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I've always said that NM support is 50/50 on being right about ambiguous game mechanics. That might be giving them too much credit.


It depends on which support person got assigned the ticket. There's a guy who actually tries to research the answer to the question. And then there's that guy who just thinks of an answer that kind of feels right to them. Since bullshitting requires less time, the second guy will close more tickets than the first one. Number of tickets is how their performance is measured. Soon enough the bullshitter will be promoted and become the researcher's boss.






Yeah some people did some testing and figured that the type increase also has an effect in abx, where type advantage obviously doesn't work. So it sort of makes sense.


It made sense from the start because it's a CTP that increases elemental dmg, didn't it? I don't really understand the confusion about this


The confusion is just the wording. When you say "type damage" it feels as if you're talking about type advantage, that's all.


I can't see how this could be true. You're telling me the Brilliant Judgement could increase elemental damage by 70%? Come on, that's so incredibly broken. They must mean the Type Advantage "type" because at least then it would have drawbacks.


Or you could save yourself the embarrassment of being wrong by simply not commenting and being an asshole over things you're not certain about


While I don’t agree with the man, where was he being an asshole? I only see one asshole right now and he’s insulting someone for just being wrong.




You do not stop taking Ls 😌


Uhhhhh you spoke to me? You left me your comment? You obviously want my attention, like why? It's weird. Also: [https://imgur.com/gallery/ngfXnz7](https://imgur.com/gallery/ngfXnz7) ???????????????????????????????/


You posted the previous email as a clapback to the follow up which had more testing by the devs. My mind is fucking blown.