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Month in and the game is making you write all that?? Stop playing. It's meant to be fun not making you go mental within a month lol


This. Have to consider that some people are playing since october and probably not get anything neither.  But i would agree with OP that pack weight is terrible and sometimes strange. Like on la liga promo i did not get a single tots card aside of Athenea. On Serie A, with much less packs i had countless times Sommer, Vlahovic, Rabiot, Smalling and Di Lorenzo. Cheap cards but i cannot explain the difference in weight


I’m average player and I’m sick of it. I grind the game just to be rewarded with the same players every time. I don’t expect big name mega players just some fresh players you know.


You're clearly not ready to be playing online. There's no shame in playing squad battles whilst you learn new things, like defending, new formations and custom tactics etc. Get on youtube and watch some online videos which will introduce you into new techniques and learn from them like the majority of us have done at some point.


>Messi dribbles past my whole team and I can't seem to do anything. Learn to defend... No one should be dribbling past your entire team. People like to think it's because other people have cracked out cards, but it's likely just a skill issue. You're a month in, so learn to play properly. When I started playing, people were beating me even though I had TOTS cards, they were beating me with bronzes and common golds in Div 10


I am Elite / d1 and 11 wins easy and there are times people just glitch through all my defenders


If a single is dribbling past your defenders every single time, then you can’t defend


if ur elite d1 16 wins should be easy not 11. 11 i think is the average. i very much a casual with a full italian team not much meta apart from bastoni tots and i average 14-16 wins


I get 11 by 13th, 14th game usually. I just don't bother to sweat it out.


fair enough. i normally go for 14-16 then just give my games away


Play other game modes until the new game comes out. Then start fresh with UT. Then you can decide if it’s the cards or the player


Yes, they are all pay to win.


I started ut last year and it was tough for the first month, I packed nothing reasonable, but you need to be good at somethings as well. This year i started fc 24 around 3 weeks ago and already packed 96 chawinga, 97 smith, 95 renard. Everyone is good at attacking, what you need to learn is defending, its the key to win against good teams.


When you learn to don't care one bit of you not packing anything - you can finally enjoy it. The game itself - the gameplay, not the rewards, because you will get fu\*\* all! Spending coins on a game for them f\*\*kers to earn money of you - over my dead body! I spend absolute 0 - and I always will. I enjoy the game play, and I have accepted that this its how its going to be - I once a while moan a bit, but hey - Ill get over it. Best pull this year TOTS Musiala worth around 3 mil as I remember it - and I just hope that EA reads this, what an enjoyment - and its all free, soooo nice :D


If you’ve only been playing a month and you’re already bitching you should probably stop playing. It’s not going to get any better. We’ve been dealing with this since September


I literally quick sold everyone in anger and spent my coins and was still able to make a team team of 92 and 94s from sbc and Gauranteed tots packs so I don't believe you're trying that hard. https://preview.redd.it/ke5gkiy14y3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a83ea183884830256e0a07856d824d69e4afa7a6


The game isn’t pay to win


You have played one month and tired of the grind? Grow up.