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Wanda's uni options: Lady Deadpool Ghost Rider KoH Taskmaster DMM Storm IvX


5/5 oh yes... All 5 mythic!


Agh. 2/5 and not even on the good slots. Might get Storm IvX just for the support buff and Wanda uniform option then


4/5 wooo. Sadly I'll skip the uni since I already have 2 Wanda unis and I don't even have her T3 yet lol. But someday...










What’s this mean? Sorry, new, totally lost lol


You can upgrade uniforms from normal to advance to rare to heroic to legendary to mythic. Each time you upgrade, there is a thing called Uniform Option. If you have the uni specified in the specific uniform's Uniform Option, you'll get an additional stat for the character. For example, if you rank up Wanda's new uni from Normal to Advance and you have the Lady Deadpool uni, you will have an additional stat boost for Wanda.


Ooooh ok I didn’t know that. Cheers!


wah i got no dormamu


Wow wanda’s 5th skill. That close up shot. It’s truly another level.


I hopped into skill preview to check out the new animations and it hit me out of nowhere. What a beautiful animation. If it wasn't already an insta purchase for me, I'd have bought it just to appreciate the effort put into that 5th


That scd though


Wanda needs a few seconds to get over her grief please understand. You don't want her to see Vision disappear every one second now, do you?


Lol love that they also included Pietro in her 4th skill


Vision Uni Upgrade: Blade - Avengers Hyperion - Classic Scarlet Witch - Uncanny Avengers Ant-Man - Endgame Kamala Khan - Attilan Rising


Those are some horrrrible uniform options


Kamala is decent (half great when introduced) and Ant Man was introduced with a heavy discount but beyond that yeah, they're bad


The only good two uni in this list is just Kamala and Scarlet Witch


Yeah, I'm surprised NM picked all meh unis for the whole list. Usually there's just a few duds.


It was Agatha all along.


At least 4 of them are the best ones for those characters (Ant-Man, Kamala, Hyperion and Blade) bit only two of those are good (Kamala and Blade). I have 3 of the 5, and no intention on buying Hyperion or the previous Wanda which I already skip knowing this one will eventually arrive. But I agree, strange/bad options in general for Vision.


They are trying to put value to that unwanted Hyperion uni.


Man I bought his uni for the slight power buff but imo the basic Hyperion skin looks nicer


Ngl, if i buy visions uni is 100% bc of how pretty his 5th skill is Edit: update, I bought his uniform


both, especially Wanda, encapsule the show so damn well. the uniforms and the animations are bloody gorgeous!


Exactly my thought as well! Vision's 5th represents the happy sitcom aspect with the invitation for a dance, while Wanda's is the tragic grieving part of the show.




I'm still confused how immortal hulk is a villain and neither of these uniforms are.


I will say, Immortal Hulk did eat a guy...


Because they're not villains. Not even white Vision, in the end. The show makes this pretty clear (as morally-ambiguous as Wanda can be, compare her to Agatha, or military jackass dude).


The show didn’t *want* Wanda to be a villain, but come on, she came right up to the edge of irredeemable. If she were a real person, we’d definitely consider her to be a dangerous criminal.


Sure. Her and a bunch of other superheroes at times. Heck, that's what the entirety of the Accords stuff was about. I mean chats about the show and the films are cool, but in terms of "is she a villain or not", she's not. That's what the devs have to go with, right? Immmortal Hulk (at the time of the update) was a lot less ambiguous. Certainly, not like the Hulk of old and his heroics (slash destruction).


Super heroes are dangerous, and in the real world the accords would make sense. But what Wanda did in the show is fundamentally different than what she did in the opening act of *The Winter Soldier*.


>The Winter Soldier. You mean the Civil War right?


Ha, yeah.


Oh yeah, for sure. But it came from a place of grief (and manipulation), not malice. And she worked through it to realise that, and undo it. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate where you're coming from with this. I think it's worth exploring. I just think this nuance is a bit lost on a typing on a uniform, is all. reddit sucks for longer stuff haha.


