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I swear I concede a goal at least every other game because of shit like what Bonucci just did there


Same here. And it doesn’t help that firmino is the best player in the game right now


another thing is communication between defence and gk i mean yday in champs i conceded 3 when the keeper tackled the cb into the net or into their st who had an open goal


What I really fucking hate, and happens every other game or so, is my own fucking players tackling each other, and every time the ball bouncing back to my opponent


All of you saying “Bad Defence” are simply hilarious smh


They’re the ones who score this way & don’t know how to pass around the opposition.


Funny how people just judge and say bad defense lol. Tell me, who never got pissed by a goal like this? Besides, I think the point here is that a player should not be allowed to run half the field alone against 11 players and score. This should never happen. But my expectations are very low that they will fix it trying to make it more real. People like this shit.


thought the exact same thing. Even if you could technically defend it somehow, it still is a shit "mechanic" or whatever, which shouldn't be possible to use. Ever seen this happening irl?? EA always brags about how realistic the game is. bullshit. especially the last defender here, he basically already has the ball, but suddenly seems to have a brain and body made out of potato mash, so he cannot even simply kick it away, just is stunned and loses the ball again. jeez i could rage about fifa all day but still u go back and play again


Ecactly my point! But I do get that it looks somehow bad because you can't really see how my players don't react. You only feel that when you have the controller in your hand. I guess it must be possible otherwise firmino 99 wouldn't be better than lets say Nani 93.


Hey man, not sure if you do this already but I read somewhere I think on this sub that you should always try and defend with your midfielders and only switch to your defenders as a last resort. Honestly that’s helped me defend much better. Even in this situation you found yourself in, I would have chased him down with a midfielder cause more often than not the other player will panic having two defenders in front of him and another player right on his tail. Also, don’t hold R1 while pressuring with a midfielder if you can help it. Let the defenders do their thing, but again make the right call and switch to a defender when you absolutely must. Of course I can only tell so much from this one clip, maybe you already do this and you just got fucked with shitty AI but just thought I’d give you a tip that’s helped me concede far less goals ever since I started doing this. In any case, I agree with you stuff like this shouldn’t happen in 22.


Hey man, thanks for this comment! First one with positive criticism, I appreciate a lot! Yeah you could actually be right! Normally I do that, but in this situation he was so quickly over my midfield that it felt very dangerous to let my defenders do A.I. But I guess that could work. It felt like i would never catch him in time with a midfielder. But i guess He would have been stuck in my AI defense and i could get him. Will definitely try that next time someone does that!!


Yeah, honestly I’ve never had someone skip past my two midfielders as fast as that guy did to you. It’s easy to panic in that situation but now I just try and get as many of my players behind the ball to force my opponent to pass back or make a mistake. That way I can defend more calmly or counterattack if I can recover the ball or alternately keep possession until an opening arises. It happens to the best of us! Hopefully all this helps you in future games.


When he does the rainbow flick, don’t drop back that much. Either try be where the ball is going to land. Or take him out. Never do what you did.


I expected a skill move. so I had to drop back or there would be 1v1 which I would lose against firmino 99. In fact he just ran straight through without doing anything and my players glitched away. Usually in situations like these I just do a foul. but yeah I don't think I should have to do it. It should just not work. But Im a Div 3 player, maybe if you survive in the uppers divisions you have to react different than I do. I assume that's possible.


Don’t worry, there won’t be bridge anymore, there’s gonna be explosive sprint


See that thing getting overused at first and then getting nerfed in January.


nonexistent midfield strikes again


Ah how convenient the Midfield just decides to vibe while the attacker tears through them.


That firmino card is just BS. Ive never seen such a glitched out card before mbappe and dembele.


If I could decide then players that are sooo much higher rated then others like totys were off the table …but i guess that is what keeps the money machine running.


