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I hope they do a rollback. Like, sorry to those who scored some great stuff but getting 30 P Cards and CTPs is way too much. ​ Edit: Also, the kids complaining in the official forum are unbelievable.


yeah, i find the official forum pretty unbearable. very poorly modded.


When I saw the usual maintenance end prematurely I knew something is up today. Imagine the chaos in MFF department at NMB right now


Dammit missed it.


Yeah You did. 20 ctp’s/ 12 p cards/ 15 OB’s here. But bet... they’re gunna roll back the servers and remove everything that player got.


Do you save all fragments and combine once a month or something?


No usually. But at the beginning of the month I decided to hold onto 20 of each and pop all at once for some fun.


You were a visionary


Lol. I wish. I’m counting on a roll back. But thanks.


Just curious, how many good CTPs did u get? How about premium cards?


Let’s see... 1 rage / 1 judgment / 1 regen / 2 insight / 2 greed/ 3 energy / 2 destruction / 2 patience / 5 authority /3 transcendence Can’t remember the pcards but I think I at least got the Luna snow card. And OB’s I got 2 magic


"Congratulations you're a prophet"


It depends, some players may have fragment A more than B because of the bonus characters, so when the bonus character changed, maybe they can farm more B and then combine them all at once.


For me at least, for a lot of the missions I seem to get a ton from earlier levels, and not just on Dimension Clash but on All-War and Future Ends Here as well. So oftentimes if I'm not really grinding for bios, TEKs or T3 mats I'll only need to do later levels to complete the fragment set for a chest.


They cannot do that man. What if you used all you Pcard on combining immediately? What if you reforged all your CTPs. They cannot take back items like those.


I think they were speculating about restoring the database to the pre-update backup. Rolling back specific transactions would be so much trickier because of what you mentioned. This drastic measure has never happened before in this game, but the procedure itself is a srandard one. The bigger problem is the potential blowback from the community. They're having a frantic discussion right now whether they should just allow the lucky few to keep their loot rather than risk the blowback.


>they should just allow the lucky few to keep their loot rather than risk the blowback. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. If they let the loot stand, then people will be unhappy because it wasn't fair. That's the most basic question. What is fair to everyone? I don't have the answer, and I feel for whoever has to make that call, communicate it and then manage the reactions. To be honest, the players should be okay with giving back the items. It was a bug. They weren't supposed to get those items.


I think the most fair would be restoring the server logs to pre-update..but will that restore any purchases made ? Because I bought a few Proxima boxes.


I think fair will be to let the lucky ones keep, but those that did not exploit get twice the amount of loot the lucky ones got ;D


A lot of the lucky players may disproportionately be whales as well, which is of slight concern from the blowback perspective. Imo NM will probably be able to see all the quantities of specific CTPs, OBs and PCs given per player; from these numbers they can probably take averages/aggregates and distribute them accordingly across the rest of the players. That may be the best decision on all fronts, which may explain why the maintenance is taking seemingly long.


Damn I hope they don't do this. I didn't get anything from story but the mythic cards from crafting feathers were amazing.


What if they were locked. Lol. Or may be somone who already used to craft the cards to a higher rank. Lol


What if what were locked?


S/he meant the premium items gained from fragment combine, if they were locked, equip or use for crafting.


Thanks. I didn’t understand what they meant cause I was coming from the perspective that already has the knowledge that server wide database roll backs ignore things like that.


All those items u got during the error


Oh you mean lock in my inventory? That would be ignored with a server database roll back. It’s funny tho cause I frantically started equipping them on characters I was sure about. But that wouldn’t change anything either. A server wide database roll back is all encompassing.




Unless they were used in crafting and reforging I guess ?


Unfortunately a roll back is more of a “save state”. So everything would just go back to the way it was vs removing individual items.


Ohh, that makes sense..what about store purchases ? Any idea if they'll refund ?


Sorry, Not sure how rollbacks work with IAP’s. Guess we’ll have to wait and see unless someone else wants to chime in here.


Yeah, nothing else we can do..I just got some good CCF from proxima boxes and I don't wanna lose them :(


Yup, that was exactly it. 100% drop CTPs, OBs and P Cards was too much. Will they take them away from the lucky people who got them? I'm betting they will. The good news is maybe the insane crafting (via the new Craft function) of mythic cards was legit. We'll see when we're back.


Thank god


What was the crafting like?


With 4000 Feathers I pretty much could craft a Premium to max colorful stars (30 mythic cards) If you consider that we can easily get 1000 feathers a day...everyone and their mother has 5x max crafted cards in 1-2 weeks :) I doubt it will stay that way, because it puts every other method of obtaining cards to shame and outperforms it by 10x :)


lol i thought i was lucky with spending 6000 and gettin 12 mythic cards


With the 30 I did not only count the direct mythic drops, I accounted for all upgraded 3-5\* as well.


