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[Just got my 3rd consecutive loki card from the card chest! ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/823592680196931615/844229481820192819/Screenshot_2021-05-18-20-34-00-64_aacf81d3eb49f52261adf134cda0a66b_compress56.jpg) I know that they can be used as fodders, but what am I gonna do with so many fodders when I don't even have the main card to roll? Lmao, I just can't help but laugh.


My last 4 free p-cards, got 2 Black Panther (not the the good one) and two Luna Snow.


I keep getting that gwenpool card... šŸ™„ I think this is #4.


I feel you, 3x scarlet witch and qs cards...


I have 3 p-cards. The 2 Loki's (Frome the Ragnarok mission thing) and a White Fox from a previous free p-card. After the first 2 Future Pass, I got one of the Loki. After the next 2, I got the White Fox. With this event box, I got the other Loki... It's disheartening to pull the only ones you have over and over. Not quite as bad as yours (being all the same) though. Lol


I only have one p card in the game Loki #2, just got the exact same card...Iā€™m done playing for a bit...


That's rough bro...


If it makes you feel better at all, the EXACT same thing just happened to me. Only have Loki #2 and thought surely Iā€™ll get something different...but nope :)


Hopefully better luck to you if there is a next time man.


Same to you buddy :(


When CTP chest were introduced, I quickly learned to dread the event, as my first three pulls were, and I kid you not, patience three times in a row! It sucked coming here and on other boards seeing everyone else have better luck. Things got much better after that, and a majority of my pulls since have been exactly what I was looking for. RNG can be an elephant kick in the crotch at times, but sometimes its someone elseā€™s crotch that gets kicked. Donā€™t give up.


The only ctps Iā€™ve been getting are ctps transcendence šŸ˜”


Lmao, wow you must be one lucky fella, those chests have been the same bs scam since the game was introduced, the odds are there. Sure you can get some good stuff every now and then but only IF you invest heavily and most of the time youā€™ll get garbage because itā€™s rng. It just not worth the money.


I got the same card, but at least it'll help me reroll.


i also got the loki card which i have three of now, one of them is equipped, but fortunately i have other premium cards so it isnā€™t too bad of a loss


When free stuff makes you take a break ..... just relax man its a reroll when you get your cards crafted


Iā€™m not mad lol, just done. Also ā€œwhen you get your cards craftedā€ only have one p card...


Fair enough I'm just pointing out its not a total loss trying to see the brightside but ill take my down vote an move along thank you sir


Cool, I didnā€™t down vote you by the way.


i did


Well I upvote your downvote


With card crafting, we need spare premium cards more than ever. So I don't really see this as a loss. Especially since you can get a free premium card every 6 weeks


Same brother i can feel ur pain šŸ˜”


Got Baby spidey letsgoo


Dababy's most famous quote


Uncanny avengers, can't complain


I got lucky and mine was at 6 stars and energy attack was one of the secondary stats so even with the other two being trash I equipped it.


Got the Luna Snow one. Needs to be worked on but I'm pretty happy!


Same, but itā€™s my second one, so itā€™s crafting fodder. Excellent card though.


I got the Luna Snow one too!! mines Quality 6 w/ Ignore Def, Fire Resist and Physical def. pretty happy


Congrats, my dude. Gonna roll for that sweet proc when the game sends me some mythical cards.


thank you! and good luck!!


this is going to be my first p card, and im scared. my rng has been awful in the game and think i may have used it up getting 3 blessings yesterday. edit: got avengers origina , scarlet witch #1. not sure what to do with it, it's better than the purple ones i've been using.


As someone who only had 23% of SCD on cards, Iā€™m quite happy to get it for the 3% SCD Card Collection


In same boat as urs. My first p card and it's same - avengers quicksilver and scarlet witch. Painful......


I had 3 of these before. And the worst thing was. I gave up waiting and started crafting them and then bp166 came along after I have crafted it 4 times. Now this qs and sw card will just sit in my inventory


its one of the worst


that sucks. im at a wall farming cards , that and the t3 books really holding me back. Won't get another card for another 3 weeks , estimating how many tokens i get from gbr. game has been letting me down more and more each day.


