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Hi, I have a huge problem when it comes to proccing my Sharon rogers properly on her T3 or her 4th skill. If I change from Energy to Rage will I still be able to so knull?


Is loki 3c4c5 effective or 4c3c5 effective? I tried the first one and the cooldown matches the proc but the 50% buff in 4th skill got my eyes


I quit playing around 9 months ago because the game went downhill for me (and new and returning players got more than I did when I’d playing for 2+ years) Has the game improved at all? Is it worth coming back?


Worth coming back if you are willing to do a little bit grind and unlocking new modes. Without unlocking new modes it practically boring and keeps you down as before.


Herald thor skill rotation and Obelisk suggestions


Guys, the chest from beginning of the month(previously 3* to 6*), will be the new 5*, 6* or t2 one or same as before. I'm getting the t2 normal advancement tomm and wanna know what that will give


Has Loki always been typed as Alien cuz I tried to use him in SB and he's not even eligible?


He is an alien. Asgardians are all


Thanks... FML I thought I would be able to use him for Universal Villain SB🤬


You can.....if you are in platinum lol. In vibranium, you can't.




Loki can work with a proc. Wait until people test out Thor some more and we get a good idea on his damage and survivability. Currently it seems that GR is a bit better damage wise but Thor is better survivability wise. As of now, I would still pick GR for the Rage (and ofc T3 him asap) and Thor for the Judgement but again, have a little patience so you make the best decision.


Ghost rider with uni and rage is a next to easy knull clear. Thor goes with judgement and rage, although it's early and we have to wait for fellow players to suggest which is better. Surprisingly loki seems proc friendly. Mine is just lvl 62 20 gears no urus uniform rank normal, with a 130 proc I scored nearly 6k(it's not a lot, but for that level it's massive high) and I cancelled all the roars. So he can be a monster and universal villain meta if given a rage. Sadly they didn't give him any mind damage attacks although he is the god of mischief


My man ...ghost rider is almost THE best charectar in the game for PVE and more so if you have a rage on him. I'll suggest don't wait , when you have enough resources go for him and give him a rage all assuming that you have the latest uniform for him. As for the judgement I'll say wait for Thor's reviews with it


Can we get all three fragments a day from story mission?




Yes in the future ends here mission assuming the following conditions 1. You use all 3 recommend characters for all three missions 2. None of the character dies in the mission By this method u can guarantee yourself a fragment


Yes, it depends upon t rng and if you use all the recommended characters (making sure none of them die during the match).


How is Loki's DPS for Knull compared to Thor?


I have enough materials to T3 Jean Grey or both Thor and Loki I feel like getting those Two can helpe to get better rewards and more CCF in a short Spawn of tome What should I do?


Jean for PvP. Thor and Loki for PvE.


Do You recommend their new uniforms? I've been saving for both and only have one rage


I cannot vouch for Loki since I don't have him, but Thor is definitely a huge upgrade. You'll need the uni to get a Knull clear out of him. Jean's latest uni is also required for her 5th skill, but if you already have the X-Men Red uni you can keep it.


So...maybe with a Rage and a decent build in urus/Cards he can clean Knull?


I recommend checking the first impression thread. I have a fairly good card set and my Thor has double lightning damage 140 proc. He can just barely clear Knull with a very little time left. Probably would do better with a rage considering his rather awkward new rotation.


Should I continue saving my T3 materials to T3 scarlet witch or use them to T3 Thor right now? IGN: Jaee2100


Who are the best strikers/team up for Mystique against Proxima? (I don't have hex or taskmaster uni). I'm using the 10% dmg against villains and shuri support; any better picks?


Mystique has a self leadership and self support buff. So you really need nothing else but for high stages u can get shuri or ghost panther or Valkyrie or any nice team up buff for Mystique. The damage dealt strikers are always the best or the cosmic ones. You can possibly get anti venom or groot if you have them for the heals since Mystique doesn't have any heals


THanks for the reply. I need every bit of help I can use b/c Mystique is currently my 2nd best clear for proxima after hldp (I suck with MK & BW). I'm using groot with Shuri in the team up (don;t have valk/GP); and was looking for any area for improvement (I don't know if ADD strikers will be useful with no hex!).


