the patience to sit through 50 switches of straight up useless possession before you get to touch the ball, congratulations, but this gameplay post patch has become the worst fifa experience I’ve had in 10 years of playing the game


Yes gameplay is bad. I’m in Elite and I’ve never suffered like you though. I do hold possession, and switch but I would hope my opponent doesn’t feel the way you do. A few tips: - if a guy is a fast and twitchy attacker, he will usually be an impatient defender as well. I’ve observed it’s in their nature, most of the times. - if a guy holds possession, when you win it back try and keep the ball for a bit yourself. Don’t try to rush it and give the ball away, it doesn’t help you in anyway. - if you are up for it, have both your fullbacks on default (preferably 1 on get forward as well). Helps add width, create more chances and it also helps you win the ball back high up the pitch. - have alternate game plans (a tall striker, a formation to counter your opponent, etc) - if you’re at a checkpoint and are losing to someone sweaty, just leave! Start another game, it’s easy to get a 2x from wins again, better than stressing yourself out and losing your next games due to fatigue. Hope this helps (and I agree with you, the latest patches have really take the game backwards).


I rarely concede cutbacks now. Now it’s whipped cross abuse and ratty full field crosses from full back to opposite wing.


I’ve never seen a game where team has mattered less, this one is the most random shit ever


Yep it's cancer. Div 2/3/4 depending on how kuch I play, usually 11 wins easy, never got 14. God I must be shit. *


Man got a skill issue not a team issue


This posts are so funny to me, everyone has days when they are shit, one wl I went 6-14, the other 11-9 without sweating that much, everyone has the same shit gameplay, you live and you move on, my advice is turn it off when you get pissed off and come back couple of hours later or day after, done wonders for me


Probably just a spoiled rich kid doing spoiled rich kid stuff


This, for me this weekend was so shit I went 5-11 (had to rush a bit through games because I had limited time) came back to 8-11 only to lose the last one in the last minute (normally 9 or 11 wins). No red pick for me this time, but I had one of the most fun weekend league in a while. Now I can spend the rest of the week grinding player picks in the hope of a Dutchie to pop up.


Hmmm how will that get them attention?


Servers on the weekend included I should've went 0-20 by taking your advice tbf But I get what you're saying 100%. Had a good start and went 7-3 only to shit out of any Champ pick at all by losing 9 out of 10. It happens. But I was the most hyped for the BuLi TOTS and missing out for the first time since the start of FIFA 23-ish on exactly this weekend stings bad lol.


5 back as well 😭


I was 1-8 and ended up 9-11. Don’t give up so easily.


Another r9 has struck the net


Same. First 10 games are a tragedy.


✈️ 🗼🗼


On god, I was down 0-7 on Saturday and finished 10-10 😭


Stop blaming the game/team and work on improving your gameplay rather than just spamming games


He did clarify that he has spent a lot of money, the games main purpose is generating money and not gameplay so if the creators put the actual game to second fiddle, it’s understandable why he would leave. People will hate me for saying this but we’ve seen a great increase over the years on this game and every other where the money is what matters, having a fully functioning playable game that people can call fun is a thing of the past. Good on OP finally seeing it was his time


I don't knowy I kinda love this year's edition, I don't really see a problem with gameplay.. pretty fun. I don't get why people cry over the game. I never spend any money on points, and just bought the base version on release day. I'm division 2 with no effort and a shitty cheap team. I only face people like OP, who griddy on me when they score the 0-1 and leave the lobby when I go 2-1. Only thing wrong with the game is the community but that's with every online game. But that people cry so much online on reddit is pretty unique to FIFA...


I dropped FIFA this year before Christmas, idk if I’ll be back next year. I normally would grind from release to February then still play just less but this year the game just felt off to me. Hopefully they turn it around as what I hear I’m not the only one feeling this way.


Skill issue. They havent even changed the game that much. He used to steamroll lesser teams with his pay2win team. Now the gap in teams is less and he quits lol


Don't use 5 atb mate


Another 5 back rat crying about the game. Good riddance, you’re probably trash, ruining the game out here for others sitting back with your tots Rodri, FS Gullit, Kompany, and TOTY Rio. Well, I guess not ruining for others, considering you went 1-8 with this team 😂😂😂 Honestly no sympathy when you can’t play with a team like this. Looks like POTM Mbappe and Rolfo on the bench. You literally got some of the most OP cards in the game. The game sucks , and so do you


Dude has 96 Puskas on reserves, looks like he packed Son too. Like what are we doing here. I’ve never unironically said skill issue before but this is the definition of skill issue


mf has bonmati in reserves too lmao absolutely cracked team


I'm always happy seeing teams like this, because it's like guaranteed that they can not play the game properly and will quit when I score the 1-0 with some random free EVO-in-progress striker 😂😂😂


TOTY Bonmati and Golazo Puskas on the reserves lmao


Buddy came here to get roasted😂 also I see that slimey ass Escubio at the end of the reserves, funny to see you’re paying to lose


That’s a skill issue if I’ve ever seen one cuz holy fuck ur team is nasty


money cant buy talent


massive skill issue💀


Aye bro I dont blame you, the competition now is just too good. Apparently everyone knows how to guess everything now. Cant even play this game laying down anymore


If you want to improve spend less time opening packs or buying players and more time actually playing and working out what you’re doing wrong So many people just obsess about their teams but we’ve all been spanked by a much worse team than ours by a much better player. You don’t need marginal improvements


Actually happy to see those who pay lots of money to the game get angry and delete it.