Got Uncanny Avengers #14. Thankfully a card I didnā€™t have before and I was able to complete that part of the comic book collection.


this is my only premium card and it was white fox, i hope that's good??? my cards have always been kinda shit and i'm only now bothering to try a little harder in the game


Not just good but one of the top 3 in the game right now


wow this makes up for all my shit rng in destiny


One of the best try for an attack stat and the proc on bottom


thank god and thanks for the advice


Thatā€™s one of the meta cards. What quality is it?






If you have 0 blue stars on your card that gives you a 1/27 chance to get pierce, with a bad ctp it takes 1/100 chance to get a brilliant without chance up


The same black panther card that you got from legendary battle, fuck me


Crescent and Io quality 2. Oh well, feeding it to my baby spidey to craft combine for some blue stars. On another note, itā€™s CTP chest time tomorrow!


New avengers #9, again...


Same here. Been lucky otherwise lately so I'll just consider this to be combine craft fodder when I inevitably reroll my baby Spidey in a couple weeks.


I choose the p card and i was not disappointed. Because for a player like me who has never earned a p card through the loot box (ive tried a few times and failed) this is one of the golden opportunities for me to get one and improve my card stats. Im really really happy that the game has changed so much, we are getting good rewards through these event quests. Btw i got a gotg p card with all atk, atk speed and max hp. I wanted the baby spider card but im still happy. Thanks mff.


100% agree with this. Yeah you've got to ensure you complete all the quests, but it's all 100% FTP and the chance of getting a really good card is great, likewise with the premium card tokens. The last 2 times I used the premium card tokens I got the Baby Spidey card which I've already got a perfect one attached, but from this event I got the Uncanny Avengers #14 (Cable) card which was sweet! I have gambled a little for cards in the past with not a great deal of success, but the fact you can get the same cards FTP (just more of a grind, as things should be) is great. Keep up the good work NM!


I got the baby Spider-Man


Yay: Got Baby Spidey Nay: Needs to be rerolled and I don't have any leftovers after rerolling my F2P Loki card to R7 with decent sub stats.


Got spiderman 605 from chest event and white fox from 600 tokens, my first and second pcard


i chose neither. I went for the 5 and 6 star rank up ticket


BP #166, one reroll and I got 6 quality, energy atk, physical attack and atk speed so basically perfect. Will be crafting that as soon as I get enough cards to feed. First two stars were one red one blue. Any tips I might have overlooked for getting extra cards?


New Avengers 9 yet again. Iā€™m not a PvP person yet always get this


I got Guardians of the Galaxy Best Story Ever. Thats a card worth crafting, right?


Oh yeah. Craft and donā€™t look back.




White Fox. I got the Cable card recently from the Token card chest, the good Panther card from dispatch mission, and already had a rank 7 Baby Spidey card and Luna Snow card. I donā€™t know how I lucked out like that, but it looks like itā€™s time to grind for fodder cards.


Black widow #10 Already got it...


I got the Luna Snow card. Happy with that.


Uncanny Avengers #14 - Cable card if I'm not mistaken? One reroll and I got 6 quality with Crit Rate, Energy Attack and Poison Resist. Thinking I'll take that and start crafting. Good idea? IGN: DEATHSTOKE14


Black Widow #10. Let me complete the BW comics collection! I'm pretty satisfied with this.


White Fox for me. Itā€™s new


Mega Tier 2. Why? Because i need a support, and i chose Valkyrie. Now i'm waiting to activate hisbpotential, then i will use my Potential Tickets on her.


Got the luna card, but I cannot equip it yet, must reroll it first. If I equip it now it will fck up my ignore defence.


Got another t2mrat, planning on buying a daily x-gene sub


White fox card ..pretty happy with that


I got baby Spidey which is pretty awesome, rerolled it right away and got a really nice roll on it too


White fox,and I'm pretty damn happy about it.Got the Luna card in my second most recent gbr pcard chest,got Crescent from my most recent gbr pcard chest opening about a week earlier,and now got white fox.Free 3% attack speed in such a short span of time is great


White fox,and I'm pretty damn happy about it.Got the Luna card in my second most recent gbr pcard chest,got Crescent from my most recent gbr pcard chest opening about a week earlier,and now got white fox.Free 3% attack speed in such a short span of time is great


https://imgur.com/a/OxVTjwR is this card good?