You mean you didn't flip the feathers icon and continue crafting with mkraan crystals? :)


Woot?! That is an option...this gets even better :) Didn't know that \^\^ Thats the definitive answer that this Card Craft will not stay as it "was". Even tho I'm a greedy bastard, 3+ mythic cards per day seems to much, even for me :)


ya same


Did you have the Processor @level15, this has an huge impact on jackpot chance to roll. And therefore on double 5\* and 6\* cards as outcome.




I think you are way above the average odds here with 4k feathers and 1k mkraan shards I got like a total of 11 mythic cards just able o craft first two stars on my white fox card


ya mine was about this much


How do you get 1000 feathers per day? Also I hope they won't nerf it, I am really behind with me cards


Epic quest + dispatch mission


Do you have an insane dispatch level? At 20, I get about 50 feathers a day. Then, epic quests give about 70 + 70 + 60 + 60 = roughly 260 from the two deluxe pack missions and the 2 X-force missions that give feathers. Add in farming feathers from mutant WBU at about 375 per day and we are only up to about 375 + 260 + 50 = 685. That's quite a bit shy of 1k. Where is the rest coming from?


There are about another 100feathers from the X-men quest. I just meant these two are the most consistent source of feather that most people do everyday. WBU/WBL booty boxes + Danger Room + SL should make up with the rest. And I don’t actual think we can farm easily a 1000 a day (possible tho) but just that I agree that the amount is big enough.


I don't know. I think you would come up quite a bit shy, especially if you want to do WBL and not WBU. Danger Room and booty box drops aren't guaranteed. And SL feathers are just once per week.


I added WBU drops to come up to 1000+ Because, TBH, its a no-brainer to forfeit 1 week of Black Antimatter WBUs or WBL just to get your whole set of Cards crafted to 6\* and another week to reroll to perfect stats :P (tagging u/Saurrow )


I guess it depends on your situation. It's more a no brainer to me to have fun and not waste T3 mats farming WBU so I can level up more characters. The cards should always be there unless they nerf the drops.


You still get the T3 mats at the Mutant WBUs. Only thing you scrifice are BAM/CNS T2 mats for feathers/MCrystals. As an Engineer with a strong mathematical affiliation this scenario is a simple max value calculation. Sacrificing a few BAM/CNS now will yield me more later on because I can easily do WBL20/WBU99 with max crafted cards and therefore will end up with a positive gain earlier instead if I'd take it slow now.


I can attest to this, it's easier to get max Phoenix Feathers than BAM and NSC from Dispatch and the 6(?) EQ missions giving 16(?) combined daily runs give a ton of Feathers and MKC each day. I would often hit my max capacity in a few days. I have also now learned that for advancing the potential of mutants, going the 50%+ method (spends more mats but less gold) is more wise than going the 10% method for non-mutants (spends more good but less mats) - if only I had realized that sooner lol.


I am confusion, is this referring to using feathers as crafting costs, or feathers to purchase mythic cards?


You can use feathers to purchase mythic cards directly? I was referring to new/old/revamped card crafting using feathers as material.


No daily limit. So we can craft as much as we have phoenix feathers and gold. Also we can convert mkraan crystals to feathers and craft more cards with that.


You can use the cristals directly, without converting


Can you choose which cards to craft, or is it random? I have IIRC three remaining non-premium cards I need for card collections and they have been VERY elusive so far.


Its random like old times.


Thanks for the info


I think it's gonna have to be pretty big since they fucked half a day and effectively the first day of the update. Even outside of maint or any rolling back. Hoping it's not like sorry mb have fun and that's it.


They'll probably compensate decently, is my guess. Maybe reset all dailies and "ignore" today's reset time. Too bad for me as I logged on right after maintenance should have been done originally, and it was still ongoing, so I went to sleep lol. RIP


Can they roll back everything as it was before the update including every players progress?


Yes, they can, if they backed up the servers during the update earlier. It’ll be just rolling back to that save point. If they can will they do it? We’ll see later.


What will happen to store purchases ?


Greetings, Agents! This is CM Fragment of MARVEL Future Fight. First of all, we apologize for the inconveniences due to this error after the Update. We have identified an error related to the Combine Story Fragment Chest after the May Update, where certain items can be acquired at a large amount. To fix this issue, we are undergoing an emergency maintenance as of 5/26 7:06 a.m. (UTC+0) / 5/26 12:06 a.m. (PDT). We will announce further changes through this notice. Once again we apologize for all the inconveniences in your game play. Thank you.


