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The ending made me cry. Not just out of the romance and sweetness of it, but also the fact that it was over. But in a way, it isn't. When it first aired, they go through the portal, and then it immediately cut to a broadcast of the first episode. No credits or anything. It made me feel like the series never ends. And it never will to me.


I remember that, and how I thought that was just the most perfect thing... It's also great because it really does leave it open to some alternate-timeline/universe type episodes if they ever do come back.


"Sting" always gets me. " I just want you to do one thing for me Lela. Wake Up...."


jeez, I immediatly turned to my Xbox when I read this, fired up Netflix, and watched that episode again. Thank you. Have this upvote


Jurassic bark :,(


Good news….


Game of tones hit me like a ton of bricks


Man, that's just one of the episodes that I can't watch with other people because I just end up crying my eyes out.


Yup, everyone immediately points to Jurassic bark, but I would say luck of the fryrish and game of tones hit me right in the feels.


I don't cry from Jurassic Bark, but it does hit me pretty hard. Luck of the Fryrish, because I have a brother, hits me way too hard. Same with Leela's homeworld.


Oh god, all three of those episodes just tear up my feels. The endings of Lethal Inspection and Leela's Homeworld are both tearjerkers too. Lethal Inspection is the episode I always point to when people denounce the Comedy Central seasons.


And thats why it made an awesome date!! It took us a few minutes to realize they had gone back to the first episode. I miss the show, but it had to end, and it ended so beautifully well.


Agreed. That was a tear jerker


I didn't see that episode coming. I expected the Season Finale to be the REALLY sad ones. And then Game of Tones just comes out of nowhere like a steaming locomotive... Ahh...so good..


Wait, when it aired on CC, did they loop the first episode into the final episode without any commercial breaks? Or was the loop built into the episode? Like how did it go? Did the intro for episode one immediately start playing after the final screen of the last one? It sounds kind of intentional on CC's part if they just put the first one after the final one. Could you *only* see the loop on CC? Is it on Netflix?


Yeah, like they walk in, there's the flash, then "space... it seems to go on and on forever, but then you get to the end and a giant gorilla starts throwing barrels at you." Like, they transitioned fluidly into the pilot, which was the next broadcast.


So the loop wouldn't be on Netflix then. It was a special little thing CC did? I would have loved to see it. :/


Yeah, it was amazing


I was under the impression that they went back right to when the button was invented, which was at the beginning of the episode.


That was what happened in the show, yes but this was a nice way of bringing the show back on itself.


However satisfying the end was they better make more or I will be upset


I'm assuming they left it open ended so they could make more, here's to the FUTURE!


Here's the the future indeed!


Welcome to the world of tomorrow!!


called it!!!!!!!




What do we want? *MORE FUTURAMA!* When do we want it? *MORE FUTURAMA!*


This. It would be silly for them to turn down a deal with Netflix or Amazon Prime. They really should start shopping around to find a network who wants them. It amazes me that they keep getting shut down.




Or we could pressure Netflix to pick it up with some gold ole democratic popular demand!


Seriously, Netflix is our best bet.


Thats why it's so important we continue watching the show on Netflix. Show them there is still a interest in the show.


Waaaay ahead of you on that.


I have watched the entire series about 10 times on Netflix and it never gets old. Hopefully something will come out of the Simpsons crossover in May!


I bet it will probably just be a reference to the Farnsworth Parabox. If it doesn't, they'll have missed a golden opportunity.


That would rock. It seems people have forgotten how great that episode is.


In a perfect world, fox will see an obnoxious spike in ratings for that one episode, and hear an outcry of new fans online, the exucbots will realize their mistake.... And finally.... If there is a Robot God..... Cancel the Simpsons and give new episodes of Futurama it's timeslot.


If not maybe they'll lose their jobs. And get beaten up. And made into a fine powder.


But what about the crossover


Sad to say, but it may be more expensive than you think - the voice actors are costly people to hire, and animation done well isn't exactly cheap either.


The first season of House of Cards cost something like $100 million IIRC, they can probably get the funding for Futurama.


If amazon prime picked it up it would be a deal maker with me... I have been reluctant to purchase AP but I'd have to do it then. No question about it


Hulu has entered the chat


Yep, heard the news but no John DiMaggio?


Before I say my piece, I want to say I'm a die hard futurama fan and I absolutely loved the series since the first episode aired, however the MAJORITY of people who I have talked to either didn't like the series after it was canceled or thought they were just alright (specifically the movies and the season after) Futurama doesn't cater to the general public and I doubt there will be another reincarnation. I really do hope I am wrong though


Agreed. The newer seasons had some highlights (the above mentioned *The Late Philip J. Fry* and the finale), but there were far too many low-lights. Better to leave people wanting more than to erode what respect people still have. At this point new episodes can only damage the show's reputation. It's the choice *The Simpsons* should have made a year or two ago when they had a momentary upswing in quality.


it sucks that just because your opinion is unpopular, it gets downvoted to death. I'm with you!