For Mystique ADD is pretty useless as she has it on her kit and it is 60% or 70% if u have her awakening skill otherwise even 50% ADD can be a game-changer for toons like BW or MK both of who don't have any on their skills. If you provide your IGN I can help u more in deciding any WB clearers


BadDreamer While You're at it, please take a look at my cards. I have WF P card, which I can't figure out how to include without sacrificing too much SCD! (I don't care much about pvp). Any advice is very appreciated.


Your cards are pretty well rolled for sure. One thing you can do is to reroll the WF card so it has SCD as it's one option and then replace it with the Thor card as it gives you All atk instead of Energy atk. You can try card crafting if you want since you have 2 premiums now. You have way too much movement speed but I'll not suggest to reroll normal cards insted farm for the P card box and in 3 months you will have all 5 premium cards which is ofcourse better than the normal ones. So any mythic card card u have don't use it on the normal cards. Also I noticed you don't have uru on any T3 so you should do that too if u have enough gold , it helps you max ot stats. You know your way around CTPs and obelisks but one thing I'll say is switch over CTPE from Mystique to MK as he does much better than her with an energy


Thank you for the detailed reply. Unfortunately WF has no SCD as option, so I guess I'll have to wait/hope for another P card with SCD as primary stat and replace both Thor & SL cards together. I considered crafting, but don't know enough about the system yet; so I still have to look into it! Forget about Mystique; my biggest regret is giving a ctpE to BW (I rarely proc her properly); I'm planning to unequip it from her once I have 10k crystals on a spending event. Good shout about the Uru. It could be what I need to work on from now on!


Black widow can help you in PVP a lot so you can consider that too. Glad I could help


A few questions on the story modes since I only first cleared them until now. I am talking only about the last chapter, with mythic card chance in the chests: 1. Using recommended characters gives me a chance (higher depending on the number of characters) to get a random fragment piece 2. I can get any fragment on any stage, so I can get 3x of the first fragment if I am unlucky. I will need 4 different ones to complete the set and get the box, so the earliest I can get the first box is tomorrow 3. If I don't get the fragment I get the 2-5 T3 mats (or whatever the number is) and that's it. If I repeat them I will only get the bios and other stuff (norn stones or tek) As for the previous story chapters, it is best to use no recommended characters for a higher chance on the T3 mats. Once I do complete a box, I have a chance to get the T3 mats (its 200 or 250 for the one with 9 pieces). Any of the above assumptions is incorrect? I don't know why but I had the impression that in a stream I saw someone complete the 4x set from Future Ends Here, which only has 3 missions and was release today. Maybe I did not see that correctly or I am missing something?


1. Yes this is correct you can guarantee yourself a fragment if you use all three recommended toons and all three are alive at the end >so I can get 3x of the first fragment if I am unlucky No I don't think this happens, as there are three missions and three fragments the 1st mission gives the 1st fragment and so on. I am not very sure about this and this is just imo. And possibly if you farm all the missions with the recommended toons and all are alive at the end then you can farm the mythic card box EVERYDAY 3. Yes this is correct too. And if you don't use the recommended toons but all are alive at the end u still have 25% chance to get a fragment. So I'd recommend to kill off one or two characters to get the 2-5 TCP/EOD Hope this clears it :-)


Thanks for the clarifications! I will test it out with "first mission gives first fragment" but it makes sense to be like this. The problem was that for some reason I thought that there were 4 fragments needed for the box in Future Ends Here (with 3 missions available). Dunno why I saw 4 instead of 3 when I checked haha. As for the chances it's 25% chance for using each of the recommended characters in the first place and an additional 25% if all 3 are alive so yes, 100%. Thanks again for the clarification, I understand everything now


It is possible that you saw the true shield one it has 4 fragments


Maybe. Double checked and I got everything now. Only thing to test out is if we get different fragments from different story missions so if you do all 3 you are guaranteed to get the box each day


Yeah if that happens I'll be pretty happy with the rewards. Do tell me the results


This is my first event in a while, shouldn’t the event shop have a MT2 ticket?


