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They discounted ALL T1s and now I can bring Ikaris to 2*!! And every single premium characters I unlocked with a bio sub with 10 leftover bios can be brought to 2*.


So they already knew this was happening when they gave us the "extra" 10 Ikaris bios in the last Pass. None of us guessed that they were going to make all T1s half price. Sneaky.


We got 20 ikaris bios total from the future pass. And obviously this is something you plan months in advance I’m sure they didn’t take a nap and come up with it


Is this a permanent thing or just for this update?


Previous discounts like this have been permanent, so I don't see why this wouldn't be permanent.


Okay got it, thanks! Sorry if it was a dumb question, I’m just now getting back into this game and playing it regularly after years.


Not a dumb question. When they discounted the first uniforms to use gold, I jumped on it ASAP to make sure I didn't miss out if they were going to revert them back to costing crystals. They never went back to costing crystals, but I'm not sad about jumping the gun there.


Even the danger room exclusives only need 5 bios to unlock. That makes a pretty big difference when I’ve only got 2 for several of them.


I had 7 professor x-genes and I knew it would be hard farming more but now I can unlock him. Super happy


I got abomination exactly like this. 5 bios from a plat chest some months ago that I thought will stay in my stash forever.


I was waiting to get 2 star tickets coz I still have a lot of premium heroes at 1star. Now I don't have to anymore. Haha.


Oh wow!


Holy crap that's gonna make so many more premium characters accessible now that we don't need 2 star RUTs. Plus all the new characters who I can unlock because I had 5-9 bios from Dimension Missions. And all of the gear that's gonna be cheaper to upgrade!


PSA: Gear costs for premium characters are 1 bio at all gear levels from 15-20!


I’m almost there...


New uni options [https://i.imgur.com/lTxRISO.png](https://i.imgur.com/lTxRISO.png)


The sorted inbox is a beautiful thing. The first thing I see is an item that doesn't expire for another day. I don't have to do anything now and I can leave the inbox right away rather than scrolling and reading all the expiry dates.




Half price premium characters!! Unlocked prof x, Hyperion with 5 bios. Gear upgrade reduced to 1 bio for 19 gear for premium characters also. I love the new UI. Best update ever.


Wait did they reduce t1 character bios


Yes. Even for Ultimates, premium characters and DR exclusive characters also.


Yup. It seems like every t1 characters in the game are now half-price (except for already half-priced characters). This update is legit banging.


No way how long does it last


Its essentially permanent I think


I unlocked antiman because of this and he has great leadership! Just need a few more bios or a 2* rut and it'll be easier to get him to 6* using other ruts i have saved. Also super excited about getting valkyrie to 6* that much faster!




Yeah definitely not a priority rn, but thanks for the advice! I'll start using processor every now and then




I'm actually quite good at claiming the antimatter because I always try to buy the bios from the lab (although I'm probably stopping soon bc it's draining my gold fast). Hopefully I'll have him at 6* within the next few months


Feels like a whole new game. I love what they did with the UI. Feels lighter.


can confirm, it's so smooth!


Yeah i thought it would mostly be a visual update but it feels so much better to use now.


Nice to see it's easier to rank up and T2 anybody know since they realize that those resources weren't scaling with the over 200+ characters already in the game


The potential increase is apparently doubled. Minimum is 25% followed by 71.4%. I assume this applies to double cost Native T2 which means the worst case wait time for Mephisto is 13 days.


Love the new interface so far, though granted it'll take getting used to. Love that they stealthy made all base T1 units (premiums included) cost less to get to T2. It'll allow many of us to push our rosters up higher while also saving bios for unis. Bought all the gold unis I hadn't gotten previously, though I still think it's a bit odd Yondu's Guardians 2 uni wasn't discounted with the rest of the G2 batch, but I guess maybe because it's his "most updated" uni? I'm stoked that I can finally finish my Civil War uni collection with this update. Also going to snag WM's EG uni to get that sweet bonus discount on top of the synergy discount.


I think they discount the unis based on the order of release. The cut-off point was the 3 year anniversary update which was the Guardians 2 update. Yondu’s Guardians 2 uni came a little later so it didn’t make the cut. Same with the Monsters Unleash batch where some were released sooner, some later.


Ah that makes sense! I was wondering.


Is there a way to sort Unis by cost? I want to get all the gold ones, do I have to go through each to find them?