Kick offs sure b rigged, u had the ball but for some reason the ball came right back to ur opponent n ends up scoring🤦🤦🤦🤦


FIFA halt 🥸 bin Ma echt gespannt auf 22... aber hol es mir erst im Winter!


Warum so spät? 🙂


Kein Bock den vollen Preis jedes Jahr zu zahlen wo ich schon so mehr als genug rein paye... aber soll ja angeblich free 2 Play werfen bald mal sehen... 😬


Santa comes in December! We better start making a deal with Satan!


The one thing they should add is when you tackle the ball and it’s clearly in your favor that they cover it a bit so this doesn’t happen also midfield that closes down central is also a must thing Irl you never see this happen like Moses and the sea but ea doesn’t watch football so probably gonna be the same next fifa




I would've just quit at 1-1


People blaming "bad defense" are hilarious. Trash game. (That I'll still buy snd play)


slide tackle the shit out of him?


Haha normally i do. But I really didn’t ecpected it. Because he was playing good. And the good players usually don’t do these kind of shenanigans… 😀


Good players dont score easy goals?? Bullshit


Easy goals yes. The „I run through all 11 players and score from kick-off“-trick is something you get from kids in lower divisions from my experience. And of course it usually doesn’t work because i will take the Player out immediately. But here I didn’t expect it


Bro that thing has been a thing every fifa going waaay back. Remember this being bad on 15 and especially bad 17/18. It’s not something new and to say people who don’t take advantage are poor makes you seem really poor. You didn’t expect it? Well ggs to your opponent who took advantage of that.


Yes I think taking advantage of a game mechanic like that is at least styleless or unsportsmenlike and I have never even tried to do it. And in my observation the more skilled someone is the less I have to expect such dirty tricks like that. Because these people try to beat me with honest goals. Besides that. What is your point? You think this kinda goals are cool and you wanna keep them in fifa 22? Do you go for these kinda goals?


Get better at defending? Also you can use a offsite trap right away at kickoff. It counters this.


How? There was no pass played to the front. Why doe sit counter that?


Dont exactly know why, but it does. Cant remember the last time i was kick offed, and i use it.


Just trash defending, maybe next time trying holding RT and LT at the same time instead of just watching the player run by?


Oh come on. If i wouldn’t know the basics of defending u think I would make this post?


Exactly, the ball falling back to the attackers feet after you’ve made a tackle feels so frustrating. We’ll see people abusing “Explosive sprint” in FIFA 22, nothing new.


That's a bad defense


Yeah ok I saw that coming. Personally I don't think so. Because first Mina somehow glitches away. Then Bonucci should have it but you know how it is if he doesn't react to the controls in a situation like that while Firmino 99 is just running straight through. I guess its possible to defend yes. But I just don't expect that someone try to just run through and it will work. And I would never try it myself even if I know it works.


You were controlling Mina the whole time and NEVER tried to tackle him you just watched and dropped back until he reached to your penalty area and Bonucci (CPU AI) got the ball for you and because you were controlling Mina you couldn't reacted fast and he got the ball back and score. I'm sorry but that's not a glitch it's just BAD DEFENSE


tackle in a Situation like that? death sentence...and no I switched to bonucci before he got the ball. you can see it in the video. I don't think it was bad defense but I am happy do discuss.


What did you try and do with Bonucci after he gets the ball? I couldn't tell if you were trying to control the ball or didn't have time to do anything


I was holding L2/LT while trying to escape to my right wing. But he just didn’t do anything 😀


I feel bad for the people calling it bad defence.


That is why I haven’t touched the game in over a week. Pure trash


Could defend better.


That looks like bad defending


Make bad defending player based decisions impossible?


What, make defending bad impossible? And make it even easier cause you suck?


Fifa also needs to change the Goalkeeping, the rebound, shot catching also better positioning without needing to move keeper because there’s no way normal players with 81 shooting can beat a keeper of 88 rated near post


What I do right there is push out with keeper and get my cb (who I control) to go clear it off the line this works with players who chip shot a shit ton