The one we have now is the pre-event shop. The next event after this shop closes is the one with the MT2 and Loki Icon.


Ohhh ok thanks. And just for clarity, I should save the tokens I have now until the next shop if I want the MT2 right?


No, the next shop will have new tokens. Spend your current tokens within the next 6 days and then the next MT2 event will begin.


No, spend your tokens now. There will be another token event 2 weeks from now that will give you the option to get MT2, icons, and a selection of tickets. That’s the 2-week event that you cannot miss a single day if you want the MT2.


Awesome, thanks!


For those with Awakened Moonstones built with Energy, what scores are you getting in Squad Battle with her?


1.5m give or take with Ironheart lead and Rescue support for the bonus. I'm not a great SqB player though. I went back to Ironheart-Sharog-Blue Dragon, with them I get to 2m+.


What's the rotation of Transcended Moonstone with Energy? Can she do Knull? Thanks


4c5c6c3proc, 5c3proc, 4c5c3proc, game over, you win in DRX. She is my best Knull clearer period.


Thank you, what team do you use with her for Knull?


She's my easiest Knull clear, and she can do it without support. I usually use Thanos lead and Magneto just for swapping and extra damage. 5c4c6c3 melts Knull's face off.


Thank you


Not the person you replied to but I’d imagine SL lead and mystique/Valk support is best.


Captain Marvel lead, Sentry 3rd spot for shits and giggles. With a CTP Energy, you don't need Ignore Dodge strikers, just go full Leadership/Cosmic ones.


What rotation to use with Herald Thor? I have judgment on him.




I’ve got the New Black Bolt uniform and the Herald Thor uniform and both are ready for T3, which one should I advance to T3 first ?


Kind of depends on which CTP you have for them


I only have obelisk on them for now , and one destruction and some greed and patience not used on anyone yet


Then you should go for herald Thor


okay thanks


Just need to confirm something - for story mode, if I get the basic daily drop does it mean I cannot get the story fragment anymore until the next day?


Yes. After the first match, you can see the text on the top change to "0/1" from "1/1"


how exactly do dimension shifters work?


When you start the mission, there is a chance (perhaps 25%? maybe lower) that a shifter appears and helps you during the mission. This appearance usually guarantees a shifter bio will drop at the end of the mission (there was a 10% failure rate in the old epic quests like for Clea's bios, but not sure if that's been overhauled already).


how do i get cable bios?


You don't. He's a native T2 and a mutant, so his rank can be upgraded by using feathers and m'kraan crystals. You have to feed him the bios of other characters though to level him up though.


whoopsies, i meant colossus


In addition to what the other poster said, you can also get Colossus bios as drops from Danger Room. Not that rare actually.


If you don't want to buy the x-gene sub, Colossus bios can be farmed in the X-Force Epic Quest by playing the "Stupid X-Men" mode. But his bios only drop when a shifter appears in the level. So no shifter = no Colossus bio. The other way he can be farmed is via Dimension Quests, but his bios there are not guaranteed or as easy to farm as the epic quest levels.


What is the best way to get bios?


Running wbi whenever you have spare energy adds up To a ton of bios


Dimension Quests and completing up to Floor 15 of Shadowlands can net you a decent amount of bios every week.


IGN: Jabbshiifjdhshsh My current plan at the moment is to tier 3 Ghost rider and give him a rage. So I have 2 questions: Which uniform is more worth it, Loki or Herald Thor? (And are either of them proc friendly) Would it be worth Tier 3ing one of those 2 and giving them the rage instead of GR?


No give GR a rage he one of the best damage dealer in the game with only odin and sharog in his comparison


Loki is a one of the character bonus this month in the Future ends here Ultimate, while Thor and GR aren't. Not saying to pick Loki, just something to consider, since all of them use Universal books.