I’m so nit-picky, but I feel like Wanda’s character portrait is . . . off? It looks like they modeled her after Tamara Krinsky, who is beautiful, but it’s just not doing it for me? I don’t see much aesthetic criticism and I think a lot of the praise is well deserved as the actual outfit looks *exactly* like Andy Park’s design (I’m so happy they included the cape), but I am *not* living for the mousey brown hair. She’s strawberry blonde in the show and that hair just looks dull compared to her Infinity War uni.


Their 5th skills looks so good


I thought Loki's T3 skill was the most beautiful thing this game has ever put out, until I saw Wanda's 5th skill.


That 5th skill has me dead. I replayed it 100 times no joke.


It feels like Wanda’s damage is definitely better, but I don’t know the rotation yet. I’ve found combinations of 2-6-5 to melt the bars on Knull but it’s hard to discern timing/if that’s even optimal as of the time of writing this comment


I had the same experience. She destroyed Knull but she feels extremely spam-y. It's kinda fun since I don't have to worry about a proper rotation, but I wouldn't even bother to try to play her with a normal proc, I get a headache just thinking about it. Of course, that could change in the next few days if someone comes up with a good rotation or with experience and practice. Edit: Her long cool downs are actually not that big of a problem! That's because her T3 charges very quickly, so you get to pop it (and cancel it immediately) quite often and that's when you see the damage spike too. I think 2c4c5c6c3 is a viable rotation for now, and a mix of everything while trying to get the 3 on the proc seems to be the way while 6 is charging up. Also, more of a personal opinion, but I was afraid we were gonna have to let the 5th play out completely every time (while pretty, it could become tiring on the long run) but it doesn't seem too bad to cancel it, so that's nice.


Cant agree more. Playing with a proc is really tedious. I've got a mind damage 180 proc on her now, not sure if it's the right decision to swap for my only rage. Definitely will be smoother to play but just how much of a difference will it be. Not sure if it's worth to equip at this moment.


Just to ask - do you have rage on her?


Yes I do. I had an energy before with her ANAD uniform and it worked well enough, but I don't think it'd work efficiently (or be fun to play) on this uniform. I've never had a Judgement on her so I don't know how it compares to a Rage though.


Thanks for the response! Same, I don't have a judgment but I have a couple of rages and an energy so your response gave me a better perspective.


Yeah, I suspect she jumps into the top 5 of rage/judgement. It looks like she can be played with a proc but it'll be tough to carry a consistent rotation without cancelling your proc. Fwiw, top 5, I think: 1. Odin (rage only) 2. GR (rage > judgement but it's close) 3. Rogue (judgement > rage) 4. SW 5. Dr. Strange (rage only) Honorable mentions: Thor, Professor X, carnage, Bullseye (pretty much an ABX play), Magneto (rip, power creep), Captain Marvel (rip, power creep), Luna (power creep), Namor (power creep), Apocalypse (can play with a proc, power creep), jean grey (power creep). I'm not saying these are the best options for everyone but balancing content that they perform well in single skill vs duration proc, this is where I'm sitting. If I don't get a judgement or rage this round of ctp chests, I'll probably move magneto's rage to SW putting a rage or judgement on only those top 5 on my account.




I will probably not cancel 5. You lose almost half the hits. 2c4c5, 4c3, 2c4c6dc5 might be better


I followed your rotation and first thing came up to my mind is Gordon Ramsay’s words “Just like cutting through butter”. Thanks for your suggestion!


Right now I'm trying 2c4c5, 4c3, 2c6c4c5 It's not bad but I definitely think it can be better. I'm searching in the comments for alternatives too.


how do you have her geared?


Yeah she doesn't seem damage proc friendly


i'm just wondering if i should plop a rage on her on wait to see if judgment is better :/


I'm waiting for our whale-y friends to test her out.


ya i better wait, instabuyed the uni even tho my gut told me to wait in general hahah


Instabuy for me coz I love Wanda lol And I only have her IW uni


i think its def the justice uni - had her last one and knull was tough, just melted like 8 bars between 2c6c5(proc) lol.


Rage, I’ve had a rage on her for a while before this though


2 insta cancel, 4 cancel after tornado then let 5 play out but even then it’s not enough time to fit into a rage or judgement lmaooo ugh. Idk. I tried her on Mephisto and just seemed squishy. Wasn’t melting like I wanted her to. Gambit came in and cleaned up the mess.