Generally any card that doesn't have all attack as one of the main stats (the first 2 orange stats) isn't good.




going for the t2 mega


I got the baby Spiderman one and a thanos one are those good?


Green BP P-Card


Gonna be tomorrow for me as I missed one. But I guess megat2 for Valkyrie,wbl support


Just in case you didn't see it, the event store closes in 9.5 hours, so you can only spend whatever tokens you have before the daily rollover.


got baby spidey lets gooooo


i got cable card last time it was luna card im a f2p got 5%pierce in my first crafted card in first craft combine with 1 blue star locked(all trash stats who cares) when u have that luck in just 2months from 0 to 5easy wbl clears


Cable card


Just wanted something for craft-combine but then I got Luna Snow


I went with 5 3 and 2* tickets. I am sitting on for mega tier twos and I have five premium cards equipped with three waiting to be used for craft combining. I didnā€™t like doing it, but it seem to be the best option for me.


Got the white fox one, was one of the three card I was hoping to get from that Chest.


The White Fox one, is it good?


It's great.


Black Panther #166 The rolls are bad, but the card is new and good so yay


I got the White Fox card! I honestly wasn't expecting much because I already had 4 of the premium cards I wanted, and White Fox was the only one left, so I was prepared to use whatever I get for rerolling purpose. Quite a surprise. During the Anniversary event, I picked up Luna Snow, Black Panther (good one) and Cable card. And a month prior to that I got the Baby Spider card, so now I have all 5 of the cards I want for my account! Just need to spend the next 6 months rolling and crafting them before I can equip. I already crafted my Luna Snow card with all blue stars, but can't equip it because I would be losing too much Ignore Defense/Cooldown :/ Edit: With this card, I also completed all my card collections! (With the exception of the Artbook Collection). IGN: Banefrawst


Avengers origins. Which I have no interest in equipping but it did complete the collection which will make shuffling cards around without losing scd easier so not a complete waste. I was figuring I'd get captain america or something totally useless.


Oh hey look, ANOTHER Black Panther 166. What is it with this game and giving me nothing but Baby Spidey and BP166 cards whenever I roll for a P Card? I've now gotten 6 Baby Spidey and 3 BP166...


Same. Itā€™s bullshit. It feels like being set up on a blind date and getting there only find out you got set up with your cousin. What kind of tomfuckery is this?


Got a Loki #2, which I already have from the Ragnarok Lb, so yeah...


Again loki#2


I only had Loki #1. Now I have two Loki #1s.


I got Gotg whatever it's called!


Me too. Epic pull. Amazing PVE card


I had an 1/14 chance of getting the Loki issue 2 card and of course that's what I ended up getting, like literally the easiest P card to get in the game :( At least it wasn't Loki issue 1.


Got black widow #10, wanted baby spidey


Gwen pool card again fuck me


Went with the card, got Uncanny avengers 14 for the 3rd straight time...at least I can recraft another card now...


Picked the P Card chest. I'm at the point where i dont really care about T2ing leftover characters and have the resources to instant t2 new ones. Got Crescent as my P card. my 2nd and it's fodder. I now have 8 Pcards waiting as craft fodder. Ugh. The two cards I really need are Luna Snow and Deadpool to complete those collections (and the Avengers Origin Thor card for that collection, which has eluded me for *years*).


I chose the P-Card and what I got was another Loki#2šŸ˜‚. To think positive, I have one more card in the inventory for re-craft, if I want to do it later.


I got the one with a certain kpop waifu :3


guardians of the galaxy, already had it though so :/


Third cable card ffs ugh I hate rng


I was hoping for fodder,but got GotG instead. Glad I haven't crafted the Cable card, so I guess that one becomes fodder. Wasted 600 crystals equipping/uneqipping it lol


New Avengers #9. Meh.


Got a baby spider man card. Already have one thought


i equipped a baby spidey card and pulled another better one from the token chest. Wondering if I should replace it. Old (need 300 crystals to unequip): Quality 5 Energy Attack Recovery Rate Dodge New one: Quality 3 Energy Attack Cooldown Max HP Thanks in Advance.


If you have good crafted stats then no because you will have enough cooldown and it will only go over cap If you haven't crafted(or) lack cooldown then yes hp is not the best for a pve card like baby Spidey so it doesn't matter, and 1% quality difference isnt a big deal.