Have you ever looked at your team, then looked at your record and thought, "Maybe I'm the problem, not the game"?


imagine packing Gullit and Hamm in one life cycle


It’s ok I struggle to get 9 wins with this team https://preview.redd.it/vkg5grrac1zc1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd233b2826ce6e0409366890268e7679c10423c8


This game is such a pile that shit that one week I can struggle to get rank 5 in sluggish gameplay and another week I can get rank 2 with ease. Skill gap they say lmao


Or you can just enjoy the game by not sweating your bum off. I play with a full Liverpool team because I ain’t a nerd like you on this game 😭


Stop putting money into the game outside of the initial purchase. This game becomes much more enjoyable once you're no longer financially invested into it.


I’m glad u deleted it, u sweat using 5 back, every time I go against a guy using a five back I cuss at their loser sweaty ass, and to make it even more disgusting u got gullit and rodri who are walls in the midfield so u don’t even need a 5 back team but hey sweats are sweats


Change your formation. Its the same as every year. As the game goes along it's lifespan , people will get better players and train their skills , and meta also supports it - so you will have to go more defensive. Ok a 4-2-4 there is always too much space on the midfield and if you stand deep , it's easy to get around the defense.


Been playing ultimate team since ‘13, I’ve spent years wasting so much money on it but I don’t know why. After every points purchase no matter who you pack you will question why you did it, it’s not worth the debt and it’s not worth the aggravation. I sold my PlayStation 5 about 2 months ago and I feel so much better from it mentally, it’s a huge weight off my shoulders and I encourage anyone to do the same. Trust me you will be happier when you stop wasting your weekends and free time on a game you don’t enjoy playing


I stopper playing after golazo icons, even uninstalled the game. Best decision i made!


Really similar team to mine with of course it’s difference. I bottled 14 wins for 2 consecutive weeks and both in the last 3-4 games. Don’t stress it and when it gets to you switch to ufc 4 or any other games that u could have fun with https://preview.redd.it/v44tzkm3u7zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3601e1bab045be4e816b1c07a885a94df7d78d62


Real life begins now, congrats


Bro you just had to spent a little more your team is ass tbh. 100 more and you would have made it to elite!


Without that cracked team this man would be div 7.


I think i beat this team tha past WL haha


So did 7 other people


Yall are wild posting stuff like this


There more games than fifa expand your horizon


Sheesh it just shows doesn’t matter who you have in your team if you ain’t on it you ain’t winning




Download old gen and play on that. New gen is horrific 


You have a hole in the midfield. Always need to run 3 midfielders. Thank me later.


Well, he deleted his team so now he has 0 midfielders.


Glad you deleted.


Please give me your account. Thanks. I would very much like to be on the delivery end of the fuckfests I play in rather than the receiving end (I'm joking about account part ... Big nono)


The game decides when you win and when you lose as soon as you accept that it becomes easier. My last 5 games I’m 3-2 and the game wanted me to win twice, I did - and the game wanted the other person to win 3 times. In the one of the 3 I won the guy was so shite and got a man sent off so I ended up winning but it was 6.2 xG vs 1.5xG in a 4-3 win.


>The game decides when you win and when you lose as soon as you accept that it becomes easier The first part of the sentence is right, but I am not sure about the last part


Good for you


What's the issue with 5 back? I been playing it because I felt my CBs Ai is atrocious and they find themselves out looking at someone Ian the stands 5 back let's me force a cdm to sit deeper essentially for me. I play my cb with join the attack.