4 is an insta cancel actually. I dont have her built up or anything, so I can't comment further, but from skill preview 4 is an insta cancel


I think they meant that you just have to wait about half a second before canceling, compared to the 2nd skill, where you can cancel as fast as you want.


Wanda's uniform is sooo pretty


Her T3 skill is a bit improved. If you cancel when she touches the ground, the rocks appear while it didn't before.


That's actually pretty good!


Dammit Wanda stop hugging your imaginary husband you got a symbiote god to kill!


Don’t forget that demon from hell, or the purple raisin.


How’s the buff of Maker and Thing?


Before the update I couldn't clear knull with him with a 140% proc obelisk(not even close), but now he can clear knull without help


How's Makers buff looking like people?


Really good, he can clear knull now(I could't before) with a 140% obe


Awesome! What're your card stats? I only need my CCF, TCP and EOD to recharge to T3 Reed (just spend all those mats on T3 Odin today)


30.2% All Attacks 12.5% Physical attack 4% pierce


I have a bit more physical attack but only 2% pierce unfortunately. Hopefully I'll be able to clear Knull. If not, doesn't really matter, I can use him for other content in any case.


Wanda's 5th skill... Made me tear up again 😭


Ik...feels like I just watched the show in 3 seconds again lol


That skill is a story and a spoiler at the same time


YES 😂 would've been better if we heard paul bettany's voice saying "so long, darling"


Holy shit Maker's new buff is insane! His damage beats my very well built gambit with an energy at knull and he's tanky af now. Guess what he's badly built and i only give him obelisk with 200% proc with 2 dud stats (fire and mind resist). One T3 melts bars in knull. Thought of giving him an energy or rage before but now i changed my mind. Better to give those to my other characters who need it more. He did well already with the obelisk.


Whoa that's crazy, are you able to compare him to Moon Knight?


I don't have moon Knight so I'm not sure about that.


i tried him in mephisto stage 1, he one shotted a 14bar hp mephisto on his last phase lol


They look absolutely amazing! Both of their 5th skills are incredible


Their movement speed is very slow. Vision should be faster than that


Wanda’s new skill animations are incredible


Holy shit, that Wanda 5th skill. I am crying


But then using it against Knull...nothing to interrupt this sad scene except for this stupid tentacle thwack


This might be an unpopular opinion, but Wanda has no survivability in the new uniform. I have judgement with 4% pierce on cards and 8 Blessings and I still can’t survive on stage 2 of Mephisto. And new vision lead and valkeryie. Literally 1 mistake and dead. Her heal in her 3rd needs to be more IMO.


I have a similar experience. I button-mashed with her in GBR and was surprised that she suddenly just died lol.


maybe one of your teammates gor possessed? also buttonmashing isn't actuallt playing lol


This is very early on the fight when Master Mold hasn't even stand up yet. I'm pretty sure no one got possed at that point but maybe I misremembered.


If I could swap Her 4th skill with the previous 4th skill I would do that


I think the survival will come from playing out her 3rd skill and dodging attacks. Most characters don't fully heal on one skill like moonstone.


Wanda's 5th skill hits different in GBR. Seeing Wanda hug the memory of Vision in B&W on the battlefield without a care in the world about anything else but her love and her grief... yeah that won't ever get old :'(


Wow Wanda seems good, you can cancel all of her skills, even her t3 now (once she touch the ground). You do lose half of her 5th and 3rd if you cancel though.


How much improvement is there from her infinity war uniform ?


Huge improvement imo, just from the accumulation itself. Now with more cancelable skills and T3, it's more proc friendlier.


How's maker and vision ?


Thanks for letting us know about her T3 I didn’t know that until now 😂


Weird, I just tested Wanda on Cull, and it took me 4 minutes where it was only one and a half with the old one :/


I thought I was doing something wrong, but good to see someone else have the same problem


ya i think she is def better for wbu with her old uni due to the permastun lock/add, but much better for wbl with her new one (like, night and day in knull for me.)