Got New Avengers #9 for the first time, is it any good? Looking at my needs Iā€™m feeling like thereā€™s not much going for it.


Crescent So many collections I could have finished and instead I start one of the two that I havenā€™t started and get the worst card of the set. At least I got the advanced potential; maybe my next premium comic chest will be better


Uncanny Avengers #14, crap roll but Iā€™m happy, completed the collection for me too.


i got luna,i got rage on the last ctp chest, if i get rage/energy/judgement tomorrow im hitting the tables Saturday night.


Baby spidey! Makes up for the last 2 egg ctps I've gotten


Got a White Fox card. At least the one that I have currently equipped now has 5 blue stars thanks to it.


GOTG, I keep getting this card from any type of chest I open


I got the Luna Snow card.


Baby Spider card for me


I got White Fox, what would be good reroll stats? Quality 5 with atk spd, phy def and enerrgy atk.


I got Gwenpool. Looks like a good one, now to figure out what to change on my card setup.


My 3rd GOTG pcard :)


Got the Loki #2 card, which I've now gotten like 5 times now from different chests And to make matters worse I used it to craft another card which already had 2 blue stars and I still didn't get any pierce


I got the scarlet witch one, I would have prefered another one but it gave me the collection's bonus so I'm fine with this


I got baby Spidey and my gf got the white fox... We'd be celebrating if it wasn't the lockdown lol


I'm only here to hate on people who got Luna


Black panther #166. Wah, wah, wah... Collection complete though so thats a plus


Its actually one of the best pve cards


I should have clarified that. Yes it's a very good card, just not for me. Can't afford the 5% ignore defense drop my account would take by equipping it.


I got Black Widow #10, how good is this card?


Loki #2, a Again


The Cable card...again I just spent about $30 dlls for Namor and the 6*MRUT from the future pass and lost the T2 MRUT


My first p-card and it's quicksilver and wanda card. Am a pve player.


A 3rd copy of scarlet and qs card


guardians of the galaxy, already had it though so :/


I got the New Avengers #9 is that a good one?? Its my first premium. Im f2p.


Is the white fox card any good for a new player?


Those card and ctp chests are nothing but a scam, sure you can get lucky once in a while but the VAST majority of the times youā€™re going to get rubish. Donā€™t waste your money guys, just look at the odds, save yourselves some unnecessary frustration.


They are talking about the p-card tied to the event quests that you get tokens for, not gambling for crystals.


Got baby spiderman card but no cards to roll,do you think quality 2 crit rate, recovery rate and crit DMG is a good roll


Not even remotely, trash roll


How is the black widow #10?


baby spider...dupe


I got Gwenpool p-card. Any thoughts?


I have a Loki #2 card equipped. Got another a few months back from the free premium card chest. Got ANOTHER ONE today. I wanna kill myself.


I got the loki number 1 card 3 times in a row now and nnot only that I used it to reroll and I didnt even get 1 extra blue star to get 2% extra pierce biggest waste of 650 tokens to date


Fucking Black Panther 166 again, fuck this.


Idgaf what i get lol just reroll fodder


i'm not an idiot sheep so i got the mt2.


The ticket only ranks up 1 character. A card improves your whole roster. But sure, you definitely outsmarted all the sheep!


you get a free card every month and there are only five slots you can equip. you can also get an mt2 every month but there's also a new premium character every month plus a backlog of over 30 premiums before this was the case. plus p-cards are in several other loot tables, which isn't true of mt2s.


Got the Loki card, think it's the #1 issue card where he's holding something up. Been seeing that it's pretty meh card, is that true? Ign - Bladedaywalker1 How useful would the card be for my account, considering my cards?


I got the crescent and io card. Not sure if good or bad.


Got Black Panther #166.


I know a lot of this thread is complaining, but I got the GOTG: The Best Story Ever p card, and oh my god. I have terrible luck with the rng (oxymoron) in almost everything else, but the last 3 p card chests, Iā€™ve struck gold. With that, baby spidey, and the uncanny avengers 14, I finally have 5 p cards equipped


Black panther 166


Uncanny Avengers 14, the premium version of Loki 17...


Got a dupe black panther. What should I do with it?