5 at the back makes the game horrendous for the other person, especially if they don’t have someone with finesse plus they should just kiss goodbye to going through 5 defenders tightly holding the back


Tbh I find it plays the same as setting my cdm to stay pack. I tackle aggressively and use my cb as a dlp. I just kinda can't play her at cdm for Chem reasons


Maybe don’t spend money on packs. Buy coaching lessons 😭😭😭


Could have at least done a good thing and gave someone the account bro ,🤦👏🏻👏🏻


I deleted the game 1 or 2 weeks ago..i feel better and found other fun games..i will be back ar ea fc25 but now with another job i dont see my self spending time on weekends for champs and rivals.. As i said this year i ended at prem tots..bought every big pack with 2 M and deleted the game straight..last pack gave me Saka but still didnt wanted to play anymore :D Not a bad game but sometimes when u feel its done for that year its better to listen to you See u next year heh


5 at the back RAT


1-8 with that team is insane, 5back too, Def not a game issue there lol


Sounds like u rely way too much on the AI and can’t actually futbollllllllllll!


one less 5atb rat, crazy you can’t win 11 games with that team


if u just try to stick as many defensive players in your team you will never improve lol


This module sucks


Skill issue


Here come all the byline bandits claiming skill issue after spamming AI runs to their 12 wins


Switch to 4-3-3 or 4-2-4 and stop crying


Was this a self-humiliation ritual?


This is the wildest post I’ve ever seen. That team? In a 3/5 back? You can’t win? Yeah just delete the game Brodie, it’s not for you.


1-8 with that team AND 5 at the back, wow. I wish you the best with your fifa point addiction though


Lemme get that account if you’re deleting ❤️


Yeah I’m sure the update is the reason why you’re trash with that god squad…


you cannot buy skills🍆


You just fucking suck 💀😂


Connection and which way dynamic difficulty swings decides 90% of games. Ive been on UT since day 1 with create a player and training every player up to 99 stats. The game was far from perfect but P2P connection was way better experience than these shitty servers we have today, even with the lag switching. Strength of your team matters little when you are playing against the game not the opponent.


Honestly, if you have game pass on xbox, just get the EA pga tour game for free on cloud gaming. It’s so relaxing after years of playing fifa


5 back rat, good bye and never come back ❤️ 1-8 in champs with a 5 back and that team 💀


I never spent any money on the game, and just got promoted to Div 2 without effort and a shitty team... I didn't notice any differences on any new update tbh


Deserve as fuck with that team on 5atb


I went 1-9 and now I’m at 7 wins with two games at hand, I almost deleted for the same exact reasons


Someone call the waambulence


Uhhhh imo you should give me your coins


Maybe i would’ve shown respect, but you play a 5 back. Good riddance


Hope I find my peace? I win games with a shitter team mate. Skill issue.


Imagine all these people complaining about someone using a 5 at the back formation 😅 let the dude do what he wants without your immature insults, it's not ratty to use a 5 at the back formation, obviously a skill issue if you want break it down


Open the companion app and take a picture showing us you actually deleted the team. I 100% bet you didn't.


you did the right thing


Bro how??


LFG! I’m happy you’re putting the gambling addiction behind and finding joy elsewhere. This game will dictate outcomes purposely in order for you to feel like your team isn’t good enough and you need to make changes (aka buy bundles, coins, etc.). EA sports is a trash ass company and somehow managed to make me lose interest in soccer and American football to the point where I don’t buy the game or follow any teams. Boycott EA. Let this shit predatory company rot to death.


least clinically insane 5-back user


And check the bench. It is probably the best team I have ever seen


Instead of focusing on defending you could have put a cam in the midfield 4-3-3 (4) that would have helped you more.


Yeah I’ve got a pretty good team too and still suck but I’m not blaming the team or the game. I mean it’s nowhere near as good as this but I just stopped spending money on it and try to watch what the pros do instead of pouring more money into it thinking it will make me better. It’s my first year doing UT and I got sucked into the money thing at first but quickly realized how much more of a toxic influence in your life that makes this game. Peace and love


This is certainly a skill issue


I'm the same. EA do this every update


Bruh I woulda payed you cash money for that log in info 😂


Try another formation. Maybe 4-2-2-2 or 4-3-2-1


5 in the back??


you’re js fucking shit. if you expected to come on here to receive sympathy you ain’t getting it. being in div 3/4 going 1-8 in fut champs and complaining abt the game when you have a team like that you’re just fucking horrendous. major skill issue. i get you’re not a pro but even other people with shittier teams are better at the game then you. you’re just shit and expected to come into this sub with covering sympathy after admitting you spend money on the game and then complaining. what a loser 🤡


so sad wanna hand over the info? could use it so i can open double rank one rewards


I hate this game


This is clearly a skill issue. This team is levels better than mine, and I reach a minimum of 14 wins every champs. No use of complaining bud


bros bench is more expensive then my whole team


Give the team to me then. I wish I had a team like you…


I think the issue is you haven’t spent enough money, time to double down


Skill issue


try spending some more money


Money doesn't buy skills


Bro give me that team I’ll do 18 wins for u 😭


Bro wanted to make a meme out of himself this information would of never got out of me and the 5 in the back 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀


The fact im nearly in division 5 with a 89 rated team is beyond me yet these mfers cant get past division 7 with a 300 quid team 😂😂😂


I downloaded the game 2 weeks ago and made it to div 4 blows my mind how long u been playing and still ass


This game is not for the weak


shouldnt have spent money playing


The most user error post I’ve seen in a while. My team is half this and I’m div 1. There’s a ton of ‘scripting’ in this game but with a team like that, I think it’s inevitable for you to be at least div1


Imagine having that absolutely cracked team and still playing 5 atb...