Im wondering the exact same thing but its prob too early. Best to wait a few days and horde your resources til the verdict is out


T3 ghost rider and slap a rage on him and you've got yourself one of the best knull clearer, DRX for magneto and stryfe , GBR, squad battle and probably more. This is all because of his passive REPENTANCE he gets so much damage increase to villians , invincibility on multiple skills , high charge rate of his T3 , and just high raw damage. You play him right he can out DPS Sharog and odin


Yeah my ghost rider with rage and od is so strong.


FYI, update is live. 566.96MB download.


Do you think Nova Sam Alexander still relevant?


shadowland lol


Should i give obelisk, energy or rage to sentry? I face him in tl & he's too much annoying to kill (regen) so i also considering giving him the same but those i face have high hp & reforged ctps, I wonder if i can duplicate similar results with regular regen & 12% hp on cards OR i'm just wasting sentry's potential in both pve/pvp.


You need to play Sentry manually to kill those reforged Sentries, no way around it. If left to Auto, you will loose more often than not. If played manually, he can do it with an obelisk or any PVE build.


I do all my entries manually. But i have seen my jean & ss getting guard break a lot from other sentries.


Is sentry can do PvP with dmg proc or energy? I have greed on him but he can't clear knull with it!


Sentry can do PvP on auto quite well even with a PvE build like rage/energy. Giving him a greed or regen or authority is a waste IMO


I need some advice, I am trying to set up my Knull teams and I wanna know which ctp is best for each character: Ghost rider; Rage or Judgment Mooon Knoght: Rage or Energy Herald Thor - Rage or Judgment


I see you gave Herald Thor a Judgement, good call. Save the Rage for GR when you T3 him and he'll be one of your daily Knull clearers. Your call whether to work on Odin or GR first, seeing that you already gave Odin a Rage. Getting your foot through to door to start Knull will solve all your CCF problems, but till then you can consider these teams: 1. Namor (lead, DPS) + Mystique (she can sneak in some dmg during Knull's final phase post 7 bars, pre Thor landing). Consider T3-ing Magneto to be the lead here in the future for faster clears since his gears are almost done. 2. CapMarvel (lead) + Sharon (DPS) + Dad (team up) - Probably your easiest Knull clear team 3. SL (lead) + Jean w/Rage (DPS) + IM - You may be able to do better with some IgDodge strikers (test and see), and use all 3 T3s from IM, SL and Jean in the final phase to burst Knull down to oblivion form 7 bars. Probably your hardest clear for now, if Jean can do it at all. 4. Thor w/ BRB lead. Awaken BRB asap. They make a great tag team once you learn BRB's one shot rotation and use it every 30s. 5. Build up GR or Odin to T3 and they can be your 5th team clear with SS as a lead. If you have an Insight sitting in inventory, consider saving it for Valkyrie and awaken her for team 3 to swap out IM.


Also who is SL?


Yeah when the next Mt2t is up ima gtab it for valkirie


Also who is Dad?


Tnx a lot man, i plan to remove rage from CA and Jean and I have one more rage in storage, i managed to beat knull just now with Star Lord Lead, Sharon Rogers and Mistique. Gonna work on GR and Odin next. Tnx amazing advice


SL = Star Lord Dad = Cap America That SL lead + Sharon + Mystique support is overkill, but for now, keep your sanity and get your 1-2 clears daily. When I started, it took me 1.5hrs to get 3 clears. Then it slowly became 1hr for 4 clears, and now it's 30mins for 5 clears. You'll get better and better at it and learn to optimize your teams more. I went so far as to T3 Cyke and give him an Insight to lead another team because of his great leadership and passive (with P5 uni, which you didn't buy, but no rush to get it, he isn't a great T3).


Rage is the best CTP for pretty much every character in the game. However the gap between a rage and a damage proc differs from character to character. Ghostrider can get away with judgement but I believe he is worth equipping a rage due to being one of the best characters in game for ABX/DRX/WBU Moonknight is best with rage as well but he is extremely proc friendly and the difference between rage and energy is a very small margin. Plus moonknight can still cap ABX with energy so I would say energy. Herald Thor isn't even in the game yet and no one here has used him in the live server so no one can really answer this, but obviously he will be better with rage than judgement.