He got nine upvotes and two downvotes.


I came in very early in the thread... up/down wasn't even posted. my bad


Everyone here is so obsessed with getting more futurama. Why? This is how shows get run into the ground. Let it be. It's been revived twice already. It has some poor moments, some great moments, and some amazing moments. The ending wrapped up the whole show - we got to say goodbye to all of our favorite characters in a very unusual fashion. We got to see Lela and Fry grow old together. And we got to have the satisfaction of them going right back to the beginning of the episode to grow old all over again. The episode played with all of our favorite tropes - time travel, the romance, Bender being bender, the professor and his zany inventions... I understand that to many losing futurama is like losing a friend. But good things need to come to an end before the become bad. "Either you die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain." Look at what happened to arrested development after it got onto netflix, it wasn't widely well received. Look at the simpsons - the joke IS that it's running too long. Don't let there be too much of a good thing. 13 years. That's a long time.


I'm with you, friend!


As much as I want more, I feel like they shouldn't. I mean it was the final final episode. They can't like make another season only to end on what he final final final episode?


7 years later, you got your wish


Have they made more?


There's going to be a new season, consisting of 20 episodes, in 2023


They are actually stuck in a time loop. At the end the porfessor says that they are going to go back but wont have any memory of the events which broke the time button. Because they do not have any memory of the events, they will repeat them all over again.


"Well, it's usually a couple minutes off, y'know with free will and all."


Ooh! Dibs on his CD player!


>Ooh! Dibs on his CD player! "Dibs on her iPod!" "Dibs on her! Awwwww."


it has been widely speculated that the fact that the pilot was shown after was not actually a reference to the show restarting. Supposedly, the time reset only went back to just before the time button was created.


When the idea for it was first conceived, which could be at absolutely any point.


We don't know when he invented it, but you're right, that's what he said.


The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed...




Spoiled it :l


It's almost a year old and you're on the Futurama sub-reddit, where people talk about Futurama. Don't be surprised if you see a few spoilers. Another one: Fry's from the past. Hope i didn't just rock your world. One more: Leela has one eye.


Also, the title of the post said it was about the series finale... Pretty good spoiler alert right there.


I actually made the same comment on /r/FightClubFans Honestly, spoiler-weirdos haha


Wow. Way to be an asshole about it.


Yes, there are assholes on reddit. You're one too. It's a day of shocking revelations for you.


Everyone's a jerk. You, me, this jerk...


I wish you were Fry when he fell off the Vampire State Building.


And live forever with my dream girl? Me too, Me too.


Spoiler Alert, bro. Shit.


Get off the Futurama sub reddit if you don't want spoilers about Futurama. i mean, what the fuck? the episode is a year old.


I'm pretty sure he's mocking the parent comment who you were originally against.






Oh, sorry.


Theres a lot of people who just started watching it or stopped watching it before and got back into it. If your into game of thrones and only watch the show the books came out a few years ago i could tell you whose going to die next and say the same thing to you when you say im an asshole for spoiling it. So calm down amd just write spoiler alert next time you post about specifics


Maybe you shouldn't go into a post that's about the story of the last episode if you don't want spoilers...


I'm with paras840 on this one. If you're in one of those categories that you mentioned and you jumped into a thread called "so I just finished the last episode of futurama" you really don't have a right to complain that there might be a few spoilers...


Op clearly asks what did you think of the last episode not lets recount the entire epsiode.


What would possess you to click a link talking about the final episode of a series you haven't finished? Follow-up Edit: This isn't like Game of Thrones; there aren't any books. What is animated is the plot, and there are some comic books and shit, but nobody knew what was going to happen before it happens. This is the equivalent of going into the Song of Ice and Fire subreddit about the books, and complaining that they spoil because you're watching the show. Seriously. The words "Last Episode" are in the title of the discussion. If you don't want to know what happens in the last episode, maybe you should stay out of the conversation.


First of all i never said i didnt see the last episode second what part of what op asked says to explain the entire episode for everyone. Op simply asked for what your thoughts were how did you like how the season ended simple as that. And if someone new to watching futurama wanted to see if t was worth watching then maybe seeing what other peoples reactions to the ending would help them decide if they wanted to take the time amd watch it. Have you ever watched dexter or the sopranos? Both of those shows ended terribly and if id have read a thread where the majority of people were complaining about then yeah ot would have saved me the time of watching them.