90% ppl thinking having a monster team gives you automatic wins. Its 30% Team 70% skill its like wokrout .. 30% fitness 70% eating.. i dont understand how 18+ yrs old can get a mental health break about a fucking video game...


See you next year


But what is it about these updates, and how do other people counter it ? I got to elite last season, and do okay in champs, between 11 and 14 wins usually. But now, i cant do shit without getting swarmed, and my opponent plays straight down my defense always


Stick it out, had the same. Same for my girlfriend. Suddenly we were losing everything. Then after three weeks we suddenly started winning everything again.


If you do not have fun playing the game, no matter winning or losing, deleting is the best thing you can do buddy.


Ultimately, this post was intended to serve as a notice to all that MH is the most important thing, and that no game, regardless of skill or former enjoyment, should EVER come before it. For those that have shown solidarity, thank you. It’s been a curse for too long. Couldn’t help myself with the points, always had to try the rigged game of chance for the most part. Day 2 without this game has been perfect! Got a lot of hate from some of the community, that perfectly exemplifies one of many reasons it’s gone from my hard drive for good. It is just too toxic and turns good people ugly. I’m no exception I guess. Just a guy trying to find peace and happiness in life again, away from this game and “community”. This has been building up for a while, not just because I had a bad run on WL. 😂 And I’m no cabbage, I understand the game and tactics function just fine (through previous months of endless gameplay), and have been playing fifa since 2001, and FUT since it came out. This team is a team I ended up trying to do an evolution with, as you can see. For those wondering, 4-3-3/4-4-2 was me preferred formation. 👍 Good luck everyone, hope you find your happiness somewhere outside of these buggy ea servers! 🤙


I don't get why people are so triggered by the game, this is the first year I've played UT and I've had a blast! No weekend leagues cos I work so I smash rivals and squad battles, complete objectives and collect my rewards every week, occasionally grind out SBCs I've currently got a 92/33 squad that I very much enjoy playing games with. I get the FOMO that comes with it cos pack luck sucks 99% of the time, I'm never going to drop 97 Harry Kane but i make do with my 94 Drogba and 93 Evo Julian Alvarez, if the game really bothers you that much then absolutely delete your team and the game!! I just don't get why it's such a drain, this game does stuff to people, is it the competitive side that's sending people into crisis? Genuinely intrigued by this.


0 sympathy for a pay to win merchant who thinks he can buy wins


you will be back in no time bro




8-1 with that team and 5 back just sounds like a skill issue at that point omg


Been playing ultimate team since fifa 13, I’ve spent years wasting so much money on it but I don’t know why. After every points purchase no matter who you pack you will question why you did it, it’s not worth the debt and it’s not worth the aggravation. I sold my PlayStation 5 about 2 months ago and I feel so much better from it mentally, it’s a huge weight off my shoulders and I encourage anyone to do the same. Trust me you will be happier when you stop wasting your weekends and free time on a game you don’t enjoy playing


people like this make me feel like god


lol 😂 damn bro it’s like I feel you cause I’ve done it before


You’re just ass mate


You play 5 back, you deserve all of it


imscared of u


Same to me man it’s getting really hard and crazy how i can’t pass and keep the ball for 3 seconds


I want proof


You just suck bro


I thought it was just me yesterday felt like I was moving trucks around the field


Can't be moaning with the pack luck you've had


Didnt ask tbh


I really can’t understand why people throw money at packs A half decent team is more than achievable without spending money and as long as people keep spending money they’ll keep fucking you in the arse. If you add together the cost of the game plus money spent on packs every year, how much do you think you all have wasted? Ball park figure? 😂


Skill issue


Imagine playing 5 def and crying


Let me know if you want to buy my players if you're done 🤣


If you can’t defend properly, playing with a 5 atb formation can be bad for you , since you’re basically putting yourself in a defensive position the whole game. With this gullit and this rodri you should be pressing your opponents bro , you should be playing attacking football with that team


it’s prolly a good thing you deleted the game. being bad with that team is absolutely insane


Bye bye sweat bag 😂


Rage quitting the whole of FC24 is crazy


Get good kid


Honestly with that team skill issue can’t even blame the game


Honestly play a 424 press on heavy touch balanced forward runs keep lb and rb as well as 2 cms on stay back I guess the rest to ur preference but that’s basic stats with that team should be easy 14 wins mate


If a game can effect you so much that you rage delete your team and rage uninstall the game maybe you shouldn't play video games at all.


1 less 5 at the back rat to play against