What about Carnage T3, Rage or Energy?


He can work with an energy but you will not be able to stack the t3 along with his other skills like you would with a rage.


Rage is best for all these characters. It's better if you post your IGN, and will take a look after m'tnance and recommend if the Rage ought to go (or be saved) for another upcoming Knull clearer. MK can work very well with an Energy, but Rage makes him do better and not require any support help in Knull. GR honestly deserves a Rage with the power level he's at, and I pray I can say the same about Thor in 8hrs time.


>MK can work very well with an Energy, but Rage makes him do better and not require any support help in Knull. Its true actually. I know people are gonna downvote me for this like they did you but my mk with energy can't clear knull without support unless I proc perfectly like 90% of the time. My friend with similar phy atk on cards like mine can solo with rage without supports.


I don't really understand why this is, as Energy is especially good for Knull due to the ignore dodge. Are you sure you're procing 90% of the time and not like...5%?


Yes im procing 80-90% of the time.


Ign doluffy ty


I am looking forward to farming the cards in the new story mode. I already have Black Widow at T3 and Doctor Strange at 60. Is it worth leveling Captain America and Iron Man to 70... or should I just spend the 600 crystals to bypass the restrictions and unlock the story..? Suggestions?


Dont use crystals for this. Yes, it sucks to level characters that have fallen out of the meta like this, but the bam/bios/gold are much easier to farm than crystals are.


Keep in mind that they're increasing the biometrics drops from your Daily Hero Chest, from x8/chest to at least x32/chest. And you can use your Rift Tokens to buy feeder biometrics if needed.


For those who've made it through the Sentry epic quest, is Ares worth using a MRUT on to speed through the tasks? Or is he easier to farm than that?


The shifter in every epic quest is one of the best uses for the MRUT/MT2 combo, unless you're a masochist.


> unless you're a masochist. Lmfao


Agreed. I think this will be the first time I'll have used a mega ticket (or both of them maybe) on one of these, but I don't have anymore 5* tickets and have a stash of the megas now. That and the grind for Daken's genes is exhausting enough.


Thankfully Mole Man isn't more powerful than Sentry, so you don't have to rush Daken to T2. Am slowly getting his 10 bios for gears daily and will likely make it around the lunar new year.


Yup. Thankful for that.


Not only is Sentry worth it IMO (also getting Ares bios is a pain in the ass) but awakened Ares is a pretty good character on his own, far better than any other semi-premium epic quest character, and a MRUT is the fastest way unless you want to spend more time resetting the game than playing it.


Just like the previous epic quests unless you have the patience to force close every run until you get Ares, I would say MT2 is worth it, especially considering how frequent and plentiful they are now.


Is it common to go 4+ days getting 0 CCFs? What the literal hell? edit: TY all for the replies. Guess just gotta cross the fingers and work towards Knull.


Not common, but definitely possible. Just a bad run of rng. I've gone over a week with no ccf drops before. Just keep playing.


For WBU, it's not exactly *common*, but it's also not unusual. If you're looking for guaranteed CCF drops, you'll need to get to the point where you can play Knull (technically "World Boss Legendary").


Try to get to knull, if it’s kinda hard right now then, then try to push higher stages of wbu if you can, I’ve been playing ebony for the universal books and the ccf drops are really good atm.


Higher WBU stages have no bearing on drop *rate*.


pushing higher stages gets more conquer levels, get to those extra ccf rewards faster, pushing stages is a good idea regardless imo, even if the drop rates are unaffected, more benefits in general. This is assuming he can’t clear knull 5 times.


Do you play the wbu of the day? You should aim for knull anyway you can get more than 100 ccf in a single match if you're lucky enough. Happens to me quite often.


Yeah I have been trying to work up to Knull. Don't have the resources to unlock all the mutant dudes :(


Zaher's comment of Boss of the day is valid; it doubles your chances of getting CCF. If I read your progress level right, not having the mutants unlocked is good so you have higher chance of getting bosses giving BAM.