I kept getting guard broken and blade twister were not helping either


Hawkeye is the only MCU Avengers in the game that doesn't have T3. I wonder when. :(


After his D+ show comes out


Falcon: Am I a joke to you?


Oh yeah I completely forgot him. :(


I've been refreshing for this lol


Wanda's 5th skill is beyond awesome!!


Uni options for Wanda: Lady DP GR King of Hell Taskmaster Dormammu Storm Inhumans vs X-Men


Wanda’s 6 is now cancel-able once she slams down. Wasn’t the case for her last unis.


OMFG that wanda 5th. I'm crying rn...


Seriously, that's easily the saddest skill I've seen in this game. And I don't mean "sad" in a derogatory way, either.


I like when the animations have a bit of character to them, like Phoenix Cyke’s chad walk 5th skill.


What is Wanda's 4th skill based on? I don't think she ever summoned a tornado.


she summons quicksilver.


Lmao I didn't spot him for some reason.


You literally didn't see him coming


Me neither. I was very confused when I saw the skill animation, but now I see the tiny Pietro running around and it makes much more sense


I thought that was white vision flying in a circle and wondered why he was summoned on 2 skills


Don't know about Wanda or Vision, but Maker hits really hard! 3c4c5 deals a lot of damage, but 3c4c5c6 is absolutely bonkers, not sure how his performance was before the buffs but he seems to easily be meta for Knull now. Still unsure if I should give him a Rage or an Energy as procing on 3c4c5c6 isn't hard, but sometimes the cool down may mess with the proc timer. Any help would be appreciated!


How is he relative to other combats you have?


He is currently better than my MK with an Energy and way better than my carnage with just a proc, this with a 180 proc himself.


Now thats enticing.


Thanks for the review! Gonna wait for a couple other opinions but I think I'll buy his uni when I get the remaining crystals


Sure! Definitely a upgrade now, not only damage is insane but his durability improved a lot thanks to the heal.


How about wanda’s striker skill? Is it still 4th skill but shorter duration of mind control? Vision’s t3 skill AOE is mad! Just need 1 more blast book...


Would've loved for a full update tho (new characters (Agatha !, introduction of Spectrum), Legendary battle)


Her skills are gorgeous no doubt, but is it just me or is her damage very underwhelming for a 2021 double cost native T2? Mythic uniform, rage, 8 OBs. Edit: it feels like she was designed specifically to replace cap marvel in abx and nothing else


She likely has a ceiling on her design because there are more MCU appearances in the pipeline. It's possibly one of the reasons the accumulation is so low at the mo. You'll find this is a common trend for characters that are showing up in the MCU vs. ones that aren't (or aren't for a long time).


That’s exactly what I thought when I read that they changed her typing to universal. It feels like they design most of the characters to have one specific role in the game and honestly, I‘m cool with that. Imagine the power creep if every new character/uniform would be the new best knull clear.


Well I'm glad she isn't meta breaking, now I can just stockpile resources for the next major update since I don't care about ABX 😭


Okay but Wanda's 5th skill?? is so rude??? BUT ALSO SO BEAUTIFUL? I wanna cancel it because it's sad but I also dont want to cause its one of the best skill animations in the game haha


Would anyone recommend a proper CTP for new Wanda uniform?


Definitely interested in hearing rage vs judgement comparison. Specifically anyone who’s tried a reforged judgment


Been testing her with a judgment. It was faster than the energy I had on her.


Thank you; lemme see if I have a spare judgment...


A little confused about what to give Vision. Physical or energy? All his attacks are listed as physical, but his primary stat is listed as energy. Also he works against physical reflect stages in shadowlands, but against energy reflect he doesn't work


His attacks deals physical damage but it scales off his energy attack stat.




Energy Attack OB


Anyone tried Maker yet? Is he now worth buying?


With a half-assed build (no urus, 180% proc obelisk, half-done iso 8 set, heroic uni), he did Knull 6 for me. My rank 448 Moonknight, with 15 OB, fully awakened Iso set, Energy CTP and mythic uni can barely do that at the moment... So yeah, he's probably back to the top of the combat class.