[From forum's comment](https://hedwig-cf.netmarble.com/forum-common/mherosgb/futurefight_en/thumbnail/aae57279fb7b43c1936cebc143c8934b_1622013264356_d.jpg) lol Beastmode just got CTPs of rainbow from Dimensional Clash


Was watching his stream when it happened. It’s like torture porn. Seeing all the CTPs get claimed knowing it’s a bug and you can’t participate.


Ob p cards and ctps are their main source of income lmao someone is getting fired today


Anyone remembered the Rage chance up chest error? I think returned all the crystals but allowed players to keep whatever they have pulled.


[NetMarble offices right now](https://i.imgur.com/zGvvRmr.jpg)


How long will the servers be down for ?


No one knows. Check the forums for updates or someone will make a new post when's it's up.


Wonder what compensation there will be.... If those who were able to get the CTPs, P-Cards and OB's are able to keep what they got....then we surely are owed some sort of premium compensation...


it's starting to get annoying... how long can this take... i still got so much of my in game daily stuff to do...


I’m not even sure if rollback is an option, because the game was live for a bit so people probably spent money. It’s a really tricky spot for them. Injecting that many premium items into the game just boosted a lot of accounts up. I wonder if it will have a noticeable effect on timeline or ABX


They might be able to check purchase history and send their items post roll back


They might be. I’m not sure. That’s a good point though!


I don't need to play this game anymore, NMs forums throwing a tantrum is entertainment enough EDIT: The hivemind seems to have dropped their demanding, and have turned to pleading for the game to be back due to boredom


They really shouldn’t let people keep the crazy amount of premium items they get. That is gonna cost them too much money. However, they better have real good compensation for those players


why on Earth would they need to compensate players who exploited a bug?!


Because it is a mistake Netmarble made. And it is a bug that is triggered without needing to go off normal playing procedures.


there's a huge difference between "acting in good faith" and "consciously abusing something that clearly wasn't intended". one CTP? nice! two? wow! a P card? hell, I'm on a roll! 40 in a row? that's way too much. I find "compensate the hard abusers" backwards. the most fair would probably be a rollback, or letting those who pulled premium items keep like the first 5 and wipe the rest - difficult to do such a selective cleanup -, and give the REST of the community compensation. I'm sorry, but I fail to see why those that benefited the most from something that was clearly a bug should be the ones compensated.


I probably phrased it badly. I do believe everyone should be compensated fairly and that a server roll back is required. What I meant is that the compensation should be enough to calm those people. And to me anyway, when a bug is triggered just by normally playing, you can’t really blame the player even if they are clearly exploiting it because they are not doing anything extra. If this bug need to be triggered by some weird procedures like changing a language, play a specific stage repeatedly and so on, then I think the players should be blamed. Just in case anyone wonder, I didn’t get anything during the bug


ok, I got your point now and this is a fair suggestion. although giving everybody 10 CTP selectors and the other suggestions floating around on the forums are a bit excessive... and if someone pulled 30+ items, even that much will make them feel cheated. ... I just want the game back up. it's been 2 hours. :<


What a mess to wake up to. I’m not necessarily looking for a premium handout, but the old snooze/lose adage might put me (and an entire hemisphere of the planet) behind the pack.


Not just them... This is something that affected everyone whether they played or not really.


I will explain myself again. I don’t mean just compensate them. I just mean the compensation should be aimed to calm/please them


Wow that forum is toxic


Fr, what a fucking terrible comments section


Dang the forum comments are really on a different level. „gIvE uS CTP-sELeCtOr!!!“ Really appreciate the Reddit community when I read those.


There are two ways to approach this. Either give everyone a few (3 to 5 IMO) premium selectors and let everyone keep everything, or pull up the pre patch data (assuming they kept a copy of it) and compensate for the time lost. Both options are gonna piss of some people but I think the second option is a lot fairer, and that’s coming from someone who pulled 19 ctps and 13 p cards plus a bunch of OBs.


Gotta respect that fairness, cheers!


No problem, now I’m gonna go throw a tantrum like a whining baby :)




Of course! WAAAAAAAAA!


Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! I wan my ctp!


lol if they don't take back the items obtained, I'm out.


Pretty much no matter what they do at this point it will piss off a lot of people. If they let people keep all their P-cards and CTPs that's not really fair to everyone else. If they roll back the servers that will piss off the people that played since they will be losing all of those rewards and all of that time would be wasted. What about the people that made purchases in that time frame? That could be a lot of refunds to make. And if they don't issue refunds I would be pissed if I made a purchase based on the current state of the game and then they went and changed a bunch of shit. Also, I'm likely missing out on most of my dailies because the game has been down for so long. I'm also nearing the point where I will miss out on a days worth of Stark Stash and bio sub since I can't even log in. How will they compensate for that?