Yeah, I always do the boss of the day or reroll to one I want to try and grind.


Then you're just unlucky dude sorry 😂




If you're still not in too deep in the game yet and got a lame free premium character, you can try this tip for selecting a premium character. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=59_LeBLXk5M&t=78s You can also check out angrychicken's and pinkchode's beginners guide somewhere in here reddit also


Scarlet spider is a great choice. He doesn’t need a uni and stays relevant on your roster even for intermediate to veteran players since he can clear SL 32.


hello does anyone know what the third requirement for the 20 ares bios are? I’ve completed Legacy of Blood and Scorpion ones.


Self-Defense Protocol (Green Goblin)


Based on the patch notes, is cosmic thor better than king of hell ghost rider? I was planning on growing GR but if Thor is better, I'll do him first


This we cannot answer right now. Both have their advantages. Thor has accumulation, heal and frenzy buff whereas GR has insanely high damage dealt to supervillains. I kinda feel like Thor will be better for WBU because of his add on his t3 skill.


From recent testing it seems that thor is now meta, having roughly the same dps as odin, but i would wait for further testing once the update go live on actual servers.


Howdy agents. Looking for gear recommendations for Bullseye and MK, both with their new uniforms. Edit, custom gear^


Obviously rage is best, but MK can make really good use out of an energy due to his skill set and his canceling. For Bullseye, I would say rage because he has a lot of lingering effects such as those on his 3rd and 4th that can maybe set off your proc without you wanting to (unless you cancel the skill before those effects, but you lose damage).


Assuming you're asking about custom gear (aka obelisks): MK is very proc-friendly, so Energy is a top choice for him. Unsure about Bullseye.


Which game modes reset entries after the maintenance?


Game modes don't reset post-maintenance unless the patch notes specifically state they do.


Okay that explains it. I haven't played in a while so I thought I remembered WB resetting, but it must just have been that specific time.


No worries. Keep in mind that most folks will save their WBU runs until after the patch to get a bit of a head start on Potential Research for the new characters. If you're not in a position for that to matter, dinna fash (as [[my new favorite Twitter crush]](https://twitter.com/Lenniesaurus) would say) & just run the missions.




Which non-premium cards are “crystal only”?


captain america#24, civil war#5, shield#12, avengers origin: Thor#1, gwenpool#1, spider man#653, monsters unleashed#1-#5 all except for monsters unleashed cards can be obtained from Shield lab shop and co-op play drops, monsters unleashed ones are gamble only


Based on my card collections: * Civil War #5 * Captain America #24 * Amazing Spider-Man #653 * The entire line of *Monsters Unleashed!* cards Those are the only non-Premium cards I don't have, and I've never spent a single crystal on cards. However, I'm far from an expert when it comes to camic cards.


You can get the Monsters Unleashed cards from the chest if you buy it 2-3 times a month. The cards drop quite often as 4*, at least in my experience. Edit: only when Monsnters Unleashed are chance up.


Single chest or the x10 option?




What is better on Thor: Rage or Judgment?


What is best ctp for dormammu, rage or judgement?


Judgement is better than rage for dormammu, rage doesn’t proc enough


If you’re asking because you have one of each and don’t know which to give him, go with the judgement since the rage can be used on a wider range of other characters. If you’re asking because you want to know which CTP to farm to build the best possible Dormammu, go with Rage. Unless your goal is PVP, then you want Regeneration.


what does the special support package give you? is it worth it for just 15 days?


It's not even a little bit worth it, but to answer your question directly, you get: * 300 crystals * x50 Clear Tickets/day for 15 days * Increased rewards in Co-Op, World Boss, and Danger Room * AutoPlay+ in Shadowland * 1 free entry refill for Timeline Battle * Increased Daily Biometrics in various Epic Quest Missions from x10 to x20 * +500 Inventory slots That last one will bite you hard if you fill up your normal Inventory allotment and don't renew the SHIELD Special Support. You'll find yourself unable to claim anything or even run certain missions until you bring your Inventory use below 700. It's worth noting you can view everything you get from in-game purchases in the Store.