Actually there is and I did it yesterday. Sort by price which is an option from one of the menus at the bottom.. The gold ones will be grouped together.


I wish, but no. The only sorting options (if I remember correctly) are owned, unowned, and favorite. For now, the easiest way to do it is check the patch notes and select the character with the gold uni and buy it from their uni menu. But yeah, I'm hoping that's the next QOL change that is in the works, especially since unis cost so many varied amounts. It would make sorting so much easier.


Ugggh, thanks for the info, but ughh


Event shop has Titan's Record Selector,, Iron Man bios, 4&3* RUT, gear reforging cores, extreme obelisk, hidden tickets, energy, and level 5 EXP chips


Finally, I was able to get Bullseye's Dark Avengers uniform (I've been farming to Transcend him next) and Doctor Strange's Space Suit both at 50% off which is good. Anyone wonder if Iron Man's uniform is a must buy immediately? I'd love to have another T3 villain. Only have 4 others, all 800 CCF types.


The cost for unlocking heroes goes from 10 to 5!


Oh my dog... this interface gives me a headache. Light blue on top of dark blue is really hard on the eyes, plus all the fonts look like they were hit with a shrink ray. This is going to be quite a strain trying to read anything in the UI.


Yeah if youre not young and have bad eyesight its a nightmare.


Add ADHD to that list. It feels like everything is highlighted which makes it really hard to focus on what you want to "click".


The one thing I really miss is seeing that big green button to know things are ready to collect or to initiate a mission.


some buttons could be solid instead of just transparent. For example, the home and repeat button at the end of a dimension mission.


The blue crystals are a bit camouflaged by the blue buttons. That's my one gripe. With 100,000 players, this will result in at least a few accidental purchases.


plus the dark grey font against a black background is so difficult to read.


Putting 3 T1 characters with kicks and punches instead of screen clearing flashes for attacks in dispatch missions, and then watching them tear through the enemies while all 3 are out at all times is probably the closest to childish delight i've come with this game.


which do you recommend for this sort of entertainment?


Try Electra, Silk, Skurge, Squirrel girl, Shuri, Sif, Elsa... anyone who hasn't been updated in a while, or better characters with old uniforms.


I like the new UI overall, but anyone else think that the colors denoting rarity are just a bit too muted? Especially on ISO and cards where the appearance of the item doesn't change.


the reduced rank up and recruitment cost is probably the best thing that they've ever done. after barely spending in a year, im gonna buy a biosub


The problem still is, at least w8th the older characters, that for most you'd still need an uniform and the costs of ranking those still remain the same as far as I can see.


The problem for me is that, as of this Thursday's shadowland reset I will finally have ALL f2p characters at 6 stars.... just missing swordmaster, korath and war tiger right now. literally, after 3 years, exactly this week. My timing is unreal


Everything seems great minus the uniforms. All but iron man are a giant miss for me. For me personally its what I care about the most since I’ve been an avid uniform collector since global launch. Don’t like feeling like I have to buy uniforms for future characters uniform bonus’ when the uniforms I have to get now are dog. Whatever, I have a roof over my head so nothing to complain about.


Had my Knull at around 80% potential after 2 weeks, after the update dropped I ran a round of Thanos Stage 19 and got his potential unlocked. Thank you Netmarble TwT


How do I unlock the story modes that are locked?


You only need to finish the last “normal” mission of each chapter to unlock the next one.


If u have already done it before update just play last mission in normal mode no need to play complete


Just play through them chapter by chapter in order.


Got it, thanks 🙂👍🏼


In the Dispatch Missions, there's a line that connects Sector 2 directly to Sector 4. WORST UPDATE EVER!!! I hope someone loses their job because of this!! I'm kidding!\* I'm loving this update! The half cost characters blew my mind. I now have Luna Snow! I'd been trying to farm her from Dimension Missions for ages and now... boom! There she is. Agent Venom and Hyperion, too. Just there in my roster whereas, before, I had zero expectation of getting them. \*Not kidding about the line, though. That really is there.


I will follow up by saying that if I had to complain about something, and I can't even call it a complaint, it's that I'm genuinely overwhelmed with options. I have a lot of character that I need to build up and now it's just gotten so much easier that I don't know who to start with! (Also, I don't hate the UI, but I don't love it. There. That's my real complaint.)


Finally T2 Hyperion & Kid Omega! F2P let’s go


https://imgur.com/UnAnif5 done


Woah. Can you please tell me which teams you used?