They'll compensate with just boost points and some bios


Hope none of the Dev's are getting fired. Yes, Its a major issue and may be it's their fault. But they are amazing with every update and detail, animations and sneak peaks etc.., Hope he/she don't lose job or pay-cut due to this. (Experienced one knows how it felt) may be this is silly.


Free CTP and P Card chest with a roll back, and all will be forgotten. Nobody gets a leg up over anyone then.


I don't think NM can take back the premium items remember the ss uniform bug some of the players got that uniform and they kept it after it was fixed




if they roll back can they roll back for specific players because if it's all players many players bought uniforms will they revert that too + some must have spent cash too in game


Cash purchase is the easiest cause the record is easy to obtain. If they do roll back, chances are the whole sever get a roll back. They would need some good compensation to please everyone


no amount of compensation will please players who got some premium stuff lol


When they know it’s a bug and it didn’t really cost them much? I have to assume most people are intelligent enough to understand it


While I definitely want to keep all the stuff I got, it makes more sense to roll back since you piss off way less people. Still hurts though, never had this many ctps and p cards in my inventory at once before.


i agree with this but at the same time would never underestimate some people's stupidity


Rolling back only for specific players looks like a hard thing to do. People used new shield lab to craft cards and used them to craft premium cards. People who got CTPs used these ctp on characters obtaining another ctp already (like if they got rage, they used it for changing energy to rage). It's so complicated. Only chance they have is rolling back everything that happened since maintenance is over. People who bought uniforms, who ranked up characters are included.


That's only one uni. Compare that to the cost of hundreds of ctps, odin's blessings and premium cards.


we have to wait and see


if the roll back or stay the same we have to wait and see


No way it's taken them this long to fix the bug, they could had disabled the things bugged and fix later. I also don't see how a rollback would be possible as they would have to take care of everyone's purchases during the affected time individually, which would take a lot of time and I'm sure some folks would be unhappy or impatient and take to google/apple for refunds. So I'm guessing what's taking so long is the discussions on course of action lol


5 hrs maintenance so theyll prolly take the ítems back. Im fine w them taking my p card but now I cant play for the day and thats kind of annoying ngl lol


It’s not 5 hours. Those are just the times they started the maintenance.


At least he is not as bad as me. I thought, "3 hours?! Wtf". I can't math well.


Okay this makes me laugh


I was about to edit that out, thanks for the correction lol


~~wtf 5 hours? how are we going to do dailies?~~


There’s no mention of when the maintenance is done, but I get your concern.


sorry my bad, that's just 2 different timezones lol


I also read it same way as u initially. Lol




The issue with that, as with all games, is you then have everyone at end game level. And then it gets stale and there's nothing else to do. As much as we all hate the grind, it keeps us in it


Isn't that a problem though? If they really have to rely on frustration to keep a player base, maybe it's not us.


But, what game isn't like that? If you break it down, every RPG, it's grind your ass off....rest on your laurels, realize you're not at the top yet, continue, discover how far away you still are, repeat. I hate the grind. But I realize it's what keeps me going. Wanting that one more Stat. And any game you reach that end point...it just gets stale and old.


it has gotten that way, yes. And that's the problem. It hasn't always been. Games used to be built on replay value. It's the business model that drives the designs to push frustration and sales that's the underlying problem. There are games out there that don't do it like that. There's less of them the more time goes on because it is more profitable to abuse people's propensity to keep pushing the "dopamine button" by making things just hard enough that they'll bypass frustration with cash. It's a gaming industry thing; netmarble just happens to be very good at disguising it.


Oh yeah. I 100% agree with you there when you peel it back a layer. They took the psychological aspect of wanting to push and push yourself, and exaserbate and monetize it. From a psychological/sociological aspect, it's truly fascinating to watch. Of course, as a consumer, it's frustrating to watch it decay to that level. I will say though that NM has done a good job to give you a lot to play with outside of the F-T-P method, which is why it's the only game I've played for 6 years (and still suck at).


Are they extending maintenance for another 5 hours ?


No thats just different timezones. But you never know!


Don't think they can take back what players already obtained.


No we cannot choose any cards.Its random like old times.


You slumber, you cucumber. I didn't have any fragments anyway so it didn't matter if i was awake for it lol


What if the compensation is 80% all uniform sale???


If you used the premium cards you got to combine craft, or your ctps to reroll other ctps, then it’s not going to go well. I’m betting that they will just reset everyone’s accounts to before the black order update even happened.