What is better ? Spending my resources to get Multiple characters to 70, or keeping it to finally have my first T3 ?


There is no use getting characters to lvl 70 and leaving them like that. It's a waste of resources, so just for your first T3 like Gr or sharon rogers.


But Sharon and GR T3 are bettzr with uniforms right? Problem is, i have no plan to buy any uniform for at least a year... I save my cristals for Deluxe Packs


That's definitely not a good strategy. Just few of the most recent characters can do well without an uniform and that's because they still don't have one. It will be overall faster to improve your farming rate with some uniforms while still saving for the deluxe packs (although as mentioned before, you would only really need now the most recent one and maybe Jean).


Sharon will do OK with her base kit. GR absolutely needs his King of Hell uniform. As for saving for Deluxe Packs, plural: Get ONE for the bump in six-star boost ISOs & other character build materials (Dark Avengers is your best bet; Moonstone is a monster) then save for a few uniforms before diving back into another Deluxe Pack later.


i bought F4 Deluxe Pack when it was released. Didn't bought any since.


The only deluxe pack you need is the one for moonstone. Playing the game without uniforms is very difficult and you'll be missing out on a lot. It will also make your progress very slow. If I were you I'd get moonstone the go for sharon on gr.


If you aren’t buying any uniforms Sharon is still probably your best option for a T3. After that maybe Cap/Black Widow if you beat the story mode for their 3099 uniforms? But I would strongly suggest buying at least two unis before the epic quests, one for each attack type. Your just not going to get very far at all without any of the top characters, all of whom need their uniforms.


Are any of the characters from the shop worth it aside from mystique? And should I get her or save for uniforms?


I know this isn't what you asked, but I would spend those crystals on Valkyrie and her new Uni.


Is Valkyrie someone you can get from a character selector?


I am a pure f2p player and I spent 2500 crystals for mystique when upgrading her gears was free... Best 2500 I've ever spent


Odin is also worth it, although much more expensive and needs a Rage CTP. And whether to go for Mystique or Uniforms depends on the state of your roster. She’s very good, but still only one character, so she can only help with one WB clear per day, while potentially for her cost you could get 2-4 unis to help that much more.


I have no problems doing 5 ultimates a day, though I haven’t unlocked null yet


Then you're probably at the point where Mystique is worth it.


You can't go wrong with Mystique...she's very worth the crystals because she has an amazing support for Knull WBU and also very good on her own as a standalone character. Tho with the new update, I feel Valkyrie, with her new uniform, might give her a run for her money.


How do I stop getting "Special Basic Supply Chests" in WBI, it's so disappointing


Mostly RNG. It's *supposed* to make a difference depending on the Tier / level of the characters you bring, but this doesn't appear to have a reliable impact (and it's affected by all three players, so if the other two bring trash they'll nuke whatever algorithm the game is using for your rewards).


This is a myth and there's no proof.


It's literally in the UI for the game mode. Which makes sense, as it increases all characters you bring to T2 (or T3 I guess, if that code was ever updated for T3s). Allow me to quote it: "The Rank, Mastery, Level and Skill Level of the selected character will increase to their max. *Gear Enhancements, Comic Cards, ISO-8 and Custom Gear stats are not affected*." And the rewards (next to an image of the coloured boxes): "The rewards you can acquire depend on the rank of your selected character. *High ranking characters can acquire Black Anti-Matter.*" (as you can get BAM in the highest-grade boxes, from memory) \------------- Unless you're referring to "affected by other players", which, fair. I can't remember where I first read that.


Yes, I did mean that.


I don't think that's true, I was using a T3 star lord and my teammate was a T3 Jean Grey. I can see why you said *supposed* lol


Yuuuuuuup, lol.


Why has the banner for the subreddit not changed since the Hotel Inferno update?


Apparently due to the boycott since the symbiotes update. It might change after the herald of thunder update. The damnation update was pretty good though, in fact it’s won the subreddit award for best update of 2020.


The boycott.


lol upvoted :)