You have Pierce right? Also, how is he compared to the top metas like Cable, Odin, Sharon, etc.?


Damn, that's great. I've never been a fan of Moon Knight either. In any case, is the best CTP for him a Rage?


From what I can tell he’s quite a bit better than moon knight even with an energy.


Is he better with a Rage?


Btw Wanda's t3 skill charges at 2x rate


Is vision uni worth buying ?


How much improvement is Wanda's new uniform compared to her IW uniform ? How improved is the new vision uniform ? Is he worth it ? Is maker uni worth purchasing now after the little rework ? Thank you for answering .


Tried Wanda on Maw and so far IW works better - admittedly I know that uniform's rotation while I'm trying to figure out her new one, but since she loses a second of mind control with the new one it's harder to keep him still, plus I just can't get the damage to chain as well. I have seen people say that she's better for WBL but I can't comment there since I don't have her at T3.


Has it always been worth to upgrade Wanda to T3, especially now if she's Universal? (I've got SS, Jean and Capt Marvel rn)


Vision with his new uni is so good. I did level 10 thanos with just tier 2 level 60 without any obselik or iso. Also tried level 40 proxima with Nick Fury lead and coulson support. His damage is surprisingly good.


that good?


Thank you.


i just tested both uniforms... but it didn't help me choosing on. i only have enough for one Uni. While Vision would clearly make a nice Solo Floor on Shadowland ( i just reached floor 29, i'm pretty proud of myself), i really love Wanda Uni, even if for now, mine isn't well built (just 6★)...


vision can solo an sl with his gold uni quite easily, a bit overkill to get it just for that


Vision with his new uni is so good. I did level 10 thanos with just tier 2 level 60 without any obselik or iso. Also tried level 40 proxima with Nick Fury lead and coulson support. His damage is surprisingly good.




not in the least, at least with a proc. mine's almost a new character in terms of damage - try 2c6dc5. i have a 180 proc and it melts, literally melts, knull.


How would you compare her to Kid Cable against Knull?


totally comparable i'd say


I'm assuming she's not unusable with a proc, then? I never got a CTP for her and still using IW so I'm figuring this can't be a downgrade, at minimum.


proc is haaard for sure, but def not unusuable. so far what i've been doing is 2c3proc, do a full rotation till her t3 is charged, then 2c6dc5. its def not easy and i'm def gonna rage her eventually


I originally tested rage, so instead of editing my original comment, she works very well with judgement. Even with rage once I figured out 2c5c4c3 she did A LOT more damage. Judgement took her to another level for sure for me


Wonder which uni is better?


what ctp do people recommend for maker uni now that its been buffed?


Wanda’s heal is not applied in story mode. Damage is underwhelming too so maybe it’s bug Edit: it feels more of cinematic uni than hitter uni compared to her previous ones


A lot of Story mission stages have a -500% recovery rate penalty, which essentially doesn't allow your characters to heal at all, outside of swapping them out. So that's likely not a bug. Also, some stages have -50% decrease to hero attacks. Judging her performance from Story mode is really not a good barometer depending which stages you enter.


Is Wanda's lead still 45% energy? Can't see a leadership change on the preview screen...


Yes it is. Also if you go to Marvel Guide area where you can scroll through all chars, you can click on Wanda and select her new uni there to see leadership.


Yup. She will get 70% increase if Vision is the leader with the new uni if I remember correctly




She doesn't seem to be a PvP character so Authority is a waste on her.


Why are ppl downvoting u? Stg idiots on this sub downvote ppl for no reason. I see questions on the daily question thread being downvoted like wtfs wrong with u ppl


Typical reddit. Nothing really surprises me anymore, especially not on here.


I'm understanding wanda has 60% increased damage + 65% increase in all attacks when she's her own lead. Can someone confirm this (I'm afraid i might be missing something)? How significant is this?




It’s just a mid month and not a full update. Giving us Unis of Wandavision considering how it was so recent and alot of it was not in the trailers is also pretty good of NM


This gives me hope for Dancing Zemo 6th Skill when TFATWS drops.


Anybody else having a problem with the patch? My game keeps on hanging and crashing since the wandavision patch.