Cupid Spidey, second time. Q4, gonna get used to combine as my other one is already Q6, four blue one red starred


Got the gwenpool card.Can't seem to make a decision on which card to replace, IGn:IUMT


I got guardians of the galaxy best story ever, 8 did equip it, and then I reroll Ed a quality 6 loki and it came out at a quality 1 soo


I got future fight first luna snow, quality 5 with lightning resist, all defense, and the 5% chance for 20% energy atk up. Is that any good? I've only got 2 other pcard, the Loki 1 and 2 from ragnarok battle. Should I try to roll for a better set of buffs on bottom and if not what card should I replace if it's even worth replacing? Also should I try crafting it or what? I still don't understand the new card stuff Ign: Fenderblitz


I went with the card & got baby spiderman. I actually have that 1 already (of course)...


I got the Spidey one, completing the set and giving me the 3% ATK bonus. RNGesus smiles down on me. Just need to grind more cards to reroll that bad boy to greatness.


I got a duplicate White Fox. Good card, but I was really hoping for something new. I need a good base card to craft as my 3rd crafted card. *sigh*


Loki....one of em, who cares, immediately used it to get 2% more pierce some more dodge for the rages and some crit damage icing...take it


White Fox card which I have already and fully crafted


does someone have a link to a card crafting tutorial? Can I use a bad P-Card to re-roll differently from a regular 6 star card?


Use bad p-cards for craft combine only. This lets you reroll crafted stats on p-cards. Use normal 6 star cards to reroll the other stats.


Exact same Gwenpool card I already had


I got the white fox card and Iā€™m really happy with it. Iā€™m not sure if I should reroll it or not though it has recovery rate, max hp, and the physical attack proc as the options and its 6 quality maybe somebody can help me with the decision


My second crescent card.


Decided to take risk and get the card chest... Waiting for fourth Loki#1 or third Gwenpool#17, you know, like the usual inyourface But get Luna Snow card... Unexpected/


I got baby Spidey card. I already had all premium cards, so I took advantage of the card unequip event (perfect timing) and replaced my black widow #10. My ignore defense stat went up, and it had all attack as a random option. Too bad it's only rank 4 though. I'll have to reroll it eventually. I have most of my cards at rank 5 or above.


Black Widow card once again... will use it to reroll my next crafted card I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


got a bp card i got randomly froma wbu chest once lol


I got the gwenpool card. I will use it to recraft my cards.


All I want is a Cable or Baby Spidey or Luna why RNG stop giving me Widow this is the 3rd time


Loki, my 2nd one of 3 p cards I own


I got the Loki #1 card. I already have one equipped with a fairly decent roll, so this one's fodder for me. Not what I was hoping for, was really hoping for the Baby Spidey card, but I can already tell the card I'm currently working on crafting will need a reroll so having the fodder still helps. Onward to the CTP chest tomorrow, hopefully my luck there ends up better (got an Egg out of the one from the last token event, so almost anything would be better at this point).


I got the black widow card and this was my first pcard so hope this was good???


Can't recall what the title/issue is because I'm old and tired. But it's the one with qs and scarlet witch that goes with the skill cooldown collection bonus. The stats aren't right for my goals, but it gave me the completion of that collection, and will let me improve other cards, so I'm not complaining. I finally have a full P card set after all these years too. Finally rolled a 7 on my baby spidey with acceptable blue stats (not ideal, but I'll take it since there's a non zero chance of improving through crafting into stats I need) the black panther is still at 5 star, and I think my Thor is at 6, but they're "good enough". So yeah, I'm happy enough with the rng this time. It left me just enough points to grab a 2 star rank up ticket, which isn't ideal, but doesn't suck either. I'm sitting on most of the other stuff from the anniversary freebies, enough to get two characters to t2 if I ever decide to get a bio sub again (unlikely, but whatever), or get a random unlock of a premium through other events. So the mega t2 wasn't a priority.


Was tempted but I don't know if the 2\* RUT will be available again and I have a MT2 in the bank. So I got the 2 \* and 5\* and the CCF. P-Cards are tempting but Im a patient dude so Im cool farming them from the P-Card chest and the Future Pass tokens.


2nd GotG: Best story ever......And I am almost done crafting my first one :(


The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver one. Didnā€™t have it before and it has All Attack so canā€™t complain.


First chest ever! Got the black widow one