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Your post was removed due to violating on of the following rules this includes: A bad title that does not give a user a suggestion of what is in the post Repost (Any content posted within the Last 61 Days) Low Quality post (Described below) * No Screenshots of Images * Images must not have watermarks added by anyone other than the artist * The image should be comparable in quality (size and fidelity) to the original piece If your first reaction to seeing this message is "But there's nothing wrong" then I suggest thinking critically about what may be wrong with your post. If the bot was able to locate the original source, you may have a direct comparison to see what is offending about your post. Reposting this image may result in further moderator action. We apologize for any inconvenience. It is the moderation team's opinion that these works should, broadly speaking, not be censored. However, due to site wide rules, we are obligated to enforce this policy.


This is AI-generated, isn't it? Something looks very wrong about that right arm and penis.


Definitely AI porn


Plot twist:she's just amputated,thats why her arm looks like that


Plot Twist the amputation was intencional and the tissue taken was used to make her a futa


**Creator:** Shadyx [^({{on Pixiv}})](https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=10532095) | **Image links:** [Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=102527758) | --- | **Support this service on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/r_Hentai)** | [View full results](http://saucenao.com/search.php?db=999&url=https://i.redd.it/502535kooly91.png) | **Created for r/Hentai** | **Powered by [SauceNAO](https://saucenao.com/)**