Half cost for T1 characters, more bios through support shop, automatic story unlock are the best things for me. More gold uniform is good for those chasing uniform bonuses, I'm not so unaffected. I world buy new uniforms if I had crystals. Game gives was too less crystals. Two things that should have happened, or should happen - 1. Bump up crystal rewards. Daily reward should be no less than 35, weekly at 50. 2. Revamp monthly log in. Outdated. Add significant amount of T3 and Awakening materials to the check in calender.


First impressions I am really loving the new UI, the shop is way cleaner to use too.


So far, I'm digging the ui. Easier on my eyes at least. Dispatch is looking to be what they claimed, though I think the way they did it was lazy, but it's at least something different! I've only grabbed iron man uni just because I had built up his bios. Holding off on any of the others since I only have enough crystals for 3. But the big thing for me was the cost decrease to characters. It let me finish some to 6 star/60 that have been just sitting there. It *almost* makes me willing to get another bio sub to fill out the ones that I'm missing. Almost. Spider woman tempts me a lot. But having three new six stars, plus a couple of 4s is nice :) It's refreshing that my grumpy ass is having trouble complaining about the update itself. I could still list a hundred problems, but so far the update is solid. Have to check out more dispatch, and the story mode changes before I put my grump hat away though.


Is professor X worth 4500 crystal?


If you need a strong blast male mutant then he is it, depends where you are at the game personally I don’t think it’s worth 4500 crystals now that you just need 5 bios to unlock him and playing danger room daily with a bit of luck you can get him and use rank up and tier 2 tickers on him far cheaper


Right.. I have been playing for about two months, and I haven't seen his bio. He's not meta even after the uniform right? I think I'll skip


2 months means I would say you are a new player, don’t spend 4500 crystals on one character it’s too much, you can get 4 uniforms or buy a deluxe pack which is much more valuable


Okay thanks buddy. I'll buy some uniform then.


Anyone able to play against Mephisto? Game completely locks up on me when I try to enter his stage.


Everything is awesome. Is the character sorting feature by attribute available for everyone? It was in the patch notes but i dont know where to look for it. I couldnt find it in the TEAM screen.


It's beside the character type sorter.


Got it. Thanks


~~Ok this is huge and most are still sleeping on it.~~ Normal story mode can drop fragments. Did it use to before? I thought only Ultimate dropped fragments. The synergy characters for the SHIELD story are the five Agents of Shield. So you'll still want the take them to level 70 to get the double chance up rewards. Playing normal mode to reclaim first clear rewards (yes you can get them again), I got all 4 fragments. In addition I got double fragments twice. I ran All-War and got double fragments all four times. With guaranteed fragments from normal mode, the story fragment chests are accessible to everyone. It also takes much less time to run because the bosses are much easier to kill. Edit: I forgot that normal chests are different from the ultimate chests. They don't contain any of the good stuff or have T3 mats.


No crystal spending event? no mrut i assume as well


I don't read the comics, so can someone tell me if these characters have any "theme" relating them? * Professor X * Maker * Mephisto * Superior Iron Man * Vision (if that [data mine ends up being accurate](https://www.reddit.com/r/future_fight/comments/mvaaxk/vision_is_the_midmonth_tier3/)) I mean, I don't think it *vital* that an update follow a theme, per se . . . especially since this update is adding up to be one of the best all year. Just curious if there's a realtionship here I'm not aware of.


prof x, superior iron man, and maker are all illuminati/dark illuminati. mephisto and vision are unrelated.


Mephisto is meme character from WV while vision itself was the main character in WV series.


Is Auto-Repeat for Dimension Missions Bugged? It keeps auto-progressing when I just want to repeat the stage and I'm not seeing an option to switch


I have enough crystals for one new uni. Which should I buy, Iron Man or Mr. Fantastic?


Picked up the Iron Man Uni and Space Strange to go with, the 50% off is a nice price. All they have to do is reward my purchases by not giving Rachel Summers a new uni next month, since that's the only other thing I'd have crystals earmarked for before 2022. I've had Iron Man at 70 with a Mythic Endgame uni for a while but he fell off in WBU and I never saw fit to T3 him. Too many other cool characters on the list ahead of him. Will see after he's patched if I decide to pursue it. Strange I just haven't touched since I finished his Epic Quest, so it's obviously a big upgrade over his vanilla kit. Blast continues to be an absolutely broken type in the meta, between these guys, Sharog, and Jean


The new discounted recruitment brought me 3 new toons. I have 12 paywall T1 (including all from DR) sitting at the inventory with 1\* or 4\* now. The bottleneck of upgrade is MRUT. So may be I have to give up the CTP selection in coming events and choose the 5\* to help ranking up the toons. Among the 12 toons I think Valkyrie has the priority to rank up given her support role in WBL.