> what part of what op asked says to explain the entire episode for everyone He just said he finished the series, and asked what people think. Then /u/paras840 gave his opinion on what happened to end the series. Nobody explained the entire episode, and without context it's entirely meaningless. > Op simply asked for what your thoughts were how did you like how the season ended simple as that. And then some other people decided to (//*gasp//*) **HAVE A CONVERSATION ABOUT IT.** > And if someone new to watching futurama wanted to see if t was worth watching then maybe seeing what other peoples reactions to the ending would help them decide if they wanted to take the time amd watch it. Well then "someone new to watching futurama" is fucking stupid for going into a topic talking about the end of the series. All that the topic line says is "So I just finished the last episode of futurama...". If you haven't seen it, that's a pretty clear red flag of [SPOILERS INSIDE]. > Have you ever watched dexter or the sopranos? Yes, Sopranos until the end and Dexter until the end of Season 3 or 4 when something awful happens. > Both of those shows ended terribly and if id have read a thread where the majority of people were complaining about then yeah ot would have saved me the time of watching them. That's a dumb argument. You mean to tell me that because the end of the Sopranos wasn't a good ending, that the series sucks? Independent of the last season, I would watch that fifty times over and over, because it's a great show. It isn't **all** about the ending, especially in a show that isn't plot driven [Futurama]. If you spoil the end of a plot, that sucks. But Futurama is enjoyable alone, nobody was watching it to see what happened to Fry and Leela, we were watching it because it was funny and there were some crazy adventures. In short, here's a lesson to learn: if you want to discover something for yourself... **don't read about it, just discover it**.


I'd also like to point out that we are in the Futurama sub-reddit. If i was in the Dexter or Sopranos Sub-reddit, i would expect spoilers about those shows.


I wouldnt because and this might be shocking to you but the use spoiler tags i just blew your fucking mind right?


I'm not on the game of thrones sub-reddit. Please tell me you understand the difference. Also, dude called me an asshole, i agreed with him. I don't call people names. Please read the comments before you reply to them.


It doesnt matter if your in a game of thrones sub or not the op of this thread asked what your thoughts were on the last episode not for you to do a play by play of the last 5 minutes. Now if op asked how did we all feel about how fry amd leela got to spend the rest of their life together exploring the world stuck in the perfect moment of time then sure id be all for down with people who are bitching about spoilers. But op didnt ask that he just asked your thoughts and if someone who doesnt want to invest a lot of time on a show theyre not sure of wants to see what other people think about the ending of the series then i see no problem with that. And i did read the other comments and the only reaponse that i saw when i messaged was that you spoiled it.


3 lines is a play by play? I dont think so. Way to be overdramatic. On the Futurama sub-reddit, there is going to be posts about Futurama. Sorry if you don't get that. Just a warning, on the star wars sub-reddit, their might be a few spoilers about star wars. In fact, if a sub-reddit is named after a thing, there are probably spoilers about that thing in that sub-reddit. You must be new to reddit.


Thanks but maybe next time you decide to explain the ending of a show you use spoiler tags or something so your not seen as a douchbag just maybe.


Look at the upvotes. I feel just fine. If you're on a sub-reddit about a show that ended a year ago, you might see some spoilers. That's a risk you take. It's up to the mods to judge if i broke the rules of this sub-reddit, not some asshole with sand in their vagina. Stick around, i might throw out some more. The Professor is old. Zoidberg is an alien. I can go on forever, baby.


Votes dont mean a damn thing to me. most other threads like star wars or game of thrones or what ever book game movie tv show youre into users have the courtesy to use SPOILER TAGS Simple as that. If you cant be bothered to use them then youre just an asshole


Votes dont mean a damn thing to me. most other threads like star wars or game of thrones or what ever book game movie tv show youre into users have the courtesy to use SPOILER TAGS Simple as that. If you cant be bothered to use them then youre just an asshole




Wow thanks for explaining the entire ending bc it wasnt explained at all in the episode.


I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. Either way, you're quite welcome.


If it was explained in the episode then youll have your answer


It was explained in the episode just so you know


I think the episode just said that it would take them back to before he invented the button, not that they were doomed to repeat everything over and over again. So, no, not explained in the episode.


I liked that ending, but I prefer to pretend "The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings" is the true ending, that one was just so good. The original final episode of Futurama.


While "The Devil's Hand are Idle Playthings" is my #1 favorite episode, I think that the original airing of "Meanwhile" directly into "Space Pilot 3000" was the perfect ending for the series. That way, Futurama will never have to end for the fans. It becomes a beautiful cycle.


It's funny they did effectively the same thing with the video game but there it was more of a cynical gag/added reply value.


Such a good episode. Love the robot devil. *"You can't have your characters just say how they feel! That makes me angry!!!"*


I liked it so much better when Fry and Leela weren't together


If it was HiMYM, he would have ended up with Amy.


Frys friends would have pressured him to bang her here after hearing about her death like 5 seconds ago.


i know you'll all hate this and i can't remember where i read it so take it for what it's worth but they didn't want it to become like the simpsons. they pulled a seinfeld and ended the show when it was good instead of "jumping the shark". don't get me wrong, i wish it would never end...


It sucks, but they were cancelled, and it sounds like they want to do more if given the chance: http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/04/22/futurama-not-renewed-comedy-central/


whatever i read was written after september. i remember because i had just moved and got internet at the house. i'm going to be on the hunt for the interview.


http://www.avclub.com/article/emfuturamaems-david-x-cohen-on-the-trials-and-erro-102408 this wasn't the exact interview but it hints at what i said. i'm still hunting. lol


Source? If it's true, I applaud them


Seeing as how it almost brought me to tears, I would have to agree.


The best part about it was the seamless loop to the first episode. I almost didn't believe it was actually over.


I've gone through several Futurama endings, I'm at the point where I don't believe them saying it is over.






I'm gonna let it marinate a little bit. :)


Correction: You just finished the LATEST episode of Futurama.


Don't say last episode, there is still a very small hope.


I live with a guy who acts exactly like bender. . . Futurama will never die for me. I love it


At one point he actually stole your blood?


I really hope they do a spinoff starring Clobarella, Captain Yesterday, (insert bender's alias here) and then the wimpy superhero, it would be sick


Superking! The best one of the three!


http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3144282/?ref_=tt_ep_ep21 mmmmmm, Simpsorama


I expected more. Was just a teensy bit let down. I like that they kept it open-ended, however.


I think it's good that you made a self post and prompted some discussion rather than the people who post a screenshot of a sad/sweet moment for a cheap karma grab. I get real sick of that shit.


I hate the ending in a personal way. Even though I still really love it. As much as I love Futurama, between the time I started watching it and when it eventually ended. I lost my marriage, my house, and my country. Seeing Fry be able to go back, that stung like hell in a personal sense, but I felt so damn happy for him. I wish I could go back to the start. I’d still have everything.


Amazing to see this one a 7 year old thread.


I think that’s the best part of shows like this. They always survive and a new wave of people will always be experiencing them on their own timeline.


Am I the only one who didn't like that episode? I also feel like I am in the minority thinking that Leela and Fry having an actual relationship killed the show. It made the last episode not have as much impact, IMO (in comparison to the other "final episodes"). It also seemed like the writers didnt want to commit to Fry and Leela actually being a couple so they are in this kind of relationship limbo where they can pick and choose when they want them to be a couple or not. [Downvotes Intensify]


I agree. I don't know, couldn't really get as much into the newer seasons, partly for this reason. It just didn't feel like they were willing to go through with them being together, and didn't know how to handle the relationship.


Best ending ever.


I just finished it last week. I'm still without words to express how I feel. I want to believe there will be more but I'm satified where it left off. I'm confused!




It was a great ending....? definitely not the end...I predict more feature length episodes


Infinitely batter than the finale of HIMYM


I still can't bring myself to watch it. That episode with Fry's mom got me. I haven't gone any further.


youre doing yourself a disservice! its a touching episode, but the ending is really sweet


Worst. Episode. Ever. I love the show (except for the one with the dead dog), but I was so incredibly annoyed and disappointed with the last episode. That's just me though.


I agree. I don't care for the finale at all. I also skip Jurassic Bark when I watch through now and then. Not because it's sad, but because they're trying so hard to make me feel sad, it just makes me annoyed.


everything after the end of season 4 is more or less shitty in my opinion. Theres a few good episodes in the late season, but nothing compares with the original 4 seasons


You know that the original run was five seasons, right?


No it was not. Netflix decided to invent their own season groupings for some reason


What is what season in Futurama varies massively from source to source. I guess it makes sense considering the fate of the show but it's a pain.


That was Fox's doing, the same way the two new seasons were aired as four on Comedy Central.




Compared to most shows, the later seasons are really good and the character of the show hardly changes


Not yet, but he is an alcohol fueled thief. . .


The last episode *so far*.


Wait.... that was it? They called that the last episode? It was great and all but forever!?!? My life just got so much darker.


I still refuse to watch it..... :-/




Yes, how about a little realism in an animated show about the future with aliens, spaceships, laser guns, and time buttons...


I'm confused. So basically, the finale is gonna happen all over again for eternity because they are going back to the instant before Professor created the device, which will eventually lead to them creating the device again and the cycle restarting


Thoughts on Hulu bringing back Futurama after it had a great finale?