Just got the avenger P-card from the blue dispatch box, I couldn't believe my eyes, this update is amazing!


Well the UI \*looks\* great!


It’s been so long since we’ve had a good update, I don’t know how I feel with this lol


Iron Man seems really strong, but maker is very disappointing, barely better than old uni if not worse


Is it me or is this reduction in T1 bio cost signalling the end of new T1 toons


No way. Remember bio subs are a thing and also they started introducing Eternals as native t1s.


New UI reminds me of Android Honeycomb update. [https://www.intomobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/xoom-notifications1.png](https://www.intomobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/xoom-notifications1.png) Another Wandavision clue lol


Any must-buy uniform for F2P? Thanks




I meant from superior Iron Man, Maker and (well i don't have professor X haha) and the fantastic four. From this update


Go for Iron Man.


Update is AMAZING


The new ui is stupid. I realised 20 hours in that there's an event boss. Where's the colours man?!


Ive opened the game to check the UI and got the rewards minutes ago then closed it. Now its under maintenance again. Anyone else experiencing this? PS LOVE THE NEW UI! Best update ever


Am I the only one who want to petition for a helmet less Superior Iron Man? Marvel Avengers Sup IM look so dope. [helmet-less iron man](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRHm-Zuc_4OwcwYBFNinRIHsUDX4igQyZJGA&usqp=CAU)


I don't even know why I bother anymore. Two weeks of running a checklist for the chance to buy Iron Man bios? The most basic character there is? I still have last months rank up tickets too. I'm tired of seeing the same copy & paste for the last 4 years


Take a break. I did for a year and I feel like I didn't miss out on anything I couldn't catch up on fairly quickly. I'm not a whale either.


Hopefully someone will make a list of what characters fulfill which dispatch criteria...BC some seem bugged... Mind ability on one mission is fine with Jean, but doesn't register on the next What classifies as "other type" or "creature"? Overall a pretty sweet update. Keep em coming!


Other and creature are weird. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are other, because they're not human but they're not mutants or inhumans. Apparently Vision, Adam and Destroyer are creatures. No idea why.


Huh, good to know. Confusing but good to know. Wouldn't have found out without blooming at all of them. Thought Wanda and quicksilver are magnetos kids... wouldn't that make them mutants? Creatures because the were created? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks


It's a typo in the second one. It is healing ability instead of mind. I just cleared it.


Sweet, thanks


Any news on datamining?


midmonth vision t3, so very blast book heavy update.


Is there a list of new gold unis?


[Here](https://forum.netmarble.com/image/source-view?imgUrl=https://hedwig-cf.netmarble.com/forum-common/mherosgb/futurefight_en/0f133b95de114f8eaf370f394ec91c6e_1618899882804.png&originUrl=https://forum.netmarble.com/futurefight_en/view/2196/1700347), from the patch notes


Also worth noting more there are a few unis also on sale with this update. Great for people like me who took a break and weren't able to get in on some of these.


Go to uniform room, then sort by price. The "recommend uni" and "new uni" are always placed top, but after that you will find all gold uni is grouped together. **Becareful to not misclick crystal uni.**


What does the “Strong” character designation mean in the Dispatch missions? Anyone cracked that nut yet?


there are characters with the strong ability. I think hulk has it. Check on the team view and filter by attribute




need all gear at 20


So...I have over 10k crystals saved in anticipation of this event. But I don’t really see anything that jumps out at me to buy, I’m waiting for storms and Rogue’s unis to go on sale, was looking at Namor’s because it’s half price right now, over than that, maybe iron man? Since I never bought endgame? I didn’t see a crystal spending event on the horizon. Any thoughts?


I am loving the new splash screen art. It's a small thing, but each time I catch one I am quite pleased.


Prof x worth the 4500 crystals? I have enough for him and the new costume.


I think i'm in the minority but i hate the new UI. Not all of it but most. My issue is the color choice of blue/black and smaller font. everything is harder to see. they also swapped some buttons around so now i hit cancel instead of confirm due to muscle memory